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Fandom Winged

((im going to skip now if that's okay))

"Trust me, you're not missing much," Callie groaned as she plopped into the plump chair in the corner of Keanu's room.

They had officially been at the academy for eight days. In the past eight days they had gotten their room assignments, been to a few days of classes, and received an all access tour by some of their new friends, lead by the ghost girl. Of course Olivia and company had given them a basic tour, but the kids who went here gave them more of the inside scoop along with a few tips and tricks.

Aside from all the weird kids with powers and classes specifically made to help teach you your powers, the academy was almost like a real school. No matter how much Callie had protested, they were even forced to take math classes. Callie herself didn't really understand why they would ever have to figure out the dimensions of a polynomial figure in their day to day life, but there was no getting out of it.

Keanu rolled his eyes. "Hey, at least you're not, like, stuck in a hospital room." He complained. Keanu was on the road to going back to his normal self. He was sitting on his hospital bed, throwing a ball in the air and catching it. "The doctors think I'll be good to go in another few days. But strictly no flying." He mumbled the last part in the voice of his doctor, mocking him.

Any time the Flock weren't busy doing school things or flying, they were in Keanu's room. During the day he was alone, but mostly all of the afternoon and night was spent with him. He had been on strict bed rest since they had gotten here, and completely knocked out for the first two days. Not that anyone would admit it, but he still didn't look too good.

"I gotta admit, you have to check this place out. You know how many people we can mess with?!" Dally asked Keanu, his face lighting up with excitement.
Blaire sat on Keanu's bed, her fingers picking at her jeans. They didn't have the traditional uniforms, the kind with plaid skirts and stockings and blouses. But they did have a uniform, relaxed as it was. Jeans, a navy collared shirt, and a fleece track jacket since they were entering winter. She didn't mind this, it was nice wearing some new clothes that they didn't have to steal or rummage for. Plus, blue was definitely her color. Her dark hair was clean and pulled into a messy ponytail, her feathers silky as they shifted beneath the clothes on her back. They ate to their hearts content every single day. They were leaning stuff. Is this was normal feels like? She thought.

Everyone was enjoying themselves. There were a range of classes. Normal ones like math and literature, strange ones like combat and self-control, then not-so-normal ones like economics –had classes that were held indoors and out– p.e. -which they taught an a plethora of terrain that included survival- and history -normal, right? But they didn't talk about presidents and Yankees that rode through the night on horses shouting things. Nope, it was mostly about war and strategy and logic. While the normal classes dragged her into the tedium, she couldn't wait for her not-so-normal classes to begin.

There was something for everyone. Once classes ended, there was plenty to do. Ethan was always off doing something, learning a new skill. Two days ago he was assembling and disassembling computers and engines. Who knew what he was doing today...Baking cakes?

And Dimitri? God knew where he was. The last couple of days he'd been disappearing hours a time.

As for Blaire, she was fine where she was. She felt kinda bad that Keanu had to sit in bed while the rest of them were exploring or meeting new people or flying. She knew what it felt like to be sick like this.

She snatched the ball out of the air. "'A couple of days'? What happened to our warp drive healing powers? You really gonna listen to a human doctor?" She raised her eyebrows, "I'd be going stir crazy about now if I were you. Aren't you're wings stiff?"
((When his powers come back I think it should be in a huge uncontrollable burst. Like, during the night the alarm goes off because the sheets and bed are smoldering. And random stuff starts catching on fire! Like the rebirth of a Phoenix! What do you think?))
Callie reached behind her and quickly threw up her tangled locks of blonde into a ponytail. "There will be no prank pulling here. This place is nice and good for us, we can't afford to be thrown out so quickly," She scolded Dally, only half joking.

Keanu frowned as Blaire snatched his ball. Keanu had been so bored being in his hospital room that for the past week had had spent most of his time throwing it in the air or bouncing it against the wall. Unfortunately, once he had accidentally hurled it a little too hard at the wall, and it had bounced back full force and hit the expensive looking vase on the night stand next to him.

"I feel like if I even open my wings they'll snap in half," He answered. Instinctively he rolled his wings against the plain white t-shirt he had been given by the infirmary staff. He winced at how weird it felt just to do that.

"And just because they said I can't fly, doesn't mean I'm gunna listen." He whispered to Blaire under his breath so Callie wouldn't hear him and shot her a mischievous smirk. She had probably been the strictest out of all of them about his well being. Not that he could blame her, she was his sister after all.

((Oh, I like that! And he can't control it, or at least not for a little while. And the whole "rebirth of a pheonix" would go along with "the leaders of the new world" once we get there. By the way, I was thinking maybe we could have a time skip to maybe say a few more days? Because what I think would be cool to do is maybe have one of the other kids at the school throw a party. Like a normal high schooler would do))
Blaire frowned as she listened to him complain. Dally seemed disappointed too. She couldn't help but agree with the little guy. "Dude, come on." She lightly smacked his arm, the one that didn't have an IV attached to it.

