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Fandom Winged

Eliza had been slower to land along with the others. Unlike them, she had considered the possibility of others seeing them in their winged forms and being less than gracious and accepting in their observation. She had landed in a tree, then allowed her wings to retract as she climbed down like a normal girl would, using her hands and feet to do so. As she drops to the ground by the others, she sees the people staring and tenses, looking to see if the others would do something about their having seen. It would hardly do for her to be arrested or caught or hurt in some way because these children were fools, to have her mission derailed so badly.

But Ethan manages to talk his way out of it, surprisingly, and as the people begin to leave them, Eliza slowly relaxes. Catching up to him, she says quietly, "That was quick thinking."

She does not have any interest in the rides, at least not in riding them, but she looks around at them, surprised by the motion and color. It is like nothing she has ever seen before. Liza too gawks, mouth open, eyes huge with excitement, and she skips around the others with uncontained joy, pointing out everything she sees.

(no idea what their current location is, so whatever.)

After a few minutes they exit the forested park and begin their journey inside the amusement park after paying admission and all receiving strange papery-plastic bands around their wrists once they entered. Blaire gawked at the rides and activities around her. She'd never been in an amusement park, just seen pictures and videos, but mostly just heard about them. She had a vague idea of what they were but all previous information seemed completely irrelevant in the scheme of things. There was so much to do. Roller coasters thrill rides, skill games, food vendors, the list went on, and on top of that they had the adjoining waterpark. Blaire dropped towards the back, slowing her pack so that she could take it all in. She was nearly bouncing with anticipation, she didn't even care if Keanu was teasing her. "I don't know. But I could use about a ton of food right now, I'm completely starving. Might even propose a bit more of a challenge."

"What about you?" She razzed back, "Can you even go on the rides, though you needed Callie's permission?" Blaire smirked. Little known fact that their leader pushed them around, and that was no exception for her brother.
Keanu glanced at some of the rides while absentmindedly twisting the plastic bracelet around his wrist. He winced slightly as one roller coaster that was the closest to them turned upside down at a rather high pace, sending some of the passengers screaming. Although this was nothing compared to some of the stuff they did while flying, he wasn't sure how he felt about being strapped down and thrown around on this. Most of his time in the school was spend being strapped down to something, so he felt like he might end up punching someone in the face by the time this was over. He brought his attention back to Blaire. "Yeah, I'm hungry too." Not only was he hungry, but all of the different smells were making it even worse.

When she starts teasing him back, he rolls his eyes with a smirk. "What makes you believe I want to go on the rides anyway? Maybe I'll just make you go on by yourself." He shrugged, looking over at her for a second.

Callie takes it all in with the others, constantly turning her head to look at something new. The Flock had never experienced something like this before. Of course, being the leader she was, she was constantly silently pointing out all of the exits in case of an emergency. Although one plus about this places was that it was outside, but everything was very close together and she didn't want to risk getting a wing clipped off by a speeding roller coaster. Once everyone had taken it all in, she spoke. "So what does everyone want to do first?" She frowned slightly as everyone shouted out different answers. Well, that didn't narrow it down. She looked at the older kids for some help.
Eliza too eyes the rollercoasters, not keen on the thought of something other than her own self controlling her flight through the air. True, she attempted to reason with herself, if the ride failed, she could likely manage to get out her wings and fly away, save herself. But still, the risk appears to be more considerable than the potential gain by far, and so she hangs slightly back before saying, "I'm not sure I'll be one to like the faster rides. Maybe I'll just watch."

