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Fantasy Fate of the Universe: Chosen Heroes! (OOC and Character Creation)

I've finished Leona now to we can just have it that she met Suiren on her travels or something up to you I don't really mind how they know each other lol
Name: Julian
Gender: Male
Age: 1500
Species: Lalafell

Personality: Julian is a calm and often relaxed person. Like his sister, Julian is incredibly smart but at times he can't help getting annoyed over obvious or stupid statements. He isn't as friendly as Julia and will become sarcastic with his answers. Julian doesn't care about how dangerous a mission might be and he doesn't care about the consequences. Julian will always do the right thing no matter what if he is capable of doing it. Julian doesn't have the same kind of patience that Julia has and will actively speak out if someone is doing something that may put the mission in danger, draw unwanted attention to themselves or are generally being stupid.

Power: Supernatural Battle Instinct
Sentimental Attachment:
Pet Name: Pan
Pet Gender: Male
Pet Age: Unknown, estimated 2 years.
Species: Red Panda
Appearance: In Julian's picture.

Personality: Pan is a friendly Red Panda who thinks very logically. He tries to work his brain to figure out puzzles and solutions to certain problems. After thinking about these things Pan will talk to Julian, telling him his ideas on Solutions. At times Pan will ask questions that will help them think or understand things much more clearly.
I've changed Leona Power form battle magic to Aura manipulation since Julian uses battle magic along with his battle instincts the powers may be similar but at least they are different enough to keep it interesting when using them both in she same rp
Name: Cole Crawford, the 'Heavy Metal Dragon.'
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Species: Steeldrake Etherlink (Artificial Human/Steeldrake hybrid).
Appearance: (Still huntin for an image I like, it'll be up soon.)

Personality: A very pessimistic man, Cole's world's circumstances have led to him looking at life in a tired fashion. He's prone to his own self interest and pretty bad at taking orders. He's not a heroic person by any means but he's not entirely past the point of caring, (which would be surprising from his attitude). Cole doesn't like seeing people hurt, he's got his own rigid beliefs of right and wrong and greatly values his own and others autonomy. Cole is very aware of the appearance he cuts and is not at all put off by putting others off by his looks and attitudes as by the standards of his universe he is very much a freak.

Cole isn't the most approachable person but he can talk someone's ears off about the few things he's passionate about, which is mostly his favorite bands, ironically none of which are metal. He'll often hum his favorite songs to himself when he's bored or thinking.

Bio: Cole's world is very similar to Earth up until the 2010s, at which point an interdimensional crack opened which allowed monsters and magical energy to seep out of a mirror dimension called the Ether. Some of that magic energy bonds to humans and animals and changes them into creatures more associated with the Ether, referred to as Etherlinks.

Cole had always been a delinquent though never going so far as to actually turn to crime. He found his fun by being a drummer in a garage band with some buddies. He became an Etherlink during a performance which was interrupted by a rift opening and allowing monsters to run rampant. Cole's powers let him get some people out to safety, but not everyone and when the military got involved (as they did with monster attacks in Cole's America) Cole was blamed for the destruction. He found himself in an Etherlink lockup left to rot until he was given a choice. Join a unit of Etherlinks to be the frontline against the monster menace in exchange for the promise of freedom. Cole joined this newly coined E-Team, making a couple friends, losing some too and living a life of forced war. He was a part of this unit up until he found himself taken from his world at the start of this journey.

Power: Mutant Steeldrake Physiology: Cole has the powers of his world's version of a drake, his body is large and metallic he stands at around 9 feet tall, his hands are steel claws, his jaws are powerful enough to snap steel and he has a long powerful tail that ends in a useful for stabbing point. Cole possesses immense physical strength due to his magical mutation and his body being metallic makes him very durable to physical attacks, he's more resilient than the average human to energy attacks and seems particularly resistant to fire and heat. He is capable of throwing out an explosive burst of fire from his mouth but needs to consume metal in order to fuel it, the more metal he eats the bigger and more sustained the blast. The dragons of Cole's world are resilient against magic, this doesn't fully manifest in Cole but he seems to be protected from charms and other tricks of the mind.

Family: Not really in the picture for him at the moment. His parents were named Dave and Becky. He grew up close to a cousin named Ralph who got him into music.

Friends: The E-Team
Claire (Gorgon)
Laura (Almiraj)
Bruno (Minotaur)
Arthur (Manticore)

Sentimental Attachment: The Other Members of the E-Team
Weapon: Brute Strength and Natural Weapons, along with anything else useful that might be lying around.
Other: The Acting leader and creator of the E-Team is General Barton (Cole doesn't care for the guy).
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