Before she could say something else he lowered his voice. Blaire tried to hide her immediate grin. Haha, that was the Keanu she knew. "Too soft," she complained loudly. "No spark."

She winked, they'd totally sneak out tonight.

((Sounds good to me! Maybe they should throw a b-day party for them? Bout time they level up a year or two. Also, he should "flame on" first, that way he'll be able to join in too))
((So do you want to time skip to tonight, have Keanu and Blaire sneak out, then when they get back he falls asleep and that's when the whole fire things starts? Then we can skip to the birthday party))
"Pssst! Get up," Keanu whispered, poking Blaire's shoulder.

Blaire was laying next to him in his hospital bed, facing away from him. After the rest of the Flock had left, Blaire stayed with Keanu for a movie night. Almost every single night since they had arrived at the academy the two had a movie night since he couldn't do much else. This night they had just happened to fall asleep, but Keanu didn't particularly find the movie interesting anyway.

"C'mon, I wanna go fly." He whispered again, propping himself up on an elbow and leaning over to see if she was waking up. Keanu knew he definitely shouldn't be flying and he very possibly might regret it later, but he couldn't wait any longer.

(Oh yeah, that makes sense)
Blaire felt a nudge on her shoulder. Because of her nature she awoke quickly. However she was slightly confused, blinking a couple of times in the dark she rolled over, looking up to see Keanu's face. In the pale light he was the Keanu she remembered, the slightly gaunt look erased. Blaire's cheeks grew warm.

"Then what are you waiting for," she whispered back, grinning hugely, "Let's go!" Blaire slid off the bed and made for the window. She unlatched the iron lock and carefully opened the stain glass window so that it didn't creak.

Blaire held out her hand, "If your wings lock up, I can at least slow you down so you don't make a complete fool of yourself." She challenged with a smile.
When Blaire finally rolled over to look at him, Keanu gave her a bright smile, his dimples popping. Anyone who might walk in probably would get the wrong idea.

He was feeling so much better now, and he was ready to take advantage of it. Smile still in place, he swung his legs over his side of the bed and followed Blaire to the window. He kept his eyes trained on the door as Blaire worked on getting their escape open. A few seconds later, her voice brought his attention back to her.

He looked down at her hand, jumped up onto the windowsill, and then grabbed Blaire's hand and pulled her up with him. "Just because I've been out of commission for a day or two doesn't mean I can't and won't beat your a**." He teased, giving her no time to respond before jumping. He let himself fall for a second before snapping his wings out, and couldn't help but groan out loud at the feeling. Boy, had he missed this.
He surprised her, pulling her up onto the sill with him. Chilly night air wafted in through the window. Blaire squeezed his hand and smirked, "Delusional too? They should stop giving you crazy pills."

She let go an jumped after him. The infirmary window was a couple of stories up and looked right out over the mountain range. Blaire let herself drop twenty or so feet to gain momentum before unfurling her wings, carrying her upward. After a few pulls she caught up the his silhouette darkened against the full moon. Any fatigue she felt was gone now, replaced by a burst of energy.

"Let's see how good you think you are!" She shouted and went into a dive on a crash course with the treeline. At the last second she rolled to one side, passing vertically through the pines.
Keanu hovered in place for a moment before Blaire caught up to him. Expecting her to challenge him, he was following after her in seconds. They were matched almost perfectly, just Keanu flying below her to give them enough room.

Any sign of Keanu's brief illness was gone, as he flipped and turned himself to fly through the forest. This was the best he had ever felt. Unfortunately, his burst of energy and adrenaline was short lived.

Keanu had been racing against Blaire for several minutes when it hit him. The first thing was shortness of breath. For bird kids, it took a rather long time for them to get tired from flying. The next thing was dizziness. He felt like he was spinning when he really wasn't. Then came nausea.

Because of this, Keanu had fallen rather far behind Blaire. Knowing that she would notice his absence eventually, Keanu decided to land. It was somewhat of a difficult task to do in a heavily wooded forest, but he managed to do it without snapping his wings or injuring himself. Once he was safely on the floor, he squeezed his eyes shut and put his hands on his head.

When this didn't do anything, he walked over to a large tree, put his back against it and slid down to a sitting position. This was the last thing he did before everything went black.
Blaire zipped through the trees with ease, only occasionally glancing back at Keanu. She swerved suddenly and banked out of the trees. Looking over her shoulder she laughed. "See if you can keep up, my ass!" Blaire glided, waiting for him to catch up, her laugh fading off. She looped up and flipped over a minute later, stalling in midair, and discovering that Keanu had not caught up and had completely disappeared.


