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Fandom Winged

"Stupid? That's not the half of it." She said trying to keep her voice from hysterics. Blaire punched the trunk weakly. "Why can't he just ..." She struggled to find the words, "Why doesn't he ... Urgh! He's being so stupid!"

The truth was, Blaire was hurt, really hurt. She felt betrayed and rejected and she didn't know what to do with those feelings. She frowned and looked at the bottom of the valley where the lake sat, it's cold surface thrummed as if beating in synch with her accelerated heartbeat.

Blaire glanced at Keanu, as if giving him a look that said 'keep up if you like'. Then without warning, fell from the tree, letting her wings out like sails to catch the wind and carry her down the valley.
Keanu stayed silent as Blaire continued to rant. Growing up around a bunch of girls he had quickly learned when to keep his mouth shut and when they actually wanted an opinion from him. To Keanu, he barely understood half the stuff she was saying, anyway.

It was clear that most of them weren't good with expressing their feelings. But that didn't mean that underneath that hard outer exterior they didn't have feelings on the inside.

Keanu was brought out of his thoughts when Blaire dropped herself out of the tree. Wasting no time, he stood up on his branch and jumped off, his wings catching the wind. He flew behind Blaire, letting her take the lead down towards the bottom of the valley.
Blaire was done talking. She just needed to fly. Flying had always worked to clear her mind and as cold air blasted across her skin it did just that. This was stupid, why were they even here at this dumb Academy? Blaire let out a sigh, it was a silly question. There were tons of good reasons they were here and maybe a few excuses to leave. She didn't really feel angry anymore, just empty a little.

She dove closer to the lake, letting her fingers skim the water. Blaire figured Keanu would follow but didn't bother to check if he had or not. He'd either give her some space, or follow to make sure she didn't hurt herself or do something stupid like find Dimitri and beat some sense into the weirdo.
Keanu stayed a good distance behind Blaire, but keeping her in his sight. He didn't know what to say to her, and he figured she wouldn't want to hear anything anyway. Blaire had a right to be angry at him.

He wasn't sure what Blaire planned on doing. He'd seen the Flock angry plenty of times before, and they all reacted differently. Keanu's eyes followed Blaire below him, seeing the small ripples from her fingertips. He swooped down, coming closer to her but still leaving a decent amount of space.
She swooped down and landed with a jog onto the dock that extended out into the large lake like a runway. Blaire felt like flying all night long, she would have, but she knew Keanu might fly with her all night long. She started to feel silly, like such a girl, having an emotional temper tantrum and storming off.

She turned to face Keanu. "You can go home. I promise I won't do anything stupid." Keanu wasn't really the emotional type, she'd seen him be there for the kids and rub their backs when they'd cry, but he wasn't the coddling type. Blaire was sure he didn't want to be here dealing with this.
Keanu landed on the dock a few moments after Blaire. He also landed into a jog, but within a few seconds he slowed to a walk. They stood in silence briefly before Blaire started to talk. He shoved his hands in the pockets of his pants and cleared his throat.

"Uh, okay." He took one hand out of the pocket and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. He wasn't good at this, to say the least. "You sure you don't want me to stay? Cause, like, I can. If you want." He stumbled over his words and shrugged. Slowly he started taking a few steps back, getting ready to leave as long as Blaire wanted him to.
((Meh, not really sure what should happen. Wanna switch to Ethan and Callie and do that thing we talked about? Then timeskip to the next day?))
Walking down the long hallways of the dorms, Callie unzipped her jacket and undid her hair from the bun it was in. The Field Combat class was over, and Callie had every intention to go right to her room and shower and what not, but first she had to talk to her brother. Anyone could see that there was rising tension in the Flock between various members. Not to mention she had felt like they were starting to grow apart in some ways. Callie just felt like her brother was the easiest person to talk to about all of it.

Letting out a sigh, she made it to the boy's door. Without bothering to knock, she grabbed a hold of the handle and opened the door. Privacy had never really been a big thing with them.

Callie stepped into the room and closed the door behind her. Quickly, she realized the room was empty. She didn't doubt her brother was out with Blaire. They had both been missing at the final headcount at the end of class. That was another thing she would have to remember to ask him about.

She crossed the floor, plopping herself down in the black spinning chair that was in front of the desk that was in the corner of the boys room. She could wait until Keanu got back for a little while. Although there was no knowing how long he would be back. She spun towards the desk, absentmindedly picking up some of Keanu's unfinished homework, reading some of the content.
The lake was as still as glass, a solid dark mirror without a single ripple under Blaire proximity. She sat down at the end of the dock with her legs dangling of the side. Honestly, she didn't feel like talking anymore but she also noticed the sound of his shoes shuffling down the dock. Blaire didn't tell him she didn't want him stay. "See you tomorrow, Keanu." She sat there late into the night lost in thought.

