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Fantasy World of Magic

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"Yeah we can," Rin said chasing after her. "You can't go talk to the orphanage!" Rin had been living by himself for years now and he didn't necessarily want that to change. When Ann spoke up it confused him a little, "What do you mean?" He asked.
Not bothering to turn around, she continued on her way. "Oh yes I can. You can't tell me what to do; you're just a kid." Annette was done with these children. They needed to be put in their place.
The headache and butterfly transferred to her. The butterfly said "I wouldn't hurt anyone that's lonely."
Annette swatted the butterfly. "Ugh, go away you vermin," she said in disgust, trying to make it go away. She held a hand to her head because of the headache, and took an ibuprofen from her clutch. Then, she continued on her mission, extremely annoyed with the entire situation. She started searching for local orphanages on her smartphone as she walked, quite good at texting and walking.
"Whatever... I just guess that's what too much makeup does to a person," He said looking back down at Ann. "She really is high maintenance, huh?" He joked as he stood up. "Well if she's looking to get me put up in an orphanage, I should get out of here. If you don't wanna get locked up either, follow me."
Rin motioned for Ann to follow and started walking through the town. "Alright, so we'll have to hide for a bit if she actually contacts an orphanage. After a few more minutes of walking, he made it to his "home." Rin walked inside and set down his backpack next to his sleeping bag. "So this is where I sleep and stuff. You can hide here if something happens." He said while he took a pose that motioned for her to look around. "Anyway, I'll probably ditch school tomorrow and hang out here, just cause," As he said that he had a thought, "I wonder what Guresu will think if i don't show up tomorrow..."
Annette, within an hour, managed to recruit almost the entire police force on her mission, burning with the desire to set the children straight. How dare these children make fun of me. They need retribution.
She heard the stomping and gasped "stand still." She smiled as she turned invisible, Rin did as well unexpectedly. She looked surprised as she murmured "Stay still."
"Oh, alright..." He said, deciding to play along with Ann's plan. So Rin stood there as still as a statue trying his best to use the cloak to his advantage.
Just after, police stormed the alleyways, searching everywhere they could. Upon finding nothing but trash, they discussed where to head off to next, and left the area.
"Ann, can we break the invisibility?" Rin whispered as he watched the cops leave his alley "It's not junk," he thought as he looked around at his hideout.
She dispelled it. "One of the basic skills." She said silently. "I didn't know it worked on two at once." She murmured as silently as before.
"Hm, neither did I," He whispered, matching Ann's tone. After a few minutes past Rin exhaled in relief. "They're gone for now, their presences are fading."
Her emotionless eyes stared at the beginning of the alleyway. "They are dumb. Any person could learn invisibility if it requires to their magical path--" She seemed to shut up on que.
Guresu walked in and said "Hi Rin! I'm going to be out of school for a bit for magical research, about a week or so. Who is the girl?" She questioned.
Rin gave Guresu a nervous smile, "Oh, this is Ann. She's just hanging right now." Rin remembered what Ann had asked him earlier at the cafe and how he responded... This might not go well. He thought. "Oh and I going to be taking some days off of school as well." He added, trying to change the subject.
Ann smiled. "It's fine you didn't respond with truth. I wouldn't." She was happy to change the subject, no one could know she was a demigod. Guresu smiled "Buh-bye!" She trotted off. Ann hoped he didn't ask questions about why she was abrupt with it.
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"Woah, what was that about?" He wondered. Rin just watched as Ann left the alleyway and went on her own path. "Hey, Guresu. Do you know her?" he asked, recalling her question at the café.
"No, not at all....." Guresu was slightly worried. "It sounded like she was hiding something," Guresus smile turned into a worried frown ", Has she been secretive?"
"Well, I haven't really asked her any questions..." He said, trailing off in thought about today. "Yeah, nothing i can recall."
"Hm." Guresu thought. "I thought I would hang out with you before I catch my train." she set her bookbag on the floor when Ann ran back in the alleyway frightened. ((Am I the only one who views this as an anime? xD ))

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