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Fandom Winged

Dance and I were pming, but she's disappeared for the past week. And @SorrowfulJoy hasn't posted forever long ago. But I'm thinking that the other group should find Eliza. Maybe the building starts to flood and that causes enough distraction so that our group can break free and we can release our series of events to get them out of there))
((Liza and Lillie cannot be found by the second group. But by this time they should be waking up. If they are being moved for experimentation, it would explain how the flock found them so quickly--plus the whole telepathy thing. I'd get the ball rolling but I need Dance or Jo to post first. I'd tag them, but I only use tapatalk.))
Wow okay, hi guys. Haven't posted in a whiiiile. I don't know if this was happening for anyone else, but my account was not working. Like I would go on the website, log in, and then nothing else would happen. Like either the screen would be completely white or it would say something like "error website unavailable." Or I would log in fine and it would bring me to the homepage, but as soon as I tried to click on anything else the same thing would happen. It wasn't just my computer because I tried it on my phone and other computers. But, it seems to be working okay for now. So I'll edit this soon with an actual post
Alex frowned as they came to a dead end, there was no way they could fit through that cliff gap, but Blaire thankfully had an idea and he followed her quickly as she made the ice path for them to walk on. She asked if they had a plan but Alex was too deep in his 'frenzy mode' to pay much attention to what the others were saying. Not only was he terrified for Lillie and Liza and ready to rip open some heads if there was so much as a scratch on either of them, but something else was bugging him as he ran with the others. It was weird, it was like he could feel Lillie almost prodding at the edges of his mind, not as though she was doing it purposefully, but more like she was subconsciously reaching for him. Were the girls waking up?

There's not much time to dwell on this thought though as suddenly Ethan has yelled and Alex is knocked to the floor along with the others. He's actually pretty damn grateful that Ethan body tackled them all, as he was so lost in his thoughts he probably wouldn't have ducked in time. That's not a nice thought. Alex's ears rings and his vision goes cloudy for a moment as he loses his tight grip on his telepathy. Alex simply nodded in reply to Blaire's question of being alright and sat against the wall alongside her for a moment to regain his grip on Lillie's mind. She was definitely waking up, he could feel it. He also reached out to Liza only to find that she seemed to be in the same stage as Lillie. He wasn't sure if knowing that both of them were waking up was a good thought or a bad one.

A quick fight ensued, Blaire and Ethan dealing with most of the Erasers as Alex was still more focused on connecting with the girls via mind links, so when Ethan asked which way they were Alex frowned before nodding to the right, "Down there, I think they're waking up." That was all he said before heading down the corridors with the others, still trying to communicate with Lillie. Damn, had she been drugged so much that it was this hard to talk to her?

He followed behind Blaire as she burst pipes and felt glad for the water around him, it gave him more power to draw upon and of course since it was his element he knew it would come in handy for fighting their way back out of here. Ethan was then yelling and Alex had finally managed to just break the barrier as he followed after the others. 'Alex?' A groggy voice finally answered his calls and he felt immediate relief flood him, 'Lillie! Are you okay? How's Liza? Have they hurt yo--' He stopped himself, took a breath and tried again, knowing that the little girl was most likely hurt, confused and disoriented from the drugs, 'Lillie. Are you okay?' A pause then a slow answer, as if Lillie was trying to gather her thoughts, 'I'm, I'm okay Alex. Are you here to save us?' A pang ran through him at her words and he bit his lip to stop himself from being a baby and crying in front of the flock. 'Yeah Cuddles, we all are. Is Liza with you?' Another pause, 'Yeah she's with me. Wait, Alex, I think someone's coming' Alex's eyes widened, 'Lillie? Are you okay?' 'Alex! There's some bad guys here! They're grabbing Liza, Alex HELP!'

