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Fandom Winged

(That's what I would like to know, I wanted to wait for others to post before I posted something in relation to what you'd posted Faith. TT^TT But lack in activity has prevented that. Do you think I should post something to keep the pace moving?)
((So might as well keep it going I guess. Here goes!))


At her retreat, the avian hybrid teen rushed after her, she had slammed the chain linked face gate at him, as if aware of his assault. His instincts kicked in before he had a second to think, and instantly his body broke apart to a mist of black smoke. He "ghosted" through the spaces in between the links, and reformed on the other side. Whoa! New skill? He thought so with a slick grin.

She had reached the van, the same one he'd come out of on this hunt. Surprisingly, she simply hauled the two little birds to the arms of the team members there, eager to collect their extra pay. An empty promise, he was sure their leader wouldn't give them a raise but whatever. He whipped his head up at seeing the same chick he'd been tailing, suddenly bound off the earth like a lark, and propel herself with the ease of a humming-bird in the azure skies.


He'd been momentarily transfixed by her as she soared, her fierceness he appreciated, and her lies made her so naughty. Like him? He shot out like a bullet in the sky after her, she was sending out probes, he felt it thick with concern and fright, her emotions however told a different story. She was playing her role, the victim. He could never imagine her a victim, she seemed too unyielding and tough for that.

He would thoroughly enjoy ensnaring her in his arms.

Soon enough she regrouped with the others and he watched from up above. What exactly was this one planning? Instead of landing he waited, and watched.

Theme Park grounds

The folks in the van did their doing to the captured girls, prepared for anything it seemed. They had the girls inhale a sedative of sorts, sending them into LaLa land, as the others were busy securing the two with binds, the lady behind the operation gave out orders to her men to spread out, the one that had dropped off their two escaped projects was being chased by her own teammate. She cursed, there was no visual on Edge or Eliza, this was getting more complicated than she liked.

The hunt went on.
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(Eliza ran to the group on page 202. If anyone else is actually in this, reread what she said to interact with her, I can't add anything for her until you respond.)

Liza didn't understand it at all. Eliza was running with them to a van. Was it a family's car? Were there nice people in there who would help? Would they call the police, or people back at their house? But she thought police wouldn't help them, they'd send them back to the lab...didn't Eliza remember that?

"Eliza, I don't-" she started, but the van was opening, and Eliza was shoving her inside. Eliza wasn't coming in too? Eliza was LEAVING her, she was running away! But she was her mama...what was going on? People had her arms and as Liza tried to push them away, she called out to Eliza.

"Eliza! You are leaving me and Lillie! Lillie, what is she-"

But then a needle was being stuck in her arm, and Liza felt her eyes closing, her body going limp. She couldn't yell anymore, not even to the other bird kids in her head. She fell back into the person holding her and was quiet as Eliza ran back to the others.
Lillie was so confused.

She had thought it would all be fine now. She, Liza and Eliza would go and help their family, well, not her family, but their family, and then come back to the others all safe and sound and Alex would be proud of her for being so brave and helpful and she'd finally be able to show him she COULD do things without his help and that she didn't always need his protection. She was just as smart and brave as the rest of the older bird kids.

She should have known to be so naive after what happened with her and Demitri being taken.

First of all another person showed up, a bird kid? And there was guns, they were running, then vans, Eliza shouting, then Lillie was shoved and grabbed all at once, Liza was shouting, and talking to Lillie, but Lillie was confused, and when she tried to voice her confusion there was a sudden pain on her arms and her eyes widened to see the needle sticking out of it. "No..NO! GET AWAY!" Lillie, unlike Liza who flopped almost immediately, was vividly remembering her time with Mr. Chu, and began screaming loudly, thrashing all her limbs about in a desperate attempt to not be caught again. But then there was another pinch on her arm and in a last desperate attempt to save her and Liza she sent out a weak yet panicked mind message to Alex, 'Alex help!'

Then it was black.


Alex was enjoying the sun, it was nice to just lay back and relax for once. No trackers, no fighting, no Lillie-being-kidnapped-and-having-to-worry-about-saving-her. Then Callie spoke and Alex let his gaze drift over to her, holding back his gulp at how beautiful she was with the sun making her skin glow and her hair look golden.

Damn, maybe he couldn't relax.

