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Fantasy Welcome to the Pantheon (Always Open!)


The God of Nature frowned lightly at M's comment. He released his hold around the man,turning around so he could meet his glance.

"M...you are thinking like a mortal right now. You are a God,and Morgana is aware of that. She wouldn't be able to kill you,she was simply following her nature. If you allow a Vampire to suck on your blood you must expect an outcome like this."

His voice didn't sound judgemental,he was simply stating facts and hoping to avoid a conflict. The vampire goddess had never touched his blood,but he imagined the sensation couldn't be good.

"Let me help you with that wound."

He rose his hand and a green light involved M's neck,curing the mark of teeth that Morgana had left.

"There we go. Do you feel well?"

@RedTeam Grif

Rukia said:


The God of Nature frowned lightly at M's comment. He released his hold around the man,turning around so he could meet his glance.

"M...you are thinking like a mortal right now. You are a God,and Morgana is aware of that. She wouldn't be able to kill you,she was simply following her nature. If you allow a Vampire to suck on your blood you must expect an outcome like this."

His voice didn't sound judgemental,he was simply stating facts and hoping to avoid a conflict. The vampire goddess had never touched his blood,but he imagined the sensation couldn't be good.

"Let me help you with that wound."

He rose his hand and a green light involved M's neck,curing the mark of teeth that Morgana had left.

"There we go. Do you feel well?"

@RedTeam Grif

M narrowed his eyes but kept glaring at Morgana

"Yes... But this doesn't change anything between me and her..."


"You two don't have to like each other,M.But please try to avoid fighting. We are all family here,so we are weaker separated. Call me if you need anything else."

Thranduil left the room and leaned against the outside wall,sighing through his nose. The day had been too eventful for his taste. He actually felt drained right now,his face starting to show a few signs of exhaustion. He tried to cover it as he looked up at Mnemosyne and smiled.

"Well,that is done with. Do you want to eat something? I'm a bit hungry."

GreenEyedStranger said:
M narrowed his eyes but kept glaring at Morgana
"Yes... But this doesn't change anything between me and her..."

"Oh, all I did was sate my hunger. You're the one who is taking it personal, big guy" Morgana said. "And it wasnt like you were going to let me drink your blood in the right mind"
"So we're gonna have another fight over the mortal" Morgana said. "Because we brought her here, so she's staying" She said, putting her hands on her hips.


Thranduil blinked as he heard M's words,leaning on the door of his room and frowning lightly.

"A human? Is there a human inside Mt.Olympus?"

His voice didn't show any annoyance,although inside he was slightly troubled. He really wished someone had warned him about the human.

@RedTeam Grif

"Yes, a human" Morgana nodded. "And some people dont understand the concept of reward. She's been keeping us alive, she's a believer"


Thranduil sighed loudly,walking back inside the room. He pulled his long hair backwards,looking at Morgana and M before speaking.

"And to think that one day I was the first to be notified of problems. That doesn't matter now. As far as I'm concerned,we still live under the rules of Greek democracy. The majority wins,so we probably should set a voting on this matter. I will try to speak to our ruler as soon as I can. But M." He turned back to the God of Order. "I don't want you to harm her. Consider this a personal favor for me."

@RedTeam Grif

Yashnifus fizzles into the vicinity of the other gods "what is all this ruckus about a human!" He demands

His voice rumbles the walls and floors.

"Speak,lest you be silenced for the rest of the century." His form seems to shimmer as he stands waiting...
Morgana jumped as Yashnifus appeared and basically yelled. "Well, this human, I think, should be able to stay here" She said. "I dont understand why she cant stay around us but gods can go down to the mortal world and fuck humans or turn something like that. Make demi-gods and shit" She said.
Alphaius said:
Yashnifus fizzles into the vicinity of the other gods "what is all this ruckus about a human!" He demands
His voice rumbles the walls and floors.

"Speak,lest you be silenced for the rest of the century." His form seems to shimmer as he stands waiting...
Virian sighed. "Hey, big bro. I need you to have Helena stay, okay? I know you're gonna be mad at me, but I really like her. She already has a room, and she's the only thing saving us from obscurity! You've gotta listen to me."


Thranduil turned around as Yashnifus entered the room,apparently unfazed by the sudden appearance. He had been with he God from the start,and was used to those appearances.

"My king." He bowed politely to the man. "Our brothers don't seem to be agreeing on the matter of the human. I think we might set a voting on this matter,but it is ultimately your decision."


"I do not care about fame or obscurity... No matter who remembers you gods, there will always be order."

M said quietly, before sitting down.

"That's why we don't have names. Having this human here can only bring more chaos. Whatever benefits it may provide to all of your ego's is trivial."

"Hey order, you want to keep it down?" Morgana growled. "Or do you want me to drain you of all your blood and leave you blacked out on the floor for three days? I will happily do it"
"Morgana,please. This is a rational conversation,or at least I like to think that it is. M has the right to give his opinion."

