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Fandom Winged

(lol mine too...skip ahead to another scene?)

Liza is still watching as they begin to cool down, and she runs up to Blaire and pokes her side too, giggling. "Tickle tickle! I got you Blaire!" Dancing away from her, still giggling, she half expects Blaire to chase after her and tickle her back.

Eliza looks up at her, catching the water bottle Ethan tosses her, and gives him a smile in return as she opens it and drinks. "Thank you." She leans back on one elbow, allowing herself, as she rarely does, to actually cease closely observing them for a few moments as she catches her breath and gives herself space to cool.

Liza, unlike Ethan, however, is not one to mind people's personal space, and seeing that Eliza has set herself down again, immediately climbs into her lap, leaning her chin against her shoulder as she wraps one arm around her waist. "You did good Eliza. You almost kicked their butts I think. Good job."

Eliza looked down at her, taking her time in wrapping her arm around her waist in return. It is uncomfortable, but not, as usual, because she can't stand the child. In fact, what is making her uncomfortable then is that she does not entirely mind Liza in her lap.

How strange.
Keanu's smirk returned as he noticed Blaire struggling not to squeal. He had found out about that one ticklish spot a while back and since then he had used it to his advantage whenever the opportunity came up. He found the idea of their powers being used against eachother amusing. Almost like they would cancel eachother out.

Smirk still on his face, he slowly started to circle Blaire. Biting his lip, he made a face to show he was deep in thought. "Sooo..." He started and then stopped for a few more seconds. "If I win...you have to go on all of the rollercoasters in the amusement park without throwing up. And if you win, I'll do whatever you want me to." He stopped circling her.

"Alright Miss. Freeze, you wanna throw the first punch?" He teased, putting his arms out to the side. He wondered what kind of "fight" this would be. He also obviously wondered who would win. It would definitely be one for the books.

((If you guys want to skip the fight or whatever so we can get this moving along we can))
Blaire bit her lip when Liza ran up and tried to poke her side, which was only half successful, minding her size. "I'll get you later, you little putz," she teased the small girl as she giggled and ran to Eliza's lap.

At Keanu's proposal, Blaire laughed. "Sounds fair. Shake on it?" She put her hand out. *bunnying XP* Keanu shook it and the battle ensued.

Ten minutes later Blaire was squatting on the ground panting. They were very easily matched, it was hard for either one of them to land a hit. She would freeze his legs and try for a physical attack he would melt it and counter; he would shoot off flames, she would freeze them. There had been many close calls. Blaire had dodged and rolled, the hem of her shorts were singed. She rose out of her crouch and they began to circle one another again. Blaire was looking for an opening, to not much avail. She began to inch closer. So she tried for a roundhouse followed by dropping down and sweeping her leg out to knock his legs from underneath him.
Quickly shaking his head, trying to get the frozen droplets stuck to the ends of his hair out, Keanu dodged another attack. He clearly wasn't expecting such an intense fight. Every time he thought he had a good, knock-Blaire-off-her-feet move, she would counteract it. He really hoped he would never for real have to fight her. As her roundhouse came at him, he leaned his weight back, avoiding the hit. But her leg caught him behind his knee and he went down with an 'oof.' He had enough common sense to roll from his back to his stomach to keep himself from being vulnerable. Luckily, from this height and angle he was at perfect height with Blaire's knees. Thinking quick, he used his arms and upper body strength to keep himself up while he swung his leg out to hit her right in the back of the knee.

Once she had fallen, Keanu rolled so that he was more or less straddling her, using his hands to pin her arms above her head. The rule always that whoever pinned the other first won and he didn't think she could get out of this. Although she was full of surprises. "You had enough little mermaid?" He purred, and just for the fun of it, laid one of his fingers across her wrist. Then, focusing his power into that one finger, he pulled it away to reveal a small burn mark. Nothing that would cause her any real pain, just a little irritation. A reminder of his victory.
"Whooooa you can make fire!!!! Whoaaaa!" Liza squealed in Eliza's ear as she watched the fight, giving a slight bounce of excitement, and she wiggled animatedly. "Whoa whoa whoa!"

Eliza put a slightly restraining hand on the top of her head, reproofing her mildly. "Liza, sit still, I can't see when you put your head in my face." And this was certainly something she wanted to see. She had had no idea, until now, that Keanu could make and control fire. What else could these kids do? How much did the scientists know about?

