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Fantasy Welcome to the Funhouse (ACCEPTING!)

"They are not just ghosts... They are monsters, demons. The ones I've seen so far closely resemble humans. There's no doubt in my mind that there is a lot more out there." Anastas bit his lower lip. He was still able to walk normally, thank god. His stomach hurt like hell, he stopped in his tracks and faced Chris, "Do you have any snacks in that crotch sack of yours?"

@LionPride @mewbot5408
"Heh. Not exactly...it feels like a cheesy movie, ah I wish I could go to the shop about now being trapped in this place for so long I miss taking care of the animals....now if I had to be trapped somewhere I'd prefer the petstore any day, I get to play with the cats and get paid for it....as much as I love horror films this drags out way too long for the credits." He says. Felix continues to walk at his pace not even glancing at Chris. He looks back hearing anastas and hears him use the word 'crotch sack' just like he heard Chris say several times. "....please don't say that.....it sounds like a reference to his balls which is a little disturbing to me for some reason just no....I don't want to have disturbing images.....not at the moment at least...." He says with a deep sigh blushing red.


"sooo many answers to that but I know what you mean and no" he said and he looked around the place. He seriously doubted that he would be able to find food ether. "you have any ideas on food felix?" he asked not really expecting much. "also don't disrespect the crotch sack it is amazing."

@mewbot5408 @BennyAxC
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He was not from this building he was clawing his way out of hell and this place just happened to be where he landed he didn't care what else was here .The other ghosts knew he was here but really they were failures if they became ghosts stuck to... what is this a fun house yea they were failures. He got up behind some kilted man and his two friends. "Hello " came a voice that sounded distant and whispered his large black skeletal body came roughly up to 8'0 he looked over the kilted man's head easily his red eyes on the gothic one know as Felix.

@LionPride @mewbot5408 @BennyAxC
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Anastas turned around and his eyes widen as he screams. He grabs hold of Felix, staying behind him as he stared at the monster trying to calm himself down. He just had to open his big freaking mouth and mention more of these things did he? And this demon, they were far from looking like a human.

@Theflamre @LionPride @mewbot5408
"Ah....ummmm there's a stash around here somewhere I think, its in one of the rooms..." He says to them running a hand through his black and white striped hair looking at them with his cat like green eyes. He tilts his head looking off only to hear Chris say that word again.he snorted. "Dude, please stop! Nobody cares about how much you love your balls,your only embarrassing yourself....I bet you wouldn't even have the guts to kiss me if you wanted to." He says with a amused snicker. He looks up seeing the ghost and raises a eyebrow but then smirks giving him a wave. "How are you?" He asks the demon seemingly very calm. Felix glances back at anastas but stays put for him.



I'm so sorry to the people who were interacting with Emily or Index! Could you either recap what happened with them or repost your messages? I'm really sorry. ;-; )
"first of all fuck you any time any where second of all who are you talkin to" he said turning around and seeing a 8'0 skeleton with blood red eyes. "i blame you felix just what the hell man did you bone this demon too is he or she here to give you back your knife you left in his ass?" he said freaking out a little.

@mewbot5408 @BennyAxC @Theflamre
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He walked through chris walking up to Felix then all ways out of the room set on fire leaving no where to run. "Felix you will never leave this place you will burn to death right here right now" he said before he set on fire him self. "It's hilarious that you ever though that your life would end in any other way your grandfather knew it just be glad he passed away before he could tell you him self that he hated you" the red light in his eyes became brighter as he came closer before they too were nothing but flame . "He's in hell Felix he's burning in hell and soon you join him and burn with him forever consumed in flames" his voice dropped become demonic.

@mewbot5408 @BennyAxC @Theflamre
Jace look at her as he pat her head gently and hold her chin to face him as he smile to her gently "no... im just saying so u will never go accidentaly." He said to her with a smile "there is no way... that i would let u go upon my arms... cuz your mine and forever u will be mine." He said as he lean a little on her now their faces were inches closer... he then lean away and kiss her head "remember that"

He gave Chris a look. "I didn't fuck anyone... yet. Also I will hold you to that dude. Keep that in mind." He says and his eyes widen after the demon approached and there was fire. He looked nervous as he spoke but then his grandpa was mentioned. That ticked him off absolutely. "That's a damn lie. How dare you talk about my grandfather that way. Tch. You didn't know him. Yeah sure I was probly a burden,but he wasn't like everyone else....he cared. He was kind....he wouldn't have gone to hell, i watched him die just like mom and dad. It was a pretty death. " he says yelled at first but his voice softens as he received his grandpa. "You're a liar."



