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Fantasy World of Magic

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After Rin dropped his stuff off and made sure everything was to his liking, he headed off into the city. He had enough money left for one more shopping trip, so he decided to get his stuff now. Rin made his way trough town clutching his cash tightly in his right hand, like he was keeping it from someone. Soon enough Rin made it to the store and was gathering items he needed to continue living the way he was. So he gathered basic toiletries and canned foods, but on his way to the check out line, he walked passed the bakery section. Remembering the muffin that girl had given to him earlier, he couldn't help but pick up a package of six chocolate chip muffins. As soon as he grabbed his little treat, he made his way to the cashier. He got into a line and waited for his turn to pay. When he got to the front and the lady rung up his goods, he looked at the register and panicked, "You're 5 dollars short," (Or whatever the currency) after some frantic looking around, he decided to use magic as his way out. Rin stared into the cashier's eyes and mumbled a phrase. Suddenly she lady put 5 dollors of her money into the register along with the rest of Rin's "Thanks," he said expressionlessly as he walked away, carrying his groceries.
Kazehana crossed her fingers and squeezed her eyes shut as the timer approached zero. She had never been so nervous, and the anticipation nearly got to her. But as the timer dinged its completion, she quickly sprang into action. She grabbed the oven mitts, flung the oven dial to off, swung open the oven, and grabbed the baking dish. She set it down and sighed. These new cinnamon rolls had better be good fr all its costing her. She swore she would get grey hairs soon if she kept making mistakes in her cooking. But that was obviously silly considering she's only just come of age.

She decided to let them cool off with a little practice, so she set the baking dish on the windowsill, mainly to lure her father home, and headed on her way. Humming and with her hands clasped behind her back, she entered a clearing near the middle. Nearby, she set down her rather large bag next to a stream, hoping that such an obvious landmark would help her find it if she got sidetracked. But she would be using t often to get a few things here or there to help with her training.

She began by taking out her nicest dress, a turquoise silk fabric with ruffles lining the underside of the breasts and trailing down to the bottom in a spiral pattern from there. She wasn't sure if she could wear strapless, but she had to try. She put it on, and noticeably breathed a huge sigh of relief when her body held it up. She decided that the shoes did not really matter since she was out in the wilderness. They would just get dirty anyway.

Turning away from the stream, she scanned the area for an animal of some sort. Any kind would do. She set out some freshly husked maize in a small pile near a tree at the edge of the clearing and waited for a squirrel or something to show up. She eventually got bored and started making a tiny fort out of sticks, not quite paying attention to the maize.

When she finally remembered, she had just caught a squirrel chowing down, but most of the pile had already been depleted. She slowly approached it and began her training.
((Oh wow I missed alot of rp. sorry for being gone so long. Its sad I stay up late on the weekend to rp then have no idea what happened xD IM BACKEH))
((Im rping mainly as Ann now.)) Ann - "I wonder what would happen if I fiddled around with these strange OCs and NPCs a bit." She chuckled as she thought "Forget about it." Her head tilted back, her brunette hair catching the sunlight "I can fiddle around with anyone's plots if I please." She murmured. She stirred her straw in her coffee as she walked around town ((Btw guys I'm making a map))
(We should also think of a plot while we're at it)

Kazehana finally finished her training, wearing a sweatshirt and leggings. The clothing experiment produced p=0.805 when alpha=0.05. Unfortunately, she had to fail to reject her null hypothesis. How disappointing. But at least she wouldn't have to worry about what she wore! Even though she did despite the experiment. Oh well, she had ample practice and needed to head home. She got back to find her dad sleeping on the recliner, probably waiting for her to get home. She smiled and prepared her cinnamon rolls for him, hoping they were a success. She quietly read Pride and Prejudice until he would. (Sorry that was a bit rushed I'm about to take a calc II exam and I'm cramming hard cuz my prof's an idiot so I know nothing d:)
(That sucks >.<)

Rin walked down the busy streets for awhile just carrying his groceries. It's not like he had anything better to do on a boring day like today. On his walk, Rin was thinking about many things, like what school was going to be like now that he had a friend, "I hope it doesn't mess anything up," he muttered as he continued to look at his shoes. Eventually he got bored and turned around to head back to his "home."
Kazehana had a successful dessert with her father, but had to go to class. She didn't particularly need to go, but the professor took attendance, so it was mandatory. Gross. So she headed off, not really caring if she made it on time.

(Lol totally failed. Every other class is super easy, yet here the math department is, screwing children over for fun)
(Damn, that sucks! But yeah lol i know what you mean)

On his way back to his encampment he saw a familiar face walking the opposite direction of him. With a bit more studying of her features, he finally remembered. It was the lady from that afternoon that gave him the muffin. As they closed the gap even further, Rin held up his as sort of a wave. "Hi." He said, curious to see if she remembered him.
Her head snapped forward to see him, dragged away from the beautiful flowers on the right side of the path. She looked at him for a moment, then smiled. Once she grabbed her sketchbook from her bag, she wrote rather quickly: "Hi there" and continued walking, putting her sketchbook away while she walked, reviewing what she had to do in class today.
"Hmm..." He pondered as he continued walking forward, but keeping his gaze on the back of her head. "I wonder why she uses a notepad..." He said as he slowly turned a gaze back to the front, and continued down the pathway.
(Yikes, I need a new character then. Kazehana is too mild tempered for that life. Suggestions for one?v I have an idea, but i'm not sure d;)
(I thought Kazehana would be good though, because of her determination and stubbornness she had for her experiments and goals, but if you feel like making a new character for the antagonist, be my guest!)

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