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Fandom Winged

Callie listened to him, putting her elbow on the arm rest and propping her head up. "I've only heard a little about it," she shrugged. "I heard that Brinley and Dally were causing some sort of distraction or another, keeping kids from going to classes, and I guess Blaire and Keanu took the fall for it? Or something like that." The details she had been given were vague, possibly not true, and she hadn't gotten a chance to confront any of them about it yet. "As for the gossip, I guess it wouldn't be a school without it." She smirked. "The last thing I want to hear about is the fact that we're supposed to save the world. I barely even know how to turn on a stove, never mind save the world from spontaneous combustion."
Ethan chuckled half-heartedly. He didn't have much else to add to the conversation. They'd discussed this subject in depth before and Ethan just didn't want to talk about such a heavy subject tonight. The week had really weighed down on him.

"So how about that movie?...Oh," he smirked a bit. "My apologies, how crass. Let me make this right." Ethan hopped of the bed, he took both of her hands in his and led her out of the chair. He cleared his throat and bent down on one knee. "California Knight, may I take you to a moving picture?" He grinned, letting her know it was just a joke. Ethan stood. "My old man said he'd even let us borrow the station wagon."
Callie laughed as she was pulled out of her chair. She rolled her eyes playfully, but nodded. "The station wagon? That's a pretty big deal." She smirked. "I wish my parents were as cool as yours." It was funny to pretend they were normal sometimes.

"But yes, I suppose you may."
"Golly, Callie, we better get going. My ma won't be happy if I break curfew again." He opened the door for her and they started for the main building.

"They're throwing a shindig tomorrow night. You have your dancing shoes ready?" They entered the library were he was under the impression the movie would be shown. "Nobody's here. This is where they're playing it, right? Maybe they're in the back.

They turned around a bookcase and met an unexcepted sight. "Oh mah stars," Ethan chuckled, pulling out an impressive sarcastic southern impression. "Talk about PDA,"

Dimitri was sprawled on a leather couch, his dark hair was tousled and there were black smudges along his face and neck. More importantly there was a girl laying on top if him. His fingers were tangled in her pale silvery blonde hair. Ethan thought her eyes might have been gray but they were actually pale purple. Her lips were dramatically colored black, or a very dark version of burgundy, hence the smudges. Dimitri's cheeks were slightly flushed as he turned his head to look at them. He gave a lopsided grin, "It wasn't exactly public until you walked in."
"I'll go to the 'shindig' but I make no promises for dancing." Callie frowned as she looked around the room. It looked basically empty, and she was almost positive this was where the movie was being held.

She turned around the corner and gasped, slightly taken back. Her mouth quickly turned up into a smirk. "Still a public place." She pointed out. She studied the girl laying on top of Demitri. She had sat up a little, her platinum hair ruffled, lipstick dark and slightly smudged. Callie couldn't remember if she had ever seen the girl, but she definitely was pretty.
The two of them maneuvered off the couch to stand next to each other. The girl was blushing profusely as she tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear. Dimitri seemed unabashed, winding an arm around her waist and pulled her closer to his chest.

"So...this is my girlfriend, Gemma," he smiled when he said her name.

Gemma stepped forward and gave them each a hug. "I've heard a lot about you guys, it nice to officially meet you, Callie, Ethan."

"Okay," Ethan said like he finally understood. "This is why you've been acting weird."

"I don't follow, I haven't been acting weird."

"You've been MIA since we got here. All that weird stuff you said to Blaire the other day. She's been really worried about you, man. We all have."

He frowned. "I didn't realized you guys felt that way."

"What have you been doing lately?"

"Flying." Dimitri replied. "A lot."

Gemma explained apologetically, "I'm afraid it's my fault, I've been inadvertently stealing him away from you guys. Dimitri's been teaching me how to fly. The back of her Academy-crested black sweater ruffled and a pair of lavender-tinted feathers appeared through the slits. Most of the time the Flock couldn't wear knit sweaters since slicing the threads would mean it unraveling, but she had stitched it up neatly in a way that looked fairly natural. "I was locked in a cell most of my life, so my wings are pretty weak. Dimitri was in one of my classes one day, the topic came up and I asked him if he could help me."

"She's gotten way better, she can fly for almost an hour now." Dimitri added helpfully, the more he stood there talking to Callie and Ethan the more he realized how much he'd ignored the Flock in the last two-three weeks. It was hard to believe it had been that long, time seemed to blend together.

"And the snogging on the couch thing?" Ethan chuckled.

Dimitri shrugged, he looked down at the purple eyed girl tucked beneath his arm. "If the chemistry's there you can't really resist it."

Gemma beamed, and reach up on her toes to peck him on the lips. "That reminds me, babe, you've got a little something here." She gestured to a spot on her own face.