Liza can't let this go. Grabbing her by the hands, she jumps up and down, forcing Eliza's hands to move with her. "Come onnnnn! Ride with us, please!!!! We all gotta! We all gotta to be fun! Let's go now, now, now!"
Blaire shrugs at Callie's request. "Food? I know I could appreciate a nice juicy burger right now, with fries, and a drink, and maybe some cotton candy and ice cream afterwards, am I right?" She turns and looks for a good place to eat, but everything looks so good. She sees a closeby vendor setup as a cafe. Her stomach growls. "Yeah, I need sustenance. No questions asked." Blaire pulls out her wallet and waves it between her fingers. "I still have money we picked off the last time we went in town. So we can spend it up. I can always get us more." She hands Callie a fifty and a couple of twenties and gives all of the older kids two or three twenties. Knowing them and their eating habits along with the rip off prices of parks like this, the flock would easily consume thirty dollars worth of food each. But that wasn't a problem, like Blaire said, they could always get more. Any of them could, they were all suave enough to do it. Callie usually had her secret stash along with her. To be fair, humans got to live a cushy lifestyle all the time, was it really horrible of them to have one day off at the expense of a few over endowed individuals?

Blaire turns to Keanu at last and says, "That's fine, I know how much you like to watch from the sidelines. Ethan and I will just go on all the rides together." She grinned and put her arm in Ethan's.

The guy looked at her suspiciously. "Yeah, sure, I guess?"

"Great! Lets go get food. If I'm hungry, I know you are." Blaire stuck her tongue out at Keanu and walked over to the vendor to order her food.
Callie shrugged and looked at all the flock members. "I could go for some food." She took the money Blaire handed to her and added it to her own money. She knew they would have enough for food, but if they wanted more stuff they might have to do some "borrowing." She made sure everyone had enough money before following behind Blaire to the food vendor.

When Blaire talks about him being hungry, Keanu pretends to be offended as he follows her. "Is that a fat joke?" He asks, slipping his twenty dollars into his back pocket.

Over hearing their conversation, Dally pops in. "Well you're not fat, but you definitely do eat a lot." He looks between Blaire and Keanu nodding, before Keanu grabs him into a headlock for several minutes.
Seeing the money Blaire has and knowing exactly how the majority of it was likely obtained, Eliza disapproves silently, inwardly shaking her head. Another of the frequent examples of the pack doing only for their own pleasure rather than following any sort of moral standards. As though it were necessary for them to take money from others more deserving of it simply to have a day at this park.

She is hungry, however, and she does not want to call attention to her disapproval, so she follows Callie and the others to get food. Liza continues to dance around her, not seeming to realize she's going for food rather than rides.

"You gotta ride Eliza! OHMYGOSH LOOK LOOK BALLOONS!"

"You've seen balloons on TV before, Liza," Eliza points out, but this is not to deter the little girl. She darts off, shouting, "I WANNA BALLOON! BALLOONS CAN FLY JUST LIKE ME!"

Looking back at the others, Eliza sighs. "I guess she's going to know exactly what she wants."
Blaire laughs but doesn't answer him purposefully despite the fact that it was mostly sarcasm. She rolled her eyes. Demitri order, then Ethan, then she got her turn. By then the vendor was looking a bit wide-eyed as she contemplated the amount of food they would all be consuming. Blaire guessed that four corndogs, two plates of fries, a cheese burger, a large drink, and a bag of cotton candy wasn't the average portion size of a regular teenage girl, but then again, Blaire sought to impress just about no one. Especially some human working a random food stand out in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Right. They waited around until all of their huge orders came up then they snagged a larger table in the shade for all of the flock to sit at. They start talking about the rides they want to go on.

"That big rollar coaster with that loop at the top?" Ethan asks in reply to a coaster Blaire commented on. He shrugged. "Eh, I don't know, didn't look like much to me. I wanted to go on that one that spins and swings upside down."

"Well, should we go on the thrill rides first and save the rollar coasters for last or knock the coasters out first, or split it up and go on whichever we see first, or work our way easiest to most extreme?" Blaire suggests, pausing with a couple of fries dangling over her mouth. She eats them then drowns them in soda. "Geeze, I'll have to make sure to brush my teeth twice as long tonight after all this."
"I don't like brushing my teeth," Liza announced while still chewing, displaying her corn dog for all to see. "It's not fun. I like to just go to bed and that's it. But you guys always make me do it anyway for some reason. I don't know why."