Ethan headed straight for the shower as soon as he got back to his dorm room, one that he shared with Keanu. The hot water was bliss on his skin. He wasn't used to this cold weather, living exclusively in Hawaii for the whole two years of his life. Ethan loved the warm weather, even if it was hot. Snow was a new experience also, though he could swear that there was a lot of it every winter of his past life. He got a brief dejavu when it first started to sprinkle and when he slid a bit on the slick ground. He could also swear he broke his toe slipping on ice once.

Ethan finished brushing his teeth and pushed the open the bathroom door that attached to their dorm room. Warm air rolled out of the bathroom in to the slightly cooler room, smelling clean and rich. His hair was dark, saturated with water. Ethan was pulling on a clean gray T-shirt as he walked out. His eyes wilden with mild surprise to see Callie standing at Keanu's desk.

"Hey, Cal. Lemme guess, looking for Keanu?" Ethan didn't usually get personal visits from Callie, not so much in the beginning when he was a new member of the Flock and everyone wasn't really sure if they could trust him or not, Ethan figured after all that had happened since then he'd earned his keep and their trust. But even less after Alex disappeared.

He sat on the edge of Keanu's bed, thankfully it was made today since it was usually messy.
Callie jumped slightly at the sound of the bathroom door opening. She had thought she was alone. Until she spun the chair around, she thought it was her brother. This thought was quickly shot down as her eyes connected on Ethan's figure as he finished pulling down his shirt. She could tell he had been in the shower from his damp hair and fresh scent.

She nodded at his words, putting the stack of homework back on the desk and getting up from the chair. Sighing, she sat down next to Ethan on Keanu's bed, and seconds later slumped backwards so she was laying on her back.

"Yeah, I thought he might be here. You haven't happened to see him at all, have you?" She asked, swinging her head to look at him. Maybe Keanu had stopped in the room before she had came and told Ethan where he was headed. Not likely, Keanu had a way of randomly disappearing.
Decided to change Keanu's appearance again xD Just minus the lip ring.

Ethan took a moment to glance around the room for Callie's sake, "Nope. Haven't seen him. But," he raised his eyebrows. "You can probably guess where he is." Keanu and Blaire were two of the bird kids missing from roll call. After the first few days the teacher had gotten used to them ditching rather than order for a campus-wide search and breech detection for intruders. And compared to a lot of the student's here at the academy, the flock had unfathomable control over their powers and were otherwise independent. Many of the students saw counselors and coaches to train themselves in control and focus. Ethan sat with one of the coaches once, Joshua Bernard a male from one of the first of the School's experiments in the late 80s, he could detect abilities and was known for his range of telepathic abilities. The man told him that he was surprised at his control, but what surprised him even more was his and the rest of the Flock's potential to grow.

Ethan had seen what the rest of the flock was capable of, Blaire turning the lake to solid ice, save for a few pockets for the fish, Keanu's fireworks and of course the infirmary fire, Alex's storms, etc. The Flock were forces of nature and it was difficult to imagine them becoming even more powerful.

"So what's on you mind?" He asked, she seemed like she had something weighing on her as she fell back onto the bed beside him.
Once Ethan had confirmed he hadn't seen his roommate, Callie confirmed he was most likely out with Blaire. She wasn't worried about it, they could take care of themselves. Although she still wanted to talk to Keanu.

After a few moments of silence, Callie pushed herself up back into a sitting position but still leaning back on her hands. If her brother wasn't here, Ethan would do just as good as any. He was easy to talk to and a good listener. Probably even better than Keanu himself.

"I don't know..." she started, staring blankly ahead of her. "I just feel like things are so different now. I know you haven't been with us long, but we all used to be so close. But it's like ever since we've come here everyone's off doing their own thing." She explained, glancing at him. "Don't get me wrong, being independent isn't a bad thing, and I'm happy everyone's finally getting to live a little normally. Especially the younger kids." Feeling like she was starting to ramble, Callie trailed off. "Y'know?" She finished, chewing her bottom lip.
Ethan nodded silently, his gaze going out the window at the whisps of snow drifting in the light breeze. The sun had set now, the day's last light the only thing keeping the room besides the shaft of light from the bathroom.

"Callie--" he paused, unsure of how to proceed. "How long do you think this will last? This place, do you think we'll stay here forever? What if they never find us or they disappear off the face of the earth and we actually had the choice. What do you think will happen? That the Flock goes their separate ways? Would that Callie let it happen?"

Ethan was quiet for a long time, contemplating the questions himself. A minute later he looked at her and said. "Where do you think we'll be in five years?"
Callie remained quiet until after Ethan started asking her questions. She absentmindedly snuggled deeper into her sweatshirt, the cold of the night starting to set in. Running a hand through her tangled hair, she began to answer.