Dimitri wiped his face with the back of his sleeve. It smudged a little more. "Got it?"

She laughed. "Sure."
Callie was slightly taken back by all of this. Although it did shed some light on why Dimitri had been almost nonexistent in the past few weeks. She studied the way they acted around each other, Dimitri protectively tucking the girl around his arm, a wide smile placed across her face.

"Well at least now we know you're not dying or, like, doing drugs or something." Callie joked, smirking. She liked Gemma so far. She was nice, polite, and had wings, which was a nice bonus. It wasn't like she was purposely taking Dimitri away from them. If she had, that might have been a different story.

"I'm glad you're happy, but don't forget about us, okay? We're still your family," She said lightly, but then smiled. She took a step forward and playfully shoved his arm. "And I'll still kick your ass."
Dimitri made a face half way between amusement and surprise. "You thought I was dying and or on drugs?" He let it go after that, he wasn't sure what to make of it. He realized none of them knew about Gemma before that. He hadn't told Blaire, they told each other practically everything. Maybe that's why she was so upset? Guess he'd have to talk to her about this.

Gemma laughed, "He's got a new ass-kicker now."

This pulled Dimitri out of his thoughts. "Oh, yeah, I guess I do. You're definitely going to have to tag Blaire then too. Not fair that I have two of you to kick me around," he was joking of course, but he'd have to make an effort to introduce the two finally. "They moved that movie to the auditorium, something about not getting the sound to work properly in here or something."

"Uh, yeah, okay." Ethan said, practically forgetting about the movie after this new discovery. "Well it was nice to meet you, Gemma." She smiled, obviously a little relieved it had gone this well. Perhaps she was excepting a colder reaction from the rest of the Flock.

After a brief goodbye, they parted. Back on track to the auditorium and out of earshot Ethan was the first to speak after a moment of silence. "Wow." He wasn't quite sure what to say. "She seems nice."
Callie shrugged. "Well without you telling us where you were or what you were doing what did you expect us to think?" She pointed out. Of course Dimitri was a big boy, he could take care of himself, but after what they had already gone through it was reassuring to at least know what he was up to sometimes.

"But as long as Gemma keeps you under control, she's your problem now." She teased.

After their goodbyes, she turned and started walking with Ethan. "That was pretty unexpected," she agreed, running a hand through her hair. "Who would have thought?" she wondered out loud. It was unexpected. Dimitri hadn't given anything away, and she hadn't ever seen the two together. Then again she had barely seen Dimitri at all. 
"So is there gunna be cake at this party?" Keanu asked, laying on his back on Callie's bed, looking up at the ceiling.

"I don't know, maybe?" Callie mumbled. She put her foot up on the side of her bed, leaning over to tie her boot. "I mean there's usually cakes at birthday parties right?" Of course they had never been to a birthday party, but she was sure that's what she had heard.

"Well if this is supposed to be my birthday I want cake." Keanu flipped over to his stomach. His sister rolled her eyes, standing back up straight. "Are you almost ready? The party starts in five minutes." Keanu nodded, rolled off the bed and followed Callie out the door. Just in the hallway he could already hear the loud music playing all the way downstairs in the main lounge.
It had been a pretty long time since Blaire had been to a party, there was that thing at that New York City club for Alex's birthday but she didn't remember much except that it ended poorly with Dimitri and Lily being kidnapped for multiple weeks. So basically her experience with parties weren't so great.

Blaire was sitting on the lip of the bathroom tub wrapped in a fluffy white towel, her hair was damp at the tips from her shower. Earlier that day she was contemplating evening attire. It was a mass birthday party, not some high-class gala, sure. But what was she excepted to wear, most of the kids here were rescues or runaways their wardrobe was pretty limited. She was staring at her closet, nearly decided on a tank top and a pair of leggings, she might be dancing, no? That is when she noticed something else hanging there. An honest-to-god dress. It was a simple black thing with long sleeves. There was no way she would wear a dress.

But here she was, staring at this thing while she sat at the edge of the bathtub. Blaire heard Callie and Keanu chatting in the bedroom on the other side of the door. After a while they both left, leaving her to silence and the infrequent drip of the faucet. Blaire sighed, she had to make a decision. So on a whim she pulled on the dress. It was a strange sensation, not having anything wrapped around her legs.

After a moment of composure and looking herself in the mirror, she pushed out of the bathroom to lace up her favorite pair of gray boots, making her feel slightly more comfortable. As for her hair she left it loose. Blaire was for the most part a ponytail kind of girl. She hadn't realized how long it had gotten, it used to barely touch her shoulders, and it was now clear past them.

Tentatively she left the dorm room. The party started a few minutes ago but she wasn't exactly worried. Blaire took her time walking down the hallway.