By this point Alex's group had encountered more Erasers, he absentmindedly snapped a neck of one as he desperately tried to reconnect with Lillie, 'Lillie? Lillie! Cuddles?!?' Nothing. Dammit. God f*cking dammit. He hated this school. He hated the damn scientists and these stupid ass erasers. He hated what they had done to a bunch of innocent kids. He was fuming. That fear, that absolute fear in Lillie's voice when she called out for him to help him. And he couldn't f*cking do ANYTHING because these stupid Erasers were in his damn way.

He felt the anger swell up in him, his body still as a rock besides his shaking. The Erasers and Guards saw this as an easy opening and rushed at him. Bad move. He let out a yell of rage at the last second, and the remaining pipes around them burst viciously, the water spraying out heavily as Alex clenched his fists. The water crashed into the remaining Erasers and Guards that hadn't been taken out by the others, and slammed them into the wall with such devastating force that their skulls cracked open and their ribs shattered. Thankfully, Alex still had enough sense to make the water swerve around himself and the Flock members, and he ignored the bits of brain on the floor and the enormous amount of blood coming from the corspes as he looked up at the others. He was still mad, but he was contained enough for now to speak as he walked past them, "I just spoke to Lillie, I think she and Liza are being moved for experimentation or something. Hopefully if we get there quickly enough we can intercept them and get the girls." He turned back to look at the others, only just realising that the place was starting to flood thanks to his and Blaire's pipe bursting antics. "We should probably hurry as well, looks like this place is gonna flood."

(Aww, I'm so sorry guys, and hey Dance! That thing happened to me with my old 'xJobozx' account! But yeah, hope this post was okay. I sorta went with what you guys said about the girls being moved and the school being flooded, lemme know if I need to change anything)
((Oh my gosh, you guys scared me. I thought the thread had been abandoned... So glad everyone's back! Not quite sure how everything's going to work out in the RP because the Blaire, Alex, Keanu, Ethan, etc can't find the girls. So maybe that group has to find Callie and Dimitri's group they split up again and Callie and co. find the girls? Easier yet, what if there is an inside group within the school that silently breaks out the flock and triggers the self-destruction? Then we can skip right into out next part of the plan. Which would be the Academy))
((Because if Alex wants to leave again, I assumed if he saw the girls, especially in bad shape, it would make it harder for him to leave. Idk, maybe I assumed wrong. Up to you :) ))
(Oh yeahhh, I forgot about our plans for Grace and April, but I just re-read our PMs and remembered that Alex leaves the flock again, then he bumps into Grace, they chat and fall in love 'n' stuff but Grace realises that Alex is meant to stay with his Flock so she secretly leads him back, and then of course leaves. But then she and April meet up and stick together until they get evacuated to the island and re-group with Alex! :D )
((Yess...I am very excited. Now we just need to get Faith in here and everything will be right. Won't post until Dance but might set up Grace for a post today to be the inside job.))
((At this point, the scene with Alex and Grace meeting in the woods has yet to happen, just to give you guys an idea of timeline))

Grace ran along the hallway behind a pack of Erasers, bringing up the rear. She'd spent so much time within the School there was hardly anything she didn't know about within this wicked place. For instance, the protocol of the Erasers, Trackers, and Guards of the facility. So once Grace figured out how to transform into a bulkier wolf version of herself, finding a uniform and fitting in were a breeze. She had the ultimate cover ID.

While the idea had been brilliant, it was asinine. It also wasn't hers. It floated into her brain by an anonymous voice. A voice that was both familiar but she was sure that she had never heard it before. Grace had major trust issues, and usually wouldn't follow the random anonymous directions of a bodiless voice in her head. But one circumstance lead to another. That Voice had gotten her out of a sticky situation or two. Though she wasn't about to run into a flaming building just because a voice in her head told her to, she had her own motives for returning to the School and going undercover. Kinda. Verification mostly. Well...Her interests just happened to coincide with the Voice's interests.

