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Fandom Winged

((So my account wasn't working again, although it seems to be fine again. And then I had trouble getting on due to family issues and school, but everything should be all good now. I just hope all you guys are still around!))

Callie, like most of the others, woke up from the citrus smell of fresh fruit. After stirring for a few moments, she finally allowed herself to open her eyes and sit up. Stretching her arms over her head, she noticed the majority of the group engaged in what seemed to be a decent breakfast. It was rare that they had a decent anything, especially food.

She moved closer to the bag of food, silently taking inventory of what they had available. The doctor certainly had their best interests in mind, mixing in healthy foods with junk foods. Callie herself took an orange, and started peeling. She figured they should start with the perishable items first. Over the years they had all learned not to let things go to waste, especially when you never knew when you would be eating again or where it would come from.

After finally settling down with her peeled orange, she finally noticed something different. Alex still wasn't with them. It seemed like some of the others noticed as well, Lillie especially. She silently listened as people debated whether or not it was right to leave him. She popped another orange slice into her mouth and glanced at her brother, who was still asleep in Blaire's lap. She hated the thought of Alex being left behind without knowing if he was okay, but they couldn't stay here.

Between the voices of his flock mates, the smell of food, and Blaire's finger lightly stroking his cheek, Keanu finally began waking up. On any normal day, he easily would have been one of the first to wake up and already demolishing his food. But last night had been rough, and so far this morning wasn't looking too bright either.

He had maybe gotten a full hour of sleep or two, but the rest of the night was constantly interrupted by fits of coughing and he was almost positive that his temperature had risen, which didn't mix well with him. Naturally, because of his power, his body temperature was higher then normal and it rising any more could put him in danger.

Within a few minutes, he gathered enough strength to sit up. Although it was rather warm, he felt cold. Putting his hood on, he pulled his knees closer to his chest and listened to the conversation going on. Callie held out an orange slice to him, and Keanu quickly shook his head.

"You have to eat something," Callie whispered to him. "You need to energy." She held out the orange again, waiting for him to take it.

With a sigh, Keanu took the slice and chewed it. Just the thought of food made him want to get sick, and eating it was definitely worse. Every single noise or movement made his head spin. Groaning, he rubbed his temples as he vaguely listened to some conversation going on about 'Alex can take care of himself we need to leave blah blah.'

Callie let Blaire and Demitri fight it out on their own. When her opinion was needed, she would express it. And soon, all eyes were on her as they waited the final decision. She took a breath before answering.

"We have to leave. We can't stay here, it's too dangerous..." She glanced at her brother. "We're weaker now. There's a potential promise of safety, and shelter, and food...and here there's nothing. We've done what we have to do here. It's time to move on." She avoided saying that they had to leave Alex behind wherever he may be, but she really didn't want to think about it and she thought that part was pretty clear.
The verdict had been regrettably reached, and Blaire silently agreed that they couldn't stay here much longer. Ethan was had already packed the food away since everyone had eaten, and was standing with his pack, and Keanu's, assuming it would be too much burden for their ill flock member, and was ready to go. Dimitri was helping Lillie prepare for the long journey and a minute later was ready himself. Blaire finished off her apple and offered Keanu a hand.

Ethan jumped in the air first, soon followed by the rest of the flock. Hawaii slowly disappeared beneath them. The dark green islands growing smaller and smaller against the tropical blue waters.

Washington state was nearly 3,000 miles away. Around 30 hours of flying if they could ride a jet-stream or a current there. The flock could accomplish that. It would drain them and they'd need to eat a buffet of food afterward but it could work.
Callie silently thanked Ethan for taking Keanu's bag. She just hoped Keanu would be able to make it, this would definitely be one of their longest journeys. Shrugging her own bag on, she waited until her brother was successfully in the air before she took a running start and joined the rest of her flock.

