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Fantasy World of Magic

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"Trusty old spell books." She smiled. She grabbed Rins things and dashed "Frostbite is the best."
Confused, she released the ice into water and spun around. Seeing a glimpse of a... Fox? She guessed based off coloration, anatomy, and how she portrayed herself. She was obviously magical due to the multiple tails and, well, speech. She wasn't sure if it was inhumane to lack empathy for those without emotion. She quickly noticed that the girl took everything of value, and her water destroyed any chance of fingerprints. Oh well. She paused for a moment, reflecting on her experience with empathy. She had her aviary friends from the pond, never got angry with someone in retail, and tried her best to make everyone happy and equal. Science wasn't a bad thing. She kept reviewing the scene in her head as she headed out of the alley into the street, then headed towards home to finish labeling the flowers she had collected as she reflected on her choices.
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((I apologize if my role playing is off and twisting wrong turns. I'm kinda tired.)) She returned home and dropped Rins stuff. She awaited Rins awakening as she cut out the last part in her audio. She then studied new spell books she had shipped from Rosewood. She smiled as she learned a new spell called Fright.
"Hello ma'am. May we speak in private? I have a bit to discuss with you." She reflected her smile.
Because she wasn't dumb and literally just heard the girl's voice like 5 minutes before, she recognized her and pit two and two together. She decided to step just outside the door and close it most of the way so as to cut off her father from most conversation, but still close enough to use telepathy or scream if necessary.
"I'm not here to hurt you, don't look so uncomfortable." She kept her smile. "Why would you want to hurt my friend exactly? I want the truth. I am a kitsune and can tell your lies."
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She saw no point in the notebook, so she just used telepathy. <<Hurt? That implies interaction, does it not? That compromises the field study. That is unacceptable!>> She looked genuinly astonished at the thought. There was no lie.
"You know what I mean. Your not a robot." She chuckled. "It would be acceptable if you made your studies without mentioning any sign of him." She tried swaying her thoughts.
"Also don't think I can't easily relocate him." She pushed a force down. "Your studies can easily be destroyed if that happened."
She smiled cooly, <<That would be quite unethical, wouldn't it?>> She appeared to be unphased by the pursuation attempt. <<I can easily hold my own if that's what you're worried about.>> She leaned back against the brick wall surrounding the doorway.
"Can't you find a different study, if you can 'hold your own' per say? He has feelings, too. Do you have feelings for people? If not you won't be the best scientist." She chuckled.
She paused for a moment just to look at the girl. <<You can't really believe that this is the best was to show that you have the empathy you claim that I lack.>>
"If you claim you have empathy, why do you not show it to him?" She suggested. "Pretty much everything you know is in books. It's even in a e-book!" She showed her on the screen of her phone.
She glanced at the phone, then calmly looked back at the girl. <<There is always more to learn, and it's not like demons are common. There could still be more regardless of how much information there is out there. Even if I don't get anything new, it's still good practice, and he's not particularly harmed by it if he doesn't know. And besides, according to basically every source you could find, it's simply not safe to have one around. I was going to wait until after I had some sort of experimental log until I did so, you know, to keep the study unbias. But if you insist that I stop my investigation, I should probably do so now, shouldn't I?>> She challenged the girl with a completely blank expression.
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((Demons are actually known in this world along with many other creatures because I pictured it as a advanced era. I'll go put it in the rules and notes now.))
((Aw. It's okay. I have a new notes tab that I currently can't access and edit so I can explain it better. You should check it out. It has some background.))

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