So that's how Grace found herself pulling up the end of a pack of Erasers running into one of the centers of conflict cropping up in the School. A disturbance in the force. Just like the Voice had said would happen. The Flock was here. Her twin was with them. Well...technically not a twin. Grace was the unfortunate byproduct of cloning manned by the Whitecoats who where more than disappointed when they discovered Grace had a will of her own and a -sometimes- short patience. Callie was the original. And to everyone else, Grace or California II was a disobedient malfunction all clone, not a person. Grace was originally made to replace Callie and lead the Flock. Grace learned to hate Callie. She had too much pent up aggression towards her, Grace wasn't quite sure what to do. She felt like if she could see her, in real life, not through a camera lens or binoculars. She didn't know what would happen, but she thought the answer might come to her.

From the rear of the pack she swiftly snapped each of the Eraser's necks. Only the last two really figured out what was going on and put up a fight. She took them down within a few minutes. She wasn't that great with hand-to-hand, especially as a lumbering giant, plus never having been officially taught. And if she shifted now, she'd tear out of her uniform.

Finally she was in solitude and she continued along her path to find her twin.
(( Ugh, this is so annoying! My account keeps messing up, doing what I told you it was before. But, I'm on now, and I'm doing a post right now so just in case my account keeps screwing up we can at least move this along. So sorry for not posting :/ )) 
Callie kept her face still, mouth set in a straight line as her and Demitri led the kids through the hallways. She was glad they weren't getting any second looks, their guard outfits concealing who they really are.

She waits for more directions from The Voice, but they don't come. A part of her is slightly concerned about this. They will still just as easily be able to find the girls without directions from an outside source, they've done it many times, but it was helpful. It might just take them longer. Right as she is about to say something, Eliza says she thinks the girls are only a few doors down. She only nods in response, biting her lip in concentration.

She barely notices when they stop. As Eliza reaches out to open the door, she lets out a sigh of relief. Finally, they've found the girls. Of course, that's her thought until a few scientists walk out. Naturally she lets go of Brinley's arm, getting ready to kill them. Surely they're guards, protecting Liza and Lillie from anyone trying to take them back. She's about to reach out, when Eliza actually speaks to them.

'I have brought them, as you asked.' Callie frowns in deep confusion. It will takes a second before it clicks. The second she moves, Brinley and Dallas are quickly ripped from them, being held around their necks. Growling, Callie settles with a menacing stare and growl. If two more kids lives weren't on the line, they all would have had their necks snapped by now. Including Eliza. She would have been the first.

A steady stream of words flow through her mind, most she's sure Brinley and Dally shouldn't hear but they most likely have before. Although she's fuming with anger, she lets Demitri do all the talking. Callie's more afraid of what might come out of her mouth if she says anything. And surprisingly enough, she doesn't struggle against the hold the erasers have on her. It's useless.

"I can't believe you, you traitor." Is all Callie manages to mumble before being harshly pushed forward. She hears the thump, sees Demitri turn around to look, but continues to look straight ahead. She doesn't feel a single ounce of sympathy from the girl who she once thought could be trusted.

Every time another pipe was burst, Keanu could physically feel his power weaken. In any other situation, he would be loudly complaining about how unfair this was, to be rudely shushed by his sister. But he knew this was necessary. He'd much rather be weak then have the two youngest Flock members be any more hurt then they already were.

With the spewing water all around them, there were little guards and erasers to worry about, until they took another corner. While Ethan managed to take care of the majority of them, ripping out throats and slashing skin, he went hand to hand with a few remaining ones. His powers were nearly completely drained by now, as he strained to snap necks by hand.

"Where are we going?" He yelled over the chaos, dropping another limp body to the floor. The girls had to be close by now.
((Since I'm not really sure how we should lead into finding the girls, I figure we can do a baby timeskip))

The building shook and groaned, pipes creaking under the pressure of their contents. Slabs of concrete grinding against their weights. Water flooding the walls. Lights flickering. Ethan feared the lights going out. The Schools the Whitecoats made weren't exactly "window-friendly". Windows were bird-kid friendly. And god knows they couldn't have them escaping. Despite that, this particular facility was built underground. So if the lights did to off they would be in pitch blackness, assuming the School didn't have back up lights. Of course any bird kid had great eyes, and they could see at night when there was just a tiny bit of light from stars or something. But he wasn't so sure about their current situation. He just didn't want any more complications. They just needed to find their way out of here.

