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Fantasy Welcome to the Funhouse (ACCEPTING!)

"lay the fuck down" he says again wielding his torch "I just burned close some very large wounds on you and I don't want to have to redo it". he honestly didn't want to have to punch him in the face again the guy had all those piercings and if punched him wrong who knows what could happen. @mewbot5408 @BennyAxC
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BennyAxC said:
Anastas blushed and almost slapped Felix again when he bit his ear, but immediately restrained himself. "Well I'm not really fond of colorless rooms, coffins, your gothic shit... And your cat is fine.." Anastas didn't want to mention his fear of dark places to him and Chris. He would love to see the guy actually encounter and get severely injured by these monsters. He would love to see his stupid face cry out.... Okay now Anastas was being a total bitch, he didn't hate Chris that much. He also didn't want to mention the fact the he used to torture and sometimes kill cats as a child in order to feel dominant... That would've been a really stupid thing to do.. He hated thinking about his child self which got him even more angry.
@LionPride @mewbot5408
LionPride said:
"lay the fuck down" he says again wielding his torch "I just burned close some very large wounds on you and I don't want to have to redo it". he honestly didn't want to have to punch him in the face again the guy had all those piercings and if punched him wrong who knows what could happen. @mewbot5408 @BennyAxC
"Good. I love animals especially cats and I'd be a little sad if disliked my brutus....also I don't mind if you dislike my taste long as you like me." He says in response looking up. He then glances back at and sticks out his pierced tongue at Chris then smirked. "I'm fine..don't worry.just don't come near me with that thing." He says and gives a uncomfortable look at the fire.
mewbot5408 said:
"Good. I love animals especially cats and I'd be a little sad if disliked my brutus....also I don't mind if you dislike my taste long as you like me." He says in response looking up. He then glances back at and sticks out his pierced tongue at Chris then smirked. "I'm fine..don't worry.just don't come near me with that thing." He says and gives a uncomfortable look at the fire.
Anastas noticed Felix's discomfort with the fire when Chris mentioned it. A creepy smile appeared on his face as he took out his own lighter, "Do you mean to not come near you with this?" He said as he inched towards Felix more and more with the lighter lit. He thought he finally gave up, but then he remembered Felix. Every time he tried to give up something would show up to tell him he couldn't give up at the moment. He was going to be jumping about from place to place knowing that life won't let him give up.

@mewbot5408 @LionPride
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Zane looked at Holly with anger in his eyes..." thsese humans may be pitiful but my opnion is still low, we should just help them and then we demons just torchure them..its not the best idea but its somthing." Zane said as he looked up at holly. @mewbot5408
he smiled getting to the other side of felix from anastas slowing closing in "come brother" he said with exenterated grandeur. "let your sins be exfoliated in the flame" he said slowing walking forward "for the greater good" all of this was in a joking manner and really was just to bother the man.

