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Fandom Winged

Will post soon 
"WHOOH!" Blaire said enthusiastically as they exted that last ride. Though they weren't as thrilling as some of the other humans thought, having listened to their wide screams as they whirled through the humid warm Hawaii air. Blaire was having a blast anyways. "Let's go on another!" She grinned, slightly wide eyed.

She leaned an arm across Keanu's shoulder. "So, I haven't puked yet. Looks like I'm gonna win this thing. If only this thing were for money."

((Okay, really shitty post, I know.))
"I thought we were gonna go swimming?" Liza crashes between Blaire and Keanu, as though she is playing a game of Red Rover. Tugging on both their arms, she tilts her head up, pigtails flopping back so they nearly touch the base of her spine as she insists, "You said we could swim! We wanna go swimming!"

Standing a few feet away, near Callie, Eliza is quiet, simply waiting to see what the others will do. She does not care what occurs, having no interest or enjoyment in this setting, but she tries to give a small smile to indicate that this is not so. She says quietly, "You did tell her we could swim. And I guess it is a good idea for me to learn."
Keanu rolls his eyes at Blaire, looking over at her with a smirk. "Yeah, yet. We still have a few hours before this place closes." He's about to turn around and walk in the direction of another large coaster when Eliza flings her small body at him and Blaire. He takes a step back to keep himself from tripping, and puts his hands up in defeat. "Alright, alright! We can go swimming!"

He himself isn't sure he wants to go swimming, but he wouldn't mind sitting for a little bit and watching the others. He would probably end up in the water anyways, knowing him.

When the others seem to want to go to the water park half, Callie just shrugs. "Fine with me. It's getting kind of hot out here anyway." It was always hot, but when they were back at the doctor's house they were always either in the cool air conditioned house, at the beach, or just in the shade of the woods.
Blaire smiles and puts a hand on the top of Liza's head. "Woah there, little one!" She looks at the others, "Sure, I guess we can go swimming. Callie's right, we could use a nice cool down. I bet you they have some water rides,"

Demitri spots Eliza's uneasiness and approaches her quietly. "Hey, it should be okay. We all have shirts on. Worse comes to worst and we become victims of a serious car accident and we all just happened to get weird scars on our backs, jellyfish scars, or maybe we all were taking a nap inthe road and got run over by a car?" He suggested hopefully.
"SWIMMING!!! Liza shrieks before taking off running, in search of the swimming rides and pool area, though she has no idea where it might be. She certainly seems to think she can easily find it though, and so with pigtails bobbing behind her, she darts off, whooping with delight. "SWIMMING SWIMMING!"

"Whoa, Liza, don't run ahead, you'll get lost," Eliza calls to her, but it seems that her words are in vain as the child darts off anyway. She starts to follow after her, but Demetri is talking to her, and she turns, distracted. Someone else will have to catch Liza.

She had not been worried about people seeing their wings or any scars, or really about anything, but she nods, giving him a small smile as though this were the case. "Yes. I guess that's true...although we would have to pretty dumb to all lay down to sleep in the road. I guess we'll think of something, though."
While Liza runs forward, Brinley quickly picks up her face. "Don't worry, I'll get her." She calls behind her, disappearing in the crowd of people behind the brown pigtails.

Everyone else hangs back with the others. Keanu walks besides Blaire towards the back of the group, with everyone else more towards the front. Keanu starts talking to Blaire while he readjusts his backpack. "Having fun so far?" He asks with a raise of his eyebrows. He knew he was. It was a nice change of both scenery and routine. He wish they had more opportunities to do things like this, but unfortunately with the problem of constantly being on the run and money always being a struggle, it was more of a rare occasion.

A few seconds later the top of a rather large water slide was showing. Callie wasn't even sure that was safe, with it's height and almost 90 degree drop. But hey, who cared, 'safe' wasn't even in their vocabularies.
"Are you kidding me?" Blarie asks. "Most of the rides are a bit lame, I mean, when you have wings and go from twelve hundred feet and plummet to the ground like a hundred times a day, you can't beat that kind of stuff. I've determined the dropping rides are lame, but I still want to go on all of them. The ones with the spirals are the best. I just wish they would keep letting us ride them over and over, they are way too short. Talk about a rip off!"

Ethan trotted to a stop besides Callie, matching her walking speed. "What's up?" He sees her expression, "Com'mom, lighten up. You gotta let yourself have fun every once and a while, what are you worried about?"
Liza doesn't slow down until Brinley catches up with her. When the older girl calls her name again, she turns, dimples digging deeply into her cheeks as she grins up at her. She grabs her arm and tugs on it urgently.

"They are all being HUGE SLOWPOKES! Plus also they are talking a lot and not even getting excited about swimming! They are so silly...we're gonna beat them big time, aren't we?"

Eliza, walking slightly behind Callie and Ethan, also eyes the waterslide that seems to be worrying Callie. She is not worried about a fall; she has wings for a reason, after all. It is the water that seems distasteful to her, and she shakes her head at it, frowning.