"A mere mortal thinks I did not know him ha I know him better then you knew him" then he laughed not a pleasant noise it sounded like a animal who was about to die gurgling it own blood. "If I'm a lie then strike me hit me and show everyone your more than just words prove your worth" he said the flames intensify as he talks

@mewbot5408 @BennyAxC @LionPride
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he really was confused he could try and dive through the flames and run away but he was wearing a kilt and no underwear so the idea was less than appealing it was kind of a moral question really should he leave these people to die or stay and try and fight the thing with his mind because fire did not bother this thing. he choose to stay and watch for a weakness there had to be one at least.

@Theflamre @mewbot5408 @BennyAxC
Anastas held onto Felix's arm tighter. Hopefully it would send the signals to not listen to this demon. He stood in front of Felix now, grabbing the boy's head and facing it to himself. "Hey, when you look at these fires what do you see?" His voice was somewhat shaky.

@LionPride @mewbot5408 @Theflamre
He stared at the fire with wide eyes as his heart started quickening. Felix shuttered a breath and trembled. It was then anastas had pulled him to face him asking a question.

"....memories.....extremely unpleasant ones....I watched everything around me burn.... fire...it destroyed everything it touched" He answered looking at him as tears slid down his face.



he laughed his demonic laugh once again "destroyed everything it touched ? now now lets not credit it with all that work shall we after all fire didn't drive your mother to do what she did, did it" he laughed again "it was always you you pushed them apart you killed them both" he applauded felix "you did more damage to them then even I could had I been there to try" his head was a skull so he had no facial expressions but anyone listening to him could tell he was smiling.

@mewbot5408 @BennyAxC @LionPride
He honestly had no idea what to do this thing was like a god he set fire to the hall ways he set fire to him self. And it was like he knew Felix without ever even talking to him what would he do against such a thing he watched confounded on what to do.

@Theflamre @mewbot5408 @LionPride
Anastas clenched his teeth at the demon's words. "It hasn't destroyed me yet. Now... What do you see when you look at me?" He didn't bother to wipe away the tears, not everything needed to go away. And what he needs right now is Felix's full attention on him and not the flames. They both needed to ignore the demon's words, Anastas was gonna pretend like the demon wasn't even there anymore. People told him as a child that if you think something is there, then it's true. The demon was not there. His voice didn't shake anymore, but absolute fear crawled inside him.

@mewbot5408 @LionPride @Theflamre
"A beautiful person who often hides his heart...something safe...something dark, someone dear to me." He says softly in response looking directly at anastas. Tears continued to slide down his cheeks. Felix's attention was still directed at him as he still trembled but a little less coming at ease due to anastas with him. His voice comforting. Felix felt safer being with him and calmer.



Anastas smiles, he called him beautiful again.. Bastard, "I see someone who I will never abandon as long as we are in here.." Anastas' face then looked serious as he kept eye contact with Felix. He wiped away the rest of his tears then said, "Do you trust me?.... Can you trust me? Because if you do.... Punch it, that demon." He moved his hands away from Felix's face and lightly held his hands.

@mewbot5408 @LionPride @Theflamre
"ill kill him" he said bluntly "ill kill him so fast if you don't start taking this like a man you must do this alone least I will make sure you do" he said he didn't like distractions they got in the way and over all only bothered him and he wasn't lieing he would kill this person if it meant getting him out way.

@LionPride @mewbot5408 @BennyAxC (BTW last post me and lionpride may be on tomorrow seeya)
Astaroth Suzumiya]Jace look at her as he pat her head gently and hold her chin to face him as he smile to her gently "no... im just saying so u will never go accidentaly." He said to her with a smile "there is no way... that i would let u go upon my arms... cuz your mine and forever u will be mine." He said as he lean a little on her now their faces were inches closer... he then lean away and kiss her head "remember that" [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/19024-zeldafangirl/ said:
Taylor just looked at him as she gave him a smile" don't worry I'll listen to you jace I'll never leave and I will remember what you said" she say while looking at him" there no way out of here I won't even try to escape I be yours and forever " she say as she looked back at index

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