When they are finished, and Keanu lightly burns Blaire, Liza frowns, unhappy with this. Jumping off Eliza's lap, she runs to Blaire and takes her hand, stroking the mark as she frowns at Keanu. "That was mean. You shouldn't oughtta be mean to Blaire like that."

Eliza too stands, regarding them all thoughtfully before she speaks. "I guess that isn't something you can teach me..."
Blaire gasped when Keanu finally caught her offgaurd. Now she was laying on the ground pinned. She squirmed but to no avail. Her heart was still pounding. She blew a lock of hair out of her face. "Aw, I never get tired of a good game of cat and mouse, even if the cat does lose. There's no such thing as a sore loser, only a rematch. But lets just say if I happen to lose my stomach for example, I think you know which direction its headed in."

When he marked her wrist with a burn similar to the degree she would get by the sun, she narrowed her eyes, "Gee, don't I feel special now..." Then she added. "And yes, Liza, he is mean. A big fat meanie."

While she didn't mind the view, she couldn't stand to see Keanu's ego inflate anymore and used a trick she'd been practicing in secret for the past month. However, nothing looked out of the ordinary as she was able to rolled Keanu onto his back. Blaire wasn't sure of the mechanics of it, but she knew she moved him somehow. "I hope you know I was holding back. I just figured Callie would be pretty mad if I turned you into a voodoo doll." She smirked and pushed off of him to stand up. There were a number of "illegal" things she would never consider using on the Flock that would most definitely kill them or cause severe pain. But she didn't want to image the specifics with family in mind.

She held out a hand to help him off the ground. Once she was up she said. "So when does the next challenge begin, oh-mighty-warrior?" Asking about the amusement park part of their deal.
As Blaire mentions her feeling special, Keanu nods, a piece of hair falling into his face. "Well you should. I only give those to special people." He teased, even giving her a wink to top it off. He then looked at Liza. "You want one to?" He joked, then wiggled his fingers around like a spider or something to try and get a scare out of her. He even lunged forward a bit.

Directly after that, he found himself on the floor with Blaire on top of him. Now it was his turn to enjoy the view. Typical teen boy. "Yeah yeah whatever. Even if I did win this one, still wasn't going all out. Demitri hits pretty hard. I didn't really feel like catching one from him." If she was going to pull the sibling card so could he.

Once Blaire rolls off of him he takes her hand and pulls himself up to his feet. Straightening out his shirt and brushing off his shorts, he shrugged. "You got any plans right now?" He asked. Suddenly, Callie was behind him.

"I think we should all go. Like as a Flock outgoing. We deserve a little break." She suggested and Keanu shrugged again. "I dont see why not. I think it would be fun." Callie gave him a small smile and nodded. She then turned to where Eliza, Liza and Ethan were. "You guys wanna go to the amusment park?"
"NO! You are so mean, Keanu! And you don't even scare me!" Liza held her ground, hands on her hips, holding her pigtailed head high as she scowled in his direction. "I can do wind at you and blow you away. All the way next door. Maybe even to the moon. So there, then you wouldn't even know how to get back 'cause you'd be lost. You better watch out I think."

She giggled as Blaire topped him, clapping her hands. "Yay Blaire winned now! You lose Keanu!"

As Callie appears behind them, suggesting an outing to an amusement park, Liza's face lights up, and she jumps up and down, clapping her hands and cheering with obvious approval of this plan. "Yayyyy yessss! AMUSEMENT PARK AMUSEMENT PARK!!!" Then she stops, seeming to think this over. "What's that?"

Eliza herself has never been to an amusement park, or even seen one on tv. However, she does not reveal her ignorance, but only looks to the others for an explanation as much as Liza. Whatever the case is, it would be best, she is sure, for her to go, to add to experiences with the other children.
At the sound of his name being called, Demitri stutters awake. He'd falled asleep on a cushy patch of moss the warm air lulling him off into slumber. He hadn't found the fighting particularly interesting. He already knew he could fight well but wasn't in the mood for fighting or messing around, hardly in the mood to do anything anymore except maybe read or fly. Two things that always never seemed to get old. Demitri pushed himself off the ground and joined the group in time to hear the words "amusement park". Sounded fun, it would be a nice treat for them. Cotton candy and popcorn and slushies and corndogs and funnel cakes and curly fries and all that junk. That was one think he looked forward to. Thrill rides, rollarcoasters, eh.

"I'm for it." Demitri said.

"I'm game," Ethan chimed.