Dammit, they should never have snuck out, not until he was healed. But he was just fine earlier, he couldn't have faked that!


She backtracked, combing over the area where she broke out of the trees where she'd last seen him. Even with raptor vision it was impossible to see through the dense foliage and vegetation to look for the dark shape that would be Keanu. Instead she looked for disturbances. There had been a light snow, just dust that sprinkled over the pines and haven't yet been swept away by wind.

She found one suspicious spot that looked bird-kid-shaped. Blaire hovered above before she dropped down, tucking her wings in just enough to slow her gravity-driven fall enough to grab branches on the way down. "Keanu!" She yelled. "Dammit, Keanu, this better not be some stupid prank!" Blaire was freaking out at this point. She spotted him before she hit the ground. Rolling into a landing she raced over to him where he was collapsed on the ground against a tree. 'Please jump up and surprise me. Let this this be a joke. A really terrible joke so I can punch you when everything's okay.' Blaire slid onto her knees beside him. Her hands were scraped up but she didn't notice. She grabbed his shoulders.

"Keanu, stop it! It's not funny anymore!" Blaire shouted desperately. She suddenly yanked her hands away. Steam rose into the cool air. Blaire hadn't realized how hot his skin was. He was burning up. Luckily her skin contained a lot of moisture, so it didn't do much but turn the pads of her hands red. "Keanu!" she wasn't sure what to do now, her hands hovering helplessly.
When Keanu finally started to come around again, he felt a grasp on his shoulders and a voice that sounded far away but loud. The weight on his shoulders disappeared, but the voice was still there. Slowly, it felt like his head was clearing itself, and eventually his eyes began to open at a slow pace.

He squinted as he could see someone kneeling in front of him, but so far he could only make out the outline of their figure. He was having a hard time remembering what happened.

Him and Blaire, they had been together. He remembered that. But...what where they doing? Oh yeah, a movie night. And then...they went flying. He was starting to remember now. Blaire wanted to race, because Keanu claimed to be better then her. He had to take a break, and tat's when it happened.

When his memory was finally jogged, his hearing and seeing went back to normal almost immediately. He knew it was Blaire in front of him, and now he could see her. As soon as he could think straight again, he noticed just how horrible he felt. It felt like his entire body was on fire, despite him laying in the snow with only a single layer of clothes. That couldn't be normal.

"I'm not joking, Blaire," He groaned. Sure it was typical of him to pull something like this, but not this time. "I don't know what's happening. I was fine, and then I just...wasn't." He explained, not really able to get his voice over a whisper.

The feeling of his body being completely consumed by heat wasn't going away. He brought his hands up to his face and made a confused look. It didn't look different any different.
Blaire let out the breath she hadn't been aware she was holding. It was pretty obvious how worried she was. She swallowed. "I...What do we do? Can you fly? We should get back to the Academy."

She didn't know how to handle this. Blaire certain couldn't carry him back to the Academy, they were miles out already. And she definitely couldn't carry him if she couldn't even touch him. But she had a bad feeling. She went to take his hand before she remembered that wasn't a great idea. "How are you feeling? No, that's a stupid question. What can I do?" Her wings shifted uneasily on her back swishing against the waterproof material of her jacket. It was cold out, especially since the sun had set hours ago. But Keanu was like a furnace or a camp fire that heats you from one side but let's the chill seep in the other.
After a few more minutes of laying in the snow, trying to keep himself as cool as possible, he was finally able to pull himself up to a sitting position. The spot where he was laying down was completely meted of any snow, and the grass underneath was a light brown, like it was completely dried out.

"What the hell?" Keanu muttered, looking at the ground. At first he thought maybe his body heating was all in his head but there was no denying this.

When asked if he could fly, Keanu paused for a moment before shaking his head. "No, I don't think so. It all started when I was flying, and I had only been flying for a little bit. I just don't want to start flying and not be able to land this time before passing out." He cringed at the thought. Free falling was fun and all and everyone in the Flock loved it, but not when you couldn't use your wings to catch you.

He noticed that Blaire was hesitant to touch him. At first he thought maybe it was because she was afraid of hurting him, but then he remembered that he was actually radiating heat. He thought for a minute about what to do.