Thranduil himself hadn't exposed his mind yet. He simply waited for Yashnifus's words instead.
"Its a yay or nay, he goes into this entire talk of order or something" She said. "I didnt care enough to try and understand"
[QUOTE="RedTeam Grif]"Its a yay or nay, he goes into this entire talk of order or something" She said. "I didnt care enough to try and understand"

[QUOTE="RedTeam Grif]"Hey order, you want to keep it down?" Morgana growled. "Or do you want me to drain you of all your blood and leave you blacked out on the floor for three days? I will happily do it"


"You're pushing it..."

M clenched his fists, cracking his knuckles as he did.

"If we don't get rid of this human now, more bad things are going to come our way. You think the human won't bring any unwanted attention?"

"Yash, please." Virian said. He was getting quite serious, which wasn't like him. "Please just do this for me."
Yashnifus listens to the words of all the gods before holding up a hand,signaling that he had made his decision.

"No mortals can dwell on Olympus,this is a world untouched by mortality and it will remain so..." He turns to M

"That being said we will not destroy our followers." His voice is calm but has a scolding tone to it.

"You say order will perseve...how will order persevere when the seas rage,the earth trembles,and the heavens fall?Are you aware of what happens when a domain collapses? I say to you M,your domain is no more stable than any before it."

He sighs as he looks at his younger brothers pleading eyes.

"I will gift this human with divinity...but only if she can prove her loyalty to the Parthenon. She must spread our influence in the mortal world. Those who wish to see this mortal fail may make attempts to see to it that she does, those who wish to see her on Olympus...it will be your duty to protect her."

A golden staff appears in his hands and he taps the bottom of the staff on the floor. An echo travels throughout the world signifying the wager to be in effect.

"As per the rules of any divine wager,no gods may directly aid or challenge a mortal,doing so will result in the forfeit of your immortality for the duration of the aid/challenge."

He looks at the other gods and goddesses with a smile spreading across his face.

"You all determine the details, any questions?"


The God of Nature rose one eyebrow at his king's sentence. He was still leaning against the door,his hands crossed against his chest as he considered the words without rushing his own thoughts.

"I would like to meet this human before making any decision concerning her stay,my king. Only time will tell whether immortality is her fate or not. I would also like to know about her own opinions about godhood. Not every mortal wants to live forever."

He turned his eyes back to his younger brothers,Yashnifus being the only one in the room who was older than him. His glance showed nothing but calmness.

"I have no questions,but I ask that none of you hurt the human in a permanent way. Be rational with your challenges."
Alphaius said:
Yashnifus listens to the words of all the gods before holding up a hand,signaling that he had made his decision.
"No mortals can dwell on Olympus,this is a world untouched by mortality and it will remain so..." He turns to M

"That being said we will not destroy our followers." His voice is calm but has a scolding tone to it.

"You say order will perseve...how will order persevere when the seas rage,the earth trembles,and the heavens fall?Are you aware of what happens when a domain collapses? I say to you M,your domain is no more stable than any before it."

He sighs as he looks at his younger brothers pleading eyes.

"I will gift this human with divinity...but only if she can prove her loyalty to the Parthenon. She must spread our influence in the mortal world. Those who wish to see this mortal fail may make attempts to see to it that she does, those who wish to see her on Olympus...it will be your duty to protect her."

A golden staff appears in his hands and he taps the bottom of the staff on the floor. An echo travels throughout the world signifying the wager to be in effect.

"As per the rules of any divine wager,no gods may directly aid or challenge a mortal,doing so will result in the forfeit of your immortality for the duration of the aid/challenge."

He looks at the other gods and goddesses with a smile spreading across his face.

"You all determine the details, any questions?"
Virian thought about the deal. "Uh, cool. Well, I have a date with the mortal. Morgana, could you please help me cook?"


Thranduil turned to Virian and snickered at that mental image.

"Virian,dating a mortal. I would pay to see that scene. Not that I can judge you,I married a human after all. Just make sure not to kill her. Oh,and avoid putting peanuts in your food. The amount of humans that are allergic to it is really shocking."

Alphaius said:
Yashnifus listens to the words of all the gods before holding up a hand,signaling that he had made his decision.
"No mortals can dwell on Olympus,this is a world untouched by mortality and it will remain so..." He turns to M

"That being said we will not destroy our followers." His voice is calm but has a scolding tone to it.

"You say order will perseve...how will order persevere when the seas rage,the earth trembles,and the heavens fall?Are you aware of what happens when a domain collapses? I say to you M,your domain is no more stable than any before it."

He sighs as he looks at his younger brothers pleading eyes.

"I will gift this human with divinity...but only if she can prove her loyalty to the Parthenon. She must spread our influence in the mortal world. Those who wish to see this mortal fail may make attempts to see to it that she does, those who wish to see her on Olympus...it will be your duty to protect her."

A golden staff appears in his hands and he taps the bottom of the staff on the floor. An echo travels throughout the world signifying the wager to be in effect.

"As per the rules of any divine wager,no gods may directly aid or challenge a mortal,doing so will result in the forfeit of your immortality for the duration of the aid/challenge."

He looks at the other gods and goddesses with a smile spreading across his face.

"You all determine the details, any questions?"
M sneered at the god. How ridiculous, he thought, why would the gods willingly make a mortal divine? Surely, there must be some plot to overthrow the very fibers of existence.

"An easy task. I will make sure she never touches this mountain again."

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