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Fantasy World of Magic

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{}:MORNING:{} Her iPhone woke her up. She slung on her backpack and headed to the highschool.
Rin followed his mental clock and woke up with sun, "Ugh," he groaned as stretched. With a little motivation, he fully woke up and got ready for the day. After his daily routine, he zipped up his hoodie, put his music in, grabbed his backpack, and then headed off to school
She prepared for her first switch, Trick Magic. She went to class and smiled as she listened and took notes.
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Comara walked the streets "I need a job something to spread knowledge" He yelled down the street. A young child hid behine his mother as she sped her pace walking.

(awww ok)
Rin got to school and put some of his stuff to his locker. After he got all organized, he went off to his first class, Protection Against Dark Magic. As he was in class, he spent most of his time doodling skulls and coming up ingridients for a glamour, but he was hearing and understanding everything the teacher was saying. Even though he so far was having a normal day, he couldn't stop thinking about yesterday's conversation

(aww, cya tomorrow then ) :)
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She smiled, the next class and the next class...she then bumped into Rin, she waved and smiled and she walked away.
Rin did his best to hide his uneasiness during the encounter. He smiled and waved back politely and then went on his way to the last class of the day, Alchemy. When he got into the room, he let out a stressful sigh and sat down. He pulled out his notebook and sneakily put in his ear bud that was wired through his hoodie. He took notes and paid attention a bit more because this was his favorite class, put Guresu kept invading his thoughts.
Her smile crossed her face as school was over, now it was time for Thanksgiving break. Thank goodness. "I will find a way." She said on her way to the cafe, she seemed to skip. "Even if it's risky."
Rin packed up quickly and got out of the school before everyone else. He wanted to go the park and relax as soon as possible. His dark magic was starting to manifest, and he had to do some of his exercises to suppress it. He rushed over and cut through the playground so he could get to his usual bench
Guresu saw him, nervous and anxious. She decided to seize the moment an walked over "Hello Rin! How are you doing?" She sat down next to him.
Rin was in the middle of a breathing exercise when Guresu walked over. Even though he didn't want to be rude, he couldn't answer her because that might have unleashed his true demon form
"Are you okay?" She knew the answer of what he was now. She wanted to leave but that would be impolite.
He soon finished his excersise and was able to relax. He slouched back and swallowed a half a bottle of water. With beads of sweat pouring down his forehead, he looked over at Guresu. "U-um, hey..?" He said in a more of an unsure tone
She seemed to be slowly backing up, she nervously chuckled "I'll see you later! I forgot about my job!" She ran as fast as she could, her backpack almost falling off "What have I gotten myself into?" She wondered, she came to a halt at the library and came in. She had to work until 3:00am alone so she could be off with rest of thanksgiving break in peace.
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Rin was confused only for a little bit when she ran away, but then the reality hit him, "D-did she find out!" He said aloud. He may have been a little disruptive, but this was terrible. A whole bunch o read thoughts appeared in his head. "Will I have to move again?" He mumbled, looking down at his shoes.
She scanned books, her mind was filled to the brim. The sound of the clock chiming sounded. 3:00am on the dot. She left with her stuff. She 3 tails appeared, fox tails. She swished them all and saw Rin still at the park. She had behind a bush and watched him anyways.
As the reality came flooding in he could hold back his emotions anymore. He was sure that Guresu had found out he was demon blood, and that could mean a lot of things... Hatred, persecution, discrimination... All of that would probably force him to move to another country. When things like that, all hit at once, even the toughest of minds can't suppress those feelings. Rin started to sob, then tear up, and then full out cry.
Guresu watched him, her heart seemed to break. "He knows, too. Doesn't he." She sighed "Rin." She called out.
When Rin heard Guresu's voice his whole body tensed. He gripped his knees and his eyes were wide open. He wanted to respond, but no words would come out of his mouth.
"Look. I may know what you are, but I want you to see something..." She stepped out from behind the bush completely, her tails swishing and her ears flicking. Her face was extremely red.
Rin took a moment to relax and intense before he looked over at the that knew his true identity. When he looked over though, his shock started to return, "Fox tails?" He asked himself. He started to think about some textbooks until he remembered. "Kitsune... Your a fox spirit?" He asked, forcing himself to stand up,

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