"Uh..maybe later when Lils gets back." He managed to get out a response though, which he was pretty proud of considering how fast his heart was going right now. Then Keanu showed up and Alex glanced up at him, he frowned lightly as Keanu spoke. He was right, annoyingly enough, and concern showed in Alex's features as he glanced around. 'Lillie? Where are you?' There was no response, and this only worried him further.

He glanced around, getting worried now, only to spot something that had his blood running cold. Armed idiots in black. Civilians were running away for cover and there was no mistaking the large guns being aimed at them from the school's hound-dogs. "Callie." He hissed her name under his breath, motioning to the guns being aimed at them. "Something is seriously wrong." That's when he heard it. Lillie's panicked voice infiltrated his head and it was a simple shout for help, almost straight after he got Eliza's message. That was it.

He stood up then and directed his furious glare at the armed idiots, daring them to shoot. None did, as they had so far been ordered not to, and Alex looked to Callie. "They've got Lillie and Liza, what the hell do we do?" But then Eliza was there, landing in front of them and looking extremely panicked, and Alex turned to her immediately, gripping her shoulders in what was probably a bruising grip with his eyes blazing full of anger. He wasn't meaning for it to look like he was mad at her - it was obviously wasn't Eliza's fault - but Lillie was like his little sister, and he had found himself growing the same sort of attachment to Liza rather quickly.

"Where the hell are they?" His words were basically a growl with how mad he was. He wasn't going to let Lillie or Liza get hurt. He'd already made that mistake with Lillie once, he couldn't do it again.
He was actually hurting her. The way he was holding her, the way Alex was looking at her, like he was angry with her, like he blamed her...it made Eliza want to use the fighting skills Callie and the others had been teaching her, to show them at last just who it was they were dealing with here. She was not one of them, she was not a pawn, she was trusted and powerful and smart, much smarter than all of them. She was fooling them all even this moment, leading them to their destruction.

Or was she? The scientists obviously hadn't trusted her as much as Eliza thought they had, or they wouldn't have sent those other people to do her own job for her. What was with that, why had they done that? Did they really think she had messed up or taken too long?

It was something she would have to find out later. Now, she could only continue to move forward with her own original plan the best she could manage. And the best she could manage now was to play the part she needed.

Eliza never cried, no matter how much physical pain she was in; she was sure that by now she had forgotten how. But she let herself tremble and pant in Alex's hands, and careful effort made moisture come to her eyes, if not fall.

"I...I don't...these people were chasing us, and they snatched them...they had them in this van...it was black. I think...oh god, I think it was the scientists...we have to get them, we have to help them!"


This might not have gone exactly as planned, but it had gone very well. The children from the lab had all cooperated as best as could be expected in bringing in the youngest two, and now they older ones had been alerted...all of this was only moving in the direction they wished. And as the people of the van drove, the two in the back with the small bird children watching them sharply, restraining their hands and feet as the girls lay unconscious, they were quite satisfied. Undoubtedly the older children would join them soon.
Hmm, what an actress she is..." Edge commented smiling mirthlessly as he watched the scene below, he could remember what the scientist running the project on them had once said, "What do you think people are made of? I'm not talking about blood or flesh. We do care about what's on the exterior, but we want to focus more on what people even now still call the "inside." You can also call it "nature." I guess you are either born this way or raised to act this way. Are people born like this or do they become like this? The answer is..."

Edge could see little by little what it was the scientists back at the lab were so excited about. In their eyes, the bird kids were something quite fascinating. Not only valuable experimented humanoids, but a wish granted, for as long as forever, humans have always dreamed about self-flight, and not only was that possible now with the recombinant avian DNA lifeforms standing right there, but with their unique talents, and unnatural abilities. They were all released, allowed to run free, but only for the sole purpose of the excitement in capturing them all once again. This was nothing but an experiment in itself, making the bird kids believe they were "free" only to be caught again in the spider's web of lies.

He landed on the chain link fence, watching them, the choppers above were nearing the group below, while the normal people were running for their dear lives.

"Let the hunting games begin!" Edge yelled, glancing up as the three choppers hovered near, their guns drawn and aimed at the targets in the theme park, the people were already herding out of view, making a clear for the hunters to start shooting. That they did.

Bullets sang in the air as they struck onto whatever came in its paths, tables, chairs, signs, even little pigeons not fast enough to get out of the way.

Edge frowned, as a few bullets grazed his shoulder, shit that stung, apparently the snipers didn't give a crap if he was there. He was still apart of the experimented freaks, so why the hell not? They were doing their jobs and would get paid anyways. Growling a few colorful words, the young man unfurled his wings and bounded into the sky, away from the general area of the shooting range.

