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Fandom Winged

(I will post tomorrow!! Life ganged up on me, it was a rough week.) 
Ethan's chest was now bare underneath his blazer as he jumped around. His dress shirt tied around his head like a turban as he hopped from dance partner to dance partner. It created quite a stir too! Some of the other boys in the crowd, slightly inebriated boys like Ethan, began taking their shirts off to and waving them in the air. To somewhere the chaparones had gone, but they were no where in sight, who knew these kids would get so crazy.

As they glided, Blaire flipped on her back to look up at Keanu. It was a move that was pretty difficult, what with the shape of their wings and all. "You know what, we never finished the waffle bet."
Keanu rose an eyebrow down at Blair, moving his wings carefully so they didn't clash. "I was hopping we didn't have to." He answered honestly. He didn't know how he felt about jumping into icy water. Although he wasn't about to back down on a bet.

Callie continued to try and weave through the crowd. Occasionally someone would reach out and grab her, pulling her in for a dance. Half the time she didn't even know the person. She had now noticed that a good majority of the boys no longer had shirts on, but were instead swinging them in the air.
Blaire raised her hands, "Woah, didn't realize we had chicken among the birds." She laughed. "You don't have to do it if you don't want to, cupcake,"

It wasn't long before Ethan had a new partner, and a grabby one at that. He couldn't help but admire the attention as she danced so close to him. Ethan laughed, his hands on the girls hips. Admittedly he was enjoying his drunken self.

Ethan didn't realize how far they'd moved from the dance floor until his back hit the wall. The brunette's arms wrapped around his neck and before he knew it their lips were synchronized.
Keanu frowned, narrowing his eyes. He didn't answer her, only picking up speed and swerving to the right to catch an air current. In a second the wooden dock came into view. He slowed down, landing smoothly on the ground. He walked down the planks, coming to the edge. He hesitated for a second before kicking off his shoes and starting to unbutton his shirt. He threw it to the side, the could air already making him shiver.

He turned to look at Blaire, smirking. "Told ya I don't back out of bets." Without waiting for her to answer, he gracefully dived into the cold water. The water immediately chilled him, but it wasn't as bad against his warm skin.

A moment later he resurfaced, the ends of his hair dripping. He ran a hand over his face to try and clear it of some water. "Comin' in?" He flashed her a smile, knowing she wouldn't.

Callie danced with a few of her friends, slightly against her will. Although she was having fun. By this time she had nearly forgotten about Ethan and her mission to keep up with him. The last thing she needed was for him to get himself into trouble.

She politely excused herself from her group of friends, going back to scanning the crowd. Finally, she could make out the back of his head. As far as she could tell, he was busy dancing with a brunette girl. Slowly, she pushed through the crowd.
Blaire'a mouth dropped slightly when Keanu pulled off his shirt and dove in the moonlit water. She bit her lip watching after him. She couldn't image him doing such a thing. Blaire was only joking the water had to be freezing, though Keanu burned at such a high temperature he probably didn't really feel it.

She rushed to the end of the deck, crouching down at the end of it where Keanu's head bobbed. "You didn't have to do that!" Blaire admonished gently, pushing a lock of hair behind her ear. She flashed him a grin and extended a hand, "I don't think so," Blaire laughed.

But as his fingers touched hers she knew what was going to happened before she could react. It took barely a shift in weight and she was being pulled off the dock. Blaire managed to pull her arms over her head into a make-shift dive. The shock of the cold water was something else. A shiver rolled down her spine and down to her toes. She broke the surface, the previous waves her hair held earlier falling straight under the weight of the water. She'd forgotten how it felt to have such long hair again.

"Thanks a lot." Blaire said, a wave out of nowhere splashed over his head. She laughed suddenly. "I did kinda cheat anyway."
Keanu laughed as he sent Blaire soaring threw the air, ending in her diving into the chilled water. His plan had worked perfectly. This way Blaire finally lost for cheating. He was still laughing when Blaire resurfaced, looking only slightly pissed off.

"Told ya cheaters never win." He shrugged innocently, a smirk spreading across his face. He closed his eyes as the wave broke over him, shaking his head to clear the water once more. Once his adrenaline had died down he realized how cold the water really was. He concentrated on the particles in the water, speeding them up. In a few seconds the water was noticeably warmer. At a comfortable temperature it really wasn't that bad. "It was way to hot in that room anyway."
She smirked right back at him. "Fair is fair, I guess." The water became noticeably warmer, she could thank Keanu for that. "I should keep you around, my personal hot tub guy." She winked. Blaire floated on her back, drifting further out. "Agreed, I didn't think it would get so hot, guess with all those people dancing didn't make it much better."

