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Fandom Winged

((I think that'd be fine. We could have them go to a board walk or something. And they could go through that whole thing of keeping Callie from seeing the newspaper article))
((how about we do a kind of recap? Not thats happening currently, but something that happened in the past during the two month time lapse? We haven't done a fight scene in a while. I think it'd be cool to throw around their powers a bit. Maybe they start sparring with each other, learn to fight as a team more efficinently))
((So would it be kind of like a flashback sort of? Like to sometime they started living on the island? Or are they just practicing their fighting because of something that happened recently? But yeah either way that's a good idea))
((Sometime after they started living on the island. Maybe Callie, realizing they hadn't fought much and or we're getting a bit rusty in their fighting skills. So she lead them out to the dense forest out of the way so they could practice by sparring with each other and letting off some steam. They could teach Eliza some martial arts or something and establish a bond with her since that is a critical part of her role in attacking and leading them to the labs))
Blaire silently dropped down into the forest, landing in a crouch. Remaining still she listened for the slightest tell-tale of the enemy. When there was none she crept to the nearest tree in a crouch her, easily scaling it until she was in its branches. No doubt her enemy was in the trees but she wouldn't take the chance and be a sitting duck on the ground.

He was a worthy opponent, either he had successfully just adverted her, or he was lost and it was a coincidence she had t found him, or he was stalking her right now. But that was impossible, Blaire would have sensed him if that were true, she was also an expert at covert affairs, making this excersise a piece of cake. But then again, she wast sure what the extent if his powers were, when asked if he had any powers, Ethan just laughed and said, "Of course, but I'm not telling you. I'll leave that a surprise until I win," Well that was frustrating, but fair. In a fight against Erasers, she wouldn't know their power.

"Where are you, Furling?" she murmured under her breath. Her anticipation was growing with every second. Her foot slipped on the branch then and broke off a leafy twig sending it whirling to the ground. suddenly Ethan's face was in front of hers, but he was upside down. He took up her face in his hands and pecked both of her cheeks mockingly, "You rang, darlin'?" Then curled back up to the branch above her, as he'd been straddling the branch with both legs. As he hopped away from branch to branch, he called back, "Time to dance!"

Blaire wasn't quite sure what just happened, she felt a little tired, but she decided she had to go after him. She slid off her branch but as she touched the ground she was almost knocked over by a wave of nausea. "Shit. Must've been crouching too long." she mumbled, holding her head. And once the world rightened itself she started running after in the direction she saw him leap off too. However, she tripped on something, but she turned her motion into a roll and popped back on her feet. Blaire searched around for the thing she tripped on but she found nothing. She frowned, and decided to take it by tree. So with a flick of her wings she grabbed the nearest branch and started leaping from tree to tree. Then something else caught her attention. Down below her, she spotted Ethan standing in the middle of a clearing, to be more specific, the shallow pond that took up most of the clearing.

When he saw her he grinned widely. Definitely mocking her, he knew she had influence over water, and there he was standing with his arms wide inviting her to freeze his eyeballs out of his head. Casually she dropped out of the grass. She see and shook a finger at him like they were sharing an inside joke. "You, sir, have a funny sense of humor. If youre not careful, that smart-ass of yours is going to be sore."

"Don't count your chickens before they hatch." he remarked. Then he bowed his head,"I'll even let you have the first swing."

Blaire was full of curiosity now. This guy was obviously so confident in his ability. But, having a feeling he might try to run, Blaire froze the pond solid, locking him in by the ankles. Then something strange happened, Ethan pulled out his foot like it was jello. Frustrated, Blaire gathered the water together and wrapped it like a blanket around him before turning it to ice. But the water didnt even seem to touch him. Instead he walked through the caccoon. Blaire was still thrown off by this, she sent a water wipe flying towards him and the water parted around him. Did he have some kind of invincibility or something? It seemed like nothing she could do would touch him. So so decided to test that out. She ran the last two feet of land before jumping, she spun mid-air and snapped out a kick. It was so quick it caught Ethan off guard, the kick landed in his ribs and he fell back into the water. Soaked now after the ice had turned back to water. It was still a fight, this wasn't over yet. He lept at her finally, the first to pin the other won, and Blaire couldn't have that. But she also didn't have time to move out of the way. As she was pushed back she squeezed her knees up and planted the soles of her boots on Ethan's stomach. She rolled back onto her shoulders and with a grunt, threw him off over her head. Blaire continued the roll until she landed in a crouch then swept Ethan's feet out from under him.

