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Fandom Winged

The rest of the Flock followed in through the girls room window. Keanu walked down the hallways a ways and into the boys room. Although he was still confined to the infirmary, once he was out he would be rooming with Demitri, Ethan, and Dally and most of his belongs were being stored in the room.

Keanu dressed himself in only a tee shirt, light hoodie, jeans and boots. Although it was winter and there was a light coating of snow outside, he was still exceptionally warm and wouldn't be comfortable with anything warmer.

Once everyone was set and ready to go, they made their way to the nearest town. Finding a nice looking diner wasn't too hard, they were in the middle of the mountains and diners were a campers favorite. Callie did a head count of her ragtag team before pushing open the metal doors of the diner and being seated soon after.

"Okay," Callie began once their drink orders had been put in and everyone was flipping through the menu. "I think there's some things we should go over."
They were seated at a large circular booth table that accomadated their large party of eight. It made her think just how large their flock had gotten over the years. Eight might've seemed like a lot, but it was a comfortable number, despite being one short, Alex.

Blaire slid in next to Keanu, Dimitri on her other side. Besides almost no one else being able to tolerate the heat of sitting next to him, she wanted to sit there. In the mood for a hot chocolate Blaire ordered a chocolate milk instead, since there was no need for the warm fuzziness of a hot beverage.

"Yeah boss?" She said once they were assembled and ready to get down to business.
Callie frowned as two coffees were slid over to Brinley and Dally, two of the younger members. She didn't like anyone of them drinking coffee, being naturally strung out was enough for them. The kids just gave her sheepish looks and Callie shook her head, sighing.

"Well, Keanu's obviously getting better," She nodded her head at him, who was sitting across from her. "Except for this weird new thing. I guess we just have to wait this out." Keanu shrugged and sipped his drink, leaning back against the plastic of the booth.

"Regarding the school, I personally like it so far," This was the first time they had really all gotten together to talk since arriving, besides the small conversation exchanged when everyone was free, which was becoming less and less frequent. "Other kids are still kind of weird and what not, but that'll most likely simmer down eventually."
"The Academy is really awesome," Ethan said quietly. He personally had time to pursue his plethora of interests and exercise his power. No one else could do what he could. Everyone had different or unique powers even if they might be similar. Like the kid who could shoot rockets out of his hands to fly. He couldn't control it as well as Keanu, but they still had the same powers. There was one other mimic at the Academy, a boy who could mimic someone's voice perfectly, Ethan heard the boy was working on mimicking faces or something like that. Frankly it was exciting, all these people with powers. It was a new age of people with extraordinary abilities. Ethan was glad there was a haven for them when their creators sought to destroy them or degrade their quality of life.

"I think we should stay." Dimitri said abruptly.

"What?" Blaire was confused. "What made you change your mind all of a sudden? What happened to the suspicious paranoid Dimitri everyone knows and loves?"

She hadn't really spoken much to him in the last couple of days. Blaire figured hed been sulking, brooding in some attic cubby somewhere. Dimitri shrugged but didn't offer any explanation. He turned away to look out the window. Blaire cocked an eyebrow but didn't question it.
Callie nodded in slight agreement with Ethan. Callie had made a few friends here and there, mostly with some of the girls her age that she attended classes with, but she still by far preferred staying around the Flock. Not to mention she had noticed that nearly all of the girls here had found a way to not like each other somehow. She personally didn't think she would ever understand that.

Everyone looked in confusion at the exchange between Blaire and Demitri. It was rare that Demitri would say something like this, he was always one of the more sensible ones.

"I think we should too," Brinley spoke up. "There's so much stuff we can do here. And we don't even have to run anymore. Even if bad people did come, there's enough of us to kick all of their asses with our eyes closed." She smirked, and Callie shot her a look.

"Well I haven't seen much of this place yet, but it checks out alright to me," Keanu mumbled and shrugged. He wanted to at least look around more before they left, see what he was missing.
The waitress came around then and began to take everyone's order. With a disapproving glare at the plastic menu, she begrudgingly ordered strawberry topped pancakes, since they didn't have apple. "You owe me," she hissed quietly at Keanu, elbowing him.

