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Fantasy Welcome to the Pantheon (Always Open!)

[QUOTE="RedTeam Grif]Morgana growled when he fell, but she was way to hungry to leave him. Sure, he was a god so even if his blood was drained it wouldnt kill him. Just probably make him black out. She pulled him into a sitting up position, sitting in his lap and as he struggled she kept trying to use her power to calm him down. She removed her fangs from his neck to look at him in the eye, her eyes flashing red. "Shh, its alright" She cooed, her hand running through what hair he had.

M grimaced at her and tried to mutter something

"You f-..."

He then let out a groan and fell unconscious. The excess loss of blood and the enchantment were too much for him to take, especially for an ex-mortal.
[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]Virian was screaming in the inside. "Awesome! See you at my place!"

Helena waved him goodbye and closed the door behind him. As she closed the door she started to blush. "How did a normal day just turn out like this?",she asked herself. She could not believe what happened this whole morning. And now THIS.

Meeting the gods was like a dream come true for her. She wandered around aimlessly in her room, before falling onto her bed, her face still warm and red. She covered her face with a pillow into which she released a muffled scream. She just felt as happy as she's never been before.


Thranduil held Mnemosyne's hand softly,glad to have the comforting presence of this best friend in this moment. He expected to fell a great deal of pain,but he mostly felt empty. It was similar to finishing a book that you loved. You fear the ending coming,but you can't avoid it's arrival.

He was ready for the ending now.

Turning to Mnemosyne,he smiled to her.

"Well,I guess it's time to start over. Is there anything you would like to do right now? Maybe check on our fellow Gods?"

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GreenEyedStranger said:
M grimaced at her and tried to mutter something

"You f-..."

He then let out a groan and fell unconscious. The excess loss of blood and the enchantment were too much for him to take, especially for an ex-mortal.

This is where Deimos saw her error in sitting back and observing M instead of speaking with him. It seems like the man isn't very durable, and with a groan of frustration, the goddess tugged at her pale hair with both hands. How on Earth was she to pass on The King of the God's message now?

Looking quite cross, the Goddess of Dreams approached, her crow familiar on her shoulder, and hugging close under the curtain of her hair. "I had business with him," she said mournfully, using the toe of her boot against his limp arm.
Morgana continued feeding until she was sure she was filled, standing up and licked what blood there was off her lips. She opened the little pouch on her side and pulled out some gauze and a patch that she used to wrap up M's neck to stop the bleeding. She wasnt a monster, letting him bleed everywhere was not what she would let happened. To anyone really. She looked at Deimos she shrugged, "Move faster then" She said simply.
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Rukia said:


Thranduil held Mnemosyne's hand softly,glad to have the comforting presence of this best friend in this moment. He expected to fell a great deal of pain,but he mostly felt empty. It was similar to finishing a book that you loved. You fear the ending coming,but you can't avoid it's arrival.

He was ready for the ending now.

Turning to Mnemosyne,he smiled to her.

"Well,I guess it's time to start over. Is there anything you would like to do right now? Maybe check on our fellow Gods?"


In all honesty, Mnemosyne wasn't sure exactly what it was she had originally planned for this day, after her recital. There may have been something in mind at one point, but it seems recent events had throughly shaken any notions she had loose.

"We can do that," the woman said, for lack of any better ideas. She liked her brothers and sisters in small doses, and didn't object to mingling with them. Well, the more elegant ones, anyways.

"Maybe conjure up some mid-afternoon snacks. I feel as if pomegranate would be appropriate, at this moment." She said absently, squeezing Thranduil's hand in hers.

(The idea of Nature and The Arts being besties is such a cute idea... ;- ;)
[QUOTE="RedTeam Grif]Morgana continued feeding until she was sure she was filled, standing up and licked what blood there was off her lips. She opened the little pouch on her side and pulled out some gauze and a patch that she used to wrap up M's neck to stop the bleeding. She wasnt a monster, letting him bleed everywhere was not what she would let happened. To anyone really. She looked at Deimos she shrugged, "Move faster then" She said simply.

Xan said:

This is where Deimos saw her error in sitting back and observing M instead of speaking with him. It seems like the man isn't very durable, and with a groan of frustration, the goddess tugged at her pale hair with both hands. How on Earth was she to pass on The King of the God's message now?

Looking quite cross, the Goddess of Dreams approached, her crow familiar on her shoulder, and hugging close under the curtain of her hair. "I had business with him," she said mournfully, using the toe of her boot against his limp arm.
In his sleep, M kept clenching his fists and teeth at the same time, as if in an intense dream. He was out cold.

