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Fantasy Welcome to the Pantheon (Always Open!)

Xan said:
Her brow furrowed at the mention of dreams. Of course, if anyone were to know anything about dreams, it would be her. "In any other case, I would suspect these dreams would be nothing but that. Dreams." She gently reached up a hand and let the crow butt it's head into her palm, ruffling it's feathers absently.
"But since it is you, and knowing your nature, I would be inclined to suspect they are not dreams, but premonitions." It was times like this Deimos cursed her wordiness, and her inability to say anything to the point and quickly. "I would say the answer to your question would be laid deep in their premonitions, and is for you to decipher. I am not gifted in Divination to be able to tell you myself."
"Ah well...I suppose you would know."

He say as he sips again.

"I will think on this for a time." He muses "speak to M about the mortal,and do relay to him that I would like the human sent back... It would do is some good if she could spread our worship. If we were to become a part of the mortals lives again we would be much less inclined to boredom."

After he finishes his request his door opens again and the butler stands by the door motionless holding it open.

(That's all for now I gotta go to sleep)
[QUOTE="RedTeam Grif]Morgana blinked, "Hardly." She said, leaning her head on her hand. "So, why'd it take you so long to get up here?" She asked. She wasnt going to drain him of blood completely, even if she did it wouldnt effect a god as it would a human. He'd just be a really pissed off god. No, she was going to drain some if she could though. She just had to think of something first.

He narrowed his eyes again and was going to ask another question, though he dismissed it. Can't be anything serious anyways.

"Well I thought it would be the most chaotic place I've ever seen... I'm not too far from wrong I guess. But I'm staying, and if I'm staying I'm bringing at least some order."


As it so happened, now was the time Mnemosyne had always set aside to practice her musical skills (though she knew she never need practice, it was inherent that she play exquisitely. Maybe it was just the idea of "practice" that enticed her). Very gently, with a grace she had long since perfected, honed, and patented she drew the bow of her violin against the instrument, not needing any sheets of music, only a thought or a feeling. Absently, she wondered if she would send this piece down to Earth, for some lucky composer, or would she keep it for herself, adding it to the ever growing clutter that was her home.

Stowing that thought away, she began to play, the music resonating throughout the mountain. Behind her, as she sat on the edge of the mountain, a few instruments began to accompany her, and she smiled gratefully, looking down at her lap a tad sheepishly, as she had subconsciously willed them to being without even knowing it.

Mnemosyne's song:

Alphaius said:
"Ah well...I suppose you would know."
He say as he sips again.

"I will think on this for a time." He muses "speak to M about the mortal,and do relay to him that I would like the human sent back... It would do is some good if she could spread our worship. If we were to become a part of the mortals lives again we would be much less inclined to boredom."

After he finishes his request his door opens again and the butler stands by the door motionless holding it open.

(That's all for now I gotta go to sleep)

Deimos nodded mutely, though she had never been inclined to boredom, nor had she ever withdrawn from the human world as some Gods did. "I will do just that. Thank you for speaking with me." The Goddess said with a wicked smile, curtsying deeply before turning and walking out the door, letting them shut behind her.

"What to do?" She pondered, looking to her crow before venturing back down the halls and into the main room where the other's seemed to be joining. Deimos wasn't fond of these communal moments but she could hardly refuse to do as the King of the Gods asked. M. She knew about him, and being that the very nature of Dreams were the lack of order and cohesion, it made her a bit apprehensive of speaking with him.

She would stand there, in the door frame and observe him, then decide if she really wanted to initiate a conversation. It was the only way, there was no other option.
GreenEyedStranger said:
He narrowed his eyes again and was going to ask another question, though he dismissed it. Can't be anything serious anyways.
"Well I thought it would be the most chaotic place I've ever seen... I'm not too far from wrong I guess. But I'm staying, and if I'm staying I'm bringing at least some order."

"Bring order? Here? That'll take you a while" She said. She was clueless on how to bait this guy! He seemed unbaitable! And if she slipped up once, she was a goner in the sense of getting some blood. She decided to use captivation, "I can help" Her eyes glowed red when she got eye contact with him.

The sounds of a gorgeous tune spread through the mountain,immediately holding Thranduil's attention. A slow smile spread through his face. Mnemosyne was playing again.

He left his solitude so he could follow the tune to it's source. It wasn't hard to find the Goddess and her violin. His presence always carried a suave sense of tranquility,but he didn't announce his arrival. He wouldn't disturb the birth of a new masterpiece.

