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Fandom Winged

((I honestly think the easiest thing to do would to be leave Lillie out of this completely and just focus on Liza being taken. But when she's taken, is it the two boys who capture her or is it going to be Eliza? I'm assuming Eliza would capture her and then maybe the boys could also take another character? I think them taking Callie would be an interesting plot line. Since Callie's the leader and it would make sense that the Flock would want to rescue the youngest member and the leader the most.))
(Eliza will lure her out in the night, but the boys could be out there to meet her, perhaps. Maybe she was told it would just be people from the lab, not who specifically)
Faith Eliza Cord No only Edge is working for the scientists back at the school, he's only assigned to track any members of the flock he can get and kill one or in his case abduct one and return to the school. And sure Lily can be pulled into the mess as well, because in this world nothing is ever straight forwards. So I will change it then, just some minor details to be worked out lol. Or instead of taking Lilly they could meet Eliza.
(Hi guys. It's me xJobozx. Long story short, my account got messed up, wouldn't let me on for months. I made this account about a month ago, and originally wasn't going to re-join this RP as I thought it had died anyway. But now that I see you guys are getting it back up and it's not dead, I would like to re-join if that's okay. With my characters Lillie and Alex. I know Alex left the flock a while back, but for plots sake should we just pretend he didn't and is still there? It would make things easier.)
(Thanks xD I honestly have no idea why my old account wouldn't let me log on it, but I eventually gave up and made this instead, since I missed RPing as my charies. And yeah, I'm totally up for this idea of Lillie being taken and even making a bond with Edge, if that makes anything easier. He seems like a cool character :D )
((Poor Lillie, always being taken xD But that sounds fine to me. It'll be interesting to have Alex and Ethan too, since Ethan's supposed to be "Callie's perfect other half" so I'm sure that could stir something up))
(Alright so I already modifiedmy post to have Edge instead of abducting Lilly follow the flock keeping tabs on their movements and later meeting Eliza at secret spot. If that's alright.)
(alright, so...Eliza takes just Liza, or Liza and Lillie both? So confused...can you repost your post at the end of all this ooc so we can move on from here?)
[Certanly. I think it would be easier for her to take one bird kid, I don't think she could handle two of them at once, especially if she's trying not to get caught, realistaclly speaking here lol. But she is your character to control so it's up to you:3 Also we should create a seperate thread from this one solely for OOC since the constant bouncing from IC to OOC distrupts the Role play.] 
Their names were unknown factors, entirely different and mysterious identities, one that the boys would never know. Would that even matter if they did? What of mom and dad? Where the hell where they? Did it solve their problems thinking about them? No, it didn't, so whenever these thoughts creeped up, the two would comfort each other as best as they could, when they could.They only knew of the cold and antiseptic-smelling world of glass and steel that had been their cradle since birth, and by terms made by the scientists that'd been their most crappiest caretakers ever. Their missions each different to accommodate their ages and experience levels and other obvious reasons, they barely ever had any contact with each other. Except for the few times they've managed to sneak out of their bird cages and meet up. Hope was alive, and their stubborn wills were clear in their eyes that they would be reunited again soon, permanently. Both siblings would allow the situations to unfold about them until the time came that they could make their escape. If they weren't killed before that. The eldest sibling called himself Edge, he had the wings of burnt promises and high expectations, his hair also the color of a broken soul. Coal black. His eyes grey as the bruised clouds above, a source of constant gaze and wonder. He was the polar opposite of his younger brother, Hazard, who carried himself as gently as a breeze, with his less than athletic build, and completely lighter mark-up, hair and wings silvery white? Talk about angelic. But why did looks matter? Hazzy was his bro and to be protected and respected period. Although they mostly cooperated with the scientists on their inhumane tests and experimenting, the boys intensly hated their captors.

Edge, the avian, human hybrid youth, had perched on the lip of a building as an assistant fed him information about his current assignment. Again. Locate the escaped group avian human experiments, and terminate on site --though bringing one back to the school would be a wise choice. Yeah, sure, like that was going to happen so easily as they'd predicted. For nothing with Edge was ever simple. They conned him the title: Eraser 3.0 or whatever, he didn't care about why.

"Targets in sight."

He reported to the microphone set attached to the collar of his black shirt. The scientists, or Ghosts as he liked to call them (since they wore white coats and they acted like he was less of a person than them, he acknowledged them as non-existent dicks, like well, ghosts,) had manipulated his and his brother's being for the sole purpose of destroying the entire runaway flock. Replacing their failed wolven predecessors, designed to perform the same task. Both him and his younger brother, Hazard were trained extensively to do so. However, being still so inexperienced and deemed unable to perform at par as he was much more lenient toward lives then Edge was, Hazard wasn't ready to join him yet. Which also meant the two wouldn't be able to run away if the thought ever occurred to them, an insurance on Edge's return.