Blaire shrugged, "Hey, its whatever. But I have a bet to fulfill." She punched Keanu playfully in the arm. "So if we're all in agreement, I guess the next question is: when do we leave?"
At Liza's question of what an amusement park was, Keanu answered for her. "An amusement park is a really fun place. There's rides, games, food, candy. All the good stuff." He said with a smile and Callie nodded in agreement. The Flock had never gone on a field trip to an amusement park before, but they all knew the general idea.

When Keanu is punched in the arm by Blaire, he sticks his tongue out at her and then answers her question. "I dunno, half an hour? So we can tell Dally and Brinley, and then get ready?" He shrugged and then looked at Callie. "Are we flying there?" She nodded. "Well yeah, we don't have a car." This brought a smirk to both of their faces. This was kind of a joke, since none of them could legally drive anyway, but the Flock had a bad habit of stealing vehicles when they had to get out of sticky situations or if flying was for some reason not an option. But as of now, flying it was. "Okay, I'll go get the kids. Everyone go get ready." Callie said, before snapping her wings out and jumping into the air.

Keanu followed his sisters lead, taking a few running steps before jumping up. His large black wings unfurled and he moved to the left to keep from clipping one on the trunk of the nearest tree. He hovered there for a few seconds and then went over to Blaire. He held his hand out down to her. "Comin?"
"Ohhhh that sounds fun! I like candy! I like games! I LOVE FOOD!" Liza almost shouts, dimples popping in her cheeks as she claps again, then hugs Keanu excitedly. "Let's go now! Right now! And get good and candy and games! Where's Lillie, let's get Lillie too and I can beat her in games!"

The concept sounds like more of a hassle to Eliza than fun. She, unlike the others, does not often enjoy herself in general, and finds the concept of pleasure to be something beyond her ability to experience in most cases. She will have to fake her way through the day, and try to mimic the reactions of others. Still, she puts on a smile, even as she voices a practical concern. "Will it cost money? Should we ask Dr. Akana? What if the people there see us fly or land? Are other people there?"
Blaire grins and is about to jump into the air to follow the others when Eliza plays the voice of reason. Blaire hadn't really given it much of a thought. She pauses and finally answers a second later. "Well, we don't need the good doctor's permission, and we've never needed adult consent for anything before, so we aren't about to start. There's going to be a ton of people there, considering Hawaii's so small they probably only have one amusement park throughout all the islands. But we're all pretty good flyers so we should be able to swoop in without much thought. As for money, that's never been an issue. I've got the magic fingers of a master pickpocket." She wiggled her fingers with a smile. "Don't worry, you'll have fun. Come on, the faster we get there the more time we have." Blaire jumped into the air while simultaneously unfurling her wings and speeding into the open sky.

((wooow. really sucko post.))
Both Callie and Keanu landed on Dr. Akana's porch a few seconds later and walked through the open door. Callie waited for everyone else to land before talking. "Pack a bag if you want. Do they have a water park there?" She asked her brother who just shrugged in return. "Well, I guess bring a bathing suit just in case." She said to everyone before heading up the stairs to pack her own bag.

Before going to get ready, Keanu stepped back outside and to the part of the porch that overlooked the front of the beach where Brinley and Dally where arguing over how to build a sandcastle. Keanu rolled his eyes and shouted out to them, leaning over the railing. "Hey! We're going to the amusement park. Going in five minutes. If your not ready we're leaving without you." With that, he turned back around and smirked at the sound of both of them rushing up the sand to the stairs. By the time he got back in, Callie was back down stairs with her bag slung over one of her shoulders. She then threw Keanu's bag at him.

The two younger kids came running in and waisted no time in bonding up the stairs to there rooms. They had originally been the ones who wanted to go to the amusement park in the first place. Minutes later, they were back down with large smiles and their own bags. "Ready! By the way, when we get there can we get cotton candy? Oooh, or maybe popcorn? I think we should start with smaller rides and work or way up. Or just go in a big circle. Or-" Brinley was cut off by Callie. "Brinley, if you don't stop talking I'm going to ask them to keep your seat belt a little loose." She threatend, before making her way back outside.
Blaire would steal? Eliza's eyes darken slightly as she looks away so no one will see. It is clear to her from this statement that the scientists are right. Blaire would steal simply for her own pleasure; she is immoral and crude. All the children are.