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Xan said:

Deimos nodded mutely, though she had never been inclined to boredom, nor had she ever withdrawn from the human world as some Gods did. "I will do just that. Thank you for speaking with me." The Goddess said with a wicked smile, curtsying deeply before turning and walking out the door, letting them shut behind her.

"What to do?" She pondered, looking to her crow before venturing back down the halls and into the main room where the other's seemed to be joining. Deimos wasn't fond of these communal moments but she could hardly refuse to do as the King of the Gods asked. M. She knew about him, and being that the very nature of Dreams were the lack of order and cohesion, it made her a bit apprehensive of speaking with him.

She would stand there, in the door frame and observe him, then decide if she really wanted to initiate a conversation. It was the only way, there was no other option.
@RedTeam Grif

M turned to see the woman standing at the door frame and was about to say something to her but then caught Morganas eye. He certainly wasn't prepared. He could sense something was wrong but couldn't put his finger on it

"Oh I... I guess you can. How did you want to?"

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Rukia said:
The sounds of a gorgeous tune spread through the mountain,immediately holding Thranduil's attention. A slow smile spread through his face. Mnemosyne was playing again.

He left his solitude so he could follow the tune to it's source. It wasn't hard to find the Goddess and her violin. His presence always carried a suave sense of tranquility,but he didn't announce his arrival. He wouldn't disturb the birth of a new masterpiece.




She knew it wasn't very becoming of a lady to be overly proud of her accomplishments, but this piece was particularly good and she felt a swell of pride in her chest. Mnemosyne liked to think it was all her careful people watching she did today from this very clifftop that brought such a sense of nostalgia, which infiltrated her work, heavy weighing it with soul and feeling. Everyday, watching over humans with a careful eye, catching their hopes, their aspirations in her metaphorical net in the hopes she could send down a few of her own.

She smiled, finishing her song, and let the sheet music that materialized directly afterwards fall into the soft fabric of her lap. The Goddess carefully unrustled the papers, looking them over and, as she still believed she was alone and unwatched, gave them a loving kiss and threw them to the wind, to hopefully drift down to the human world and fall into the mind of the appropriate musician.

"There! That should be of some worth!" The woman said decidedly, dusting her hands against her skirts and letting her violin disappear, since she no longer needed it. With it, her faithful accompany of instruments faded and she was left sitting alone.
GreenEyedStranger said:
M turned to see the woman standing at the door frame and was about to say something to her but then caught Morganas eye. He certainly wasn't prepared. He could sense something was wrong but couldn't put his finger on it
"Oh I... I guess you can. How did you want to?"


Oh dear, her target M was looking right at her, and in a fit of nervousness, she turned away and squashed her crow familiar to her chest, hugging it a bit too tightly. The poor bird let out a dismal squaw of pain before bursting into a few feathers, and re-materializing from her shadow behind her a moment later, looking thoroughly cross. "Sorry," she muttered, and pretended to pick at something on the door frame, looking intensely interested in it.

She wasn't shy in the slightest. She just has these moments.
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The soft sounds of clapping resonated through the room. Thranduil smiled as he walked over to Mnemosyne,stopping his clapping to speak with her. He didn't seem to find it weird that she had kissed her sheet.To him,she was blessing her music. The feeling of passion about something was familiar to him,although lately it had been fading away.

"Another masterpiece,Mnemosyne. I know I shouldn't expect less from you,but you keep impressing me." He watched as the papers floated to the human world. "Are we having a new Beethoven any time soon?"


Rukia said:
The soft sounds of clapping resonated through the room. Thranduil smiled as he walked over to Mnemosyne,stopping his clapping to speak with her. He didn't seem to find it weird that she had kissed her sheet.To him,she was blessing her music. The feeling of passion about something was familiar to him,although lately it had been fading away.

"Another masterpiece,Mnemosyne. I know I shouldn't expect less from you,but you keep impressing me." He watched as the papers floated to the human world. "Are we having a new Beethoven any time soon?"



Upon hearing clapping, the woman nearly pitched herself off the edge, clutching her chest before spotting the God of Nature. Flushing horribly, Mnemosyne straightened out the folds in her dress, before standing up and giving a light curtsy. It seemed to her, out of the majority of the gods and goddesses on the mountain, Thranduil appreciated her music the most. It always encouraged her greatly, though it mystified her how he kept showing up.

"Thank you dearly, Thranduil. I really am not so deserving of such praise time and time again, as I only do as my purpose dictates to me." She said, still a tad embarrassed at being caught bestowing blessings on her own creations. But oh, humans always seemed to need so many blessings and even if it was exactly her job to be blessing anything, she would gladly give as many as they needed.