There was a slight crackle as ice started to form on the ripples beside her. The ice thickened slowly until it was like a flat ice-berg-like platform about 10 feet in diameter. It tipped up on one end as Blaire pulled herself up then leveled as she scooted to the center. She waved at Keanu to join her while she pulled off her now soaked boots and socks. "Hurry up and get up here, I'm freezing!"
Keanu rolled her eyes at Blaire, but was smirking. "I don't work for anyone." He continued to just swim around for a bit. Since the water was warmer now, it was actually pretty nice and relaxing.

He looked over at Blaire and her iceberg with a raised eyebrow. "No way. That'll be even colder. I'd probably melt it anyway. Not everyone can be an ice princess." He pointed out, shaking his head. Naturally, Keanu wasn't a big fan of ice. Like the saying goes, fighting fire with ice truly wasn't good. "And it's making the water cold again." He complained, frowning. Again, he focused on making the water even warmer. He hated everything that had to do with ice, including it's cold temperature.
Blaire made a face, stuffing her socks inside her boots and tying the laces together. She got to her feet on her little island. "There's nothing wrong with ICE,"she told him flinging her boots like a boomerang over his head back to the dock on the last word. "Or cold, or water." Blaire crossed her arms feeling a sudden flare of irritation. Curls of most began to rise off the slowly heating water. She could feel it eating at her iceberg. Of course she was bothered by any extreme temperature. There was a slight discomfort on the pads of her feet as they pressed against the ice but she could go barefoot for hours like this.
Keanu rose an eyebrow at Blaire, keeping himself afloat in one spot. He rolled his eyes at her snippy attitude. "Well there's nothing wrong with heat either." He retaliated. Upon his own irritation, he heated the water around him even more so it was almost like a hot tub. Keanu could barely stand the cold and he knew how Blaire felt about heat. Their individual powers clashed often. "You just don't like it because I can evaporate all your precious water."
Blaire's nostrils flared. The nerve, she couldn't but feel like he was insulting her, and she wasn't about to take it. The water began to bubble like a hot tube. She could feel the heat seeping through the soles of her feet as the ice slowly began to break apart. A bead of sweat clung to her forehead.

"Is that was you think?" Blaire said standing from above. Her fists clenched at her sides, there was a large series of cracks and mist curled off the surface as crept over the surface forming in chunks of ice in the water, the ice growing. Frost clung to the tips of her damp hair and black dress.

"Why don't you do what cavemen do best and make fire. I dare you." The temperature of the water fluctuated greatly as they both argued.
Keanu smirked smugly to himself as the ice started to break apart. But Blaire was fighting back hard, and it was becoming more of a struggle to keep the water as hot as he wanted. He concentrated even harder. The water around him was now so hot it was most likely unbearable for most people, but he wasn't normal.

At Blaire's challenge, he only shrugged. Swimming slowly over to the small wooden dock at the edge of the water, a natural fire starter, the steam rolling off the water followed him. He reached above him and grabbed the edge of the dock. Admittedly, Keanu wasn't as good at just straight up setting things on fire. It still took him a lot of energy and will power. He sighed heavily, before closing his eyes and concentrating hard. He gripped the wood so hard his knuckles were starting to turn white, and the muscles in his arms and back rippled. After another second or two, the wood beneath his hands started smoking. Then finally, two lines of fire shot out from both hands, going straight to the other end of the dock. The flames were only a few inches high but soon they would grow and spread.

He let go of the dock, sliding back into the water a bit. Setting fire to the dock had been tiring but worth it. He swam back a few feet. Most of the dock would burn, but he would keep the fire from spreading. He turned to look at Blaire now. "What do you have to prove?"
Blaire laughed rather maniacally. "I've got nothing to prove. I'm not the one surrounded by water." She was struggling to keep the water at temperature. She'd never had to do something like this before. Her control slipped, the water almost instantly bubbled. Blaire watched the fire burn brighter, lighting up their faces.

A wave surged forward pulling Keanu into it, it rose over the dock, putting out the flames and depositing him on the remaining planks. Waves rippled across the surface, and crashed at the banks. The back of her eyes ached but Blaire paid no attention to it, distracted by the incredible feeling power and bloodlust that was rushing through her veins. This wasn't so much about the petty argument. She wanted him to fight back, she was hungry for a fight.
Before Keanu could answer, Blaire's wave washed him up on the extinguished dock. He got a quick chill from being out of the hot water and back into the cold air, but he quickly rose his body temperature. Another reason why he was convinced fire was better then water. Not that Blaire would agree.