(Just gonna wait for a little more then wake him up)
Again, Morgana decided to not be a bitch. Well, less of one that she already was. She moved and got a pillow from one of the couches and lifted M's head up and put the pillow under it then lay his head back down. There, less of a bitch.


Thranduil nodded,his fingers still wrapped around Mnemosyne's. He looked down at the Goddess of Art and seemed to have an idea.

"Actually,before we go...there is something I have been meaning to ask your help with. I want to created a new forest in Brazil,but I can't seem to be having much ideas for the final drawing...."

He pulled a paper from his pocket,unfolding If gently. The drawing inside was a half-finished sketch of a tropical forest.

"Which colours do you I think I should be using for the flowers? Also...do palm trees look good along with lavender?"

Thranduil couldn't imagine a better person to help him with a matter that was basically revolved to art.


@Xan agreed it's so cute! )
GreenEyedStranger said:
In his sleep, M kept clenching his fists and teeth at the same time, as if in an intense dream. He was out cold.
(Just gonna wait for a little more then wake him up)
[QUOTE="RedTeam Grif]Again, Morgana decided to not be a bitch. Well, less of one that she already was. She moved and got a pillow from one of the couches and lifted M's head up and put the pillow under it then lay his head back down. There, less of a bitch.


"It's not a matter a speed, but a matter of self control," The goddess said pointedly, shifting from foot to foot anxiously. What if he didn't wake up? What then? He had been mortal once, and leave it to mortals to pull tomfoolery. Deimos, troubled beyond belief, wondered if he died, would she have to rid the mountain of the human?

The woman looked a little pale, more so then she was naturally, at the thought of such a pain.

She had half a mind to try and shock the God awake. Should she check his pulse? Does he have a pulse? Looking at her wrists and sickly pallor, Deimos decided that she probably wouldn't be able to tell, considering her lack of one.
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Xan said:

"It's not a matter a speed, but a matter of self control," The goddess said pointedly, shifting from foot to foot anxiously. What if he didn't wake up? What then? He had been mortal once, and leave it to mortals to pull tomfoolery. Deimos, troubled beyond belief, wondered if he died, would she have to rid the mountain of the human?

The woman looked a little pale, more so then she was naturally, at the thought of such a pain.

She had half a mind to try and shock the God awake. Should she check his pulse? Does he have a pulse? Looking at her wrists and sickly pallor, Deimos decided that she probably wouldn't be able to tell, considering her lack of one.
After some time, M began to open his eyes again. He snapped up awake and looked from left to right, suddenly seeing Deimos

"... Where did she go?!"

Rukia said:


Thranduil nodded,his fingers still wrapped around Mnemosyne's. He looked down at the Goddess of Art and seemed to have an idea.

"Actually,before we go...there is something I have been meaning to ask your help with. I want to created a new forest in Brazil,but I can't seem to be having much ideas for the final drawing...."

He pulled a paper from his pocket,unfolding If gently. The drawing inside was a half-finished sketch of a tropical forest.

"Which colours do you I think I should be using for the flowers? Also...do palm trees look good along with lavender?"

Thranduil couldn't imagine a better person to help him with a matter that was basically revolved to art.


@Xan agreed it's so cute! )

(It's too bad Mnemosyne doesn't know anything about plants, or I'd get a chance to whip out my knowledge from my profession in Horticulture.)

"A new forest?" Mnemosyne piped up, curiously. Gods know humans always need more of those, at the rate they chop them down.

The idea of Thranduil being the type to sit down and map out a forest with paper and pencil was a funny one, though she didn't dare laugh at it. Quietly, the woman pondered over the piece of paper, rubbing her cheek in thought.

"Have you tried orchids? They naturally like to climb trees." She suggested, pressing the palms of her hands together before opening and presenting Thranduil with a paper orchid. "They come in most colors, especially reds, pinks, orange, and yellows, which are colors that are important in Latin America culture." She suggested, the orchid in her hand taking on the hue of those colors.
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Morgana looked from where her and the party god were talking. "Right here, darling" She smirked. "Thanks for the meal, by the way"
[QUOTE="RedTeam Grif]Morgana looked at Virian and turned to face him. "What is it?" She sighed.

"Okay, so I sorta asked the human out on a date. I don't know what to do! I'll do anything if you help me out! Do you want booze? I'll give it to you! You want me to have sex with you? I'll do it with you right here and now! You want to suck my blood? I'll let you have as much as you want! You want all three at the same time?! I'LL DO IT, JUST PLEASE HELP ME!" Virian's arms and legs were wrapped around her legs.
GreenEyedStranger said:
After some time, M began to open his eyes again. He snapped up awake and looked from left to right, suddenly seeing Deimos
"... Where did she go?!"