Dimitri ordered an omelet, extra eggs, extra bacon, extra cheese then resumed looking out the window. Her brother had changed so much in this last year it was scary. How was he the sensible one now when he used to be the goofy one without much helpful to say? Rarely ever did she see him use his power. Blaire remembered a time when the grass would thrive under his feet at every footstep when he was in a good mood. Dimitri was so reserved. It was like she barely knew him. He caught her eye, probably noticing the weird expression on her face. 'What?' He mouthed. Blaire shrugged, wiping her expression clean. Jeeze, she must've had a rough night if she was doing life evaluations at the breakfast table.

Ethan ordered the "Mountain Man" breakfast. Evidently it was like some kind of eating contest where if you ate it all you were immortalized on the wall of the diner. Silly, but knew fun. The waitress didn't seemed to find anything out of place, Ethan was tall, muscular boy who looked like he needed a slightly-unhealthy dose of wholesome hearty American Northwestern feast. That is, until Dimitri and Blaire, two tall, scrawny-ish kids, both shared a glance and immediately changed their order. Somethings didn't change.
Keanu rolled his eyes at Blaire. "I don't owe you anything, shorty," He bumped her shoulder. To any regular person she was abnormally tall, but Keanu having a few inches on her automatically made her shorty in his book.

Everyone at the table was to occupied with satisfying their hunger to take much notice in Dimitri's change in attitude. The Flock all ordered their breakfasts, until the "Mountain Man" breakfast was brought to their attention. Then suddenly, it became an eating contest all of their own. Callie held back a smirk as the waitress bewilderingly completely changed their orders.

"If you loose, you totally have to go swimming in that pond near the Academy," He whispered to Blaire. There was a thin layer of ice covering the water, but either of them could easily use their powers to melt that.
It took quite a while to prepare their meal, what with the massive amount of food the kitchen had to cook at once. At last it was brought out. One gigantic plate for each of them, three slices of toast, ten eggs, ten slices of bacon, ten links of sausage, flapjacks, and a pile of hashbrowns. Ethan grabbed the bottle of ketchup and squirted a quarter of it over the mess and promptly dug in.

"Not fair!" She whispered back shaking her head, "You gotta big mouth." One the other hand, Blaire had never felt hungrier--of course she probably had, but going hungry was a most I please t experience for most young bird-kids. She sipes up her fork. "You're on. I'll throw you're ass into that lake myself!" Blaire hissed back with a wicked smirk.
Keanu smirked, picking up a piece of bacon and biting off the end. "I'd like to see you try," He challenged, picking up his fork and digging into the seemingly endless pile of food. As far as Keanu was concerned, he wasn't too worried about not finishing his plate of food. Especially since he wasn't too fond of the idea of taking an ice bath. Even though he wasn't sure the cold would bother him much anyway.

The younger kids started slowing down first, but didn't stop altogether. The older ones finished first, Callie throwing her fork down and clinking against the empty plate. Sliding down her seat, she let out a loud sigh. "I'm never eating again," She mumbled, but already knew they would all be hungry in a few hours tops.
Blaire was surprised they all didn't turn into piggies by the time they all were scraping their plates. The fact that average teenagers and some kids were downing, giant-man-sized portions was attracting a few sideways glances of suspicion, and a few cheers of people who didn't really care who they were.

Ethan looked like he would be the overall winner. Blaire was significantly behind. At least one thing being at the Academy taught her. To enjoy her food when she had enough of it. She couldn't force herself to shovel it down like they were all used to doing from many years of not knowing where the next meal would come from. When she caught up, she and Keanu were tied. Down to the last morsels, she scraped the remained into his plate. "Haha! First to empty their plate wins!" Blaire stuck her tongue out at him.
Keanu gasped as Blaire emptied her plate onto his. "Not fair! That's cheating!" He exclaimed, looking at his sister. "You saw that right?" Callie just shrugged with a slight smirk. Of course she had seen it, but she liked watching her brother suffer just as much as Blaire did. Keanu rolled his eyes and punched Blaire's upper arm. Any normal person would probably have gotten hurt by this, but she would most likely only get irritated from it.