@mewbot5408 @BennyAxC
BennyAxC said:
Anastas noticed Felix's discomfort with the fire when Chris mentioned it. A creepy smile appeared on his face as he took out his own lighter, "Do you mean to not come near you with this?" He said as he inched towards Felix more and more with the lighter lit. He thought he finally gave up, but then he remembered Felix. Every time he tried to give up something would show up to tell him he couldn't give up at the moment. He was going to be jumping about from place to place knowing that life won't let him give up.
@mewbot5408 @LionPride
LionPride said:
he smiled getting to the other side of felix from anastas slowing closing in "come brother" he said with exenterated grandeur. "let your sins be exfoliated in the flame" he said slowing walking forward "for the greater good" all of this was in a joking manner and really was just to bother the man.
@mewbot5408 @BennyAxC
"No.no.no.no no!no!no!no!no!no!!noo!!! Don't do that! Go away! Its not funny..." He yelled tried to back away but the two surrounded him and he ended up sinking down shaking. He ended up crying a little and hyperventilating, he was panicking a little as the memories came flooding in intensely. Burnt corspes. The screaming. The pain. It all came rushing to him at once. He hated fire. He wanted to be swallowed up by the darkness then he wouldn't have to see it. His green eyes were wide, they bore a look of endless agnony. "Please..."
mewbot5408 said:
"No.no.no.no no!no!no!no!no!no!!noo!!! Don't do that! Go away! Its not funny..." He yelled tried to back away but the two surrounded him and he ended up sinking down shaking. He ended up crying a little and hyperventilating, he was panicking a little as the memories came flooding in intensely. Burnt corspes. The screaming. The pain. It all came rushing to him at once. He hated fire. He wanted to be swallowed up by the darkness then he wouldn't have to see it. His green eyes were wide, they bore a look of endless agnony. "Please..."
Anastas stared at him, his eyes wide. He put back the lighter in his pocket and got down on one knee. He reached out and grabbed Felix's face, Anastas used his other hand to wipe the tears away. He then placed both of his hands over Felix's eyes. He stayed silent for a moment before grabbing his head and pulled the goth into his arms for a hug. "I'm... I won't do it again.." He was also thinking of throwing Felix against a wall and he would hopefully pass out so Chris can do what needs to do.

@mewbot5408 @LionPride
Aragon said:
Zane looked at Holly with anger in his eyes..." thsese humans may be pitiful but my opnion is still low, we should just help them and then we demons just torchure them..its not the best idea but its somthing." Zane said as he looked up at holly. @mewbot5408
"I have a plan of my own, I don't care if you have a problem with the way I do things here....why not make yourself useful and gather the others so we may discuss my plan. I have something quite fun in store you children may like...." He responds giving a eerie chuckle. Holly set down his pliers and moved turning around as he grabbed a flier. "This is a fun house after all.." He Adds and gives it to him. He tilts his head and his red eye narrowed studying Zane.
this honestly didn't really make him feel sorry for the gothic man standing below him he backed up though taking a few steps back and sitting with his torch still lit "Fire should really be the least of your worry's in this place friend". he said with a smile but this one was visibly out of habit not cause he thought it was funny. he knew he would leave this coward to die if he had to he didn't really want to but he would not feel guilty about it this man was over all just a liability in a fun house full of monsters and he would leave him there if it didn't mean probably dooming the other one.

@mewbot5408 @BennyAxC
After hearing Chris' comment, Anastas slowly pushed Felix away, "Chris is right.. Fire is the least of your worries. So let Chris take care of you... And if you really came into this place to kill yourself you wouldn't be breathing here right now.." He was almost certain that the monsters didn't need air to survive. He stood up and leaned against a wall. He looked down as he took out his flash light and shone it at his legs. His face was emotionless once again. He forgot that a certain monster he saw could manipulate fire.

@mewbot5408 @LionPride


Felix had calmed down a bit and a little more at ease from his touch. He raised a eyebrow drawing a blank at those words and seemed rather confused. "Kill myself?....no. I came here because I heard the stories. I wanted to see the demons, I didn't wanna tell you cuase I thought you'd make fun of me. But suicide? I mean yeah my life is shitty and I cut sometimes but geez I never go that far....I mean who's gonna take care of Brutus?" He says with a exhale shrugging. He definitely didn't recall it. Felix had to think for a moment then it hit him. "Oh...holly must've been doing it again....crap. I don't understand him..." He says frowning mentioning the demon's name and crossed his arms looking down.
'Idiot... And how long have ya been here? Brutus is probably dead by now.. Or at least with another family. They probably put it through euthanasia...' He thought, he turned the flashlight on and off. He stopped staring at the light and looked at Felix, "And what is Holly doing exactly?" He let the flashlight stay on.

@mewbot5408 @LionPride
"great you know a demon now put your legs down so I can look at those wounds" he said not really caring about the fact he knew a demon. he looked towards the wounds they were cracked and bleeding he would have to cover those with something and the fact that his shirt was kind of well heavy wool it would not work as a bandage "he anastas give me you shirt I need it for a bandage" he said putting out his hand.