Ethan on the other hand was already down in the main lounge, he was standing around laughing with a group of people, his voice raised over the loud music. He dressed himself with the random blazer that showed up in his closet, the Academy's navy button down shirt, the top few undone, and a dark pair of jeans. Even in the muted lights his eyes shined bright.
The twins continued to bicker and argue quietly as they made their way down to the lounge. Once they made it to the lounge, they stopped their fighting as they walked in.

There was groups of people all clumped in the decorated room. The lights were dimmed, but other flashy and decorative lights gave the room a nice glow. Plastic tables had been placed throught the room holding snack bowls and cups. A few streamers hung from the ceiling and other pieces of furniture.

The kids mostly seemed to be dressed nicely, but casual. Keanu himself was dressed in a black button down shirt and dark navy jeans. Callie had on a tank top and light blue jeans, finished with her usual boots. Although she had taken the time to try and wash off some of the dried dirt and blood.

"There's the cake." Callie leaned towards Keanu so he could hear over the music. Sure enough, a rather large cake sat upon one of the bigger tables towards the back of the wall.
Blaire scouted the room quickly, the lighting was den-like which was a bit comforting. She saw Ethan and his scene, Dimitri was off near a corner having an intimate conversation with his...girlfriend. Jeeze, that was weird. He was free to see whomever he wanted, but it was going to take some time to get used to. Blaire was so used to knowing Dimitri as her brother and a Flock member, it was easy to write off that he might have those feelings. It was a side of him she rarely got to see, the caring, gentle side. She'd seen it when he interacted with the younger members of the Flock, Lillie and Liza. She supposed that they all sought after the need for companionship in their own ways. Dimitri had surprised them with his own. He found her last night and introduced her. She was kinda angry at first, she couldn't understand why he'd kept Gemma a secret from her. She'd been worrying about him just so that she could find out he had a lover. Blaire was cool with Gemma, she was a catch. It was just the two weeks in between that had infuriated her.

She snuck up on Keanu and Callie sliding between them and slinging her arms around their shoulders, "Just so you know, even if a tiny person jumps out of it, I am still eating that cake."
"I'm willing to fight you for the biggest piece." Callie joked, eyeing the cake that looked like it was definitely put together by the kids themselves, somewhat lopsided and the frosting was thicker in some spots and less in others. Although she didn't doubt that it still tasted pretty good.

Keanu smirked, before looking over his shoulder at Blaire. The first thing he noticed was her outfit. It wasn't her normal outfit of jeans or leggings with a shirt. It was a dress. He was quiet for a moment, before quickly recovering. He spun around. "Are you wearing a DRESS?" he exclaimed. He grabbed her by the shoulders and kept her at arms length, studying her. "Who are you and what did you do to Blaire?" He rose an eyebrow questioningly. This was a sight he thought he would never see.
Blaire blushed profusely, she thought her face might permanently become dark pink. She bit her cheek against a smile, looking away. "Yeahhh, its a dress." She looked down at the fabric, plucking at the flimsy black material. Even she couldn't quite yet accept the fact that she was wearing a dress, possibly the most unpractically piece of clothing after skirts and high heals. "Do you guys like it?" She asked, but she wasn't exactly talking to Callie. Blaire shook her head quickly. "This is stupid, I'm going to go change--"
Keanu couldn't see her blush in the dark room, but quickly shook his head. "Nah, leave it on. You look good." He gave her a reassuring smile, and rubbed the back of his neck. He wasn't lying, she really did look good. But then again he always thought she looked good. Although he didn't plan on telling her, he liked teasing her way too much.

"Definitely look better then me." Callie laughed, gesturing to her own outfit that was only slightly better than her normal attire.
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Some hour or so into the party the only chaperone had excluded himself to the corner armchair, his face light to the glow of his phone. There was a commotion at the snack table. And Blaire had challenged Keanu to a dance off which resulted in a full scale competition with the other aging-up teens.

Ethan found Callie around that time. "Callie!" He shouted and before she knew it his arms wrapped tightly around her body and she was being lifted in the air. After a twirl he set her back down. "I missed youu...I thought you might not *hic* come." Another person walked by, waving to either Ethan or Callie, he grabbed them in his arms and twirled them in a massive bear hug as he had a moment before, then casually waved goodbye. Ethan laughed loudly, not quite his usually deep man-ish laughter, but a very un-man-like giggle. When he stopped he looked at Callie seriously. He leaned down resting one elbow on a table, crossing his ankles, maybe because he thought it was cool. He grabbed a handful of snack mix and tossed it towards his mouth. He caught maybe one of the mini pretzels in his mouth, the rest bounced off his face comically. Ethan apparently didn't noticed, he had a weird goofy grin on his face. "You are soo hawt. Have you been to California? Cuz it's like sooper hot there. You are, like, a hot as that, like, a hundred degrees." His elbow slipped and the table flipped over on top of him, Cheez-it's and mini pretzels all over the place. From the floor Ethan gave her the thumbs up, "Still tots hawt, girl, *hic* even from down here."
Callie had been somewhere towards the front of the circle of teens surrounding the current kid dancing in the middle. She was laughing, bobbing her head to the music when she felt a pair of strong arms wrap around her. She let out a squeak as her feet left the ground, she was spun around, and then put back down. Her wide eyes quickly met Ethan's as he spun another person around. Then she squinted her eyes at him, taking in his behavior. He was rambling now, something about California.