He landed hard, but as Blaire was about to claim her victory, a coil of water whipped out from the pond, grabbed her waist and threw her back into the shallow pond. Her eyes went wide, so that's how he did it!

"You copy cat!" She yelled.

"So the mermaid got it, did she?" He grinned back smugly. Blaire narrowed her eyes. "Even?"

"As the objective of the practice session, yes. You and me? Hell, no."

"I expected that much." He smirked. Blaire looked up seeing Demitri hovering above the clearing. He gave her the thumbs up, but while they acheived the expectation of the training exercise, Blaire didn't really feel very accomplished, it was too evenly matched. She would need more practice in hand to hand to prepare herself for those kinds of situations where she couldn't use her powers. But she also needed more practice fighting against a person with other powers. With Ethan, she was basically fighting the male version of herself? Except she got the feeling he feared he would hurt her. Blaire knew how to take a hit, she wasn't about to go cry because some boy in the flock hit her. It was almost an insult that he treated her like she was a fragile girl. Blaire frowned. "So who's next?"
Eliza has been watching them both from a safe distance, her brow furrowed as she takes note carefully of their abilities. She herself has never been taught to fight; that is a skill that could have been turned against the scientists, and so they had been careful never to let her witness sparring or to test her own capabilities. It is her powers of telepathy and her intellect, her ability to manipulate, that they have entrusted her to use for their benefit, but watching what the others can do can only help her cause. She will need to know all their capabilities to be able to keep them from destroying her own.

It will not hurt, she decides, to allow for them to teach her as well, and so she steps forward, eyes lowered slightly as though self-conscious as she half raises her hand.

"Um...I don't know how to do any of that stuff...can you teach me some of it? It would probably be good for me to know."

Liza, who has been hiding back from the others on a low tree branch, now can hardly contain herself. She had snuck out to follow them, curious, and is sure they don't know she's there, what with her "sneaky spy moves" and her being "Agent Dinosaur" and all. But she can't keep quiet any longer as she shouts out, waving her hand.

"Me me! I wanna learn too, me!"
((Sorry for the wait, I was just really busy))

Perched atop a large pine tree, Callie and Keanu sat, silently watching the show below them. When it was mentioned that Blaire and Ethan were going to go out sparring, the twins had decided to tag along and watch. Callie was particularly interested in this. Since getting to Hawaii, she was worried about the Flock loosing their touch. It had been weeks since an encounter with anyone remotely threatening that would give them the chance to sharpen their fighting skills. She had been thinking about practicing, throwing their powers around, and trying to point out more strengths and weaknesses for a while now. This seemed to be a perfect opportunity.

For the most part, Callie could see both of them from her seat. It was interesting to watch. In her head she would note where one of them might have slipped up, leaving themselves vulnerable. Or she would quietly whisper them to Keanu. He had usually picked them up himself.

Callie carefully moved herself to a more comfortable position. They had to be very careful, at this height the branches were much weaker and more likely to break. Not that it would matter much if they fell, they had wings for that. Thinking about her wings made them itchy. They moved under her dark blue tank top, reminding Callie that she was in need of a nice long fly. It had been a while since she had done that, too. Keanu had been bothering her about going out for a fly with the flock so maybe tonight she would. They both watched as the pair made their way over to the small pond in the clearing. They watched as Balire froze the pond and Ethan just as easily slipped his foot out of it. None of them knew about his powers, so this was definitely something to notice.