"I don't think they'll be capable of outmaneuvering their captors this time, the odds are against them with all the upgrades these men have." Edge observed as he watched, then he momentarily glanced in the direction of where the parked van had been—it was gone.

He smirked, his gray eyes amused, the Ops were in a hurry to get the two little bird-kids that were captured back into their golden cages, couldn't blame them for leaving him behind. He shrugged and turned his attention back to the scene below, he wondered who'd be able to walk out of this one. What a real show!
{{WHOOP! Jo's back and we hooked a new guy! Hey guys, really sorry I've been MIA for so long, life got hectic. But I'm graduated and legal now and I'm back in the clear. Though I am a bit confused as to what we are doing now with the plot, are we going back to the present, since the amusement park was technically the past. I think I'm gonna have to go back and reread some stuff. What about Grace and Alex and Nicco?}} 
Blaire walked along with the rest, she hadn't gotten in the water yet, seeming to need a drink to ease the heat of the sun bearing down. So she joined Keanu as he bought the bottles of water. She tossed one to Dimitri and Ethan, both catching them easily. She drowned half the bottle finding it more refreshing than thought; thought it wasn't like she didn't expect that, she and water had an intimate relationship and while she loved the sun and it's warmth, she was drying out.

"So, what first, guys, the slide? The half pipe?" Ethan said filling their group's silence, talking to no one in particular. Dimitri shrugged and set his bottle on the bench and slide his back pack off his shoulders. Blaire stretched out her arms, she could use a nice swim, sucked that they had to wear t-shirts. Guess that was the cost of having a set of wings, she couldn't really complain, they were relatively easy to hide.

Dimitri noticed the shift in mood first, he was eerily sensitive to that kind of thing now. Blaire noticed his sudden stillness going on alert. She should have known it couldn't and wouldn't last. This bliss on this island so far from the mainland. Of course they would find them again. Of course they would have to go on the run again. Paradise never lasted, not when you had a pair of wings on your back and avian DNA in your genes. Why couldn't they be left alone. Was it fair that Lillie and Liza would get to grow up in this kind of world too? Were all of the older kids not enough for them? At what cost would peace and freedom come?

White hot anger pulsed through her viens. But it disappeared a second later as Eliza's voice burned into her mind, amplified by the desperation in the thought. Fear took it's place. Not for herself; Lillie and Liza had been caught. She took no time, Blaire shot up into the air, her wings tearing through her t-shirt. The ground felt too vulnerable for comfort, too impredictable, not when she could be in the air where no one could sneak up behind her. She didn't like leaving the others below, it was best to stay together, but from this height she could be their eyes, she could easily defend herself, and in the event of an ambush she could swoop down and join the others in a half of a heartbeat. But unless that didn't happened, she would remain here until the others were safely in the air. Ethan had protectively placed himself besides Callie along with Alex, Dimitri was with Brinley and Dallas. Her eyes scanned the ground, with raptor vision this wasn't as difficult as it seemed, the activities below her spanning out in intricate detail under her gaze. 'Eliza,' Blaire said sharply in her mind. 'What is going on, what is happening, what happened? Who is the enemy?' She added, obviously it was The School, though they were disguised as S.W.A.T. any information would help.
Eliza is still being held in Alex's hands, but as Blaire speaks into her mind, she looks past him, almost expecting the girl to be nearby. But the group seems to be breaking up, nearly single-mindedly moving forward with a plan that they have not shared with her, and as Blaire sets off into the sky, not bothering to conceal her wings from others, Eliza hears the people in the park who have noticed gasping aloud and crying out as they point towards her. She ignores them, her eyes darting between Alex, Blaire up in the sky, and the other children still on the ground as she answers her.

"It's...it must be the school...I don't know what was going on, I was taking them to the bathroom and people just started coming after us. A bird kid in the sky, and people on the ground, they were chasing us, they had guns...I took the girls out of a side fence, I was going to try to help them run away, and these people in a black van rode up and took them. We have to go catch them, we have to follow them before it's too late! I know what way they were heading, we have to fly after them, now!"

