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Realistic or Modern Welcome to Ventura Rehabilitation Center! (out of character chat~)

Fuckin' hell every time I read "Alter" my german and english accents/voices are debating as to how to pronounce it. I read it in my mind in german, and the next sentence in english. Oh my god I hate it lmao
Hehe lol the worst is when you accidentally write a word in your own language into an otherwise English post xD that used to happen to me when I started roleplaying, thankfully that phase is over xD
Like I'm either pronouncing it "Altar" (Like the english version? or I pronounce it like the german Alter, which has zero to no pronounciation.

Still happens to me. Not gonna lie.
Yup! I still live here. (So if any of the german characters need something translated, ask me ~) It's my main language, started learning english when I was in 3rd grade.

Also guys niiice also yes I am a huuuuge sucker for Friday the 13th, fite me.
Might as well give Billie a theme song.
Yes, I know the song stands for 'I Slept With My Uncle On My Wedding Night', but..
Seeing as she's delusional af, it's to Dahmer. (She's v sick lmao)
So, just for clarification: Dinner is soon and after that, there is this dance. Is the dance on the same day or next day?
I am still waiting to see if my second character is okay xD :P but not that I am pushing (there is no hurry) :D
Because if it's on the same day then I'd have to slowly make Allie hear voices.

I may introduce a new character at one point. But as of now I'll stick with Allie
lol I am going to a hardtechno party where the DJ is gonna play for 6 hours 6 minutes and 6 seconds xD
EricSings EricSings : Perfect! I'm excited!
(Also, if any characters want to desperately wanna avoid the dance, Allie could need company when her schizophrenia kicks up)

Also, I may later, or not, implement a male character. Maybe. Who knows. Not me.
J Jules8008 lol Alter is a Yiddish name xD (he's Jewish) I thought it sounded cool and also, according to Google, it is used as a German name (thus he got his German heritage) although I kind of half imagine him with a Brittish accent and half with a New York one idk. .-. But you live in Germany? Damn that's so cool.

Also, idk if we're allowed to submit second characters but I did so I'm just waiting for their approval! ^^ (or for someone to tell me that the limit is one chara per player)
Well, Axel is common here, but I have legit never heard Alter as a name before xD. And yeah, I live in Germany. Have been for my entire life.
Oh, before I forget it - it's late here, so I will go offline now. I'll answer in the morning.
I didn't get any notifications again... what did I miss? :D or rather where are the characters at the moment?
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Some are still at the beach, but some are in their rooms. You didn't really miss anything.

Also EricSings EricSings , can I create another male character?

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