The flight would be agonizingly long, and Callie was already expecting many complaints from the younger children. She just hoped Washington would be worth it. Hawaii sure was beautiful and fun, but they had come to learn the hard way that it was no longer safe. They just had to move on and hope for the best now.
Land still wasn't in sight yet, but she knew from her uncanny navigational skills that they were at the halfway marker. There wasn't much to do, seldom they passed around snacks to keep them going, swung through clouds when it felt like the Pacific sun was baking them, the favorite game was I-Spy: "I spy something blue..." Oh yeah, they loved that game.

Miles below they could watch a pod of whales or something, but there wasn't much to do at all. Maybe practice formation? But that got old with the younger kids.

Blaire eyed Keanu the whole time, occasionally drifting over to see how he was doing. He didn't look in top shape at all. She frowned. Maybe they should have stowed away in a cargo plane or something? This flight was a stretch, even for them. Blaire was pretty tough, but she knew that her wings would ache and she'd sleep for a century after this.
Hours had passed since they had left the islands. Callie hadn't kept an exact count, but the day was coming to an end and they had left rather early in the morning. They hadn't stopped at all. A few snacks were eaten here and there, but some of them were starting to complain about hunger, mostly the younger group members.

Although complaining the most out of the group, the kids seemed to be having the most fun. Swooping hundreds off feet down and then up again, doing numerous amounts of flips and twists and playing all different kinds of games kept them moderately entertained. Brinley came flying out of a cloud, a few feet from Callie.

"I spy something...white," She said, flying above Callie, high enough so that Callie's wings didn't hit her.

"Probably that cloud. Or that one. Could be that one, though." Callie answered back. She had to admit I spy could be fun, but when you were thousands of feet in the air with only sky and water surrounding you, it got old.

After Brinley admitted her defeat, Callie slowed her speed to match Keanu's. Surprisingly, he had held up rather well. His mysterious illness was still unsolved, and very much going full power. She was starting to worry that he was getting worse, and she could tell the others thought that as well. No one in the flock had ever really gotten sick before.

"How ya holding up?" She asked.

Keanu was quick to roll his eyes and sigh. "I'm fine, really." Over the course of their flight, just about everyone had asked him how he was numerous times. More so from his sister, and occasionally Blaire. It was nice to know that people cared, but of course like any teen boy he didn't like feeling vulnerable or pitied. "It's probably just some kind of weird bird kid cold. So go away before I give it to you," He said, only half joking.
There was immediate rejoice when the tiniest hint of land came into view. Of course, being miles in the air and having raptor-like vision meant that land was miles away. It made the last few minutes of miserableness and irritability less miserable and irritable! As they entered the Olympic peninsula, Ethan wondered again how the Academy would "find them". All they knew was to go looking around Seattle.

However, they all soon found out just how the Academy would do such a thing.

"What the hell is that?" As Blaire put mildly.

"Looks like a comet or something..." Ethan said.

Dimitri chimed in, "No way, it's too low. It's flying, like, parallel to the earth like us."

"There's a bird too! It's huge!" Sure enough there was a bird too, ten times the average size of a bird, it looked to be a raven.

The yellow dot grew as they drew closer. Slowly the dot began to take shape, a humanoid form.

A few minutes later, "Holy banana! That dude's on fire!"

"That's because he is." Came a soft voice that reached all of their ears, even over the roaring wind that the bird-kids usually had to shout over--depending on speed for the volume necessary. But the girls voice was effortless. A face appeared in front of Callie, then a body. A girl about Dally's age floated there, her appearance completely transparent, yet they were able to somehow see her features, he dress, her hair, spinning softly in the wind as if it were a breeze.

Blaire and several others were agape with shock. None of them had seen anything like this before. It was amazing. It was obvious this girl didn't just control the wind, she was the wind.

"Hi! You must be Callie." She turned away from her, looking at each member, "And Keanu, and Dimitri, and Blaire, and Ethan, and Brinley, and Dallas, and Lillie." She smiled. "I'm Skylar! And that's Brody and Minka. Oh! And Nico! He just took off, he'll be here in a minute." Sure enough a minute later there was another shape in the sky. A familiar sight.