[QUOTE="RedTeam Grif]Morgana looked from where her and the party god were talking. "Right here, darling" She smirked. "Thanks for the meal, by the way"

[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]"Okay, so I sorta asked the human out on a date. I don't know what to do! I'll do anything if you help me out! Do you want booze? I'll give it to you! You want me to have sex with you? I'll do it with you right here and now! You want to suck my blood? I'll let you have as much as you want! You want all three at the same time?! I'LL DO IT, JUST PLEASE HELP ME!" Virian's arms and legs were wrapped around her legs.


Deimos is probably not the first thing one would want to see after waking up but upon seeing that M was awake, she immediately squatted next to him. "Good timing." She said in regards to Virian before shaking M's arm. "The Head Honcho wants the human gone, and I believe you're the lucky one that is tasked with making sure they leave. Believer or not, it's not safe for mortals to be walking around up here." The goddess said, frowning ever so slightly.


Thranduil nodded to the Goddess,paying close attention to her tips about orchids. He smiled as she handed the paper flower for him,taking it in his hands.

"Let's scrap the idea about palm trees,then. I'd rather leave those for the places near the ocean. This forest would be in the middle of Amazonia,so I am creating more Pau-Brazil trees around. Let's hope this time they won't chop it down."

Thranduil touched the paper and a live version of his sketch appeared,this time fully coloured. It looked very realistic,and the different coloured orchids were hanging on the trees. He walked around,listening to the signing of the birds.

"It looks much better than what I had initially conceived. Thank you,Mnemosyne. You always bring the best in me."

His smile was very sincere as he walked back to the Goddess's side.


@Xan now I have an excuse to talk about trees all day!)
Virian was begging. Really amusing honestly. "I dont drink, and I would rather not let you bed me; the idea is not desirable. But the blood, is very desirable. Fine, I get as much as I want the next time I am hungry" She agreed. "Now, get off me and tell me what idea you have for this date"
[QUOTE="RedTeam Grif]Morgana looked from where her and the party god were talking. "Right here, darling" She smirked. "Thanks for the meal, by the way"


"Oh you bitch!"

He tried to get up but was heavily weakened by the effects of the enchantment and blood loss.

"I should have known better..."

Xan said:


Deimos is probably not the first thing one would want to see after waking up but upon seeing that M was awake, she immediately squatted next to him. "Good timing." She said in regards to Virian before shaking M's arm. "The Head Honcho wants the human gone, and I believe you're the lucky one that is tasked with making sure they leave. Believer or not, it's not safe for mortals to be walking around up here." The goddess said, frowning ever so slightly.

"Nows not a really good time... But I need the name of this mortal, and why he reds to be removed."

Xan said:

Deimos is probably not the first thing one would want to see after waking up but upon seeing that M was awake, she immediately squatted next to him. "Good timing." She said in regards to Virian before shaking M's arm. "The Head Honcho wants the human gone, and I believe you're the lucky one that is tasked with making sure they leave. Believer or not, it's not safe for mortals to be walking around up here." The goddess said, frowning ever so slightly.
"No! I'll talk to Yash. He's my brother. He can't just banish her like that!" Virian said, looking over at the two.
Morgana rolled her eyes. "Dont strain yourself, it was only a little bite" She said to M. "Also, about the human, I agree with Vi here. I do not see any reason she should be banished"
GreenEyedStranger said:

"Oh you bitch!"

He tried to get up but was heavily weakened by the effects of the enchantment and blood loss.

"I should have known better..."

"Nows not a really good time... But I need the name of this mortal, and why he reds to be removed."


The woman frowned. "The reason is that he said as much. And like I said, it's not really safe, unless you want a believer to die? I have a room exclusively crammed with any number things that would end a human's life, if they were to open the door." Deimos didn't actually know the human's name. It hadn't really mattered to her to ask it and she sort of peered at Virian.

"You can't keep humans as pets or for intercourse." She said, looking suspicious.
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"You do understand that this human is not an idiot, right?" Morgana growled. "She would know better then to go into any dangerous room, and as for the intercourse thing, well, I cant say anything about it because I wouldnt"
[QUOTE="RedTeam Grif]Virian was begging. Really amusing honestly. "I don't drink, and I would rather not let you bed me; the idea is not desirable. But the blood, is very desirable. Fine, I get as much as I want the next time I am hungry" She agreed. "Now, get off me and tell me what idea you have for this date"

"I told her that I would cook for her at my place. What should I cook? What do I say?"

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