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Fantasy World of Magic

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"Hello,' He said with a small grin. "What did that lady mean when she said you were my 'problem'?" he asked as he fiddled with the headphones he was about to put in.
"I don't in school and she flipped even after I told her." She seemed laid-back. She thought "I have some interest in this man."
"She thinks you're a problem because you don't go to school? Huh, that woman did seem high maintenance..." He said, thinking about what just happened, "Anyway, what's your name?" He asked as he put his headphones away.
Kazehana was studiously taking her notes when the fire alarm went off, abruptly ending her professor's lecture. Her class evacuated, but it took a while since it took place in a large lecture hall. Upon full evacuation, the authorities declared that there was no fire, and that it was a false alarm. When she was just about to enter back into the building, she was suddenly pulled from the crowd, emitting a small noise in surprise. Before she knew it, she was alone with a strange woman, who looked rather determined and aggressive.

Annette gathered her thoughts, ensuring that she wouldn't mess up. "You are Miss Kazehana, correct?" she inquired. She attempted to gain at least some composure; she couldn't appear frazzled in front of her newest little sister.

Kazehana, without her notebook, had no option but to use telepathy, even though it's a stranger. <<Uh, y-yes I am>> she stammered, unsure how this strange woman knew her.

Annette smiled and let out a small squeal, "Oh, you and I are going to be the best of friends!"

Kazehana stared at her in amazement, wondering what in the world could be happening to her right now.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. I am Annette, and I am here for you."

<<Excuse me? What ever for?>>

Annette realized she got ahead of herself and began to explain their connection, providing as many details as she could. She talked about them, their species, their origins, their destiny.
"Wait, you already knew of your true nature?" she almost shouted out of shock.

<<W-well yes..>>

"Well what is your forbidden ability?"

Kazehana was utterly confused, <<What is that?>>

Annette gasped, probably louder than necessary. "You mean you haven't used it before?"

<<Well considering I have no idea what it is, I guess not>>

"Well we have just GOT to fix that. We can't do much until we do find out," she said with a wink and a smile.

<<Wait, hold up. I never said I was going to help you. I have a lot of stuff I have to get done before my finals!" she protested.

"Oh sweetheart, you don't need to worry about that if we get what we want," she persuaded, hoping she could be good at it on her own.

<<I don't know. I have to get back to class>> She left rather awkwardly, unsure of how Annette would react to her actions.

Annette watched her go. "I hope you make up your mind soon!" she called to Kazehana, waiting for her to go back inside. When she did, Annette let out a frustrated exhale, followed by several instances of the worlds "damn it, damn it, damn it." She headed back to town, fuming at her failure.
"Very." She had full interest in this character. She thought "He must be controlled by a person." She looked up at him. "So. Have you heard of the name 'Guresu?'" She decided to test a bit.
(Sorry, watching anime >.<)

Rin knew better than to let out information like that right away. Ever since Ann's last few questions, he had this strange feeling something was up, "Yeah, I've seen her at school a few times," He said, pretty much like it was the complete truth.
"Hm." This OC was stranger, she tilted her head back. "That lady was crazy, huh?" That smile...it was so menacing and sweet.
"EXCUSE ME?" she shrieked from like 100 meters away. She was coming back through on her way back to her hotel for some more research. "Who you callin' crazy?" she demanded as she walked up to the two. She looked back up at the boy, who she assumed was also skipping class. "Was this because of you? Are you corrupting the youth? ANSWER ME!"

(lol she might be from Jersey, we just don't know xD )
She laughed. "Oh wow. I apologize ma'am, just.." She tried to hold it in "You seem really crazy." Her big blue eyes looked up at her.
"I don't think i corrupted anyone." Rin said in a way it made it sound like a question. From there, he just looked at the two, "They seem like they could be sisters..." He thought.
"Where are your parents?" she continued, not particularly listening to his answer. She was still fuming from her previous failure, but this? his little girl was making fun of her, and it had to be this boy's fault. Typical American male.
"I told you lady, I don't have parents!" She hissed through her teeth "And he is not involved, go be crazy somewhere else!" She seemed to explode, her previous cool mood vaporized.
"Oh... well I don't have any parents either." He explained, "Why do you ask?" Rin felt that it was a little strange that she kept asking about our parents. Was she that embarrassed?
She calmed down her snappy behavior. "Why do you keep being a pest to us? Don't you have any other place to be?"
Her temper remained piqued, and she was done with these children. "Why yes, I actually have to go report you two to the orphanage. Can't have you running around town without any supervision, now can we?" she challenged, pushing past them to continue on her way. She couldn't exactly hit children, especially in public. But since they didn't have any discipline from home, she might just have to give it to them herself if they didn't shut up soon.
"Don't worry about her, she ain't going to do anything." Whenever she seemed to send a butterfly advice sentence, it gave the person a horrible headache. She scribbled in her notebook, as soon as she blinked, it was gone.

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