She says nothing, and though Liza would likely be stunned by stealing if she observed it, she is not listening and wouldn't have understood pickpocketing if she had been. Instead she cheers again before spreading her wings and joining the others in the sky. Eliza is a few beats slow but catches up quickly as they land on the porch, gathering the other kids. When Eliza sees the others packing and hears them mention bathing suits, she goes to Blaire, saying quietly, "I do not know how to swim. I don't have a suit."
Blaire grabbed the top ledge of the windowsill and slung inside. She'd left her window purposefully open. The air was cooler during the winter months, so it wasn't like the air conditioning cool aire was being wasted. Her room didn't have a balcony on it like Demitri's had. Originally her room did, but she moved after she found out that it was actually Ethan's room. She pulled out her drawer and shoved her bathing suit and a change of clothes into a bag, one of the things they'd bought here just for the heck of it. Now she actually found it handy for something then holding her collection of magazines. Blaire slung it across her shoulders making sure the strap in the back was between her wings. She changed out of her boots and took on a pair of Converse style shoes that she wouldn't have to lug around when she took them off and also wouldn't fly off like sandals would on the rides. Blaire also changed her tee-shirt, which was dirty from the sparring, and switched it for a loose fitting tank top, figuring if she was going to be out in the sun she might as well tan well than risk a farmer's tan or somethingShe also grabbed her wallet with her stash of stolen money and slipped it into her back pocket. Of course she wouldn't take money from people who didn't have any, only the people who had too much for their own good. Considering what the flock had gone through and had to suffer through over the years finding places to sleep every night finding things to feed their appetite, she didn't feel guilty.

Blaire jumped out of her window again landing lightly on the terrace deck where she met Eliza again. Everyone else was inside but it was clear that Eliza was uncomfortable admitting this. "This whole time with the beach right here, you don't know how to swim?" Blaire said with a frown, a bit stunned. "You won't have to know how to swim for most of the water park, really. But I could definitely teach you, no problem. I have a spare suit you can borrow, again no problem," she soothed. She flapped her wings once and grabbed her window sill and climbed up. She pulled out a spare suit and wrapped it up in a simple set of clothes for Eliza afterwards. Blaire repeated the process of dropping back to the terrace. "I hope these fit! I think we're about the same size. We should get inside with the others."Then walked to the sliding door and into the kitchen where everyone was reconciling. She laughed at Brinley's babble. "Hey, we can totally have a cotton candy eating contest when we get there." She set a pair of sunglasses on top of her head. Ethan and Demitri filtered in wearing swim trunks, which made sense, both wearing narrow back packs holding their stuff.

"All ready?" Blaire asked no one in particular.
Once everyone had returned to the kitchen, Keanu jumped off of the kitchen counter where he had been sitting and waiting for everyone else. "Let's get this show on the road kiddos." He readjusted his backpack so it rested more comfortably between his wings before walking back outside. He jumped up onto the railing and balanced himself before jumping. He allowed himself to fall a few inches before snapping his wings put, the force pushing him up several feet before he started flapping. He came to about where the top of the roof was and flew in small circles, turning back flips and other tricks while he waited for everyone else.

(Ahh bad post))
Blaire didn't need any other invitation after that, following Keanu out the door. She jumped onto the railing but without pause pushed off into the air her wings stroking hard until she was hundreds of feet into the air out reaching Keanu. And knowing how competative he was, he would be joining her shortly. She watched as specks, though her raptor vision could define more of the figures, while they took to the air below her. One after another.

((:C even worse. No muse))
Watching Blaire quickly rise above him, Keanu decided to fly high himself today. Angling himself upwards, he was soon rising hundreds of feet. He soon reached a cloud, and burst through it. The first time the flock had flown through a cloud they had expect it to be soft and fluffy, much like cotton candy. In reality they were cold, damp, and didn't really have a soft feeling to them. He soared above the layer of clouds and waited to see if Blaire or any others would join him. He couldn't see the others through the clouds.

Callie was one of the last to take to the air, making sure everyone was good to go. She stayed upwards the middle once flying, occasionally pulling ahead just to drop back again. She figured it would probably take about half an hour to get there at the speed they were going. Out of boredom, she would alternate between flying on her side or back, and swooping higher and lower.
It was true; Eliza had never taught herself to swim, despite living at the beach for several months. It had seemed an unnecessary skill to her, considering that she was not there to play or to have fun, as the others so often and foolishly partook of. It was highly unlikely that she would be chasing them in the water at any point, after all. She had kept apart from the water, uneasy at the thought of some surge of liquid she could not predict or control possibly overtaking her, swallowing her whole as a wave crashed in higher than her own height. It was a dangerous, foolish exercise to Eliza to swim in the ocean, but she could hardly explain this to Blaire.