"I think I should sit this one out. Or else just wade in the pool at the bottom." She tugs at her t-shirt, securing it more closely over herself.

(time skip, get some action going?)
Keanu nods in agreement. "Yeah, I know. It's kind hard to get a thrill out of us anyways." They could do all the same things the roller coasters could do, and they could do it without their help. He flipped his air-blown hair to the side and squinted against the sun. "They are pretty short. How do people even get an adrenalin rush from these? They should try free falling five thousand feet.." He mumbled under his breath, to avoid strange looks.

Callie looked over at Ethan, giving him a small smile. He was the newest member of the Flock, but Callie didn't mind him much. He was good with the younger kids and so far he hadn't caused any problems. Plus Dr. akana trusted him, so he couldn't be too bad. "It's nothing really, just thinking." It was half true at least. "I am having fun. It's just hard to let your guard down sometimes and just relax." She shrugged, kicking a small rock to the side as they entered the water park. They quickly regrouped with Liza and Brinley, who were already ready to swim. She looked back at Ethan. "You going in?" She asked while pulling her hair back into a messy ponytail.

((What do you want to skip to?))
((Well currently, the person who plays Alex and Lillie hasn't been on in quite a while. I mean I guess you could capture someone else, and we could work that into Eliza's whole plan somehow too))
((I can portray Lilly that is no problem with me, tell me a bit about her personality so that I can get her right, and should I submit a character sheet of some kind for my OC or should I just post something here? I shall send you his deets then regardless so that you can let me know if he is acceptable for your role play. ^_^ ))
(Confused. So, when did Lilly and Alex get taken and do our other characters know? Are these people from the same lab that Eliza was from? Eliza was told she works alone but she could have been lied to)
((Now that you mention that, I could incorporate those tid bits within the post, but I'll put it here regardless, I guess they could've all been "together" in the lab at some point, and then separated as their fate was sealed on each kid. Similar to Max Ride's situation how she knew Ari once, before he was determined a Tracker. So yeah, they could have met, but not have remembered it after soo long. And I thought only Lily was taken, [at the amusement park] unless that was your plan for them both to get abducted? If the others were aware about the "Trackers" on their tails -or wings before, then they would automatically be suspicious of that. Were there Werewolf prototype Trackers chasing them before like in the MR series or was that never mentioned within this RP-verse? They would have to play the memory game to come up with any known enemies that would dare to bring chaos into their already messed up lives to even recall an Edge or Hazard duo, and wonder about the possibility of them being Trackers if they've ever even used the term before.))
(.......I have no idea what you are talking about. I only read the first book. The original plan for my character was that Eliza would kidnap Liza and lure Alex and the others to come to her, so Lily being kidnapped (for the second time now) would be separate from her plan.)
((I think the whole thing about them being together in the lab would make more sense and make things easier. So then when the Flock sees Edge and Hazard they would know them. With the thing about Alex being abducted, he technically isn't part of the flock anymore. His RP-er had him leave the Flock and go off on his own. But we did add the werewolf-humans in.))
((Oops, sorry about that. So I guess Lilly doesn't get kidnapped then? Or could the two cross paths and maybe work up an elaborate scheme together. What are her plans anyways? Why does she intend on luring Alex to her? *curious* So do we kill off Lilly or something? I was hoping to have used her as a pawn for Edge to trade with the scientists to get his brother back since the scientists are I could only imagine dying to dissect an Avian/human hybrid to see how it all works. Then have them either join the flock or truck it solo. That was the idea behind the post I put up, but now I can see it interferes with what you had decided for your character to do. Let me know what we could do to make this work ^_^ So Alex get's taken? What is she like? She isn't a child right? I would have to modify my post for Alex then...? And no he wouldn't be apart of the flock --not that he ever was since he's being the bad-guy here in order to get something done. So they would only imagine that one of their missing flock members was the result of a Tracker's doing right?))
((She's trying to lure the whole Flock because she's working with the scientist and the scientists obviously do want the bird kids back. But Alex is really close to Liza, so Eliza knows that if she was to be taken then Alex would insist on getting her back. That would require everyone to go back to the School where they would be trapped. I think it might just be easier if Edge and Hazard were unknowingly working with Eliza to capture the whole flock, if that's alright with everyone)
((Exactly what I was thinking! Except because of Hazzy's moral values, he forces Edge in the long run to go back and "attempt" a hilarious rescue mission, in a way changing him into a more flock-like comrade lol. Agree then?))
(Okay. So let me get this straight. Your guys are working for same place as Eliza, same mission, to get the kids back. Eliza is targeting Liza in particular because she is her daughter of sorts and Liza trusts her and thinks she's keeping her maternity secret. So Eliza will lure Liza away and then pretend to the others that she barely escaped the people who took Liza and they have to go to Liza to get her back. Maybe Lily comes into the middle of Eliza giving Liza away and Lily is also taken?

So I'm confused with your post still. Are we changing it, or not? And if not, then do the rest of the flock know yet that Lily was taken, and when did it happen after the trip to the fair?)

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