The air was getting warmer, just because of Keanu's anger flaring. If it was a fight Blaire wanted, a fight was what she was going to get. His eyes locked on the shrinking iceberg Blaire was still standing on. Only seconds later, the ice vanished almost completely, sending Blaire back into the water. With extreme concentration, Keanu had managed to melt the ice in only seconds just by thinking about it. Usually, he was sporadic and rather uncontrolled in his power. But this little fight was making him learn how to quickly control it.
Before she could react the ice melted from beneath her and she plunged into the water. The hot water was suffocating. She shot to the surface and pulled herself out, as if the fluid surface of the water had become solid enough for her to stand on, yet it was still water, as if it was pushing back against her feet. Her skin prickled uncomfortably from the shock of the heat.

Thunder rumbled distantly through the clouds. Blaire's expression was set on determination. She spun, dropping low into a kick, her heel sliced the water like a knife sending a giant crescent-shaped sliver of ice hurdling through the air. Waves surged up on either side of him in addition.
Immediately reacting to the huge sliver of ice coming directly towards him, Keanu extended his arm out straight in front of him. The ice melted perfectly around his body shape, the rest shattering into the trees behind him. He braced himself against the waves that hit him on either side, the water coming down on him hard. At least the water was still warm.

Soon after the thunder rumbled, lightning struck not too far away. The air continued heat up as all of the snow in the surrounding area started melting. Keanu's body was ridged. The water below the dock bubbled in heat and crashed on the shore in intense waves.
Splinters of wood began to flake off from the dock with a crippling anguishing sound. The water bubbled and rose, churning in four foot waves. It gathered around her as thunder clapped overhead.

Blaire didn't know what she had to prove only that she wanted to throw him off his feet, to make him fight back. Her hands raised as if she were curling a pair of heavy weights. Water pulled besides her like monstrous body guards, towering over her head. She shoved her hands out and the giant blocks of water
With the giant blocks of water coming right for him, Keanu had to think quickly. He knew he would be exhausting himself soon, but the adrenaline was blacking everything else out.

In a last effort, Keanu shoved his hands out in front of him. A second later rays of orange and red fire-like flames shot out of his palms. It wasn't completely fire, it was more just colored heat, but had the effect of fire. The rays hit the wall of water. The rays and the water clashed, and the fire seemed to stop the water from progressing towards him. After a few long seconds, Keanu closed his fists and the blocks of water splashed back into the lake with a large, surging wave.
It was a complicated battle of the elements, water sprayed around her, as a cyclone spun from her feet, gathering water, leaves, into the vortex. As she neared her opponent, blasts of hot air challenged the ice that wanted to form like hail. Thunder cracked again, rain pelted down but was evaporated as it neared Keanu.

She shot out a hand, a glove of water burst from the surging waves mimicking her, it reached out, icing over repeatedly as it combatted the heat. The need to fight overwhelmed her, she actually wanted Keanu to fight back. If he wouldn't. She would make him.

Blaire closed in, her ice becoming stronger the closer it was to her, the less it had to travel away from her. She formed a blade of ice, drawing back preparing to battle.

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While Blaire's hands were raised, shooting out beams of water and ice at Keanu, his were doing the same with his own element. They were so evenly matched it was almost comical. This fight could go on for as long as they could both keep up. Keanu could feel himself wavering from time to time, but his bursts of adrenaline were keeping him going just the same.

Using one hand to keep Blaire's ice away, he held another hand out to the side of his body, palm pointed to the sky. A second later a small ball of orange light floated a few inches from his palm, getting bigger by the second. Soon it was the size of a baseball, and then a basketball, and so on.

A ball of heat the size he was holding could burn someone to death in just a single throw. Of course he wouldn't be using this to kill Blaire by any means, he knew she would have a counter attack just as powerful.
Blaire's mouth dropped slightly when Keanu pulled off his shirt and dove in the moonlit water. She bit her lip watching after him. She couldn't image him doing such a thing. Blaire was only joking the water had to be freezing, although Keanu burned at such a high temperature he probably wouldn't really feel it.

Blaire tucked a lock of hair behind her ear and "You know you don't actually have to--" Keanu moved just then.

But as his fingers touched hers she knew what was going to happened before she could react. It took barely a shift in weight and she was being pulled off the dock with him. Blaire splashed ungracefully into the water. She broke the surface, the previous waves her hair held earlier falling straight under the weight of the water. She'd forgotten how it felt to have such long hair again. She didn't realize how long it had gotten, haircuts weren't really important when you make a living fleeing for your life day and night. Her exceptionally dark brown hair was now pitch black in color and would hang to her should blades when wet and on land.

"Thanks a lot." Blaire said, a wave out of nowhere splashed over his head. She laughed suddenly and admitted, "I did kinda cheat anyway."

The shock of the cold water was something else, however. Blaire was master of water and ice but she wasn't completely intolerant to the extreme temperature yet. A shiver rolled down her spine and down to her toes.

Originally posted Nov. 5, 2014

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