Ethan was still in his partial transition into an Eraser, his ridiculously muscled body bristled in thick golden blonde hair. He had an unconscious Eliza over one of his wide shoulders, an unconscious Liza in his other arm. Blaire had Lillie wrapped protectively in her arms, while Alex had volunteered to take point. Ethan couldn't pretend to know Alex very well at all but even he thought he was acting strange. And from the expression on Blaire's face as she followed behind him, he wasn't the only one to think it also. But they didn't exactly have time to stop and ask him what was going on in his head. Their priority was rescuing the girls--check--and escaping in one piece--not yet check.

Keanu was taking up the rear, dragging slightly behind. Blaire felt guilty, the whole place flooding with water and her best friend left defenseless, though he hadn't spoken one word against it. By this time they were all trudging through several inches of water. Blaire made a conscious effort to mentally keep the water off of him. Like Moses cutting a path then folding back together behind him as he ran.

Dimitri was still confused as to how they were able to escape. He was being dragged along by a pair of Erasers, watching helplessly as another pair grabbed ahold of Brinley and Dallas and dragged them along, when a commotion broke out amongst the Eraser guards themselves. Dimitri them took that chance to wrap a piece of piping around the two kids' escorts' necks first before another couple of pipes grabbed Callie and Dimitri's. He surged toward the two kids protectively, then looked for Callie, "Time to go!" He wasn't going to question what happened between their captors, when the opportunity arose, they had to get the hell out of there.

As they raced down the crowed hallway, ducking and dodging punches and grabs he heard the word, "Imposter!" Once or twice. And while Dimitri generally had an overwhelming curiosity, he fought back the urge to follow it.

"Callie! Where are the others?" He figured she would know since she had that mental link with her brother.
Callie had silently let herself be lead by her captors, a deep frown set on her face. At this point, she didn't fight back. There were too many guards, and it would be to hard to take them all down in their current position. She knew the other group would eventually notice their absence and do something about it, if they were't free be then.

As thought of an escape plan started forming, her attention was snapped up by the sound of fighting. Her first thought was that Dimitri had probably lost it, but it seemed it was actually between the Erasers. She didn't know what it was about, but she was going to use this an advantage. She heard Dimitri tell her it was time to go, and she quickly pushed the two kids forward, breaking out into a run. "Go, go, go!" She yelled, maneuvering through guards and lab equipment.

She was vaguely aware that they didn't know where they were going before Dimitri asked where the others were. She focused on sending out a thought to her brother. 'Where are you guys?' She sent out. Second later, she was answered. 'Not too sure. We have the girls, they're...okay. We're on our way out. Just try and get to where we came in and we'll meet up outside somewhere.'

"We have to get outside. They have the girls." She told Dimitri, trying to figure out the best way out of the building.

Keanu brought up the rear of the group, occasionally turning around to make sure they weren't being followed. With the several inches of water surrounding them, it was pretty hard to be followed.

He knew his power was completely drained by now. Any time he tried conjuring up any type of heat, he felt himself become dizzy and faint. Once they were outside his power would be replenished rather quickly, but he hoped he wouldn't need to use it anyway. When his sister tried to make contact with him, he sighed in relief knowing she was okay.

Keanu, like the other members of his group, had noticed the change in Alex. He seemed distant. When they had found the two girls, he had expected Alex to be overjoyed, and definitely be carrying at least one of them, not Blaire and Ethan. Something was up with him.
There was a thunderous crack! that made Dimitri stop in his tracks. The facility was close to collapse. They have the girls, Dimitri though in relief. Now they just had to find a way out of here.