A boy with wings.

"On behalf of the Charles Academy for Gifted Youngsters...Welcome!"
The last few miles became more bearable once land was in their sight. Finally, their journey was almost over. Callie was excited but also nervous to find out just exactly what this 'school' was. The word school didn't really appeal to her, but she knew it wouldn't be the kind of school they were used to.

She had zoned out almost completely in her thoughts when voices interrupted her thoughts. She snapped back to reality. Some of the group were talking about something flying in the sky. She focused her vision on two figures. She herself soon saw that one looked to be on fire, and the other a large bird.

"What is that?" She muttered, although it wasn't like anyone really knew anyway. The closer they got, the more she could make them out. She was about to comment again when a voice rang threw the wind.

Normally, you couldn't hear much over the window unless you were shouting or very close to each other. But this girls voice was effortless, like she was standing right next to all of them in a quiet room. Callie wasn't sure where the voice was coming from, but moments later a girl materialized in front of her.

Callie looked on in shock. The girl resembled that of a ghost. She was transparent, but still visible. She had seen weird things at the school before, but never something like this. And then there was the boy with wings.

She was surprised that the girl, who she learned was named Skylar, knew all of their names. She knew they must have been from this school before she even said this.

"Well it's nice to meet you all." She said politely, giving them a small smile. They didn't seem too threatening. "So where exactly is this, uh, school?"

Before Skylar or anyone else had the chance to answer, her attention was drawn to Dally as he screamed Callie's name. Fearing the worst and out of instinct, Callie immediately dropped a good 20 feet. She was expecting something to come flying at her, but when she turned around she was met with something completely different. Keanu was literally falling out of the sky.
Blaire's whole opinion on this was excitement verging on suspicion. The logical side of her brain suspicious, the teenager side excited.

Skylar smiled. "Our Academy is hidden from areal and satellite view, and very private. One of the reasons we've gone undetected for so long and how we've been able to keep so many kids safe." She looked over her shoulder at the boy with wings that was catching up with the other two mutant-kids who seemed to be hovering, keeping their distance. Blaire raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything.

"So how do you know us?" She asked instead.

Skylar giggled. "Everyone knows about y--"

'CALLIE!' Dally screamed. The Flock reacted instinctively, banking or dropping altitude--essentially scattering to make themselves less of a target. Unfortunately this happened to them a lot, snipers and other forms of attack. Blaire searched for threat before noticing that it was Keanu, dropping rapidly out of the sky.

Before she could react, Ethan tucked his wings and drove after him, catching up quickly but loosing considerable altitude. It was about a thousand feet before Ethan's hand grabbed the other boy's wrist. His wings shot out and Ethan began to pull out of the decent. He stroked down hard, trying to slow down but Keanu was too heavy, his momentum too much.

Suddenly there was a gist of wind from below them, gently slowing them, allowing Ethan to hover, still stroking down hard but able to keep them both up.

The rest of the Flock caught up to them, Dimitri rushed over to help Ethan. As strong as Ethan was and as light as any bird-kid was including Keanu, Ethan was only so experienced with flying. He was technically only two years old. And a pair of wings could only hold so much weight.

From being miles in the air, they were only about a thousand or so feet from ground. Dimitri and Ethan synchronized their wings and each put an arm around their shoulders.

"He's ill, we have to get them to ground now," Blaire told Skylar. She nodded.

"It's not far." Skylar pointed to the flame-boy, the bird-girl, and the bird-kid. "Follow them."

Ethan and Dimitri glided after them, the mysterious gust helping them, but it was significantly less difficult with two bird-kids, not easy, but they made it.

They flew towards the wooded face of a mountain.** Blaire couldn't see anything, but as they neared, trees seemed to disappear and emerged a large mansion, and two other buildings.