"I never learned," she said simply to Blaire, taking the suit that she offered and turning her back from her to change into it. Putting her clothes on over top, she joined the others downstairs, seeing that Liza had already assisted aid in putting on her own swimsuit. Eliza wondered how she had gotten one, being only five, then decided she must have borrowed from Lillie or else had made one of them buy her one at an earlier date.

As she and Liza rose with them into the air, Eliza flew simply, watching the others perform tricks but not joining them. Liza, meanwhile, careened in and out, up and down between them, shrieking in joy.

It didn't take too long to get there, maybe fifteen twenty minutes, but flying was so much easier than cars so it was no surprise. Trees and mountains, and warm blue water passed beneath them until the landscape turned more concrete with skyscrapers and hotels lining the ocean. Blaire spotted the amusement park easily with the aid of her avian dna, something that all of the flock had, so she was sure the others saw it as well. Blaire shot a grin at Keanu before folding her wings in and letting herself drop. She plunged through the air, aiming for a wooded park outside of the establishment. They could land there under cover.
It still seems to Eliza that this amusement park idea will not be one of great enjoyment to her. As she follows the others in their descent, she takes in the garishness of the scene, the whirl of color and movements and people and bustling activity below, and inwardly steels herself to have to act excited by it all, or at least to smile and take part. "Excited" is not something she easily fakes, and so she doesn't bother with it often.

Liza, of course, is thrilled. As she dives down nearly face first to join the others, she gives a twirl in the air, whooping and staggering as she lands. "YAY WE'RE HERE!!!! THIS IS GONNA BE FUN FUN FUN!!!! I WANNA GET CANDY MADE OF COTTON FIRST!" Then she frowns. "Won't cotton taste funny even if it's candy?"
Blaire's swift decent took her into more excluded part of the park where there would be less patrons. She swung her feet down before she hit the canopy and guided her decent through a narrow opening between the branches, careful to fold her wings in so they didn't get caught. She hopped and swung down through the branches to slow her fall before spreading them out lightly at the last twenty foot drop, landing in a crouch and drawing in her wings finally. Demitri was right behind her, Ethan was farther behind as he had been flying with Callie.

Blaire looked over at Demitri, he had a strange look on his face, one of caution and intuition. Blaire felt it too, the hairs on the back of her neck prickling. She spun around and dropped into her stance, excepting Trackers. But what she got was just a family of humans. She let out a sigh of relief, how coincidental would it be if they happened to run into a pack of Trackers the day they happened to be practicing their fighting skills. Though that appeased Blaire, the humans looked distressed. She quickly determined that they had witnessed the bird kids falling from the trees with wings. Should they run, should they explain? Blaire's first instinct was to knock them all out and hope they woke feeling as though it had all been a dream, that would probably be the easiest thing, it wasn't like there were any camera's out here anyways.

Blaire was tensing up prepared to lunge at them when Ethan's voice soothed over the clearing. "I'm sorry folks, this area should have been blocked off for the set."

The humans looked even more confused. "The set?" Said the older man of the four.

"Yes, we're filming right now. The crew should have blocked the area off from pedestrians."

"You're making a movie?" The man said. Then a woman chimed in. "Where are the cameras?"

"Look, wer're really sorry to bother you. Look for our film in theaters coming next fall, but right now we're on a tight budget and really can't afford interruptions."

"Oh, we're sorry. We'll get out of you way, then?" They still looked confused but they left them alone.

Once the family was out of sight, Demitri slapped Ethan a high five. "Nice, man." Ethan smiled sheepishly.

That was interesting. Blaire'd never thought of them as a movie, but it made a legit excuse. Considering how many newspapers and tabloids they'd been in, they should be celebrities soon enough.
Callie, Brinley and Dally all swung down through the trees at about the same time, Callie first landing on a tree branch closer to the ground and then jumping down to her feet. Keanu was down a few minutes later, since he had been flying so high. He landed right as Ethan was talking to the humans. Confused and very concerned at first, he quickly catches on with the others.

After Ethans quick thinking, Callie raises her eye brows and gives him a small smile. "That was sick. I don't think I would have thought of that one myself. Probably would have just knocked em' around a bit." She shrugged and started walking in the direction of the park.

While everyone started making their way to the park, Keanu jogged to catch up to Blaire and fell into step beside her. "So, you wanna start off slow or just go straight to the big ones? I mean I don't want you to throw up the first five minutes we get here." He joked, smirking. Even though this was supposed to be Blaire's "punishment" for losing, he was looking forward to riding all the rides and eating a bunch of junk food himself.

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