Edge was equipped with unnecessary weapons, two pistols, and a butterfly knife just because. He dressed in casual jeans, shirt, and leather jacket black, to "blend-in" with everyone else. He leaped off the roof, impatiently, having had enough of this staking out crap. Despite the lady in his ears commanding him to stay put, he yanked out the earbuds and crushed them in his hands like little bugs. "Oops, lost connection." He muttered with a sly grin, he'd also ripped off the mic, as if that would loosen the dog --or bird collar they had around his neck. It would only piss him off more, yeah he was free now, he could abandon this mission and fly, fly away. But to what end? He would have to come back for Haz. Besides, this was his game, he was calling the shots, no back-up required. Much less rules. How he loved to break 'em. The slits on his jacket and shirt allowed for a much smoother unveiling of his large, fifteen-foot wingspan to burst out behind him, to allow a smoother landing, then he ran the rest of the way into the crowded amusement park.

Mission started.
It was time. Eliza had been patient, had secured the trust of Liza, certainly, and she is fairly sure that the other bird kids now trust and like her as well. She has played the quiet smart one, the one who holds back but is helpful and insightful, minding the younger children and giving advice to the older ones. She has been here more than long enough to make her move, and now the time has come to follow through.

The trick was to do it in public, where people would be very unlikely to suspect her of having anything to do with a disappearance, without anyone realizing that she actually had.

"I don't really want to swim," she tells the older children quietly. "I'll go help Brinley with Liza."

She had realized long before that the best way to do this was to directly target Liza, who trusted her most and would be most likely to unquestioningly obey her, and who they would all think her least likely to betray. As she caught up with Brinley and Liza, taking Liza's hand, she was trying to think of a way to separate Liza from the crowd when Liza solved her problem for her, looking up and announcing, "Eliza, hey! I gotta go to the bathroom only I don't even know where it is."

"I can take her," she told Brinley, amazed that the chance had presented itself so easily. She gave Brinley a quick smile, then pointed back in the direction of the others. "The others are going that way. Tell them I'm taking her, okay?"

She began to walk away with Liza's hand in hers, disappearing into the crowd.
Brinley was walking along side Liza, watching closely to make sure the bouncy little girl didn't run off again. Even though Brinley was pretty energetic herself, she had to admit that she found it rather hard to keep up with the youngest members of the Flock. She let out a relieved breath once Eliza came to get her. She agreed to tell the rest of the Flock where they were going, and then jogged in the direction she had pointed.

The rest of the Flock had just finally reached the inside of the water park when Brinley caught up. Callie was the first to notice her.

"Where's Eliza and Liza?" She asked, looking around in their general direction to see if they were anywhere close.

Brinley explained that they had gone on a bathroom run, and Callie had only nodded and quickly discarded it. She lead the Flock to an empty picnic bench with a large umbrella shading the area. She slid her backpack off and placed it on the table before peeling her shirt and shorts off so she was left in a bathing suit. She then waited for everyone else to be ready. "So what do you guys want to do first?" It hadn't occurred to her that Eliza and Liza probably should have been back by now.
What where the odds of two bird kid prey walking right up to their hunter? One in a million? He almost felt sorry for the two, hand in hand, strolling around in a place they thought was safe. It was broad daylight after all and who would attack anyone in public? Why run that risk? Oh, maybe because it was much more thrilling than anything else really. Besides, these two had already ruined the fun out of the chase.

"Two birds with one stone. I am on a roll today." He muttured though his expression held little amusement. These were kids, almost like Haz. But he didn't have much options, he'd been prepared for this day, for this mission. Or perhaps he didn't have to kill them. He could capture them and drop them off at the school. It wouldn't be easy, or pleasant. But at least there wouldn't be any blood spill. Avoiding confrontation and just gettinv the job done was his main priority here. Hazzy was still stuck back at the damned place and needed rescuing.

As he followed the two girls, he realized something odd. He'd been informed previously that the entire escaped experiments were together like a Flock. So why were his targets seperating from the others? Unless...