"Whatever, at least I'm not a cheater," He shot Blaire a sideways look, a grin on his face.
Blaire winked at Callie as she gulped some of her chocolate milk, washing down breakfast. "What is this cheating you speak of?" She said seriously then raised her hands. "As a member of this Flock, I am honorary winner. No shame may be bestowed upon my glory!" Keanu punched her shoulder. "Hey!" She protested, even though it didn't hurt. "If you want to make a point, punch harder, wuss." Blaire laughed. She didn't care if she won or lost the bet, it was more fun to mess with him.
Callie rolled her eyes at the bickering conversation. Sometimes those two fought more like brother and sister than her and Keanu did. "Alright alright, we should get back now. We don't want anyone to notice and get suspicious. I don't want to get 'The Talk' again." The first time the Flock had gone on an outgoing since arriving, they had come back to Dr. Grey and her husband waiting for them and got a lovely low down on how things went around here. But they had never been good listeners.
Dimitri nodded. "I agree. They've gone out of their way to make us comfortable. The least we can do is appeal to their better half." Once they paid for their meal, a waitress came up to them with a camera.

Her tone was slightly incredulous as she did so, "Do you mind? Ya'll are the youngest, other than lil Eddy, to scrape the plates of the 'Mountain Man'." She pointed at a picture on the wall of a very round and stocky looking teenage boy.

Dimitri held up a dismissive hand. "No thanks. We'd rather not,"

"It's against our religious beliefs." Ethan added calmly when the woman looked incredulous yet.

The flock left and wove back into the woods where they could take off at a safe distance.
After dodging the persistent camera wielding waitress, they made their way back into the woods where they could safely take off. The flew in relative silence on the way back to the hidden mansion.

Once they had landed, Callie turned to them. "So what's everyone's plans for today?" Since arriving at the academy, she almost never knew what her Flock was doing anymore. Besides knowing if they were safe or not, of course. They all had their own schedules depending on classes, and a few of them had even made new friends. Days like today were far and few between.

Keanu shrugged, shoving his hands in his pockets. "I'm sure someones going to want to talk to me about what happened this morning. Other then that, I dunno," He shrugged.
"So now that you've set the infirmary on fire, nice one by the way, when do you think they'll put you in classes?" Ethan teased lightly.

"Yeah, I'm sure you'll get all A's. Teachers wouldn't want you blowing up their classrooms if you got angry over bad grade." Blaire chimed with a smile. "Oh, if you get an F, you could take out a good chuck of the school with the chemistry lab!"

"Don't forget the workshop, lots of wood and tanks of gases for welding." Dimitri added with a side glance and a smirk. "Talk about up in smoke."

The flock flew low to the trees and within the last mile dove down to fly between the branches of the canopy for the last leg. It was courtesy to the Academy, rather than attract attention with a group of huge birds speeding over valley and landing right on the grounds. If they did that then they might as well throw up a fluorescent billboard shouting "here we are!"

They landed in the courtyard where there was a small army assembled, well maybe smaller than that. Dr. Jean-Luc Grey was there with the Head of Security such was enough of an army for a school like this.

"Well, I don't want to be late for Engineering Mechanics!" Ethan said and jogged off.

"Yeeaahh..." Dimitri said scratching the back of his head awkwardly. "I'm going to get the kids off to class." It was something he did everyday. He could trust Brinley to get to class, but Dally on the other hand...the kid was sure to get into trouble. Dimitri lifted Lillie piggyback style on his back and quickly took the two kids hands. "Hustle, guys," he whispered and they trotted down one of the paths.

Blaire began to turn away, "Yo, biology is callin' my name. Rain check?"

"Hold it! Ms. Everard, you have an A minus in that class, you could stand to miss the first thirty minutes this once. You two I'll also need to speak to." He said to Callie and Keanu.

Blaire made a face then suddenly said, "What? Really?" She was passing biology? How? She either spent the time spacing out or doodling. She'd just made guesses on the tests. It was kinda weird to hear she was passing.