It was gorgeous. Hard to put words to. For the flock it was like a dream come true, well almost. Difficult to say at this point, the prospect of them having a place to stay, with other mutant kids was a dream come true. They could only hope.
Immediately after spotting Keanu, Callie tucked her wings in to try and catch up to him. If Keanu either didn't wake up or someone didn't catch him, he'd be done for. While she was still rather far from him, she saw Ethan whizz by her out of the corner of her eye. He was dropping faster then she was, and he quickly caught up to her brother. Callie could see that he was struggling with all the extra weight, but Demitri was soon there to help. She would have to make sure to thank them.

Luckily, the strange gust of wind seemed to be helping them out. The rest of the group followed the other two bird-like kids in the direction they assumed was this academy.

Callie was anxious to see this place and learn just what it was about. At the same time, she was nervous. Everything seemed legit but they could never be sure about anything. Not to mention the whole idea of school didn't appeal to her much at all. This could be a good thing for them, but almost everything good that happens to them is ruined so Callie sure wasn't getting her hopes up.

The mansion like buildings appeared out of nowhere. She had to admit it was rather well hidden. Getting discovered at least would be less of a worry.

"This is amazing," She whispered. The aerial view its self was amazing, and she could only imagine what it would look like up close and on the inside. Clearly this academy of sorts had good funding.
Alex tilted his head as Grace said, she was 'waiting for it' What was that supposed to mean? He raised a brow at her before speaking, "Waiting for what exactly?"

"You know...it." "Like...I don't know...I'll know it when I see it, I guess."

He shrugged at that, deciding not to question any further. Callie would say weird things like that all the time and he knew not to question her as she was usually right any way; Grace must be the same way. He followed her over the mountains, letting her lead the way as she apparently knew they were going but didn't know were they were going.

Grace suddenly pointed to a mansion, declaring it the one and he nodded without a question, trusting her instincts a lot more than he should have done really. But hey, he was hungry and if she had some kind of sixth food sense then it wasn't gonna bother questioning it. Grace hovered above him before speaking, she suggested trying the roof and he nodded again, "Sounds like a plan."

He tried not to think about how it sounded like a Callie sort of plan.

He landed in front of her on the roof before turning around to face her as she tapped down on the surface beside him, she mentioned how tight getting in would be and he glanced at the chimney with a frown. He was so focused on figuring out how to get himself in there that he didn't notice Grace prepping herself to jump in until she had actually already jumped down. He shrugged and followed after her, sticking his wings tight to his back and hunching his shoulders inwards to stop them from getting stuck. It was a much tighter squeeze thanks to his slightly bigger body, and therefore he landed a bit more softly in the soot because of how slowly he had fallen down anyway.

Alex was shaking soot of his hair when Grace turned and told him the coast was clear, and he nodded in response, "Good" He followed her over to the kitchen - more importantly the fridge. "Time to raid this place like it's a zombie apocalypse."


It felt like they had been flying forever.

The others had tried to keep Lillie busy with playing 'I Spy' but the only thing they could ever see was the endless blue sky or the occasional bird if they were lucky. She knew they kept talking to her to try and distract her from thinking about Alex. But it didn't help. How could he just leave them like that? Leave HER like that? She loved Alex with all her heart; he was her big brother. She didn't care about if he sometimes got angry, or if he hurt bad guys, or if he didn't always eat the crusts on his bread sometimes, she loved him just the way he was so why couldn't he do the same?

If he loved Lillie like how she loved him, then how could be ever possibly leave her?

Her eyes stung with tears and she found herself wiping her eyes quite a few times on the journey there, she noticed a few concerned glances from the older kids but she stubbornly kept her eyes straight ahead and focused on the goal.

She didn't need Alex.

Finally, land came into view, and even Lillie smiled for the first time since Alex had left. She was so tired, and so hungry, now maybe they could go relax and eat something! Then the others noticed something and Lillie looked over with interest, her eyes widened at finally seeing a boy on fire only to jump when a soft voice came from close to them. A girl then appeared in front of them and Lillie's eyes widened further, was she a ghost? She was all see-through and stuff! The girl spoke to them all and Lillie gasped as she said her name. How did she know that?