While Blaire and Ethan played around with their powers, Callie shifted uncomfortably, almost loosing her balance. About a week after they had gotten to the doctors house, she had noticed a type of her own power. While Blaire had control over water, Keanu fire, and whatever the hell Ethan could do, she seemed to be creating some kind of alliance with light. Like she was developing light power. She hadn't told anyone about this, for she was still experimenting with it on her own. The first time she noticed it was when her and Brinley were taking a walk through the forest at night. The moon had been rather bright that night, so they hadn't brought any source of light. They had remarkably good night vision anyways. But during their walk they had come to a very dense part of the forest where practicably no moonlight was. Naturally, Callie had her hands somewhat in front of her to make sure she didn't run into anything. Once she started thinking about how dark it was, that's when it happened. A very small ball of yellowish light appeared in front of her, right where her hands were pointing. It was like she had made the light from her hands. Brinley didn't seem to notice it, or if she had she didn't mention it. Since then Callie would practice more and more, usually late in the night when she would sit on the roof of the house, certain everyone was asleep, and practice. The first time the ball of light was no larger than a quarter and only lasted about five seconds before vanishing. Now, Callie could make them to about the size of her fist and would last nearly twenty minutes. She couldn't figure out a way to move them, if possible, but they didn't hurt to touch. No one knew about it yet, that she knew of.

Callie shook herself out of her thoughts and looked up, where her brother was sitting diagonally from her, a few branches up. "Wanna go down there?" She asked, and Keanu answered with a simple nod before jumping. Callie did the same, using her wings to slow her fall. Together they walked over to the lake, noticing that Eliza and Liza had also joined them.

((I decided to give Callie a new power since she doesn't really have a major one like most of the other characters. It'll be explained more in detail as we go along, but just thought I'd let you guys know))
Hey. Sorry guys, I've been MIA for the past few days. I'm not sure when I'll be able to post, maybe another couple days.

((looks like I have a little more time on this computer than I originally thought))

Blaire looked at Eliza, a bit surprised at this request. She didn't know how to fight? Well, of course the school wouldn't have taught her. The flock had to learn themselves through a multitude of sources, mostly movies then practicing on Trackers or obnoxious humans. All in all, Blaire nodded. "Sure, we'll teach you," She replied, though she hoped the others would help her out, since it felt as though years of experience seemed to empty from her mind. How the heck was she suppose to teach someone, it was easy for her to help one of the flock members a new move or something, but to teach from stratch. Blaire'd never learned the 'proper' way, fighting came natural to her, and she'd applied her own technique over the years. She rubbed the back of her neck. "Uh...So where to start..." she mused. "Martial arts maybe?" She looked at Demitri for his opinion. He was sitting in the low branches of the nearest tree. He shrugged. Blaire sighed, yeah that was helpful. This was going to be difficult.

"So, ah, I guess we should start with the basics. First, your stance." She didn't know any way to explain without showing Eliza so Blaire dropped down into her stance own stance, feet partially spread with her fists up. She allowed her to mimic the move then adjusted it accordingly. Blaire then moved on to show her how to block and dodge and a roll escape to pop up into stance again. Then finally concluded on how to make hits. Teaching her how to punch effectively, how to twist her body and use her weight to her advantage without losing balance and how to recover for an attack by oppenent. Blaire taught her the different kinds of punches and how to be on guard without sacrificing response time.

"Okay, so I'm going to come at you and you are going to block and attack back."
Blaire told her. "Lets agree not to take anything personally if we get hurt." Blaire figured she herself wouldn't get hurt, she knew how to take a hit properly, but she liked Eliza and didn't really want to be rude.

((I really had no idea what to do about Liza, since she's so young Im not quite sure what to do for that xD ))
It seemed simple enough to Eliza. She mimicked Blaire's actions, checking repeatedly to make sure she was holding herself and moving in the correct way, and continually looking to Blaire to receive feedback for it. This was partly because she genuinely was trying to learn from her, partly to increase Blaire's trust towards her. If she was able, Eliza figured, to get Blaire to see that she was depending on her, that she was looking to her for help and respecting what Blaire knew and could tell her, this could only further help her cause.

As Eliza processed all that Blaire was showing her, it seemed to her that she would be decent at it, perhaps could even eventually be somewhat skilled, if she continued to practice, both on her own and with the others. She expressed as much to her, giving a hesitant smile at Blaire as she concluded her first round of the lesson.

"You're a good teacher, Blaire. You make it clear to me...I hope I'll be okay at this. I guess we should keep working on it? If that's okay with you?"