They moved them to the his office, luxurious and simply, bookshelves, wood paneling, desk of mahogany wood, a matching black leather couch and chair, and one massive window looking out over the valley. They all sat down then each took a turn telling their story. Blaire had shared a glance with Keanu but ultimately decided not to tell the Doc about their escapade in the woods. They didn't need to add more fuel to the fire so to speak. The two of them then proceeded to lecture them on leaving the campus without permission or escort or notice. Etcetera, etcetera. Suffice to say, they weren't happy but they gave Keanu a schedule and told them to hurry on to class. They were finally dismissed.

Blaire had missed the first half of her two hour bio class, and was still pondering how she had gotten a grade like that. Even an hour into the lecture she understood the material that he was teaching. After that she had a science class which she definitely did not have a passing grade in. It was more or less a reading-slash-communication class. After that she met back up with the flock for lunch in the grand dining hall. Grilled chicken sandwiches and macaroni, mm. Free delicious food served everyday on a timely schedule. Her tummy was grateful. She had gotten to know three other people while she was here.

Blaire sat with a boy and two girls down the table from Callie and the others. She flagged Keanu down and waved for him to sit with her, a suggestion of a smile on her face.

"Hey, there's some people you should meet." It was weird to call them friends. She'd never had any outside of the flock. Dimitri had once been her friend, who became family, who became her brother. Her flock was her family. She'd never lived a normal life where making friends could be apart of it.
Keanu shrugged, but smirked. He had a feeling that for as long as they were here, he would be remembered as the kid who "lit the infirmary on fire." They always found a way to make a name for themselves somehow. Good or bad depended on the situation.

There was laughter and jokes shared through the groups until they came face to face with a slightly ticked off looking group of adults. Callie managed to try and pull her best smile, while Keanu rubbed the back of his neck and nudged the dirt with his foot. Ethan was the first to ditch, and Callie made sure to shoot him a look before everyone else started backing out.

Soon, it was down to Callie, Keanu, and Blaire. They were led to a massive office and all slumped down in the leather chairs and on the couch. Keanu half-listened as he was asked numerous questions about the incident earlier in the morning. Keanu barely knew the answer to that himself, so his answers were vague. He also left out his and Blaire's late night adventure. The last thing they needed was another reason for the headmaster to be mad at them. After the staff seemed to be happy enough with their stories, Keanu was handed a paper and they were all shuffled out of the room.

Callie went to her physics class and Keanu's schedule said he was to have some kind of Literature class. He found the room relatively easy and took an empty seat towards the back of the room. It was unfortunate to any of them to have a literature class, since they were very limited at reading and writing. Science classes of course were easier, but still limited.

Another class and two naps later, it was lunch time. Keanu saw the group and Blaire as soon as he walked into the cafeteria but immediately went to get food first. Once his way back to the table, he was waved over by Blaire. He nodded at her, and sat across from her. There were a few other kids at the table that he didn't recognize.

"'Sup?" He asked, biting into his sandwich. At least this place knew how to cook.
She introduced them briefly. "This is Kit," A perky blonde with dark blue eyes. "She can breathe underwater, like us, and withstand extreme temperature; Phea," a girl with light brown hair, richly tan skin, and dark gray eyes, "she can control typhoons and stuff; and Brody, the human torch."

"I'm flattered," he replied sarcastically with an eyeroll. He was stocky but shorter than the bird-kids, with sandy-color hair and hazel eyes. "But you should watch yourself for copyright infringement."

Blaire stuck her tongue out and ignored him, turning back to Keanu. "He can do the whole 'fire' thing-" for lack of a better word, emphasizing she made a spectacle with her hands. They fell back to her plate to lift her sandwich and she added a shrug. "The other Pyros are all moody and junk, like you some times." Blaire gave him a look that dared him to deny it, she had the evidence lined up, he could totally be moody. "But Brody's pretty chill, we do patrol together." In fact he was one of their escorts on the very first day.

Blaire heard Kit giggle and go quiet, halting her casual conversation with Phea.