"This place is great. I can't deny that. But do I see us living here forever..." She trailed off, actually thinking about that. "I don't know. It's safe, but if one day the school and everyone involved with it disappears, we can finally do whatever we want." She smiled to herself just thinking about it. "Whether that means all of us are together or not." There was no rule that said the Flock had to stay together until the end of time or something like that. Alex had already proved that, and now it was like Demitri didn't like the idea either.

"I don't know where we'll be in five years. Hopefully alive," She laughed lightly, but was serious. They didn't even know if they would live to see next week. "As far away from the school as possible. I'd like to think we'll all be together, but who knows." She shrugged, and looked over at Ethan. Just thinking about all of this made her anxious.
Ethan absorbed her words. The uncertainty of their lives would probably kill them before the old age would.

"I've only been with the flock a relatively short amount of time, just a few months shy of a year. I can't say I know you guys inside and out, know your whole story. I just know that I didn't belong in Hawaii. I love Dr. Akana, she mentored me, cared for me, gave me something to do. But it never felt quite right. I might have been safer there, but I can't imagine living without you guys. I hate the idea of our family separating, I would do anything to protect you and the Flock." Ethan rested a warm reassuring hand on top of here on the bedspread. His eyes were intense as Ethan gazed into hers, the darkness of the room pulling out the green of his irises.

He'd had a strange feeling since Callie had taken a seat on the bed. Ethan hadn't been able to identify it until now. He hadn't a moment alone with Callie in weeks. It was strange and a little sudden, and for an unexplained reason made his heart beat a little faster.
Callie had been listening to him, nodding at thing she agreed with.

She had liked Hawaii, for a while. It was relaxing, and they were all together. But that hadn't lasted, and now they were at the academy. "I don't want any of us to split up. It just doesn't seem right." She shook her head, thinking out loud. "After all we've been through together I can't imagine any of us going our separate ways."

Callie jumped slightly at the feeling of Ethan's hand on hers. She had been looking over towards the window, watching the small snowflakes fall slowly to the ground. She brought her attention back to his green eyes, her own blue ones looking dark in the dimly lit room.
He watched her reaction silently, before he could think he spoke unsure if he'd get this opportunity again. "Callie, I don't know why I'm here. Right now, I mean. I have no memories before two years ago, like I didn't even exist until then. I get glimpses every now and again like dejavu like I should know or feel something. I found out that I'm a clone of a teenager that lived in Colorado at one time. Other than that I have no idea who created me or why. It used to drive me nuts, some days it was all I could think about.

"It was weird. When you guys showed up at the Doctor's place the whole thing didn't bother me so much, not knowing where I came from. I thought it was just a distraction, but it really wasn't. I realize now that it doesn't matter. I belong with the Flock. I found where I'm suppose to be. I care about you, Callie. A hell of a lot. I don't care about my past as long as you're with my future." His voice was low and soft and genuine. He meant every word. He just wanted her to know how he felt.
Callie listened intensively to Ethan. She didn't know he was literally just a clone, she had just assumed that he was a more advanced, in a sense, version of the rest of the Flock. Like bird kid 2.0. Which was technically true.

It hadn't taken Callie or any of the others long after they met Ethan to know he belonged with them. Maybe it was just be instinct, and because he was so much like them. Even from the start he was never a threat. Except maybe now to any other boys at the Academy, since Ethan was exceptionally good looking and attracted a lot of female attention.

She didn't know what exactly to make of his words. Did he mean the whole Flock or just her? She figured probably both, but the way he was looking at her and his soft voice suggested a large majority was probably aimed at just her. Callie could feel heat spread throughout her body as her heart started to beat a little faster. A smile spread across her lips.

"I know I haven't known you as long as the others, but I can't see any of us without you. Me especially."
Seeing her smile like that sent waves of relief through his features. His lips broke out in one of his famous million-dollar smiles. His main qualm all this time was the possibility of facing her rejection. But even at the face of rejection, it should've had no wavier on his feelings, he would always pursue her or at least wait for her until she was ready for him.

"I want to always be there for you, Cal--" A knock came at the door. Ethan sighed and hung his head in mock frustration. "Ironically, except for now. That's my bio partner, I forgot we planned to work on our project tonight." He picked up her hand and brushed his soft lips to her palm. "Talk to you later?"

He moved off the bed and opened the door to a surprised looking Madge. "Oh! You're friend's here!" She said, a weird special emphasis on 'friend'. Madge wrapped a hand around his bicep. "Common, were wasting daylight. I already had to track you down."