She thinks she's sounds pretty convincing, and the odd thing is she almost does feel as though what she is saying is true. Because it is. That is exactly what happened, and she hadn't even been prepared for it. There was a genuine feeling of lacking control in Eliza as she spoke to them.
(Sorry, haven't been getting notifications for anything lately O.o , although I did just get your one Magic, I think we're just going with the idea that Alex was with them the whole time and he running away never happened - I'm going to pretend it was a close call though)

Alex - realising that he is hurting Eliza when it wasn't even her fault, she did try her hardest to protect the girls - let go off her shoulders and stepped back, letting out a furious growl as he ran his fingers through his hair. He couldn't find it in himself to comfort Eliza, even when he could see she was on the verge of tears with the water in her eyes, he couldn't even find it in himself to comfort his own person. He had failed, once again. He had let not just Lillie down this time but Liza as well. What good was he if he couldn't even protect two little girls? Two little girls who trusted him and looked up to him.

He was an absolute screw-up.

He directed his attention back to the gunners, needing something, anything, to take his anger and frustration out on. He noted Blaire swooping up into the air, and gave a glance to Callie and Ethan, as much as he hated leaving the new guy to protect her, he knew Callie was more than capable of looking after herself, and he also knew she'd hate to be babied by him like she was an invalid, so he gave them both a nod before also letting his large wings snap out and flying up beside Blaire in the air.

His sharp eyes scanned the area on the ground below them, searching out far enough to spot the water slide he had considered taking Lillie and Liza on earlier. They were being shot at now, bullets whizzing through the air, and he let out a barely audible growl before swiping his hands across the air. His eyes were focused on the water slide, and when he drifted his arm he watched as water flew over to him, gaining in quantity before it had turned into a water ball the size of a bed. He threw it in the direction of the men shooting but stopped it before it got too close to them and twisted his pointer finger around rapidly in a circle. The water ball shook a bit before an end formed on it and it turned into a water twister instead. Alex had to hold back his smirk as his idea worked and the bullets got sucked into the 'twister' and thrown back out in the men's directions. He knew he couldn't hold it for too long though, as it was quite a large amount of water to control, but men were falling victim to their own and their comrade's bullets and that was all that mattered.

It was only when he saw the blood spurting out of the armed idiots when he remembered Eliza had said something about knowing where they were going. With extreme focus he collectively focused on Eliza, Callie and Dimitri to send them a mind message, 'Eliza said she knows what way they took the girls, Callie, Dimitri, Eliza, you guys go and see if you can catch up to them before it's too late. Me, Ethan, Blaire, Keanu and the rest will sort these guys out.' He thought it sounded like an alright plan, and it was rare for him to even form one and let the others know about it, so hopefully they'd listen.
Eliza let out a breath as Alex released her, only partly acting; she had been concerned for a few moments that he genuinely would badly hurt her, if he was angry enough. But he was backing away, even coming up with a plan, and she watched in a feigned daze as everyone began to pull themselves into gear. Her eyes widened with genuine surprise but also interest as Alex used his powers to shoot the men with their own bullets, noting this as another possibility as well, one she hoped the scientists were prepared to counteract against. It was a good thing she had learned basic self-defense, as she might have to fight against the children herself to help them if they were not entirely prepared.

But it seemed as though they must be. Why else would there be so many coming to back her up or even overtake her own operation that she herself hadn't known about?

As Alex tells her to take Callie and Dimitri towards the girls, she nods, taking in another breath and wiping at her eyes before letting her wings unfurl, heedless of the stares and gasps among the crowd. "Yes, I...I do. Let's go then."

Taking off into the sky, she looked over her shoulder and below to see if the two named were following before beginning to fly forward, looking for the black van harboring the girls even as she knew the direction it followed. She wondered if it would be easier to "stop" the van to get the others taken, or to lead them all the way to the lab itself.
((Damn, that sucks. I was really having fun with the Grace Havok thing." So what should I do with her now? Should they get to the School, there is a major burst out, all the "experiments" get out? We'll figure it out later, I don't know if you still want to make him disappear on them or not.))

Blaire's gaze flickered over to notice Alex starting to draw up water from the slides, at that people seemed to snap out of their awe shock to realize the danger around them, people started to scatter, hardly watching where they were going so they could get glances at the scene behind them. Blaire wasnt about to worry about some pedestrians who were too stupid for their own good to know that they were in there was danger and they should leave. Alex had gotten started, so she didn't waste time.