"What's up, guys?" Ethan chimed, beaming brilliantly at the group clapping his tray down and sitting down by Callie.

"Yo, Than, have you seen Dimitri?" Blaire asked him, giving him a quick nickname."

The bird kid shrugged, "Not really. Might have seen him getting food earlier." Another girl joined him and interrupted his thought, "Oh, yeah, Keanu, nearly forgot. This is Madge, Madge this is Keanu. She's got mimicking powers like me." Madge looked like a human, mousy brown hair, warm brown eyes the color of caramel, she was tall but not as tall as the bird-kids.

Blaire noted a group of girls at a nearby table glaring at the girls at their own table in envy, and Ethan in admiration. A common occurrence everyday now. Blaire hadn't really noticed it after the long months of rooming and such with the fellow, but the female students here had. Ethan was a stud, as The School's experiment as the perfect specimen, his handsome features, muscular physique, and unruly locks of dark wind blown hair were being ravished by the eyes of the female student population. Also making him, unknowingly, the topic of much gossip.

"You have Field Combat with us tonight, Keanu?" Ethan asked, a hint of excitement leaking into his voice. It was the only class the entire flock got to participate together in. What was physically and mentally challenging to other students was two hours of fun for the Flock. They got to be outside, they got to fight, use their powers, and do what the flock does best--survive.
Keanu followed Blaire's introductions, smiling or waving at the group briefly, since his mouth was mostly filled with food. He was briefed in on what kind of powers or advancements they held, and rolled his eyes at Blaire's comment of him being moody. Although he couldn't deny this, he was sure he could get every single boy in the Flock to agree that the girls were moodier.

The giggling coming from across from him was halted, and he knew why even before Ethan sat down. Even though he had spent most of his time in a hospital bed, it didn't take a genius to notice that Ethan was a favorite among the female population. Everyone in the Flock had gotten used to it quickly.

"Does anyone ever know where Demitri is?" Callie challenged, raising an eyebrow. He was definitely among the most ambitious, not that it was a bad thing.

Keanu was still working on his food when another girl joined them near Ethan. He nodded at her. "Nice to meet ya," It would take him a while to get used to all of these new people, but he was relatively easy to get along with. They were joined by one more bird kid, Nicco, who had also greeted them at their arrival. He was on the younger side, and definitely had a good sense of humor.

He noticed Callie glance at Madge, and then quickly look away. Almost positive he was the only one to see it, he looked at Blaire but his attention was brought back to Ethan.

His eyes lit up at the mention of Filed Combat. It had been way too long since he had last thrown someone around or delivered a nice punch. He smirked and quickly nodded. "You'll see me there."
Callie's comment was just about right on the mark. He was getting so reclusive, hiding away all hours of the day, the Flock never knowing where he would be or if he was okay. It was upsetting to her. Mostly because she hardly felt like she knew her own brother anymore. What's more, with the addition of all these new really amazing kids, she could help but feel replaced. She didn't get a chance to talk to him when she wanted to earlier in the day at the diner.

The conversation switched quickly to classes. More specifically, the last class of the day, one they only had twice a week. Field Combat. A high stakes, highly competitive class that tested your instinct, your guts, and your brain. You could loose all three if you failed. It was her second favorite class. And all too quickly she was swept up in the hype. "Guerrilla warfare today!" Blaire looked like she about to burst just by saying the words. "War paint, camouflage, dirty tactics. Can it get any better."

Phea groaned. "Man, you guys are totally psyched about this class."

"I wish we could have it everyday of the week. It's hilarious," Yes the flock had a riot during their time, but it was also kinda funny how their less experienced peers handled the scenerios. It was like the ridiculous Navy training. Had they not been on such a deadline they might've enjoyed it more. Ah, memories, Blaire's thought. It was nice have a few good ones with the Flock among all the really horrific.

"I think I would die if we had to do Field Com every day." Brody added. "But you guys would probably just get a kick out of disposing what's left of me in a semi-burial."

Ethan laughed, "Probably. Eat up, so when we "return you to the wild" the wildlife can have a nutrient-rich feast. Think of the animals!"