They exited the pool of people and he tagged closely after them. Soon enough he was within hailing distance of the two and in a burst of shadows and smoke even closer, and in a haunting whisper he said, "...And the plot thickens." He knew what she was doing, or thought he knew. She was taking the girl with her. What a wicked betrayal. His pity for the older one lessened. Maybe he could snatch the little one away and return her to the scientist in exchange for Haz.
Liza is chattering away as she walks with Eliza, swinging her hand back and forth, and Eliza allows her to without really hearing her or listening to her, her expression smooth and neutral even as she continues to think ahead rapidly. She takes Liza into the bathroom and allows her to do as needed, but then, as she leads her out, she leads her behind the bathroom building, where it leads out to a fence with a sign warning it is for employees only. It is an exit out of the park as well, and Liza blinks as she sees it, surprised.

"Listen, Liza," Eliza tells her softly, as Liza starts to ask her what they're doing. "Can't you hear it in your head? Don't you hear it?"

Liza goes quiet, straining her features earnestly to hear with Eliza seems to be, and Eliza feigns concentration, still gripping Liza's hands.

"Listen...they're calling for us. Don't you hear? They need our help. They want us to come to them."

"Who, Eliza?" Liza asks excitedly, her eyes lighting up. "Do people need us to come save them? Who?"

Eliza pauses dramatically, then says, "My mom and my dad...they're being held against their will by the bad people of the lab. But they know that we're strong and we're smart, and we can help them get out. That's why they're talking to me...they know I am finally strong enough."

"I wanna talk to them took!" Liza gasped, eyes wide, and she started calling out in her head before Eliza could stop her. "I wanna help!"

"No, stop," Eliza said quickly, shaking her head and shushing her. "You aren't controlled enough yet to be able to get that to where it needs to go...you might get it to the bad guys. I can do it, Liza...but maybe you can help." She paused again, then added, "After all, you are their granddaughter."

Liza's eyes are shining with excitement at this claim, and she wiggles all over with joy, grabbing Eliza's arm and giving a hop. "Ooooh! I wanna see them, I wanna save them, I wanna help!"

"You can," she told her quickly, "But you have to listen to exactly what I say...you need to do everything just right. You need to come with me and not tell anyone else because they might get hurt...and you need to trust me. Can you do that? Can you trust me...your mother?"

And Liza's fervent nod told her that she could.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/57a8bda40e48b_normal_KMP-DVD(047941)12-52-40.jpg.87d96eaf496326ad7a115f324eae79b4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="897" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/57a8bda40e48b_normal_KMP-DVD(047941)12-52-40.jpg.87d96eaf496326ad7a115f324eae79b4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/37523_141070755916854_100000417906023_299479_4566984_n.jpg.c13f23ef29855120474931fdd23b127b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="898" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/37523_141070755916854_100000417906023_299479_4566984_n.jpg.c13f23ef29855120474931fdd23b127b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Alex and Lillie were trailing along behind Callie when Brinley suddenly appeared, Lillie was whining lightly about how she needed the toilet, and Alex was just about to give up and finally take her when Brinley told Callie that Eliza had taken Liza to the toilet. Lillie piped up then, glancing back in the crowd to see the two quickly disappearing figures of Eliza and Liza.

"Oh Alex! I'll go with Liza!" Before the older boy could even think of protesting she had ran off, and he quickly sent her a mind message, 'Be careful Lils, let me know when you find Eliza and Liza!' He got a quick yes as a reply and he turned his attention back to the Flock then. At first he had been incredibly wary of Eliza, but she had soon fitted in and shown herself to be sensible and mature enough to look after the younger ones, so he was fine with Lillie going off with her and Liza to the toilet.

He found himself falling back behind the Flock, as usual, and walked leisurely until they reached the empty picnic bench, Lillie had sent him a message a while back saying she had found them and hadn't spoken to him since. Once they were all settled he sat down beside Callie out of habit, he was a bit worried that Lillie wasn't back yet, but she was with Eliza and Liza now, so she must be safe.


Lillie had quickly sped off through the crowd to follow Eliza and Liza, but she realised she couldn't really see them anymore, so she reached out with her thoughts and instead of sending a message she read through minds until she heard Liza's excited thoughts, something about cool soap? Still, she keeps herself tuned in and follows the thoughts all the way to the bathroom..but...it's coming from behind the building?

She shrugs and follows even further, now hearing something about people needing to be saved? She finally reaches close enough to be able to hear them, and she stops silently just short of turning around the corner - unseen to them - as she hears Eliza's words to Liza about people needing to be saved.