"Are you a ghost? And how do you know my name?!" Lillie's eyes were still wide as saucers but before she could be answered Dally screamed Callie's name and Lillie immediately moved into protective formation before she spotted Keanu falling from the sky, she gaped, "KEANU!" She yelled with worry, darting forward before stopping; there was no way she was fast enough or strong enough to save him. No no no no! First Alex now Keanu?!? She couldn't lose all of her brothers! She needed them!

Thankfully Ethan caught Keanu and Lillie's heart slowed down considerably with relief, but Keanu was sick, so they followed the ghost girl to her home to help him. Lillie found herself flying over to hover beside Ethan and Keanu worriedly. He needed to be okay. She was so busy watching Keanu's face for signs of health that she didn't even pay attention to their surroundings or how beautiful they may be.

She couldn't lose another one of her family.
Grace went straight to the refrigerator. "We feast tonight! Wonder if they have any leftovers or take out or something. Jeeze, pizza has never sounded so good. Hey, you go check the pantry." She began to pull out food and set it on the counter. Not sure what to go for first. Unfortunately the owners of the house looked like they were health-conscious. That sucked. Why couldn't they have normal junk food ready for any starving bird-kids that stopped by. "Jackpot!" Grace pulled out a pizza box. "Not jackpot." She said after opening the box. "Cheeseless. Are you serious." She shrugged and stuck a piece in her mouth and kept foraging, pulling out fruit and cheeses and juices.

Grace hadn't bothered to turn the lights on. As bird-kids they had amazing vision, so no need to turn the lights on. So when they were suddenly flicked on, she knew there was a problem. Grace turned around slowly, her third slice of pizza poised between her teeth. There was a human standing there looking frightened and perspiring heavily, holding an expensive looking smartphone in one hand and a baseball bat shakily in the other.

"I--I'm calling the cops..." He said, eyes wide in their sockets.

"Yeah, you don't want to do that, butterfingers." Grace told him matter-of-factly. She walked up to him, he was frozen in fear, and plucked the phone from his hand. Her grip tightened and the device crumpled and dropped to the marble floor and dozen of pieces. Graced wiped her hand off on her linen pants, the uniform from the School, smearing them with a fresh bit of blood to the already blood stained fabric. He gaped. "Besides, by the time the cops even got here, we'd be miles gone." She grabbed the bat and tossed it into the other room nonchalantly.

"Who are you p-people? What are you? Angels? What do you want from me?"

"Dude, we aren't here to rob you. We just want your food. We're, like, really hungry." Grace shrugged. "Come, sit. We can't have you running out and doing anything unnecessary. We'll eat your food and be gone." She started munching on some crackers and cheese. "So tell us about yourself!" 
Ethan and Dimitri landed rather sloppily, but safely, Keanu's arms still slung around their shoulders. Half of the Flock rushed over to him. Blaire wasn't really sure what to do besides check to make sure he was still breathing, that was the most important thing. They weren't really paying attention to the pair of figures emerged from the building, bundled up for the brisk weather and holding hands as they hurried out to greet them. There was a man dressed in white behind them. The man in white made a beeline towards Keanu while the other two addressed the group as a whole, standing among the previous welcome party; the boy on fire, who was now not on fire and looked to be their age or so; the giant raven girl, who was now just a girl of about Brinley's age of twelve or so with long dark hair; the boy with wings, about fourteen or so; and the ghost girl who now appeared as a slightly more solid.

The woman stepped forward, she was tall with brown hair pulled loosely into a bun and kind brown eyes that shined with delight behind a frame of glasses. "Welcome, I am Dr. Olivia Grey, the headmaster. And my husband, Dr. Jean-Luc." She smiled and met each of their eyes before she turned her attention to Callie. "Your flock member seems to be ill. With your permission, our nurse will provide appropriate care?" When that was taken care of she focused back on the group. "I see you have met some of our other students, rather briefly at the moment, but as you have perhaps noticed...The students here share the same uniqueness as your Flock. This is no normal teaching establishment. I hope you will come to get to know us here. But come, let us go inside. You children must be cold!"