"I do have my eye on a few people," the goddess admitted, wringing her hands. Children were often the recipients of her blessings, as they had their whole lives to realize their gifts, and currently she had a few she was keeping a close eye on. "I only hope they are agreeable with my plans." How often had she gifted a child to have them realize they'd rather be a banker? It broke her heart, but she agreed that they should pursue their dreams, whatever they may be.
FireMaiden said:
"I don't fucking know."
"Oh, here they are." Virian said, before he slipped them on and made his way out of the doors. "Call for me anytime you're lonely!"
[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]"Oh, here they are." Virian said, before he slipped them on and made his way out of the doors. "Call for me anytime you're lonely!"

"Wait you promised wine! And none of that cheap shit!"

The god immediately stepped forward as Mnemosyne seemed to be about to fall. It was mostly a reflex,as she obviously wouldn't be hurt from the impact.

Recovering his own composure,he walked to stand by her side and take a glance at the life pulsating bellow them.

"I know what you mean. I give my blessings to humans who seem like they might have a fondness for nature. And then they grow and life on crowded cities,hiding behind bars of apartments who don't have any place for a garden. It is disappointing,but human nature is chaotic by design." A smile blinked in his eyes as he looked down at the Goddess of Art. "But that chaos could turn into something good. Maybe one of these papers will fall into the hands of a child who will be even more talented than you initially thought. We just have to hope for the best."

He looked down at a particular river that had been attracting his attention. Around it,tropical trees and plants started to grow. The scene resembled a paradise on Earth.

"Oh,one of your sheets reached France. That should be good."

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FireMaiden said:
"Wait you promised wine! And none of that cheap shit!"
Virian looked back at her with a smile. He snapped his fingers, and a barrel of Amontillado popped into existence. "There you go! Now if you don't mind me, I'm off to teach a music lesson."

@Xan @Rukia
Rukia said:
The god immediately stepped forward as Mnemosyne seemed to be about to fall. It was mostly a reflex,as she obviously wouldn't be hurt from the impact.

Recovering his own composure,he walked to stand by her side and take a glance at the life pulsating bellow them.

"I know what you mean. I give my blessings to humans who seem like they might have a fondness for nature. And then they grow and life on crowded cities,hiding behind bars of apartments who don't have any place for a garden. It is disappointing,but human nature is chaotic by design." A smile blinked in his eyes as he looked down at the Goddess of Art. "But that chaos could turn into something good. Maybe one of these papers will fall into the hands of a child who will be even more talented than you initially thought. We just have to hope for the best."

He looked down at a particular river that had been attracting his attention. Around it,tropical trees and plants started to grow. The scene resembled a paradise on Earth.

"Oh,one of your sheets reached France. That should be good."


The woman beamed, looking down on the land with an expression of fondness. She knew she liked Thranduil! He always had the right words to say, and they always encouraged her. Watching the last sheet fall, her eyes seemed to twinkle with happiness.

"Nature itself could be considered an art, though it would not be one I've ever had a hand in." The female said introspectively, after a moment. "Humans do not know their blessings, therefore they cannot ever fully appreciate them, but they do try, and for that I am glad."

Mnemosyne leaned into Thranduil slightly, gracefully gesturing to the river with her hand. "It's so beautiful," she exclaimed quietly. "To them, this beauty is science but to you, it is your purpose, correct?"
Xan said:

The woman beamed, looking down on the land with an expression of fondness. She knew she liked Thranduil! He always had the right words to say, and they always encouraged her. Watching the last sheet fall, her eyes seemed to twinkle with happiness.

"Nature itself could be considered an art, though it would not be one I've ever had a hand in." The female said introspectively, after a moment. "Humans do not know their blessings, therefore they cannot ever fully appreciate them, but they do try, and for that I am glad."

Mnemosyne leaned into Thranduil slightly, gracefully gesturing to the river with her hand. "It's so beautiful," she exclaimed quietly. "To them, this beauty is science but to you, it is your purpose, correct?"
"Hey, Mnemosyne! Were you the one playing music?" Virian said, teleporting behind the two. He was still wearing the pink lingerie that he was dared to wear, but didn't really give a shit at the moment. "Thranduil, nice to see you again."

"They look at my art through the eyes of science because that is the only way for them to comprehend the beauty of nature.I don't really mind.I just wish they would preserve Earth with more strength. That is their home,after all. I do my best to maintain it's natural beauty,but the job also falls in their hands."

Thranduil allowed Mnemosyne to get closer to him. He usually would have put boundaries between him and other Gods,but not her. She was a friend and he enjoyed her company. His eyes drifted to the last sheet falling,and he noticed it had been aiming for Asia.