She listens to it all, and just as Liza nods Lillie bursts around the corner and runs over to them. She and Liza are best friends, in her mind at least, and it's been soo long since anything has happened. She wants to help. "Oh! Can I help?" She looks to Eliza, "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to listen to you talk but I really needed the toilet and I couldn't find you, and then it was too late already!" She then changes subject swiftly with a smile, "Can I please help? I want to save Liza's grandparents too! And you're her mummy?" She looks to Liza with an encouraging smile, "That's really cool Liza, I wish my mum was with me too, you must be really happy" This is all said sincerely and Lillie looks up at Eliza with pleading eyes, "I won't tell anyone either, I promise! I'll do what you say and I trust you because you're Liza's mummy and mummy's always know what to do."

All of this is said rather fast, unlike the usual Lillie who has always been calmer than Liza, but then again she is excited about finding out this huge secret, and she wants to prove to Eliza that she will be good to take along with them as well.

Of course, it doesn't occur to her - since she doesn't know of Eliza's true intentions - that the fact that she already knew their secrets meant that Eliza would probably want to take her anyway.
Edge silently followed, amusement replacing the slight frustration that had flickered in his expression for a moment. These two were making his job too easy. When they hid behind the bathroom wall, soon after the older one lied to the little girl, also revealing that she was her mother which could well be another lie, he slid his hands into his pockets and dropped the silent stalking --though before he could utter a word, another bird child appeared, her excitement to join them on their rendezvous, not aware of the danger all around her.

Smiling slightly he moved closer, stopping within ten feet of the trio, "Well I hate to break the happy family gathering, but you three have a place to go to, and lucky for you all, I'm your escort." His smile spread, showcasing perfect white teeth, his grey eyes glinting cooly, then squinting slightly, his eyes focused on the eldest of the three, Eliza, though he had no idea that she wasn't supposed to be taken, "we can go peacefully, or I can make you. Your choice." Then he divided his attention at detecting movement from afar, people were spreading apart, making way for the men in black armor, wielding guns, rifles, anything lethal enough to take down the escaped Flock. They were crafty. Apparently having disconnected himself from the team had given the impression that he had encountered trouble and so his assistant had hailed back-up. Great.

Frowning slightly, finding their intrusion more annoying than helpful, Edge returned his gaze to the three bird kids, and his brows went up, he gestured toward the group of men-in-arms racing deeper into the amusement park, searching behind specially crafted omni-sensored optics to better spot their targets. He shrugged, his prey's options were greatly narrowing, "or you could stay here, and let them play target practice with you," he turned slightly, angling with his body toward their exit, of course flying up and away was another option, "sure you wanna tango with that?" He wondered how they would react, considering that they'd been on the run ever since they escaped, this would be a field day for them.
Eliza isn't one to swear, but there were definitely some dark, nearly homicidal thoughts running through her mind as she stared down at Lillie and the interruption she had caused. She feels her heart begin to beat faster as she knows, just knows that Lillie will betray their presence to the others, that they might stop her from what she is intending, or even figure out what she's up to. Lillie could ruin everything. Lillie could destroy in two seconds what she had worked months to make happen.

As she stares down at Lillie, though, it occurs to her that if Lillie really is wanting to come, then this could work in fact to her advantage. Surely with two girls gone, they would be more inclined to believe her when she says that she had been unable to stop them from being taken. Surely with two girls gone they would be that much more anxious to go after them immediately- and the kids would be that much more easily drawn into a trap.

This could actually work, if she could pull it off fast.

"Sure, you can come too," she told Lillie slowly, giving her a small smile. "You'll be a lot of help. But we have to go fast, Lillie, and we can't tell the others, this is really dangerous and if too many know, it might get messed up."

"Yay Lillie's coming too!" Liza beamed, and when Eliza shushed her, she listened, miming zipping her lips. "I'll be quiet."

She takes Lillie's hand, and Eliza gestures for them to follow her through the gate...but then she sees the men closing in on her, men she doesn't recognize, men in armor...men with guns. They are staying out of sight of the general audience...where did they come from? Are they people of the lab? They can't be taking HER back, this has to be for show for the two children...right?

Why would the scientists send them after her? Did they think she was being too slow, or was this back up for her? They had always given Eliza the impression she was to work fully alone, without help, to prove herself...why would they send these people now?

"Run!" she told the girls, starting towards the fence, unsure now if she too is a target, or if she should fall back and let the girls be taken. But what if these are rival bird people and she will then not get credit?
Callie watched as Lillie ran towards the bathroom. She was slightly concerned about her getting lost, but she knew the bathroom was right near by. And if she did get lost she could always speak into someone's mind.