Blaire then noticed that the valley was dusted with snow. They were so focused on the Academy and the other mutant-kids, and then Keanu passing out that she didn't think many of them really realized there was freaking snow on the ground. Much different from their tropical stay in Hawaii.

(Yo, feel free to play Olivia or Jean-Luc or the rest of the other npcs!)
Callie landed a few seconds before the boys, and let out a breath as they landed sloppily but still safe. Keanu still appeared to be unconscious, his head hanging forward and all of his weight being held up by Demitri and Ethan. Almost everyone is so focused on their ill flock member that they don't even notice the new people emerging until a man in white was suddenly looking over Keanu. Callie turned around to see a middle aged couple standing hand in hand, smiling at them.

Callie was already on edge and suspicious of all of this, but she was trying to convince herself that these people weren't evil. They seemed innocent enough but she had learned quickly and the hard way not to judge a book by its cover. But at the same time, she was excited to see just what all of this would be about.

It was clear that Keanu needed some sort of medical attention. When the headmaster, who introduced herself as Dr. Olivia Grey asked if Keanu could be taken care of, she nodded slowly. "Uh yeah, he's not doing too good," She rubbed the back of her neck. "We don't know what's wrong with him." She admitted quietly. At first they had thought he had just exhausted his powers. That still could have been the case, but they had all exhausted themselves before and it had never been this bad.

Eager to check this place out more, Callie willing agreed to go inside. Although a small part of her made sure to remind her that if this was a trap they could very well be screwed. She felt Brinley come up next to her.

"It's pretty here. It's a lot colder than Hawaii but it was getting really hot there. Like, I was getting a sunburn everyday." Callie sighed as Brinley continued to ramble on. Something told her it wouldn't be hard for her to make friends here.

(Nico's supposed to be the boy I made, right? xD Probably a dumb question)
Blaire rubbed her arm, standing besides Keanu and the others, as more students began to gather to the group. The kids regarded them with an anxiousness that made Blaire feel claustrophobic. The Headmistress was speaking to them about the Academy and how it started. Not very interested in this, she only paid a fraction amount of attention to the words, her eyes falling on her surrounding. The luxurious buildings modern but with the rustic charm of a resort lodge high in the snowy mountains. The sky was grey and heavily overcast and within a few minutes real snow seemed to follow her thought, drifting down in the mild temperature of the midday sun.

"Oh, dear, we should get you guys inside." Olivia told them and gestured with an arm. "Our medics will take Mr. Knight here to the infirmary now. Rest assured he is in good hands. Now how about a tour then we can show you your quarters in your respective dormitories."

The flock shared a glance. Dimitri looked at Callie then back at Keanu. "I think we should probably hole up with Keanu until he's well." Ethan's stomach growled demandingly as if on que. "We're all wiped out from the flight. We should take it easy--"

"And eat, like, a whole bunch of food." Blaire added quickly. The Headmistress laughed.

Dimitri affirmed. "Us bird kids have to eat a ton of calories a day." He looked over at the dark-haired Academy bird kid and nodded to him. "I'm sure this guys knows what we're talking about!"

"I see." Jean-Luc said in a reserved manner, opening with a smile, "I acquiesce. We're all very excited to have you here. This is, I'm sure, a lot to take in. Let us take you to the infirmary," He flipped open a small device, "Let me call to make some accommodation and prepare a meal for you all. We are between lunch and dinner." He stepped away and began speaking into the device.

