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Fantasy World of Magic

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She changed all the way into a fox and padded behind a bush, she saw a white wolf, a big one. "T-These are extinct!" She murmered to herself. "A dire wolf..."
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Ron was in the forest all night searching for Guresu, but now the sun was a good ways into the sky an still no luck. "Guresu!" He shouted over and over again waiting for a response. Would this be the time to use dark magic, or would it still be to risky due to all the teachers in this area? Rin decided against it... At least for now.
She stepped on a twig, the dire wolf swiveled its head toward her. She ran as the wolf gave chase, she screamed loudly.
(Bk) The Diee wolfs hot breath puffed on her tails, she ran further, her heart pounding. She screamed again.
Rin heard a loud scream and immediatly knew it was Guresu and that she was in major trouble. "Shit shit shit shit shit!" He shouted as he ran as fast as he could in the direction of the scream. When he realized that his human legs wouldn't be able to catch up with them, he made command decision to try out a 'partial transformation.' A partial transformation was something he just started learning before Thanksgiving break, but he had to try it. So as Rin ran, he concentrated dark magic to well up just at the base of his shoulder blades. "AGH!" He shouted as he demonic flames started burning up his back and forming only the wings. Rin forced a grin and took flight. It felt like Rin could reach supersonic speeds and soar around the world, but that wasn't the objective. Rin started to fly low, just above the tops of the trees as he looked for Guresu. "Guresu!" He shouted in a constricted tone.
The ball in the wolfs mouth looked like Guresus star ball. The ball vaporized as Guresu leaped out and froze the wolf. She grinned a unforgiving grin.
As he passed by bushes and trees, he came across a peculiar pure white wolf. Now, nothing should have distracted Rin, but this was a strange scene for a forest, so Rin decided to head down and check it out. In the middle of Rin's landing, the wolf seemed to drop something and then all of sudden Guresu popped out and froze the beast. "Guresu?" Rim asked as he walked over to her, wings still out.
Unfortunately for Kazehana, her studies lead her to neglect her actual schooling. She had a research project due the thursday after break, but didn't really do much so far (me, right there). Her project was simply to collect 50 types of flowers, label them, and arrange them on a board not unlike an entemology project (so jealous of my own character right now). So, she headed out into her local forest in search of her flowers, which would probably lead to distraction because pretty. Just before entering, she found a tiger lilly - score! As she proceeded in, she passed at least two squirrels and a doe. Today would be a good day.
Guresu was panting, her bangs shadowing her eyes. She chuckled, it seemed slightly mad. Her head tilted up, she smiled "Rin!" She ran over to him "You found me!"
About 20 flowers in, her adventurer slowed as flower species repeated, and new ones started to become sparse. She hummed a familiar tune so that she wouldn't feel so alone. It was a song that her father always sang to her as a child, and she hummed it beautifully. She noticed an eerie lack of fauna in the area, but since there were plenty of flowers, she didn't really mind. 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, halfway done. She was lucky to live so near a forest that she could afford to procrastinate so much. She checked her basket to recount and make sure she knew which ones she had already picked. Orchid, tulip, daisy, rose, sunflower, bluebell, snapdragon, naked ladies, amaryllis, bleeding heart, foxglove, lilac, marigold, sword lily, yarrow, lavender, peony, mums, lupin, iris, hyacinth, golden rod, flame tip, daffodil, feverfew. Great, mostly common flowers. Hopefully she would find enough to satisfy her sadistic professor. But who knows, half the students think he just rolls dice to give their grades anyway. But she was a good student. It doesn't matter if she doesn't get a good grade as long as she completes it to her best ability. She thought she heard an animal fight from the east, so she decided to continue north away from it. Can't go getting involved in their affairs again. She tries to help, but is usually unsuccessful. Her telepathy seemed to not have much of an influence on them, and they can't really read because, animals. She always wondered if they thought it was rude that she was so impersonal with her communication. Perhaps she could try talking to them. But could she? She could not stop thinking as she continued to hum and pick flowers.
She walked away from the scene, she sighed, then she saw the girl she knew. She walked behind a tree, and watched her "Hmph."
"More like you found me..." He said, examining the frozen wolf. After a little bit of admiring, Guresu started to head off and Rin decided to follow her from a ways back. When Rin came up to Guresu, he looked around to see where she was looking when he came across a girl picking flowers, "What's your interest in her?" he asked in a hushed tone.
"Hmph," He said as he quietly crouched down. As Rin did that though, he realized he still had his wings visible. "Oh no," He whispered trying to calm his demon magic.
As she picked her 37th flower, she realized with a start that she forgot that she had cornbread baking in the oven for her Thanksgiving dinner (lose term since it's at 1 PM) with her father and his family, and she turned abruptly to head home. She carefully weaved through the trees, hoping she would both not drop any flowers and not burn the cornbread. Unfortunately for anyone that may be stalking her, she hadn't the time for any more shenanigans. She had to spend some time with her family, and they would be there at any time. Her flower collection would have to wait for later. (Wow sorry this was super unoriginal; I literally just wrote down what I'm doing right now. Except I'm not picking flowers in a dangerous forest behind my house.) Oh yeah, she noticed no one due to her blind panic.
"Lets go home." She said to Rin as she walked away, unnoticed. She went to her small home. She had recently bought a picnic table, she smiled, hoping Rin followed her.
Rin followed her, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't retract his wings, "Damn," He muttered as he maneuvered through the forest, trailing Guresu.
She set a plaid tablecloth on the table "Want to share thanksgiving?" (Btw everyone HAPPY THANKSGIVING, THE GREATEST GOBBLE-GOBBLE HOLIDAY!)

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