Thranduil's heart sinked in his chest. It had been nearly fifty years now,but most things reminded him of Akira. That sheet was one of them. His wife had been a glorious musician in her time on Earth.

"I never told you this,but Akira was very grateful that you sent her the gift of music. She loved playing even more than she loved me."

The found memory made him smile,although his eyes were still showing melancholy.

Rukia said:
"They look at my art through the eyes of science because that is the only way for them to comprehend the beauty of nature.I don't really mind.I just wish they would preserve Earth with more strength. That is their home,after all. I do my best to maintain it's natural beauty,but the job also falls in their hands."

Thranduil allowed Mnemosyne to get closer to him. He usually would have put boundaries between him and other Gods,but not her. She was a friend and he enjoyed her company. His eyes drifted to the last sheet falling,and he noticed it had been aiming for Asia.

Thranduil's heart sinked in his chest. It had been nearly fifty years now,but most things reminded him of Akira. That sheet was one of them. His wife had been a glorious musician in her time on Earth.

"I never told you this,but Akira was very grateful that you sent her the gift of music. She loved playing even more than she loved me."

The found memory made him smile,although his eyes were still showing melancholy.

[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]"Hey, Mnemosyne! Were you the one playing music?" Virian said, teleporting behind the two. He was still wearing the pink lingerie that he was dared to wear, but didn't really give a shit at the moment. "Thranduil, nice to see you again."


The mention of Thranduil's wife made Mnemosyne's smile dull ever so slightly. Oh dear. Akira had also been one of her favorite children, and she was fond of her as well. This struck a chord with her, and Mnemosyne merely nodded, letting her hands hide in the folds of her skirt.

"She needed not be grateful, it was a delight that I had the opportunity to bless her. It's always a treat and a privilege to be of use." The goddess said, looking up at Thranduil. Only suddenly, there was a third body there, and with an indignant squack, Mnemosyme wheeled backwards, a familiar that looked suspiciously like a cello appearing behind her, to catch the Goddess before she pitched herself over the edge, again.

"Virian, show some tact!" The woman shouted, her skirts billowing around her.
Thranduil turned in time to see Virian walking into the musical room. He immediately changed the expression in his face to his usual facade of lack of emotions.

"Virian. I see you are adapting to new clothes,and they really do fit you. But you shouldn't be wearing that while a lady is in the room."

His eyes shone with playfulness. He was one of the fell Gods who had never shown any interest in Virian. He wondered how the man felt about that.

Xan said:

The mention of Thranduil's wife made Mnemosyne's smile dull ever so slightly. Oh dear. Akira had also been one of her favorite children, and she was fond of her as well. This struck a chord with her, and Mnemosyne merely nodded, letting her hands hide in the folds of her skirt.

"She needed not be grateful, it was a delight that I had the opportunity to bless her. It's always a treat and a privilege to be of use." The goddess said, looking up at Thranduil. Only suddenly, there was a third body there, and with an indignant squack, Mnemosyme wheeled backwards, a familiar that looked suspiciously like a cello appearing behind her, to catch the Goddess before she pitched herself over the edge, again.

"Virian, show some tact!" The woman shouted, her skirts billowing around her.
"Well excuse me, princess." The playful god said, before crossing his arms. "I'm gonna be honest with you. You music is okay. JUST okay. How about you take it from the previous deity of music, eh?"

Rukia said:
Thranduil turned in time to see Virian walking into the musical room. He immediately changed the expression in his face to his usual facade of lack of emotions.

"Virian. I see you are adapting to new clothes,and they really do fit you. But you shouldn't be wearing that while a lady is in the room."

His eyes shone with playfulness. He was one of the fell Gods who had never shown any interest in Virian. He wondered how the man felt about that.

"Do you like what you see?"
[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]"Well excuse me, princess." The playful god said, before crossing his arms. "I'm gonna be honest with you. You music is okay. JUST okay. How about you take it from the previous deity of music, eh?"
"Do you like what you see?"


The woman would just look at this man, in his pink lingerie and his condescending, before touching a gentle hand to her chest.

"Did you just come here to belittle me? My friend, if my music is merely 'Ok', then why is it you are the 'previous' deity of music?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. She would not be made a fool of, not in front of her dearest friend and not by someone who stunk of intercourse and seemed to have very little inhibitions.
"If I like what I see? Oh,your presence is very appreciated,thank you." His voice was calm as he placed one hand in Mnemosyne's shoulder and smiled down at her. "Don't worry,Mnemosyne. He is simply jealous that he never achieved your grandeur in music. But I am sure you are very talented in other areas,Virian."

Thranduil's voice was playful,but he was also placating any conflict that might arise by pure reflex.

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