Olivia Grey began to show them up the cobblestone path. The large heavy wooden doors opened. Headmistress Grey spoke to them about their security systems, how they were able to stay without detection for so long and some technical specification about the fortifications of the lodgings. Blaire again wasn't paying too much attention to this, she was noting the windows and doors, skylights and giant stone fireplace in the giant foyer, the windowless hallways, walls of glass at the end of said hallways. It was a beautiful place. Just about ever leather couch they came across had a kid or two sprawled casually across it, reading a book or chatting with a friend. Olivia was going on about the security still but it was one part of the conversation that caught her attention.

"ity team is special forces qualified, but we do allow the older children to participate in guard duty as apart of their Defense course--"

"What?" Blaire burst. Ethan looked equally surprised. Dimitri's face remained cool, his gaze turned forward.

"Yes, as you could imagine some of their powers are advantageous. But for the most part we teach our students how to use their powers and defend themselves."

"Li--like soldiers!?"

"It is apart of their class, but it is purely volunteer." Jean-Luc added. "Only the advanced students are allowed to participate. Surely you all can understand, all the years on the run, the importance of being able to protect yourselves."

The couple stopped and opened a pair of double white doors into a large spacious room. The smell was warm and inviting but no matter Blaire's stomach rolled. You couldn't mask the scent of a hospital, the sterilizing chemicals. At least they tried. The nurse medics already had Keanu set up in a bed. The couple lead them into an adjoining room with a window looking into the infirmary. The walls were lined with comfy chairs and the smell was considerably better, especially with the wafting smell of meat and other delectables sat on a table waiting for them.

Blaire wasn't finished with her questions but at this point her mouth was watering and all she could think about was pulled-pork. They won this round. She quickly filled her plate along with her brother who gathered for Lillie as well.
((Sorry, been busy with end of year tests and whatnot. Talk about pain in the a**))

As Callie stood near her brother, soaking up as much of the information that was being thrown at them as possible, Keanu drifted in and out of consciousness. If one could even call it that. Every minute or so, his eyes would flutter open for only a quick second or two, his body stiffen, before his eyes would fall closed again and he would once more go limp in the hold of his Flock mates. Callie was sure the addition of falling snow probably wasn't helping, and quickly agreed when it was offered that they go inside. Although she was still on high alert, especially when Keanu was taken.

The inside was even more extravagant than the out. At the mention of food, everyone immediately seemed to perk up a bit more. When the other bird kid was recognized, Callie stole a glance at him. He had been relatively quiet since their arrival, but now he had a small smirk on his face. He appeared to be maybe a year or two younger than Callie herself, although already taller.

The mansion was spacey and open, but beautiful. Callie appreciated the amount of space, none of them had ever liked cramped conditions. There were numerous couches, book shelves, TV's, computers, everything The Flock would consider a luxury in their position.

While almost completely focused on what Olivia and Jean-Luc had to see, she didn't dismiss the fact that whenever they walked by a "gifted kid" they would put down their books or hush their talking to not so subtly stare at the passing group. Some of them would whisper back and worth. Was this some kind of initiation? She didn't ask, but she would definitely bring it up to the Flock later when they were in a more private area.

"I wanna do guard duty!" Dally shouted, as their was a mention of students being able to participate as a part of defense courses. His volunteer was most likely predicated by everyone, although Callie could picture almost all of them doing such a thing. She'd look more into that, as well.

Quickly, they were in front of large doors that were pushed open and lead to Keanu. Callie sucked in a breathe. It definitely had the feel of a very nice upscale hospital room, almost looking like a normal bedroom, but the IV stuck into Keanu's arm and other medical apparatus spread around the room was still in clear view.

Keanu himself was propped up in the large bed, but seemed to be asleep. A slow beeping machine told them all that he was stable.

There wasn't too much time to get caught up in the hospital aspect before they were shuffled into a larger room connected to Keanu's inside were comfy looking chairs and tables of food. Any and all of the few manners that the kids had learned were immediately thrown out the window as they all quickly jumped at the food.
Dr. Olivia and her husband excused themselves to give the flock some time together, to warm up and replenish their energy with food. A few minutes later there were cots being delivered to the room and set in a corner. When they were gone Blaire chimed, "Nice room service, am I right?" Though the flock knew better than anyone not to judge a book by its cover. They'd look into this place, scope it out, and find out if it was legitimate or not. Blaire was really hoping so.

