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Fantasy World of Magic

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(Me too, especially since it didn't require a lot of effort to make lol)

(So I wrote a thing, but i realized that she hasn't accepted her yet... crap)
Ann sighed, it was late. She saw the same brunette girl who gave her a muffin. She went up to her "Thanks for the muffin again!" She smiled a sweet smile that was unreadalbe
Annette looked out the window of her airplane, bored with the long flight. There wasn't a soul on the plan she found interesting, and she suddenly felt a pang of loneliness because her mother was basically on the other side of the world. She sighed as the seat belt light came on in the cabin. She smiled as they landed; their efforts would finally pay off. Annette imagined how she would make her grand entrance, hoping to stun the girl she was after. If she did that, she would be more successful with convincing her to help their cause.

Once she got off the plane, she got her luggage and headed for the hotel. In the cab, she called her mom, making sure she made it to Russia okay. The international plan wasn't cheap, but it was worth it. Besides, she could just get some poor sap to pay her phone bill off for her. Based on her mother's research, the girl she was after had no idea of her true nature, or of her existence, which worked well to her advantage.

As she neared the hotel, she bid farewell to her mother, who was rather confident that she would convince her target to help. Annette sighed, disappointed that she couldn't use her charm on another of her species. It meant that she would actually have to try. This pleased her, as she needed a challenge. All these boys.. too easy. They fell almost at the near sight of her, and it grew old after a while. What were men good for, anyway? They couldn't even keep their pants on, let alone hold a decent conversation.

She had approximately 20 minutes before the girl began her intro to biology class, just enough time to stop for a doughnut or something. Annette decided to unpack later, opting for the easy location. She headed out in her finest outfit, a dark red, knee length dress with skin-tight fabric that outlined her figure well. She put on some dark red lipstick, mascara, eyeliner, foundation, blush, the whole nine yards. After that, curled her hair, put on some stilettos, and grabbed her black leather clutch. She needed to use everything she had to get the girl to help. Annette headed out the door with a wicked smile, confident that today was the day.


Kazehana turned to the little girl, and smiled. She would have tried to make conversation, but she was late to class as it was. She could try to convince herself that she didn't care, but it really mattered to her in the end. Kazehana walked a little faster to make it to class on time.
(Shoot I forgot she didn't actually go anywhere my bad)

Annette Made hear way downtown, searching for some place that was at least somewhat acceptable to be graced with her presence. At last, she found a small cafe near a garden that finally didn't insult the city. She decided on a chocolate croissant and black coffee. Of course, the barista paid her fee. She headed off towards the college, taking a sip of her coffee and a bite of her croissant. It will have to do. I assume this town doesn't have much else to offer.
Guresu smiled as she walked away "Why should I even have to attend school....maybe I should change the plot point to where I dont. I can't believe I got stuck as a 12 year old girl. Thanks star." she thought, she closed her eyes and began to alter until she got it the way she wanted "No school for me." She smiled. She stood up and walked down the street.
(I'm assuming that was Ann)

Annette finished about half of her croissant before reaching a peculiar little girl. Puzzled, she glanced at her watch. It was probably about the time she was supposed to be in school. She stopped, looking at her. "Are you lost, little girl? You shouldn't be out by yourself, especially during school-time," she said, concerned for the girl's safety.
She smiled "I'm afraid I am not. I attend a special school that only opens from 5-6. Have you heard of the School for smart magical students yet?" She closed her eyes. ((I am going to be Ann for a bit.))
She knew it was a terrible excuse, but she really didnt care, her eyes opened. She awaited her response.
"No. But schools are open for more than an hour a day, even for special students. And that time doesn't even make sense. Where are your parents?" she demanded, not ready to let this child be truant. Her education was important, especially since she was a female in a patriarchal society. (Do they go to school?)
((Guresu does, Ann doesnt)) Ann sighed "Fine. I don't go to school, nor do I have parents. Now I would appreciate it if you left me alone." She gently put down her glass cup she poured her coffee in.
"Oh? And what are you doing running around without any supervision? Do i need to call someone?" She was desperate to finish this soon. Otherwise she'd miss her appointment with destiny.
(Alright I'm either ditching or leaving, so just put in whichever one is appropriate.)

Rin finally got all of his alchemy notes finished and received his homework for the next day. "Man, we come back from break, just to get loaded up with work," He thought as he sneaked out of school. "Alright, I can hold off on my homework until later..." He said, sticking his hands in his pockets. In a few minutes, he was off the school's property and walking down his usual hang out area. "Shit, I spent all my money on groceries..." He said as he thought about a tasty after-school snack at the cafe across the street. Even though he couldn't buy anything, Rin was still going to try his best to steal a seat outside anyway. He finally made his way there and got a good seat to relax in.
She glanced at the man, she smiled "Hello sir!" She closed her eyes again. This time not out of effecting plot.
Annette's gaze shot up, "Who are you? Are you her brother?" she demanded, snappy from her lack of punctuality today. Perhaps the cafe was not the best place to stop at today.
She growled "No! This is a stranger." Her face was beginning to get hot because of being angry and embarrassed.
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"Hi?" Rin said to the young girl. He was a little confused why she seemed so happy, by hey, it didn't matter. Right as he replied though, someone else snapped at him. "You heard her." He said wondering why she was being so pushy.
Annette scoffed, "Well I don't particularly care. She's your problem now; I have bigger fish to fry." She swept out of the scene majestically, walking at a brisk pace to make up for lost time. She absolutely could not miss this meeting. If she did, she wouldn't know where the girl went next. She sighed just before taking another bite and another sip. How convenient a schedule would have been. Damn it, mother. We needed more preparation. She fumed, despite realizing that her mother had to do a lot of work just to get this far. She headed to the college, determined to seal the deal today.


Kazehana made it to her class just in time, breathing only when she sat down in her usual seat. She quickly opened her notebook, rapidly taking down notes to make up for lost time. It was but only a few minutes, but she couldn't afford to miss even one. Well, she could, but she didn't particularly want to.
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