"Do you hear that...?" He said a second later. The hallway was deserted, the lights flickering overhead. They were standing in about an inch of water when the floor started to ripple, the water growing to their ankles. "We have to get out of here right now." At the other end of the hallway they all saw the wall, the gushing wall of water barrelling towards them. Dimitri's head snapped up, ceiling tiles crashed from the ceiling as he tore an enormous hole above them. "FLY!" The wall was getting closer to them and would wash them away within seconds if they didn't do something. He threw Brinley and Dallas up, Callie flew up, and Dimitri went last, jumping just as the water licked his feet. He grabbed and pulled himself up, then sealed the hole.

"I can make a tunnel to the surface like this. We just have to trust that the others will get out safely as well." He told Callie. 
Grace ran along the hallway, her mouth leaking blood, holding her shoulder. She was back in her true form, a recombinant girl with wings on her back dressed in white linen pajamas of your average School Whitecoat experiment. She wasn't in good shape, breathing hard, nearly out of it. Back in her own body when she knew she wouldn't be able hold such a change as an Eraser any more. They were complicated just because they could shift to a certain degree themselves.

And even though she looked like herself she didn't feel like herself. She had surprised herself today. She was just standing up for another bird-kid, Grace was telling herself. But really, she had no idea why she actually did it. Grace had started that fight, turning the attention on themselves rather than the kids. She'd yelled, "Imposter" and attacked the nearest Eraser guard. And it had worked perfectly. Minus for the fact that she had to get invovled in some of the fighting. Eraser fighting was way different than any human form. It was mostly about hitting as hard as you could and obliterating your opponent. For the most part they took out themselves. But once it got down to the nitty gritty of about six or seven left it was pretty obvious she was the imposter by the smell, since it was harder to tell in larger numbers. So she had to take them out one at a time which proved to be a challenge. Throughout the whole ordeal she had suffered a couple of broken ribs that made it difficult to breath and a dislocated shoulder which made it hard to move.

But she had accomplished her mission, the bird-kids had gotten away, but not before Grace saw just a glimpse of her own imposter. Now Grace had to get out of this hell-hole. She'd been stuck here for months so it wouldn't be too difficult to get out. She knew for a fact that there was an exhaust fan in the kitchens that would take her to the surface.

Luckily she didn't run into anyone in the hallways as all the personell were all probably evacuated by now and all the Erasers, Trackers, and Guards were focused on the Flock. The cafeteria was empty as well, several tables and chairs were flipped over as if they were left in a haste. But Grace wove her way around them to the back. She hopped on the stovetop, thanking that it hadn't been used recently today, since Grace didn't exactly were shoes.

She had to stop for a moment. If she shifted with a dislocated arm, it would only make things worse. The vent was way too small for her to fly up and too small for her to climb. So she had to shift. Grace sat on the stove and crossed her legs, making a fist with her bad arm and supporting it with her good, she pushed her knuckled into the flat metal. Shoving until she felt it pop back in place. Extraordinarily painful. She winced and bit her lip until it bled to keep the scream from peeping out as she lifted her arm. Her fingers wound around the grate and she yanked nearly wailing in the process. Grace blinked the tears out of her eyes.

She gathered the last of her strength and shifted, jumping up and making her escape through the vent in the shape of a small tan dove.
It had been easier than expected to find the girls, although his link with Lillie was broken as she was being moved, he could still feel her presence well enough through his powers to lead the others to her, they had quickly taken out the guards dragging along the two little girls and while Alex was finishing off the last guard he noticed Blaire grab Lillie - who hadn't spoken a word yet but was awake - and Ethan grab the unconscious Liza. Normally, he would have protested and gone into overprotective mode, but he was too busy being attacked by his own thoughts right now.

Again. It had happened again. Lillie had been taken, Liza this time as well, and Alex had broken his promise once again. How the hell was Lillie ever going to trust him again after this? It was his fault. It was his fault the first time for not watching her more closely, and it was his fault again this time for doing the exact same fu*king thing. You'd think he'd learn.

They'd be better off without him. And the second that thought was in his head he couldn't get it back out again. It was true. It was so damn true. They'd all be better off. Ethan obviously has some sort of interest in Callie, he could take Alex's 'place' in the Flock and they could end up together, Lillie was a lot closer to Demitri since their time together at Chu's submarine and now she had Liza as well to play with. She didn't need him. The Flock didn't need him. He just causes trouble.

