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Fantasy World of Magic

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"Oh, cool," He responded. When Ann came running back into the alley, he gave her a strange look. "What happened?" Rin asked
She had a disgusted face "I had to run from that police force that crazy lady sent out." She looked more angry than disgusted.
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"Are they coming back?" Rin asked in a surprisingly calm voice. If they were he they could just hide, and if that lady came back, Rin was sure he could take her without demonic power or dark magic
"Possibly." Ann heard stomping as she dove into a bush and Guresu into another. She used invisible again.
Rin got back behind a dumpster and used his invisibility spell as well. There, he sat waiting for the cops to give up their search
The police force, coming through once more, decided to split up once they passed the dumpster. They figured they could cover more ground that way, and the chief mentioned not being able to end the search until it produced successful results. They couldn't let word get out that their city was crawling with unsupervised children who did whatever they pleased. They fanned out, leaving the area deserted once more.

(If you wanted plot, it's on it's way ;) )
Ann sighed her face filled with sorrow in her separate bush as Guresu leaped out, checking on Rin. Ann stayed in her bush.
Rin dispelled the invisibility and came out from behind the dumpster. "Those guys are stubborn," he stated, looking at the exit or the alleyway

(Can't wait)
Guresu sighed then snapped her head up "Where is Ann?" She looked frightened. (Should I just close this roleplay?)
(Its to prevent from more people just dropping their bio and not coming back. I'll do it and open it if I feel the need to.)
(Yeah, idc care what you do. I mean, it'd be great if people didn't do that, but like Kazehana said: It's up to you)

Rin looked around, "I didn't see her come out of the bush." He answered.
A slight rustle was heard in the bush as Ann come out, her face as scratched by branches as Guresus. Ann leaned on the streetlamp near the bushes. Her breath was visible in the night air. "What do we do now." She said cooly.
"We haven't found anything Ms. Annette. What do you want us to do?" a rookie reported, nervous and unsteady in front of the bewitching woman. "Oh, I don't know. Isn't it your job to know that?" she replied, staring daggers into the man. "Y--yes ma'am." He stumbled out the door, the wind knocked out of him. "I'm not that old, am I?" she asked a nearby officer, who tried to calm her down. The rookie ran to the chief, questioning what their next tactic should be. "Hmm, we don't want to create a scene, but we cannot allow them to run rampant. Time for protocol 57B." "57B?! Isn't that only an extreme precautionary measure? We can't subject the citizens to that!" "Would you like to tell Ms. Annette that you're not going along with her plans?" he snapped, glaring at the rookie with a certain intolerance. "N-no! I'm on it!" And with that, he scrambled out of the room, shouting the chief's orders to the other officers. They filed out quickly, grabbing whatever small weapons they could handle, dispersing in all directions away from the center of town. They headed to every corner, every border of the city, completely enclosing the city. All airlines have been forbidden from entering the air field above the city, and any creature caught flying or attempting to leave the city was to be immediately arrested, causing a marshall law to come into effect.
Ann growled as she heard the stomping and grabbed Guresu and Rin and ran for it. She sent a dark ball towards the stomping as she heard the usual "Have I gone blind?" and "What?" she growled. She would get Annette for this. She sent another at the police officers blocking her and ran for Guresu's home in the forest. Guresu packed up but Rin and Ann were already packed. They ran even further knowing Guresu packed her home in a pokeball. Ann sighed. (Adding to Ann's bio.)
"I regret to inform you that someone made it outside of the barrier," an officer explained, keeping his head low and voice rather soft. "It was out of our control. There was a weird black fog, and we couldn't see anything." "And why weren't you wearing any gas masks? Didn't you consider that to be a precautions?" Annette snapped, unsatisfied with his excuse. "N-no, ma'am. We thought we were up against children!" he asserted, astonished at her suggestion.

"Ugh," she began, holding her forehead and squeezing her eyes. "How many escaped?" "We believe three escaped," he confirmed with confidence. "Three?" she mused, now in thought rather than disgust. "That means one more must have joined the party. And what's a good game but one with four to play? I think it's time to finally begin after all this setup nonsense," she ventured, preparing to make her declarations. "Sweetheart, will you gather all the high ranking officers in the conference room? Thanks," she persuaded, rather easily at that. "Yes ma'am!" he replied, giving a salute as he about-faced and marched off out of the room.

Annette looked over at another officer, who was doing something on the computer, but she had no idea what. "Yoo-hoo, could you get me some lemonade or something? All this planning is exhausting!" she called, knowing what his answer was. "Yes ma'am. I'm on it," he replied as he dashed out of the room. Annette was pleased that everything was going to plan. Well, at least the normal plan. She smiled as she realized she didn't have to hold back on these children.
She growled as she sat down next to Guresu, panting. Guresu patted Ann's head slightly "I'm sorry you have go through all this." Guresu chuckled slightly. "It is fine." Ann replied as she wrote in her notebook rather fast and furiously.

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