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Fandom Winged

"You talk big game. I kinda feel bad at how delusional you are. Tell those little voices in your head to stop spinning tales." She shoved his shoulder, pushing him back onto the bed. A cloud of steam rolled off. "You should get some rest." Blaire replied, her mouth quirking up at the edges. She sat on the bed beside him. She savored his smirk while she could, the way his eyes caught the light, Blaire didn't want to look away.
Keanu rolled his eyes in a joking manner. "Don't act like you can out fly me that easy. The voices are telling me that you cry yourself to sleep whenever you loose," He teased, before he was pushed back.

Frowning, he proped himself up to his elbows. "I wouldn't mess with me if I were you. I could poke you and probably, like, burn your skin off. "

He sat up a little to pull his shirt off. Being inside in a heated building wasn't helping him. Keanu whipped his shirt at her, but not enough to cause actual pain.

"Yeah, and I wouldn't want you to miss your pancakes." He teased, catching her eyes.
"Don't you start worrying about me. You couldn't burn me so easily. I've grown a lot in strength this last year. I shouldn't have to tell you what I'll do to you if you underestimate me." Blaire winked and tossed him a dark smile. "Since you've become a space heater, it proposed an interesting challenge. But I think I've figured out how to cancel it."

And indeed she had, the first time was on accident, but Blaire'd been gauging it since.
Keanu raised an eyebrow. They could all fight each others powers against one another, sometimes even shield it off for a certain amount of time, but to completely cancel it out? That was different. As far as he knew, none of them had figured that out yet. It could come in handy for a list of different things.

"Oh yeah? How?" Keanu challenged. He folded his arms behind his head to lift himself a little, giving her a questioning look.
"Well," Blaire said. "Up until now I've just naturally fought it without much thought." She placed her palm on his bare stomach. Keanu had the kind of lean muscles any hardcore runner or swimmer would have. The flock didn't have the same kind of bulky muscle one might see in a gym, except Ethan but it wasn't actually idea and he was weird to begin with. Steam rose from her touch, the instant evaporation of the water. "That's just because of the surplus of moisture in my skin to begin with. I can't explain it but if I..." The steam stopped, her hand still remained, unmoved and unburnt. "If I concentrate hard enough. I can neutralize the effects." Her blue eyes met his, sparkling with a secret. "But I have a theory..."
Keanu flinched at the contact on his stomach, the cold from her skin quickly heated by his own, blending it so that it barely even felt like she was touching him. But it only lasted a few seconds. Keanu looked between Blaire's face and her hand, a look of concentration on both of their faces. Her hand didn't move, and it didn't burn.

"That's pretty cool," he admitted in amusement. It's like she was immune to his body height. At the mention of a theory, he brought his attention back to Blaire. He didn't say anything, but gave her a look to signal her to explain farther.
She looked back at her hand, her eyebrows furrowing. "It's about the way heat and cold cooperate of whatever, just a theory. Like, heat is what you feel because it's absorbing all the cold and releasing heat. Cold is sucking in the heat and expelling cold. Obviously some science classes helped out. I'm not exactly a rocket scientist."

Her fingernails slowly began to turn a purple color. "Basically I'm just making a cold strong enough to absorb the heat." Blaire moved her hand away, and grabbed a paper cup of water. Away from the sheets she poured the water over the hand. It instantly froze. Blaire smirked evilly, "Wanna test a new theory? What happens when you throw your hot sweaty shirt at someone?" She laid this on in the same spot. Unlike before, this cold was more unstable and sure to get a quick reaction.
Keanu listened to her explanation, only following some parts here and there. He had always been a better physical fighter rather then the logical side. Clearly, Blaire was better at this then him. Generally, he understood that she was making enough cold to absorb heat. That part he got.

When asked about his shirt, he shrugged. "Well normally, if you throw a sweaty shirt at someone they get pretty angry. Sometimes say "ew."" He pointed out, although knowing that was obvious.
"Sometimes they get yah back just as good." Blaire replied. The ice crystals multiplied, their color taking a blue tinge. Intensely frozen ice would surely create a sudden temperature variation. Enough to cause a bit of shock to the tender skin of his stomach. Like the equivalent of dropping an ice cube down the back of someone's shirt. Something the Flock would pull on each other as often as they could.
Keanu jumped, backing away from Blaire's touch and hissed inwardly. Even after her touch was gone, the ice cold feeling remained a few seconds more before diminishing into a refreshing touch, and then back to heat. He glared heatedly at her, on edge of her coming any closer to him again.

"I guess I deserved that," He admitted, although already thinking off a back fire. The Flock had a thing for prank wars, one that never really ended.
Blaire laughed, a hand over her mouth in an attempt to be quiet. "Now that I know about your kryptonite, Superman, you need to hurry up and recover so we can spar."