She drew in a deep breath and clenched her fists. Blair's felt drops of water fall on her shoulders as she hovered in the air, black speckled wings beating evenly on either side. She was high up in the air, she could observe the scene on the ground but if they didn't have a sniper then they wouldn't be able to get a good shot at her at this altitude. Blair's knew that from personal experience, getting shot at and being shot a few years ago when their flock was only a few bird kids.

The ground groaned, a sound that echoed up to her ears, she watched the sidewalk and concrete fracture into spiderwebs then ripple, jutting up slabs of sidewalk making many if the soldiers loose their balance. Geysers rocketed from the earth blasting at the unsuspecting armored men. Blair's watched a shape moving between them dropping the mercs left and right.

Blaire tightened her eyes, more of the underground pipes ruptured, and with a twitch of her finger, boiling hot steam clogged up helm visors and seared exposed skin. Mercs were dropping, the earth swallowing some of them up, giant fissures opening up, roots and pipes grabbing those remaining or fleeing.

Rain started coming down thick now, all the noise from the water drowned out the sounds from below, gunfire and shouts and cries. She saw the dark shape soar out of the mess, through the rain light exploded in bursts from it.

Their enemys' numbers were dwindling. The dark shape soared up and joined them. Blair's wasn't surprised to find it was Ethan. His expression was grim, his hair flat against his scalp, soaked head to toe.

"Oh my god," Blaire exclaimed, "You're covered in blood!"

Ethan looked at himself, "S'not mine, got grazed once or twice, but I'm f--"

"What is that?!" He was holding an assault rifle. "Where you using that? Do you even know how to use it?!"

"It's an AK-47 with an extended mag. And this one..." He pulled another weapon that was hanging across his back with a strap, "Is a silenced M-16 with a flashlight attachment. Of course I know how to use it." He wiggled his fingers at her. Of course he would, he was a mimic, he knew as much as the guy he made skin contact with. A talent that was only as resourceful as the person who wielded it, she had to give him that.

Blaire sighed and looked at Alex, "We won't tell Callie."

"Why?" Ethan demanded, now suspicious.

"Callie isn't exactly a fan of guns. She's done everything including forbidden us from using them." Blaire explain, she wasn't thrilled that he had them, but at least he knew how to use it responsibly, which was probably Callie's biggest worry.

Ethan shrugged, "Then that's too damn bad, the Flock comes first, she'll have to get over it."

Blaire had to say, she was a little impressed, he was finally breaking away from his indentured servant thing he had with her. She nodded, "Lets clean the rest of this place out and follow the others."

After getting Alex's message, the two boys jumped into action. Dimitri helped cause distraction--hurling chunks of concrete and rubble at the mercs while Ethan dodged in between them, cracking skulls and snapping necks. But Dimitri had his intentions focused elsewhere. Once the concrete began to burst on it's own, pipes rupturing underneath, he knew Blaire had a handle on things.

"Come on! Let's go!" He shouted to Callie and Eliza, giving them a small push. He grabbed Dallas and Brinley's hands, they couldn't afford to lose the other kids to a kidnapping, the thought was horrible. He took off running, tossing the two smaller kids in the air for a jump start, then leaping into the air himself.

"Eliza! You said you might know where they're taking them?" He shouted over the noise.
Eliza took no part in the rock-throwing or fighting, certainly not in the killing. Although she would have liked to do so, and considered herself more than capable by now, it would not fit in well with the part of the Eliza they all thought they knew. If she wanted them to trust her all the way through, then she would have to continue to play shocked and meek, upset and confused, and more than eager to help find the girls again.

Fighting and killing, even their "enemies," played no role in this.

As she was pushed to go forward with Callie, Eliza rose into the air ahead of the others, nodding as she called back to them. "It was this way...is everyone ready?"

She took off flying at a speed that was rapid enough to look urgent yet slow enough to make sure that the others could keep up- and that anyone who wanted to target them, would be able to.
((Woah, sorry for my absence. Had to finish up school then was on vacation, and besides from that I really just forgot to post. But I read everything I missed so I think I'm all caught up now))

Callie's first reaction to all of this was anger, then guilt, then anger again. Anger at herself and anger at the school for doing this to them again. They were just never happy, were they? Even when they had the flock at the school, they weren't happy with them. They always had them jumping through hoops and doing what should be impossible for their own benefit. Callie let out a loud groan of frustration and anger. She had let this happen again.

But Callie knew when the right time to have break downs and wallow in self pity was and now was not that time. That could wait until later.