He had volunteered to take point when they had found the girls, and he barely spoken a word to anyone since it, his own thoughts consuming him even then. It wasn't much different now, he was running up ahead of everyone, still focused on getting his F--the Flock out of there, but that didn't mean he wasn't being assaulted with thoughts of self-anger.

The group reached a hallway that spilt out into two directions, the left or the right was their choice. There was a crack then, seemingly from another part of the building as it didn't sound too close, but it still made Alex pause as he could pick out the sound of rushing water, a lot of rushing water. It wasn't close enough to see yet, but it would be very soon. He glanced to the side that he could hear the water coming from - the right, then pointed in the opposite direction - the left, "This way, run quick! There's a ton of water heading our way and if it hits I'm pretty sure there'll be nothing left of us. Ethan take point, I'll fall back in case the water catches up"  
Lillie was still in shock. There was so much going on, she wasn't sure how to react. First she had woken up in a room with Liza, feeling disoriented, then Alex had spoke to her, he was supposed to be rescuing her, and Liza was still asleep when some bad men came in and started grabbing Liza and trying to grab Lillie. She had fought back as best as she could, but she was scared, no she was terrified, and the men were much stronger than her. They had been taking her and Liza somewhere else, moving them to a different location, when out of nowhere the Flock - well half of the Flock - had arrived and taken down the bad men. Blaire had grabbed her amongst the chaos and she noticed Ethan grab Liza, and she had clung tightly to Blaire, just glad that they had come to save them from the men.

They were running now, or in Lillie and Liza's case being carried, and there was water everywhere Lillie looked, pipes had burst and water was flooding in; it was clear the School was about to go down even to her. She buried her face in Blaire's shoulder, clinging to the older girl silently. One thing Lillie had noticed was Alex's odd behaviour, he had barely said a word to her since finding her and now he wasn't talking at all to anyone. She could see he was lost in his thoughts and it worried her. She knew how secretly insecure Alex could get when bad things happened to her; she knew he often blamed himself for letting her get hurt. But it wasn't his fault, it really wasn't. Bad things just happened to bird kids and Lillie knew that and accepted it. It was all she had ever known her whole life.

She sighed lightly and closed her eyes tightly as Alex shouted about water coming to get them, clinging to Blaire she just wished for it to all be over and for them all to be safe. Just for once, was that too much to ask?

(Was thinking they'd get outside just before the water hits and once they're out they get Erasers follow them and that's when Alex offers to stay behind and tells them to get out of there and get the girls to safety)
Callie jumped as she heard the first loud crack and groan of metal protesting. Seconds later, anyone who was left in the hallway were a screaming, running mess as the lights flickered. The water became deeper, her shoes now completely submerged. It flowed steadily, inching up her legs. Just as she looked up from the ground, she saw the wall of water rushing towards them. As soon as Demitri had created a large hole for them to get out, she helped him throw the two youngest kids through the hole before flying herself up."

Moments before the water emptied through the hole, it was sealed. Callie didn't like the idea of leaving the rest of the group under, not knowing if they were okay. That was her brother down there. Finally she nodded with a sigh.

"Okay. Let's just focus on getting out of here."

Turning corners and walking down hallways, Keanu stayed close to the rest of the group. Like the rest of his group, at the sound of the creak, he picked his head up. It wasn't in their immediate area, most likely the other side of the building from what he could tell. At Alex's words, he didn't hesitate on moving. He nudged Blaire forward to make sure she was in front of him before breaking out into a run. If that water caught up to them, they'd be screwed.

After running down a few more hallways, he noticed a door that looked familiar. He thought this might have been the door they came in. "This way!" He yelled, turning in the direction of the door.