When Blaire agreed to try actually attacking her, allowing Eliza the chance to show some of the blocking she had learned and to attack back, Eliza readied herself, intent for what she saw as her first challenge. Liza, however, was not happy. In the background she shifted her weight from foot to foot, frowning as she called out to them.

"I wanna do it too. You said I could too. Don't I get to fight? Don't I get to hit and kick and punch?"

"Liza, what I need right now is for you to be the one who watches us," Eliza said quickly, thinking of a way to divert her. She had come to know Liza well enough now to know what worked with this. "You can let us know if one of us is cheating, and you have to know the right moves very well, even better than us, to be able to tell that. So you watch us closely, because this is a very, very important job."

Liza thought this over, then smiled, pleased with this proposition as she nodded. "Okay! Don't even cheat 'cause I'm watching. And I know my stuff I think."

As Eliza turned back to Blaire, preparing, she was aware of Liza indeed watching her intently.
Blaire nodded at the progress Eliza was making. "You're a fast learner. At this rate, you'll be as good as the rest of us," she commented at one point. She reached over and felt her arm. "Need a little muscle though. But we'll fix that with exercise and practice. That will help with how you punch and how effective it is." Blaire turned around and pointed at Ethan who was sitting cross-legged on the ground chatting with Demitri. "Hey, Punching Bag. I need you."

Ethan looked over and raised an eyebrow indignantly. "I don't think I'm inclined to respond to that." Blaire rolled her eyes. But nonetheless Ethan stood and sauntered over. "What?"

"You're going to help me teach." Blaire answered curtly. He shrugged, so she continued. "Anyways, but its not always about force of the hit." She demonstrated by placing a well rounded punch to Ethan's stomach. He bent over and coughed involuntarily, he looked at Blaire and scowled. "You were suppose to be ready," she frowned.

"Right..."punching bag" did you say?" Ethan replied sarcastically.

"Well, you're the only brick wall here...Ready now?"


Blaire punched him again. He staggered slightly but didn't react overall. "Most of the time your opponent will be ready for attacks. Most of the Trackers are trained for force--"

"If they are some sort of human at all..." Ethan interjected. "So its not about power as it is leverage."

Blaire didn't object, not like she didn't appreciate the help, she had brought him over for that purpose. So she took a step back and waved Ethan to attack her. He did, throwing a punch to her head. She quickly twisted, grabbed his arm, and used his momentum to push him over. She demonstrated several other moves, one involving knocking out Ethan's knees and pushing him to the ground.

Blaire turned back to Eliza. "Now try coming at me--"

"Did you teach her about kicks?" Ethan interrupted.

"I don't think so?" Blaire had forgotten about that. But before she could begin speaking, Ethan started explaining the different types of kicks, which ones were useful for what situation, and when to use them. Blaire was impressed. He demonstrated a few, only asking her to copy the one she had used earlier in the sparring match. Blaire stepped back, took a running start, jumped, and while midair spun and snapped out a kick at the air, then followed the motion and recovered. Ethan started to dissect the move breaking it down for Eliza and how it combined different kicks. She wouldn't be doing that as a beginner but it was more to show what could be achieved and etc. Blaire tuned out then and took a seat on a fallen log several feet away. Ethan Eliza practicing kicks in the air. But that was fine with Blaire.

It had been about two hours since Eliza's session started, Ethan was now on flying drills. Helping her with her wing coordination and merging that with the combat skills. They were moving fast but Eliza was soaking it up with a sponge. Blaire was more than impressed.
Even after a month, it still was unpleasant to Eliza to have someone touch her. Still, she thought that she did a fair job of now showing discomfort as she continued to work with Blaire, allowing the other girl to move her as needed to show her how to fight and defend herself. Muscles, Blaire had said...well, she would work to develop them, if this was a defect she had in comparison to them. Lifting weights, push-ups, pull-ups, she would do it all if it would help.

Blaire and Ethan fight with a skill that is impressive to her, and Eliza is careful to note their techniques as well as any weaknesses she sees in them both. Ethan appears to be more physically powerful than Blaire, but Blaire is faster. It is Blaire's tactics that will most closely match Eliza's body's capabilities, but she does not neglect attempting to match what Ethan has to show her as well.