She listened closely to Eliza's explanation of what had happened to her and the younger girls. At first it sounded like the usual ambush attack they were all used to and trained to handle. But this one seemed to be more detailed and extravagant then the usual. This had had to be planned out for a while now. They had what looked like a whole damn SWAT team for crying out loud.

Remaining quiet to make sure she caught all important information, Callie quickly tried to think of a way out of this. She didn't get far though, before it was decided that she would help get the youngest flock members back. She didn't mind it though, they were the top priority at the moment besides staying alive and uncaught themselves.

She quickly climbed to the top of the picnic bench they had all been sitting at. She took in a deep breath and was about to jump off the edge when she stopped. 'Be careful. And stay in touch as long as you can.' She sent this to everyone that had split up from her group. 'If we don't all make it to the school by tonight or we all aren't together, meet up by the cave about an hour from Dr. Akana's house we found last week.' She briefly felt bad for just leaving Dr. Akana out of everything going on. She knew the women that had acted as a mother figure for the past few months would worry about them. But she had no time to dwell on it, pushing off the edge of the table, her wings easily tearing through the flimsy material of her shirt.

She was quickly rising to where the rest of her designated group was, following Eliza's lead since she knew where the van had gone. She hoped they would catch them, she had a lot of pent up anger she wouldn't mind letting loose on someone. She expertly maneuvered through whizzing bullets and various other harmful things.

Keanu took to the air a few seconds before his sister had, heading straight into battle. He quickly dropped several feet as a bullet flew above his head. Focusing on a line of snipers, he narrowed his eyes and focused in on there guns. A few seconds later, he watched as the men looked down at there guns in concern. A few of them started moving them from hand to hand as they became increasingly hot. Within the next five seconds, Keanu flinched as the guns exploded in a ball of fire and smoke, taking out the men with them. He made a face at the rather gross scene, quickly turning away to take out more men.
((I havent forgotten about this, I will post soon)) 
After getting Alex's message, the two boys jumped into action. Dimitri helped cause the distraction sending rocks and chunks of concrete hurling at the mercs while Ethan dodged in between them, cracking skulls and snapping necks. But Dimitri had his intentions focused elsewhere. Once the concrete began to burst on it's own, pipes rupturing underneath causing the concrete to crack, he knew Blaire had a handle on things.

"Come on! Let's go!" He shouted to Callie and Eliza. He grabbed Dallas and Brinley's hands, they couldn't afford to lose the other kids. The thought was horrible. He took off running, tossing the two smaller kids in the air for a jump start, then leaping into the air himself.

"Do we have a strategy?" He shouted over the noise and chaos. Gunfire sounded around them. Dimitri looked down and spotted another unit emerging from an armored truck. Two giant slabs of concrete peeled up from the earth and smacked together, destroying the truck and mercs below like two giant hands clapping and smushing a bug between them.

((I'd reply as Blaire but I need Jo to post first))
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((Yes, sorry, I wrote it a while ago, just hadnt gotten to posting it, I will update it)) 
((Updated to, "do we have a strategy" instead.

Is this School going to be on the islands or the mainland?))
Alex smirked as it began to rain, silently thanking Blaire in his head for that one. Rain meant that not only did he have more to work with, but it also helped to refresh him and keep him going in battles. He kept his twister going as the ground shook and geysers exploded into the air, Alex also noted the shape, but payed it little attention. Men were dropping, and that's all that mattered. He watched Blaire and Ethan interact, holding back his grimace at the guns he was holding; if Callie knew, she would freak.

When Blaire looked to him and said they wouldn't tell Callie, he simply nodded as he swerved his hand, moving the twister to another group of men, he grit his teeth lightly as Ethan said Callie would have to get over it. It seemed the idiots on the floor had caught on to the purpose of the twister now, and were avoiding shooting in it's direction, so Alex simply moved it to grab a group of the armed doofuses, capturing them in it's strong currents. He clenched his hand with the anger flowing through him and increased the changing current to the point that the resistance of the water moving against each other began tearing the men apart inside, limbs ripping away uselessly, he glanced to Ethan once he had done that. "She only doesn't want us using them because she's worried we'll end up shooting ourselves or something, the younger ones mainly."