(Sorry if this is really bad, just trying to get things moving)
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Ethan nodded to Alex as he dropped back to deal with the wall of water. He picked up his pace and began to move to the front when Blaire shook her head and moved in front instead. He infered what she was thinking. If there was another wall of water, she would be able to protect them. She had the long range attack. And while Ethan was a good fighter and Blaire trusted him, he had Liza and Eliza in his arms so he couldn't even really protect himself if it came it.

Blaire herself was getting weak, subconsciously controlling the water in the walls to keep them from imploding on them and keeping the water off of Keanu of course. His touch on her back made her jump back to reality and run faster still following beside him. Blaire soothingly stroked Lillie's hair. They would be okay

They ended up in the dark underground cove. The ice Blaire had created when they first arrived had melted in the tropical Hawaiian waters. She ran onto the surface of the black water, the surface automatically crystalizing into ice at her touch long enough for the others the run behind them. What Blaire didn't expect was the water flooding from the building would gather in the cove, raising up the water level several feet. So the cave they had come through the first time, that they had been able to comfortably stand in, only Lillie and Liza could stand comfortably in that.

A quick moment of thinking, Blaire sped up and at the last moment dropped into a baseball slid, the ice a little water for a long smooth slide as they slipped into the tunnel. The clastrophobic side of Blaire didn't like this at all. The water beneath them keep their momentum going, pushing them along further. She really hoped Keanu would be okay, he looked as if he was about to pass out and the ice certainly wasn't helping. Blaire bit her lip hoping to whatever sky god was up there that he would be able to fly once they got out.

As they neared the end of the tunnel Ethan's raptor vision spotted a couple of low-sitting boats driving down the tunnel towards them. He saw rifles and they were trained on them. At the last second he felt himself dropping as if sliding down a tunnel. And he was! Blaire had created an ice tunnel and they slide right under the boats and back up to the surface.

Blaire was gritting her teeth in pain, she was really straining to keep them going along now. She held on though, she could see day light.

They broke out onto the ocean, the unruly waves were too much to control for her. Blaire yelled as pain seized her. But she pushed off the ice and thrust out her wings. They filled with air and they were off. Blaire was breathing hard, in both exhaustion and adrenaline and pain. 
There was a grinding above them as Dimitri shoved rocks and metal aside to make a tunnel for them. Finally they made it to the surface. He breathed in a sigh of relief, they had done it. They were out. And hopefully the others were as well. But he trusted the abilities of his sister, Keanu, Ethan, and Alex of course. They were plenty of them to protect the two girls.

"We should stay low to the canopy to stay off their radars. Head to the mountains, we can hide there and wait for the others."

He flew low, trailing behind to make sure they were all out before he sealed off that exit as well, he didn't want anyone following them. It was sunset, close to twilight. Hopefully that would give them an advantage.
Alex followed after Keanu and the others as they ran, looking back occasionally to see he was indeed correct and the water was now rushing towards them. Sh*t. he just hoped the others were alright. He ran along the ice, keeping check that all the others were safe and not falling behind. When Blaire and the others slid down in front of him, Alex quickly copied and followed their lead, trying his best to help Blaire keep the ice sturdy, though water was more his thing instead of the cooled version.

The tunnel slid down, most likely because of enemies up ahead, and Alex glanced around. He was the last in the line, the others all ahead of him, and so he was the last to shoot up in the air and spread his wings. He couldn't see the other half of the flock anywhere at all, but he knew they would be fine. They'd be fine right? He glanced around, making sure everyone was there and safe, and nodded to himself.

He still was having bad thoughts, so much so that he knew he must even know seem a bit distracted and distant, but there was time to sort that out later, they were still in the range of the school and they needed to get to safety. He glanced around again, spotting some mountains far in the distance. "We should head to those mountains to rest up before trying to find the others, the sun's setting and I'm sure we're all exhausted."

He made a motion as if to fly forward then, when there was a yell from behind them and Alex spun around in time to see the Erasers on the boat had spotted them and were training their rifles on the Flock. "Dammit." He didn't even bother glancing behind him as he spoke to the older members of the Flock, "You guys go on ahead, get the girls to safety, I'll hold them off." The emotion in his voice was hard to discern and he didn't show his face to the Flock to give them any hints as to what he was thinking. "Go now," Without giving them choice to object further Alex headed straight for the boat; not once glancing back.