All this time Liza watches, fascinated, and yells nonsensical encouragement as they fight, occasionally calling foul when one of them makes a move she believes to be cheating. Eliza is irritated by her at first, but as their fighting progresses she is able to block her out. When they have come to a finish for the day she is sweating, her heart pounding, an adrenaline flowing through her that she cannot remember ever having experienced before that was not bred of pain or fear. She feels...something, though she cannot yet determine what it is. It is odd, yet somehow she thinks she enjoys this.

"That was helpful," she tells them both sincerely. "Thank you. I want to learn more."

(hm...I wonder if anything could happen to make Eliza actually start to feel emotion and be conflicted as to her own goal...so when she goes through with it she might actually have doubts...also, just in case Jo doesn't come back, we should probably talk about what we'd do with the Alex plot if that were to happen...as of now my plan was for her to eventually take Liza to the lab, with Liza totally willing because she trusts her, then to come back to the others and fake shock and hysteria saying Liza's been kidnapped while they were out and she barely got away, that they're still looking for her, and try to lure the others to help get Liza. Then she'd contact Alex and he'd probably come back to them too if he thought Liza was in danger...any other ideas or thoughts on that?)
((in case Jo doesn't come back. I would say, rather than ignore the existence of him, perhaps we make him a martyr? The Flock starts a battle to end the School similar to in the books. If Jo does come back but not for a while, then we could say that Alex is presumed dead. Like he was captured and shot or something? A little bunnying wont hurt anyone. Then when she comes back, Yay! hes alive! Maybe for Lillie, Dr Akana hired a tutor to teach her things? Or maybe she came down with an illness. Or maybe she took off on her own in search for Alex. As for Eliza, I'm having more difficulty with that one as she is a very distant character and it would be hard to say what or how she would grow fond of the Flock. Though it would have to be something memorable with the Flock risking themselves for her))
Callie and Keanu watched the lesson, occasionally jumping in to help out or point something out that would further help Eliza's knowledge. But for the most part it was clear that Blaire had it under control. While Eliza's training was going on, Callie decided to take Keanu and sharpen her own skills with him. They practiced off to the side to not distract the others, mostly just throwing some punches and working on defense tacktics. After it was clear that the lesson was starting to slow down, Keanu made his way over to where Blaire was. With a smirk, he poked her side, which he knew made most people jump at. "So when's it my turn with the ice princess to duke it out?" He joked, throwing out the his most recent nickname for her. He had quite a few. He then glanced up at Ethan. "If ya know, you're done with the punching bag." He shrugged, raising her eyebrows at them. He had never really had the opportunity to fight with Blaire. As much as he could tell, she was a worthy apponant. He figured it would be an even match. ((Sorry for such a small post and I'm on my iPod so it's just one big one, but I'd have to agree with the whole Alex thing. As for April, would we just say that she left on her own to find her brother and they hadn't heard from her since?))
((cool, sounds good. Really glad we got this back on track :D ))

Blaire swallowed a squeak when a finger poked her side. She had a weak spot there and couldn't stand it, it wasn't like hands or feet or something where you could toughen them up with callouses or something. Though the thought of having callouses on her sides almost like a turtle amused her slightly she still didn't like it. She spun to see Keanu had snuck up behind her yet again, he had a mysterious habit of doing that. She rolled her eyes, "Anytime, hot-head." She smiled slyly, "This should be interesting...fire and ice. Bring it."

Blaire didn't think she'd ever sparred with Keanu before, fought along side him, sure. He was a skilled fighter. This would be a learning experience. She wondered who would win.

"No problem," Ethan smiled. Though it was winter for the rest of the world, Hawaii was still rather balmy. Though he wasn't very tired, he was sticky from the moisture. It was about three in the afternoon and he was ready to take a shower and relax in some airconditioning for a while. Instead he pulled a pair of water bottles from a back pack one of them had brought in preparation for their day of exercise and getting back up to speed with their skills. He tossed one to Eliza and sat down a couple feet in front of her to give her some space. "You've been working hard, you deserve a break."

((weak sauce post :( ))

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