"Are you drunk?" She finally asked, lowering her voice to a whisper so other wouldn't hear. Before he could answer, the table flipped over and he was on the floor.

Now almost everyone in the room was looking in their direction, although some were still focused on the dance battle. Callie had to hold back a laugh as she looked down at Ethan, covered in snacks. "Here." She held out her hand, helping to pull him up off the floor. Clearly he was drunk, although she was confused as to where he got the alcohol.
"Drunk? Whaaat?" He started laughing. "Noooo! But seriously, dough, Cal. You should try the punch, its soo guud. Like, for reals..." He was making angels in the scattered Chex mix when he seemed to have the most critical epiphany of his lifetime. "OMG, Cal. Cal. Cal, am I drunk? THE PUNCH! NO!" He grabbed the table cloth and covered himself. "Don't look at me, I'm indecent!"

Besides a few laughs, it was miraculous how little attention he was gathering. There were a few others that had a few more cups of punch before someone caught on and dumped it. After a little coaxing he took her hand and shakily got to his feet. He swayed a bit, resting his hands on her waist to regain his balance. "This music is kickin' we should totally dance!"
Callie immediately knew it was the punch the second Ethan started talking about it. She pulled a younger kid over to the side, instructing him to dump the punch before one of the adults caught on. Once it was taken care of she looked back down at Ethan. She started kicking some of the snacks over to the side, trying to reduce the mess.

Once Ethan had finally agreed to get to his feet, Callie held onto his upper arms to help keep him steady. "Are you sure you can dance?" She asked, biting her lip to keep from giggling.

By now the dance battles had calmed down, everyone dancing on their own again. Keanu finished rolling up his sleeves, a thin layer of sweat covering him from so much dancing in a crowded room. "I'll admit, you've got some moves." He said to Blaire. He ran a hand through his disheveled hair, trying to tame it as best as possible. He had started the night with his hair styled nicely, but now it was its usually tosseled mess and his nice shirt was unbuttoned halfway, sleves up.
Why did she think that he couldn't dance? "But I have legs," he said this like it was obvious, missing the point. So he did anyway, and he wasn't doing a bad job. Ethan bobbed towards the mass if dancing teens. He gave her "come hither" eyes before disappearing with a spin between bodies and darkness.

Blaire was suppressing a grin, her skin glistened slightly under the colored osculating lights. She did a little move, a slide and bumping her hip with his. "Not so bad yourself. Can't believe Cheyenne won the dance comp though. Who knew she was such a wicked dancer."

She pulled her dark hair to one side of her neck. It seemed like the room got even hotter once they'd stopped moving. "Hey, wanna take a cool down fly?"
After a moment of hesitation, Callie followed him through the crowd. Mostly because she was afraid he might do something stupid, but partly because she really did want to dance. With a sigh she followed him, pushing through the crowd of sweaty bodies.

Keanu smirked. "It's always the quiet ones." He commented. When asked if he wanted to fly, he needed quickly. The cold air and open space would do him good. "Definitely." He quickly made his way through the entrance of the room, and then waited for Blaire.
Ethan had disappeared, and somehow Callie had lost one of the tallest males at the academy. Dimitri and Gemma were rocking out with a couple of their friends. And Ethan was dancing again, finding a few more than willing partners, some of whom might have had a few cups of punch before it was tossed. Not sure how or when it had happened, his blazer now partially covered his bare chest, while his dress shirt wrapped around his head like a turban.

For a November night in the mountains, it was a perfect evening. Her feathers ruffled silently to either side of her. She looked over her shoulder at the dark square of a window on the side of the mansion-like academy to see if Keanu had joined her yet. The brisk air was incredibly blissful.
Callie occasionally got small glimpses of Ethan, but wasn't able to directly find him. She continued to push and weave through the crowd of teens. Although she was small, it was still pretty difficult to squeeze through the tightly packed bodies. At this point it was becoming more obvious who had gotten a few cups of the punch.

Keanu's wings carried him through the cool air. It was the perfect weather for a nice cool down fly, the air seeping in through the light material of his shirt. He stayed a good distance behind Blaire, flying just above the tree line.

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