"I guess we have to walk back. It'll take a little bit, but I think it's all we can do," Slowly, he got to his feet. He held his hand out to Blaire for a second, and then quickly dropped it when he realized it wouldn't be of any help. Any snow flakes that landed on Keanu's skin immediately melted, and then evaporated seconds later. He felt bad that Blaire was probably cold, and now she had to walk in the snow. "Just walk next to me, and I'll probably keep you warm."
Blaire nodded silently and pushed off the ground. Her skin was crawling with goosebumps, she shivered and shook out her arms. What would take a minute of flying would take forty-five minutes to an hour of walking. And the fact that they snuck through the Academy's security to be here in the first place meant no one knew they were here. She glanced up at him and scanned his face. "What do you think happened? You seemed great earlier." Snow and ice crunched under her feet while it melted under Keanu's, like the little snowflakes running away to avoid his feet. Heat curled off his body like dry ice. Keanu was right, walking beside him did keep her warm.

"Just please don't zonk out again. I'd like to get back before morning," Blaire teased, trying to lighten the mood. "They're severing Apple pancakes for breakfast and there's no way I can miss that."
Keanu felt weird not being able to touch Blaire. He couldn't bump her shoulder with his, like he always did just to annoy her or get a rise out of her.

"I don't know, I guess I just overworked myself too quickly," He shrugged. Honestly, he didn't know why it happened. The first time Keanu got sick it happened slowly, but this time it hit him like a truck. "The one time we don't listen to the adults and this happens." He joked, grinning. One could say they had a serious problem with authority. At the mention of morning, his eyes scanned the sky. The sun would be coming up soon, probably around the time we got back.

"Do you really think I'd miss pancakes? Sometimes it's like you don't even know me." He teased back, shooting her a smirk, even though sometimes she knew him better then he even knew himself.
Blaire laughed softly, glad to have a distraction. Her fingers were going numb with chill so she rubbed them together and hovered them next to him, utilizing his campfire-ness. "I take you more for a waffle guy. But not the normal kind, butter and maple syrup. Like, I could see you using weird toppings instead; peanut butter, cream cheese, or eggs and cheese and making breakfast sandwich or something--

Blaire flinched and pulled her hands away. Even though she wasn't making contact with this skin, steam rolled off her hands from the evaporated water. It was alarming. "How is your brain not fried yet?"
Keanu grinned and shrugged. "Waffles are better then pancakes. What you gotta do is get some peanut butter, make sure there's some in all of the little holes, and then put on some bacon. And then another waffle on top of that. Now that's a real breakfast sandwich." Keanu and the boys were always known for making weird- and usually disgusting food- combinations. Although the boys never found them quite as disgusting as the girls often did.

"Honestly I'm not sure. But if this weird self heater thing has no intention of frying my brain, then I'm not gunna complain." He answered truthfully. It was keeping him warm, although slightly uncomfortable. With his usual power he could raise his body temperature, but he never felt the need to make himself this warm.
"On the bright side," Blaire said, walking to his other side so to warm the right half of her body. "You probably won't need a microwave to make popcorn for movie night any more. Just hold the bag like your praying to the snack gods."
Keanu laughed, but was entertained by the idea. "And if were ever on the run again, no need to worry about cold foot or under cooked meat." He pointed out.

Before he knew it, the Academy was in their line of vision again. Keanu knew they couldn't just walk through the door, the alarm system would be notified. The only other way he could think to get in was through his bedroom window again. He walked around to the side of the building, and looked up at the window, letting out a sigh.

"Okay, let's hope this goes as planned..." He mumbled, before rolling his shoulders. His wings felt fine, nothing screwed up there. He took a deep breathe again before backing up a few feet. With a running start, he jumped into the air and unraveled his wings. Between the run, jump, and the extra lift just from opening his wings, it wasn't hard to get to the window. He placed his hands on the edge of the window and effortlessly pulled his upper body through. He disappeared for a moment before sticking his head out, looking back down at Blaire. "Comin' ?"
Blaire was able to sneak them through fairly easily. She knew most of the ins and outs of this place already. What kind of paranoid bird-kid would she be without it? Besides, she was a whiz in her security and defense class. She'd joined some of the other more capable recombinant kids on several patrols and had found out most loopholes. There weren't many, which was comforting--to an extent. This place took their job seriously to protect these kids, that at least was reassuring.

She kept watch while Keanu flew up, thankfully he was capable after that last episode. When he called down to her, she replied in a soft hiss to keep her voice low. "Yah, I know. Gimme a sec." Blaire tried to keep her wing movement to a minimum. She grabbed the ledge and pulled herself in. She landed lightly on the tile of the infirmary.
Keanu stepped back and waited for Blaire to climb through the window. Once she did, he turned around and walked over to his bed and sat down on the edge.

"Not gunna lie, that was fun while it lasted. It felt good to finally be in the air again," He smiled to himself remembering the feeling before it took a turn for the worse. "But once I'm all good again, I'm calling a rematch. And I'm gunna wreck you." He sent her one of his signature smirks, knowing she wouldn't turn that one down.

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