"That is the grossest death euphemism I've heard." Madge chuckled.
Keanu listened excitedly about what he had to look forward to. He was stiff and probably pretty rusty from his time off, but he'd be back to normal in no time. Hell, this was the kind of stuff they were literally made to do.

"Don't forget when Brinley got stuck in the mud pit last week," Callie smirked, which earned her an eye roll.

"I'm STILL pulling chunks of mud out of my hair," The girliest member of the flock mumbled as a few chuckles were shared around the table.

It was clear that they were all ready and eager for Field Combat, but unfortunately there were still other classes. The flock wasn't exactly used to being on timed schedules. Especially when you were just living day to day trying to stay alive.
Lunch winded to a close and Madge laid a hand on Ethan's arm to get his attention. "Com'mon, it's time. You aren't going to make me late, are you?" She reminded him gently with a smile. Ethan returned the smile and excused himself from the conversation, polite as ever.

"We're working on a project together in Microtechnology, gotta get there early!" There probably wasn't anyone in the Flock more excited to be here learning than Ethan. "See you guys on the Field, later Callie," He slung his book at over his shoulder. To Madge's surprise he carried hers as well, she certainly didn't complain while she walked away harboring a small smile.

A few minutes later there was a chiming sound, everyone stood with their trays and bustled to their next classes. "See you later," Blaire waved to the flock and co, after lingering as long as she could in the dining hall. Blaire's next class was just an extracurricular but she also couldn't care less whether she was late or on time to any of her classes.

"Walk with me?" She asked Keanu. Once they were in the hallway she spoke again, "Can I ask you about Dimitri? I mean. You're a guy... What I mean to say, what are your thoughts. He's been really weird lately. "
After a few more minutes of chatting, the bell went off to signal the end of lunch. The Flock said their goodbye's and headed their separate ways.

Keanu's next class was advanced self defence, a ridiculously easy class. They had been defending themselves since they could walk. A self defence class was something he could do with his eyes closed and one hand tied behind his back. Actually, Keanu was amused by this idea.

He saw Blaire waiting for him, and he quickly fell into step next to her. There was a moment of silence before she asked him about Demitri. Letting out a breathe, he shrugged regretfully.

"Well, I guess it could be a few different things," He mumbled. Although he wasn't as close to Demitri as Blaire, he still knew boy logic. "Maybe hes upset about something. Or someone," He commented. "I guess the only way to find out is to talk to him and find out." Keanu realized this might be easier said then done, since Demitri hadn't been around recently. 
((Wow, just realized that some of my post was cut off. I'll fix it now))
Blair's folded her arms as they walked down the hallway at a stroll. Early, on time, tardy the words were arbitrary to her and the flock. Schedules were too predictable and being predictable gets you caught. So she wasn't exactly worried and knew Keanu wouldn't either when the bell chimed again announcing the end of the passing period and the beginning of class.

She thought about what he'd said and nodded. Then with a sarcastic groan she added, "Ugh. Feelings. Emotions. It might be easier to find out he's joined some bird fetish cult." Trying to lighten the mood. "That wasn't exactly a parable of male wisdom. Thanks though. Any suggestions where I could run into him? I could probably try to corner him at night when he goes back to the dorms...." She mused. Keanu's next class was held with the other related classes in a modern looking barn just outside of campus on the edge of the woods. She stopped just outside of the door to the building, her class in the other direction. This was one of those moments Blaire wished more than anything to spread her wings and let the cold wind in her face clear her thoughts. But since she already did that, last night and this morning, she wasn't about to push her luck no matter how boring class would be. Blake hugged her fleece covered arms around her chest. Winter was making its presence known, she could see tiny flakes falling from the sky but evaporating before they hit the tree line.

The falling snow reminded her of something. "You still totally have to jump into the lake." Blaire insisted with a sudden grin. "I'm definitely not above pushing you in." She bumped his hip with hers, "Tonight, and don't get any brilliant ideas." Blaire winked then turned and jogged down the sidewalk to the building with her next class.

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