She takes a large bite of cotton candy, smearing its sticky contents across her cheeks and chin, and a little bit gets in one pigtail too as she takes another bite, her eyes bright with her excitement. "I wanna ride upside down stuff. I wanna go whoooooosh through the sky and yell and kick! Plus also I wanna go on the carry-sell 'cause the horses are pretty and I'm gonna name them."

"You might want to wait until your food has settled, you might throw up," Eliza warned her, not because she particularly cared for Liza's sake, but because she didn't want to deal with the child crying or being messy, and Liza would no doubt go to her, her "mother," for help.

"No, I can do it now. Right now. With my food even. I can take it in line," Liza decided, jumping up with one corn dog and her cotton candy in each little hand. The vendors had in particular stared at the small child ordering every bit as much as the other children, minus one corn dog, but she had already eaten half of it. "We gotta go or they might stop working!"

"Sit," Eliza reached to take hold of her shoulder. "Later."

She looked back at the others as she said, "I think we've created a monster."

"That's not nice to call names," Liza pointed out with a slight pout, but she couldn't stay irritated for more than half a second in her current state. "Now? Can we just eat faster?"
Callie, Keanu, Binley and Dally all grabbed their plates of food and drinks and joined everyone else over to the table. They all engaged in the talk about roller coasters, arguing about which ones seemed the best and the others that didn't seem like much. Taking a bite out of his cheeseburger, Keanu chews for a few seconds and then speaks.

"I don't think we should go in any particular order. We can just walk around and go on rides as we see them. Seems like the easiest thing to do." He shrugs, washing down his latest bite of food with a sip of his large soda. "Or we could split up into two groups or so and one group starts in the water park and the other on the coasters, and then we switch." Brinley seems to like this idea, silently squealing as she has food in her mouth, while bouncing up and down on her seat and clapping her hands.

"Yeah, I want to go to the water park! Those water slides look so cool! And plus we can breathe underwater, so that's cool too. Can we go there?" She says, all in a rush, looking back and fourth between Callie and Keanu. Callie's the one to answer.

"You can't swim for like twenty minutes or something after you eat. You'll get cramps." She had heard this was a myth, but if it made Brinley be quiet than so be it. Keanu's the first to finish his food, swiveling in his chair and throwing his trash away in the trashcan behind him. He stood up, stretching his arms over his head. "So what's the plan?"
Yeah, this amusement park was definitely not Eliza's thing. She couldn’t swim, she didn’t like the look of the rides nor seethe enjoyment a person was supposed to get out of them, and simply walkingaround observing people was not very interesting either, if she had no specific reason to show an interest in them or to learn about them.

She remained quiet as the others discussed the possible options, volunteering only, “I guess I can start at the water rides. I can’t swim though, like I said before.”

It has to be better just to get a little wet than to hear Liza shrieking in her ear in some ride that would spin her upside down in circles and drop her suddenly. Of course, that didn’t mean Liza wouldn’t shriek on the water rides too, she was a pretty loud kid all around.

“ROLLER COASTERS!!!” was Liza’s enthusiastic vote,accompanied with a full body wiggle to express her joy at the thought. Again Eliza inwardly cringed; it was very reasonable to her that one or more of the kids would end up vomiting so soon after eating on those stupid-looking rides,but she had already warned them, so didn’t repeat herself.

Then again, it would build Liza’s trust in her if she did care for her, should something like that happen. Maybe she could tough it out,whatever the kids chose to do, and do as Liza wanted. Though this would make one very irritating day…if it would build Liza’s dependence on her that much faster…maybe it was worth the sacrifice.
Blaire finished up her food, balled up her trash into her fists, and tossed it like a basketball into the waste bin. The trash wad bounced off the wall behind the bin and landed inside. "Score!" Blaire smiled. Thinking about it, the flock would make great athletes. They were stronger than regular humans without much effort on their part, they were lighter and more nimble because of their bones, they recovered from injuries in a snap, they had cat-like reflexes and with their raptor-vision they had pinpoint accuracy. If Blaire was sadistic enough she would expect humans to worship them as gods. Why shouldn't they? They were genetically perfect. Blaire shook her head, nah, the flock wasn't like that and religious worship wasn't their thing. But it was an entertaining idea and it made her laugh slightly.

