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Fantasy World of Magic

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Rin sighed as he got nudged. He didn't exactly know who it was but he had an idea... Regardless, Rin paused his music and sat up to find Guresu there. "Hey," he said in a mopey tone
"Don't. Move." She had small dark spots under her eyes, showing lack of sleep, and her ponytails were a mess. "Please stay here."
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(Just a fun note, she never rounded the corner due to nerves so she saw neither of their forms. She didn't actually lie.)
Rin pondered the thought for bit, "I understand she hasn't seen me, but if she tells someone about a demon in the city, everyone would freak out an Id be stuck here. They could run blood tests and find out im the demon and slaughter me." He said. It's not like he hadn't thought of it before, and he really wanted to stay, but it was too risky. "If only there was another way..."
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Kazehana said:
(Just a fun note, she never rounded the corner due to nerves so she saw neither of their forms. She didn't actually lie.)
She twitched "A kitsunes star ball is it's life....to change costs a life, and I doubt it'll even work." She thought.
Ron furrowed is brow in concern, "Guresu... What are you talking about..?" He asked, a bit concerned about what she meant
"Yeah I remember... what about it?" He asked as he took out his other earbud.
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"What kind risk is that?" He asked while he put his hood over his head. The sun was starting to set and the temperature was dropping.
She turned into the half human she truly was, she pulled out a glowing purple ball with a star on it "This is a star ball. This is a kitsunes life and death, if this gets destroyed/injured, so does the kitsune."
Rin admired the ball. I've only read about these, but shouldn't you hide it all times, especially around a demon..?" He asked looking back and forth between the ball and eye sparkling eyes
"I trust you enough." She put it back in her tails and transformed back into a human, and yawned.
"No problem." She tugged up her own hood and stretched. "This has been a eventful 2 days," She chuckled ", From knowing some random girl to friends with her." She smiled a genuine smile.
"Wait you mean you are friends the person that saw me? Doesn't that mean I'm safe?!" He asked in an excited tone. Rin had just possibly made a friend and so he was feeling a little depressed when he was spotted, but this could fix everything
"I was talking about you from your viewpoint." She chuckled. "But she seriously doesnt know at all."
For the first time in a long time, Rin blushed with embarrassment, "Oh." He said looking down at his feet. "Woops," he said as smile grin showed up on his face
Meanwhile, she finally came to terms with her new schedule, which she wrote all over her over sized wall calendar to follow. Now that she had some free time, she decided to investigate demons. She was not sure how she would find such elusive information, but she conveniently had her book on the Creatures of Mythical Origins, newly returned to her. She had used it to research herself, but decided it could be twice as useful to her now. That and her notes she had already taken on a wide variety of subjects. If only there weren't so many. She kept her notes tidy, but no amount of organization could help her find what she needed now. It would take time to research, but almost as much time just to find what she needed in the first place. There is such a thing as too studious, after all...
With a happy sigh Rin laid back next to Guresu and watched the sunset. It was weird, but for once Rin was glad to have company, "Thank you, Guresu," he said as he relaxed, "Want to listen to some music?"
After hours of persuading the principle (and threatening ) Professor Comara and gotten a new job as the new alchemy teacher. Overjoyed to finally found a way to spread knowledge he went right into the Alchemy room and started to yell at the old one about who was smarter, who was better at teaching, and just basic stuff they even got into a argument about who was taller of the two.

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