Then Blaire was telling them to clean out, so Alex nodded. Just at that moment though, a lucky bullet shot towards him, he managed to move in time so that it hit his arm instead of his chest, but it was enough to make him drop from his place in the sky. He caught himself at the last second, using his wings to make his landing unharmful, but now he was standing a little way in front of the remaining men, he glanced up, his brown hair looking black from the rain as it stuck to his forehead, his eyes dark as he glared at the armed idiots. "Bast*rds." He hissed out the curse before he held his hand behind him and twisted it. The men held up their guns, aiming to shoot, but it was too late. Alex had gathered the water from the slide that remained, pulling whatever geyser and rain water he could into it, and behind him now was a gathering of water that looked like a mini-tsunami of sorts. "Night, fly up!" He shouted out a warning to Keanu as he thrusted his hand forward towards the men, and the water surged straight ahead, parting just around his body but then joining back together to hit the men full force. The sounds of bones snapping meeting his ears before he shot himself back up into the air to stop beside Blaire and Ethan,

"Can we go now?"
Did Eliza have a strategy? Of course she did. Get the bird kids to the lab as fast and in as whole a piece as possible, and then hand them over to be dealt with as the scientists saw fit. The details beyond this were vague and happening on the fly, and it didn't help that it seemed others were determined to interfere with them.

"Not exactly!" she shouted back to Dimitri as she flew, hair whipping behind her, eyes watering slightly against the air pressure at the speed she is moving. "Just keep up and don't get hit by everyone else!"

She increased her own speed, hoping that the others would follow, not bothering to look back to see how many were detained. Those who could not keep up would be stopped by the others who seem to be simultaneously working for her and against her. She couldn't be in charge of everything here.
Alex finished off one platoon of soldiers coming their way but as soon as he did three more took it's place. These guys just didn't know when to stop. Alex and herself began to make easy work of the two while Ethan began to sharpshoot from the sky. Blaire pulled a surge of water compacted tight into a river wiping through the air at her command around the squad. The wip encircled them and tightened like a boa constrictor forcing the pressure inside to become as heavy as the bottom of the ocean. Blaire imagined the sounds of bones snapping and armor tearing apart as the white water turned red.

This was a massacre. An absolute horror show to families escaping their wrath. In that perspective, Blaire felt guilty. But she was happy to end the live of these goons who had dedicated their lives to the School and forcing enslavement of and torture of innocent children.

"We have to get after the others!" Ethan shouted over the wind and rain pounding around them. Thunder rang loud in the sky and there was a flash in the distance which suddenly gave Ethan an idea. "I got the rest, lets get out of here!" As Alex and Blaire finished off their side of the reinforcements, Ethan zeroed in on a telephone pole generator. Using his raptor vision he was able to snipe the box. Their was a boom, sparks rained down. It was a good thing civilians were clear of the area because the wires snapped under the tension. The live wire wheeled in the air before landing on the soaked ground, electrifying the water, disabling reinforcements from coming their way once more.

Blaire nodded in satisfaction, then with a stroke of her wings was zooming off in the directions of the others. The three of them flew off in a formation similar to fighter planes. Blaire's expression was a cemented grimace, contorted in rage. Little did the School know, they were bringing hell down upon themselves, the rest of the Flock were on its way.
((Yeah I haven't forgotten about it either, I've just been really busy and been vacationing a lot so it's been hard to post. Not to mention school starts up again in a few weeks -__- Ugh))

Callie followed closely behind Eliza as she led the way to the direction in which the girls had been taken. Did they have a strategy? Callie almost laughed at this. They never had one. It was always so touch and go with them. She was starting to believe this was probably their biggest downfall.

As numerous bullets whizzed by dangerously close to her, she dodged and weaved to avoid any sort of tragedy. She found herself constantly putting herself in front of Brinley and Dallas to keep them a little safer. They had already lost two young members off the flock, the last thing they needed was having two more severely injured.

She looked down at the ground where rows off those armed goons kept showing up, constantly replacing their fallen comrades. She was just thankful they were pretty easy to be taken down, their human bodies not much of a match for anyone in The Flock.

Keanu frowned as the rain continued to pour down on him. His own power was fire and heat, and the rain mostly contracted it, making his powers weak and almost nonexistent. Luckily, the flock members who were more of a water type themselves seemed to have this under control. He made another row of guns explode, using up most of his existing energy. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't seem to conduct any kind of heat.

Thankfully most of the goons were either knocked out or retreating at this point, giving them the opportunity to escape. With a few powerful strokes of his wings, he was wheeling off in the direction of the others.

Callie felt herself smirk just thinking about how much hell they were going to cause at that school.

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