However, more trivial pursuits were at topic at the moment.
"Maybe we should do the waterpark first? I mean, we have a change of clothes and everything. Plus when we get done, we'll dry off faster in the sun. Might as well be all refreshed in the water while the sun's out than sticky and waiting in lines. Then later when it's dark we can ride the rides when all the lights and stuff are on," Blaire shrugged, guessing the park would be prettier at night when all the colourful lights were on.

"You're right." Ethan piped up. "It'll be a lot cooler at night. I know my wings get really irritatingly hot when I have to cover them for that long and stand in the sun. Wings weren't meant to be hidden under clothing." Curiously Blaire wondered if people wondered what was on their back, even if their wings were concealed, if people could see the shapes of the wings or something. Like Blaire, Ethan was wearing a baggy tanktop, but she figured he wore it mostly to show off his arms.

Demitri cleared his throat. "And when we go swimming, what happens?"he prompted, raising an eyebrow. Blaire frowned, Demitri was right. The boys took their shirts off to swim, even girls, well, they wore bikinis but that didn't exactly cover their backs. After swimming in the ocean outside of Dr. Akana's she'd grown so use to it she hadn't even thought about it.

"I guess we just wear shirts over out bathing suits and try not to look suspicious?" Blaire suggested. They could all squeeze their wings in pretty tight to their backs, so she supposed it wouldn't be too much of a problem.

((sorry I took so long! >.<))
Eliza had not thought about her wings. It was surprising that she hadn't, given how she had had some difficulty maneuvering the straps of her bikini top, and how she had struggled to help Liza into her one piece bathing suit. It was just one more consideration about this park, one more thing to have to hide, and she sighed inwardly. The other kids hadn't thought this through too well. When they got wet, their shirts would cling to them, and it was possible their wings would be visible beneath.

"I suppose we will just be modest," she said softly, before another idea occurred to her. "I guess if anyone asks why we're here as a group of kids with no adults, we could always say we're part of a church group. They probably wouldn't be allowed to take off shirts. It probably won't matter though."

Liza didn't seem to view any of this as a problem, or even to hear their conversation. Instead she was spinning around in circles, scraggly pigtails flying out and coming close several times to hitting Eliza in the face as she sang aloud to herself.

"Swimming, swimming, I'm going swimming! I can swim...I can fly...I can even touch the sky!"

Giggling, she stopped, staggering about dizzily. "I LOVE today!"
((I'm sorry for not posting! I went on vacation and I thought I would have wifi but we didn't. And then I got home and our internet was all screwed up and I've been extra busy with school and sports. I promise I'll post tomorrow, sorry again))
(I really don't have an excuse for not posting other than I just wasn't motivated enough to and I kept forgetting. But if you guys still want to continue this then I'm all for it. I really do enjoy this roleplay)

Sorry I burst like that sometimes, but I love Max Ride && have been looking for a role play to join about the series for soo long... Unless this one's a goner? Please let me know so that I can create a character profile thing!


((You can join if you'd like, but we're pretty far along. It wouldn't be hard to catch up though. You're welcome to join))

(I'm just assuming they'd still be at the amusement park)

Standing in front of a neon, multicolored roller coaster, Keanu rested his hands loosely on his hips and watched the long carts full of people twist and turn around numerous bends and loops. He caught Brinley grimace out of the corner of his eye. Some of the kids weren't exactly enthusiastic about the coasters, but Keanu personally liked it. It was hard for them to find a real thrill, since they could fly and what not, but roller coasters would do. After the current ride ended, Keanu turned around to look at the rest of the group.

"You guys wanna give it a try?" He asked. They had already ridden a few, but they were smaller and less intense.

(Sorry it's small, I just wanted to get it going)

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