'Sorry!' Ethan mouthed back at Callie before Madge closed the door behind him.
Her smile stayed in place until Ethan's words were cut short by a sharp knock. She felt her shoulders slump, as he hung his head and explained the interruption. She only nodded, her hand falling back down to the bed after his lips left her palm. Once the door was opened, she leaned forward slightly so she could get a good look at Madge. She wiggled her fingers at the girl.

"Hey, Madge," She said, forcing a polite smile.

While Ethan and Madge were walking out of the doorway, Keanu was walking through. He nodded his head and gave his roommate and Madge a quick 'sup' before sliding into the room, the door shutting behind him. It took him a second before his eyes moved to his bed, finding his sister sitting there, looking dazed and slightly confused.

"Am I uh, interrupting something?" She asked suggestively, raising an eyebrow and already in the process of peeling his shirt off and changing into a new one.

"Not you." Callie mumbled, pushing herself off the bed and standing up. Her brother continued to eye her, no doubt trying to figure out what was going on with her. She made sure to put up a mental mind block, she her privacy wouldn't be invaded by his annoying mind reading skill. "Why aren't you with Blaire?" She asked, eager to change the subject.

Keanu only shrugged. "She's having a moment." He answered simply, which Callie only rolled her eyes to.
And a moment Blaire was having, a slightly self absorbed moment at that. But a moment nonetheless to make her think about her position in life. The moon was waxing, probably only a day left until a full moon. It shone down brightly over the lake, the mirror-like water reflected the stars. She exhaled, frost crackled over the ice out from where she sat on the dock. The frosted melted before she took her next breath, then would ice all over again.

It felt like the flock was slipping away from each other with all the new distractions. Blaire realized that if the flock, her family, was really important to her that she would fight more than ever to keep those bonds. She didn't have forever, hell she wasn't sure if she even had next week.

She decided it was time to do something, and in a way more that just to do with Dimitri.

Blaire flew home an hour or so later when she was positive she couldn't feel her toes anymore. She landed on the sill of the dorm room she shared with Callie. The window was unlocked of course. The only people who thought of using such impractical means of entry were the flock, in which case it was actually very practical.

Callie gave her a look when she crawled in, no doubt rosy faced. Blaire shrugged and replied with a, "I'll tell you later." Then b-lined for the bathroom for a nice warm shower.



Blaire caught up with Keanu the next day, jogging up beside him in the hallway. "Hey, I didn't see you around today. Sorry about last--" her sentence difted off as they entered a new room. The lounge, one of the Academy's many, but for some reason it seemed like every other mutant kid who went here was occupying the space. The leather couches, armchairs, sitting or standing on the floor. And it was silent. Except for two people speaking. They took turns telling the story, the other emphasizing with sound effects and hand gestures. Blaire might've sadly recognized the story first before the voice. Most likely because the story was about the Flock.

"What the...." She interrupted.
Keanu had been walking through the hallways with a friend from one of his classes, laughing about what their professor had managed to do today, before Blaire ran up to him. He brought his attention to her, giving her a sly smile. "Jeez, I was starting to think you forgot about me." He teased her, elbowing her side.

Blaire cut herself off and it only took Keanu a moment to realize why as they started to pass through one of the lounges. Groups of kids were huddled mostly around one couch, where Keanu could only see the backs of two kids, sitting on the back edge of the couch. He knew who it was immediately. Brinley seemed to be the one doing most of the story telling, while Dally sat beside her and agreed with her words.

Keanu shot Blaire a look, pausing for a moment, before sighing deeply and walking up behind the couch. He stood between the two kids, leaning forwards slightly. "What are you doing?" He asked in a level voice. He didn't care so much that a story about them escaping the school was being told, but they practically had the whole school listening. Some of these kids definitely should be in class.

There was a sudden hush that came over the whole group as all eyes landed on Keanu and Blaire just a few feet behind him. Some kids started collecting their things up and getting ready to leave, afraid they were about to get yelled at. By now, everyone knew who the Flock was and who was part of it. Knowing Keanu and Blaire were some of the older members, they most likely assumed they were here to tell everyone off and break up their little story time.

Brinley and Dally didn't seem to be worried at all. Brinley turned her head to look at Keanu, giving him a sunny smile. "Telling a story," she explained simply, as if that wasn't already obvious. Finally, one smaller kid sitting on the floor spoke up.

"Ye-yeah, they were telling us all about how you guys broke into the school and flooded the whole thing. And then she froze all the water," The boy raised his hand and pointed a finger behind Keanu at Blaire. Keanu flinched. That was what had completely drained him of his power, had given him a weird rare bird kid disease, and then made him nearly burn down the entire infirmary.

"Yeah I guess that was a pretty cool day. Except we probably killed a lot of innocent experiments, all of us almost died, which later lead to me almost burning this whole building down." Keanu shot back, crossing his arms. The group of kids squirmed uncomfortably as they watched the stand-off, trying to pick sides.

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