A chime went off somewhere in the mansion striking four times alerting them to the hour. Had it not, Blaire would have been completely oblivious to the time. It seemed to pass all too quickly.
Keanu smiled at her trying to keep herself from laughing. The doctors here were strict, and if they found Blaire in his room she would immediately be ordered out. All of them were completely convinced that he needed to be left alone to fully recover. But they all knew that wouldn't happen.

At the sound of chimes, his head turned to look at the old clock hanging above the door. Once the noise stopped, he looked back to Blaire. "You've got apple pancakes to eat and class to sleep through soon, schoolgirl," he teased, smirking.
She rolled her eyes. "You better not be into that weird schoolgirl fetish." Blaire turned to leave but said over her shoulder, "And you better hope that Callie doesn't find out about that, "sexist pig"." She was teasing him of course.

At the door she said, "Oh, and don't catch anything on fire, or I might just eat those Apple pancakes in front of you before you get any." Blaire stuck out her tongue. "Besides almost dying and nearly giving me a heart attack, we should totally do that again." Then she slipped out the door.

Blaire made it back to her dorm room unseen. But of course she would, she was Blaire. And she was awesome that way. She shared a dorm room with Callie and Brinley and hoped she would be stealthy enough to sneak in with a good excuse. Because it was basically a given one or both of them would wake up. So she said she'd just fallen asleep watching the movie, which was true and realistic enough. She didn't mention where she exactly fell asleep or that she hadn't been sleeping the whole time. Blaire changed into her pajamas and crawled into bed for the three hours of sleep she'd be able to get before Apple pancakes.
Keanu smirked and rolled his eyes as well. "I might be sexist, but who's the one that's been starring at my chest this whole time?" He challenged jokingly, motioning to his bare chest. "I mean seriously, you should work on being more subtle about it." He winked at her as she got up to leave.

As he started pulling his sheets down to get under them, he called to Blaire over his shoulder. "Night, B." He said, giving her a quick nickname.

After shes gone, he quickly climbed into bed with a heavy sigh trying to get as much rest as possible.

Over in the girls room, the sound of a door opening is quick to waken Callie. Brinley, on the other hand, is sprawled across her bed in a mess of tangled sheets.

Callie is immediately awake, fearing the worse since she doesn't know Blaire is even gone. Once realizing its just Blaire she noticeably calms, but is still on edge. "Everything alright?" she asked in a hushed voice.
"All good," Blaire replied in a whisper as she curled into bed. "Movie marathon." She smiled thinking of the night. It was eventful and tiring and she was glad it was over but more because they were both safe. The brunette closed her eyes and let Brinley's soft snores lull her enough to sleep.
Callie nodded, a small smile tugging at the corner of her mouth. Those two had been spending a lot of time together and now even into the early hours of morning. She wasn't about to question it though, and quickly let sleep over come her once again.

Only a short while later Keanu awoke again, but not because it was time to get up and eat. It was hot. Like really hot. Confusion taking over, he quickly sits up just enough to see his entire bed. His eyes quickly widened and he rolled off of the bed and onto his feet.

"Holy s***," He said rather loudly, his mouth agape.

His bed was completely burned black and smoking. Any plastic that was on the matress frame was melted. The outline of his body was indented in the matress.
Blaire fell hard, she was dead tired. Not soon after she was lost in the dream world. And what a weird dream she was having. She was laughing maniacally, flames shooting out of her hands. Blaire was standing in the School torching the walls and the evil scientists, savoring the sight of watching the place go up in smoke. But then suddenly she was infirmary, the place was up in flames and she couldn't stop them. A pain struck her, searing at her skin like a whitehot iron. Her flames were battle for their lives now. Blaire found the source. Keanu was there, cords of water winding around his arms, attempting to quench the flames while she let them spin out of control. She felt like she was suffocating. The water burned as it touched her skin and it felt as though she couldn't get enough air. Blaire fell to her knees, on the edge of passing out.

She gasped, and struggled, her limbs strangled. Blaire flailed out of bed onto the floor, caught within her sheets and blankets. An alarm was ringing loudly in her ears, adding to her bout of panic. Her breaths came in gasps until she completely kicked off the sheets. Blaire stumbled to her feet and to the window. "Callie!" She called, her voice hoarse. Just waiting for the command for an up-and-away. She could hear scrambling in the hallway. Blaire fumbled with the lock on the window but she was shaking too much to do so. Instead she slammed a foot into the pane and broke it open. She jumped out with waiting for the other two girls. Blaire had a feeling she knew what was causing this alarm. Her wings unfurled, and in a pair of black softball shorts and an over large dark gray tee shirt she banked in the cold morning air of November in the mountains. She landed on the sill of the infirmary window and pounded on the glass. "Keanu! Dammit, open up!"
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The sound of a blaring alarm woke Callie, quickly shooting up into a sitting position. She wasted no time in kicking off her sheets and meeting Blaire at the window. There was noises of panick and scrambling outside, but she knew not to go out there. If there was trouble inside, their best bet was to get out.