Lillie watched Alex go, her eyes wide, what was he thinking? It scared her that he hadn't even turnt to give her a reassuring smile. And his voice just then, she couldn't tell what he was thinking, but she knew whatever it was, it wasn't good. Was he just gonna go and face those men all by himself? Was he not going to come with them?

Her eyes wide, she tugged on Blaire's sleeve slightly, speaking for the first time since her rescue, her voice was weak and quiet, as if she hadn't spoken for a while, "Blaire! We can't just let Alex go by himself! What if he gets hurt?"
Blaire was gritting her teeth focusing on beating her wings rhythmically rather than her desire to stop an lay down and sleep for a millennia.

"Sh*t," she cursed spotting what Alex was now focusing on. The boats had come back around and coming after them again. She felt a bullet whiz past her ear, her eyes growing wide. That had been way too close for comfort. "GUNS!" She yelled, "Evasive maneuvers!" But before she knew it Alex piped up, he was going to go after them.

By the way Lillie fidgeted in her arms she could tell this wasn't a good sign. Something was going on. Despite this Blaire nodded at him.

"I trust him to take care of the Flock and himself, sweetheart. Everything will be fine, he'll meet us at the mountain."

Blaire wheeled in the sky, laying on the speed. She gave one last glance back at Alex, she sure hoped he would be alright. The three of them flew to the mountain rotating formation.

She found what she determined to be the peak of the tallest mountain range and she dove down between the trees, swinging her legs down at the last moment, and landing in a somewhat I graceful running landing. Once down she grabbed all of them in a flock-hug, Lillie, Keanu, Ethan, Liza, her wings wrapping around all of them. She didn't like admitting it, she would never admit it aloud, but she had been scared, terrified for them all. Being separated from them all, it put things in a new light. She needed them, they were her family. She didn't think she could stand doing another rescue like this again. Blaire kissed Lillie's forehead,

"Everything's going to be okay..."
Keanu ran along the ice with the others, although he was starting to loose speed. He was getting tired. Since his power couldn't feed off of the natural heat anymore, being surrounded by water and ice, it was starting to rely on his natural body heat to keep it working. And since his power naturally made his body heat higher then average, the cold of the ice and water was starting to drag it down. He wasn't sure how much of this he could do.

Before he knew what was happening, he was sliding along a strip of ice in the tunnel. As they slid, he could tell Blaire was straining to keep them going. Even though it wasn't helping him personally, it was helping all of them to get out.

After the short ride, he broke out of the ocean with the rest of the Flock, immediately unraveling his wings and beating hard downwards to get some air. Just the first few strokes had taken a large amount of energy out of him. He was hovering by Blaire, and when the bullet went by her, it was uncomfortably close to him as well. He silently prayed that there wouldn't be another fight to the death, he didn't have the energy for that. He didn't think any of them did.

He frowned slightly as Alex volunteered to distract the shooters. It'd be hard for him to do that alone, not to mention dangerous. Just because he didn't like the kid didn't mean he wanted him to get hurt.

As Alex flew away from them, he followed the others to the mountains. His landing was anything but graceful, his body overcome by exhaustion as she stumbled to a stop, nearly knocking down Ethan in the process. He had barely come to a stop when he felt himself being enclosed by the other members of his group. Sighing deeply, he let Blaire pull him in closer and lightly leaned against her. Somehow, they had managed to do it again. Somehow, they were alive.

Callie followed Dimitri's lead, keeping the two younger kids in front of her. A few moments later she could see the sun and finally they were out. Unfurling her wings, she let out a sigh as she wiped at a strip of blood across her forehead. Who knew how that got there.

Knodding at Dimitri's words, she put the two kids in front of her again before flying lowly. As they flew, she looked off at the mountains. The sun was setting behind it, and it seemed like the only pretty thing that surrounded this awful place.

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