A few minutes later, Brinley and Dally came up to her and asked if they could go swimming in the wave pool. In the past five minutes alone they had gotten weird looks from people as to why they were all wearing shirts. Well it wasn't their fault they had wings to cover. She let the two go, and reminded them to be careful. She then looked at Alex.

"You going swimming?" She asked, fixing her sunglasses. She wasn't sure herself if she wanted to. It was hot, but she didn't really feel the need to swim. Watching the younger kids was fine with her.

Keanu walked over to their bench after he had gone to buy a water bottle from a nearby stand. He stopped in front of them and took a sip of the cool water. "Shouldn't the girls be back by now?" He asked, placing the bottle next to Callie. They had been gone the whole time they had been at the water park, and that was at least ten minutes.
Edge smirked, he watched as the three bird kids attempted to escape. Of course he followed them out so that he wouldn't lose them. Especially the little ones, though with Eliza he could tell that they wouldn't be going far without her.

The armed men closed in on the few bird kids they'd found through their omni-sensored goggles, though they couldn't exactly open fire when civilians were surrounding them. They ordered the people to run for cover, and they did as soon as they noticed the S.W.A.T. team look-a-likes aiming their weapons at the crowd. Outside the amusement park, inside a parked black van, a woman watched the scenario unfold behind a set of binoculars, she focused on the small group of bird kids that were at a bench, some of them were missing. "Wait, a few are missing, find them and do not open fire until I give the order!" she comanded, into the walkie-talkie before switching her gaze to Edge as he followed his assigned targets out of the park.

"Edge has managed to capture two of the youngest experiments, and I see Eliza is close by as well. Good so far." She muttered to herself as she swung her view back to the other Flock members, she asked her team for a report on their status.

"They are running Kendra, and it's getting difficult to track them in the crowds, what are your orders?" came back the anxious voice of Leonard, the man leading the assault.

"You will follow suit and hold fire until I say the code word, follow them -over!" She instructed carefully, keeping her eye on the one known as Alex.

"Copy that!" Leonard answered back just before cutting off, he signaled his men to keep close and follow the flock.

Let the hunter games begin.
"Through the gate," Eliza commanded Liza into her thoughts, and she attempted to send the same message to Lillie was well, though she was not sure the younger girl understood. Opening the gates, she grabbed for both their hands and began to run. In her head she told them not to look back, slamming the gate backwards hard enough that it would fly out in the opposite direction to hit whoever was on the other side. She dragged the younger girls along, wishing she was able to carry them both, wishing that she had a better and more elaborate plan.

She was failing at her task. Surely she must be, or the scientists would not have sent others to complete her job for her. Were they going to kill her, is that why there were guns? Were they going to shoot her because she was such a failure and take the kids themselves? She must have taken too long, she must have done terribly for them to do this...

She ran, wondering if she should fly, wondering if she should shove the children back towards the men and go off on her own, but how could she flee the scientists if she had failed? How could she not face up to her punishment, which would be deserved?

And then she saw it in the parking lot- the black van. It looked exactly like the vans of the lab that she recognized, and a new idea occurred to her. Maybe they were here to help her...maybe they were here to support her! This way, it would look like Eliza really had no choice but to lose the girls. This way, it would seem impossible for her to have betrayed the rest of the pack, because they saw with their own eyes the people with guns.

"Here," she told the girls, and she ran to the van, shoving them in front of it and even opening the side door. "Get inside, this will take us there! This will-"

She waited for arms to reach out and grab the girls, and then she took off running, allowing her wings to burst through her shirt and shred it as she flew at a low altitude, calling out to the others frantically in her mind. She knew they could not possibly see her or what she had just done as she separated from the van.

"Help me! Oh no, this....it's Eliza...they have Lillie and Liza...they took them!"
((Woah! I need to catch up! Sorry I've been MIA for so long. Unfortunately, I showed up to say I will be gone longer...:

So, eh guys. Sorry I poofed. But I couldn't afford to get on here and get distracted. Been writing all weekend for my AP teacher. Lets just say that I "prefer" waiting until the last minute to get things done. Since I have two writing classes (not my choice) I've got a "bit" of work to do. This is also the third week before graduation, I'm in a pinch, and I need to focus on getting shit done because frankly I'm way over my head. I won't be posting for at the least, probably two weeks. Sorry to hold you guys up. But I thought I owed it to you to let you know the shiz. ))

[so are we still continuing on? I've been waiting for a suitable post before posting a bit here. (TT^TT) But I suspect everyone's too busy. Please let me know when to pick this back up again, thanks.]


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