"I'm kinda getting a strange vibe from the kids here..." Dimitri said honestly. In the last year, he'd become more of a sceptic than ever. Maybe it was the kidnappings, nobody could blame him.

Ethan nodded and tore off a hunk of bread from a roll. "Yeah," he said through a mouthful of bread, "What is with that."

'Its you guys,' said a disembodied voice, the girls voice from before when they were flying in.

"Good god," Blaire mumbled, startled, trying to calm her pounding heart.

'Sorry,' slowly the girls form appeared, though she looked more like a ghost, slightly translucent. She smiled, 'Bad habit.'

"So what up with the kids you say?" Blaire asked.

'Its you guys. They are as surprised to see you as you are of them. You are a legend to them...'

"A...legend? You gotta be kidding me. Were, like, a bunch of misfits who happen to be fast runners." Dimitri argued.

She nodded nonetheless. 'Think about it. All the kids were have either been rescues from cages or off the streets. You guys are trained, you know your powers and you use them to beat up the bad guys. You are heroes to them because you fight, because you fight back.'

Blaire looked at their group, tired and exhausted, beat up and shaken. She looked over her shoulder out through the window that looked into the infirmary. Where Keanu laid immobile in a hospital bed. "Some heroes we are.." She muttered.
Callie had definitely never thought about any of them being "heroes." All they did was defeat the bad guys, but mostly from their own benefit. If they hadn't, who knows if they'd still be alive.

If this whole legendary thing was going to be permanent, if was something Callie would have to get used to. Being the center of attention was one thing, but being the center of attention for being a hero? Not that it wasn't cool at the same time, because it totally was.

"Well, this place seems nice. So far. It'll do," She shrugged as she bit into a carrot. "Of course we'll have to check it out. Make sure this is legit. And find out more on all these classes. I'm not really a big fan of the whole school part." She mumbled. The last time they had been in a classroom was during their naval training, preparing for their rescue mission. And like any other situation, all hell had broken loose then.

Callie looked around the decent sized room they were being holed up in. A part of her was itching to explore this place, see what kind of trouble they could get into, and another part was afraid of what they might find.

This could be really good for them. But when was the last time something ever went good?
Dimitri nodded in agreement at Callie's comment. Judging from the expression on her face she felt as shifty as he did and was looking for any excuse to discredits it. After all these years lasting on their own...were they to isolated and independent to accept a place like this...or was it just too good too be true.

'Just food for thought!' The ghost girl said with a smile. 'They look up to you guys. And what with the prophecy and all...'

"Prophecy?" Ethan echoed speculatively.

"What prophecy?" Dimitri demanded.

The ghost girl giggled. 'Oops, maybe I shouldn't talk about the Soothsayer yet. Hehe.' She disappeared.

Blaire frowned and turned to the group once the small girl evaporated. "Damn. Sometimes I really wish mind reading was one of those powers I'd developed..."

"I'm just a mimic," Ethan said scratching the back of his head, "So I only had it briefly, but I can tell you you're not missing much."

"But still." Blaire said unbending.

Dimitri interjected. "Someone please tell me they thought that was a little creepy. I mean, soothsayer, prophecy, and all these people giving us oogly eyes."

"Really, Dimitri? Is it so creepy? To see the future? We have wings growing out of our backs, we have powers and do freaky sh*t with our minds. Is precognition so far off?"

"What if this is some kind of cultist organization?"

Blaire stared at him hard, unimpressed. "Really, Dimitri?" She echoed. "Is that really what you think."

"Well, it's a theory. And his opinion," Ethan tried to mediate.

She crossed her arms. "It's preposterous."

Dimitri shrugged, unfazed and bit down a chunk of carved smoked turkey.

((I think we should do a timeskip soon. Either a few days or a week into the future.))

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