Keanu's room was starting to fill with smoke. The alarm was blurring with the voices of everyone outside trying to find out what was going wrong. Keanu moved to open his window to let out some of the smoke when Blaire started pounding on the glass.

He made it to the window in seconds, swinging it open. As soon as it was opened, clouds of smoke poured out and Keanu sucked in a breath of crisp air. He had been holding his breath without even realizing it. He looked out, finding Blaire, his sister and Brinley all looking disheveled and nervous.
Dimitri, Ethan, and Dallas arrived shortly after. Joining them in the air, hovering or grabbing a branch of the nearby trees. "What the hell happened?!" Dimitri demanded, it was fair to say the others were thinking the same thing. Little did they know, Blaire had a bit more insight on the issue.

Without explanation, Blaire held out her hand. "Ethan!" He nodded, and grabbed her hand. She felt her energy being sucked out of her as Ethan mimicked the power from her body.

Blaire swiped her hand and inside the infirmary, the adjoining bathroom's toilet started to flood and move on its own, the sink and shower poured out water without being turned on. Ethan helped her move it around the fire. The sprinklers were working above but the fire was too much.

"You have to stop it from spreading to the other rooms!" Dimitri cut in.

"Ethan stay here, I'll go in. I can make myself impervious." 

((Kay, so since I can't edit my CS post. I've decided to update their appearances.))

Dimitri Todd


Ethan Furling


Blaire Everard


Gemma Ramsey

Once Blaire is inside the infirmary, Keanu steps out of the window, balancing on the small ledge of rock lining the wall. With numerous pairs of curious eyes all trained on him, he decides to explain as best as he can.

"There's something weird going on with me. It started last night. I'm producing an abnormal amount of heat, so much so that you can physically feel it on my skin," At the mention of this, Callie raises an eyebrow. "Feel." Keanu instructs his sister, holding out his forearm. Her fingers briefly brush against his skin before pulling them back.

"So far, Blaire's learned how to control it." He explains, biting his lip and glancing back into the window. The sprinklers were spinning, sending a light mist through the window. There was already a shallow layer of water from all of the appliances spewing water.

"I guess if I touch things for too long I burn them. For example, my bed," He nodded his head in the general direction of the burned mass, the main source of the fire.

((I'll do an updated appearance soon as well.))
Blaire didn't know much about the nature of fires but figured as long as she smothered them and kept them from spreading, that's all that needed to be done. She and Ethan made quick work of it. And soon all that was left was a massive pond on the floor. There was sound of footsteps down the hallway. A group of staff burst in with fire extinguishers, ready to up out the fire. They were surprised to find what they did. Blaire jumped out onto the crowded sill. She held up two fingers,"Peace." Then whispered to the flock. "We should leave before they get mad about the water damage."
The sound of people bursting into the room could easily be heard from out on the sill. Seconds later, out came Blaire. Keanu could hear muffled voices, questioning what exactly had happened and assessing the damage. Callie nodded in agreement to Blaire.

"Yeah, at least give them some time to cool down. Literally," She stopped for a second. "Maybe we should go fly into town for an hour or two, maybe go catch some breakfast. I have money back in the room." Callie had a feeling stuff like this probably happened a lot. Almost all of these kids had some kind of power, and most were so inexperienced that they had no idea how to even control it. It couldn't be too big of a deal. "And maybe find out what's up with the furnace over here." She shot a look at her brother.

Keanu smiled sheepishly, but nodded. "Sounds fine to me. I'm starving," Then talking to Blaire, "I know you want those apple pancakes anyway." He smirked.
Blaire shrugged. Students weren't exactly allowed to leave the campus. But the Academy would just have to get used to them coming and going, it was their nomadic nature. Blowing off the morning until everything simmered down seemed like a good idea. It would give them a chance to talk together in secrecy. "Too bad there isn't an IHOP around here." She told Keanu.

Blaire jumped off the crowded ledge and sailed off. She stopped into their dorm room, shared between the four girls, Callie, Blaire, Brinley, and Lillie. She dressed in a warm flannel shirt, wind proof jacket, heavy jeans and boots. If the flock showed up in a small mountain town dressed in their pajamas or even their uniforms, it would raise suspicion. When they were ready to depart, she stuck close to the tree line, under the radar. It was the least she could do if she were to break the rules. The secret recombinant academy wouldn't be so secret if they had a bunch of recombinants flying and flaunting their powers about.

They discreetly landed at a mom-and-pop diner in a small logging town in the mountains a dozen miles away--the closest town but the distance was nothing to them. They'd be able to pass as some camper's kids just passing through. Since it would be obvious to the locals that they didn't live there.

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