@BennyAxC @mewbot5408
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He sighes, obviously displeased, "Sure.." He turned off his flashlight and put it back into his pocket. He took off his shirt and handed it to Chris, "Here." He walked over to Felix and sat down next to him. He never realized that this place was so freaking cold, how the hell could the guy be wearing a kilt with nothing underneath?

@mewbot5408 @LionPride
"It's hard to explain....he has these abilities but I don't know how to decribe it. it's a sort of telepathy I think.....I think that's what he calls it. " he tells anastas. He glared at Chris. "Don't use his shirt,geez. There's a first aid kit on the wall..." He says crossing his arms with a annoyed look.Felix then guestured to a box at the corner. He didn't like being touched by this guy at all even if it was to patch him up. He didn't like Chris. He only cared about anastas. Chris was a complete asshole.


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"well you could have mentioned it" he said as he walked over opened the box and puts its contents into this crotch sack before walking over and handing the shirt back to anastas. After a few moment he had the wound patched up he stood up and stretched lightly popping his neck "alright lets move before mister Felix's demon lover comes over here and steals someone's teeth" he said as he reached down his hand to help them up.

@mewbot5408 @BennyAxC
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"Thanks." Was all Anastas said as he retrieved his shirt and put it back on. 'Telepathy huh..' Telepathy was the power to be able to transmission information and other things from one human to another if he remembered correctly. Anastas ignored Chris' hand and stood up. "Fuckin' demon lover..." He mumbles. He can take some of Anastas' teeth, he just needs to not fucking rip them out when he's awake.

@LionPride @mewbot5408
Taylor just followed him as she nodded" okay what you want me to see" she say as she followed him as she saw his creepy grin she just looked at him as she was turning her head around looking at the hallway as she walked around with jace. "Hey Jace where we handed to" she asked as she give him a cute smiled as she was just following around to a room as she was nervous she didn't know if she get hurt or not in this room. @Astaroth Suzumiya
Oh shut up. I merely know holly because of how long I've been here...." He said growling at him a bit annoyed not taking his hand either. He glances at anastas and looks off as he walks. He face is tinted with light pink. "Besides...I'm far more interested in anastas." he says as he walks ahead of them. He seemed rather bothered still by Chris.


he chuckled a real chuckle the man barely looked alive much less like he could out run chris .If he wanted to he could catch the man and beat him with the still burning torch given the panic attack that he had last time he was close to fire. But he would wait and if he could save this person all the same why? good question he didn't know ether he would have fed the man to the ghost if he had to as far as he was concerned the guy was a bum he slept in a fun house, threw knifes at people, and hid behind a false personality and chris hated every part of him "ghosts pick off those who are alone" he said as he caught up to the man standing as a good tripping distance he motioned for anastas to follow suit.


Jace end up in the room were he saw Index escape as he laugh and knell by the wall "this is a safe exit for humans." He said with a smile as he look at her "and u know what his means right so dont."

Taylor looked at him as she was confused what he was talking about" i'm sorry i don't get it" she say to him as she was scratching she just looked at the boy from before she just looked at her hands at the cut she had on her palms she just sighed" tell me if you want me to leave you don't want me like everyone else does no body wants me" she say sounding a little mad @Astaroth Suzumiya
LionPride said:
he chuckled a real chuckle the man barely looked alive much less like he could out run chris .If he wanted to he could catch the man and beat him with the still burning torch given the panic attack that he had last time he was close to fire. But he would wait and if he could save this person all the same why? good question he didn't know ether he would have fed the man to the ghost if he had to as far as he was concerned the guy was a bum he slept in a fun house, threw knifes at people, and hid behind a false personality and chris hated every part of him "ghosts pick off those who are alone" he said as he caught up to the man standing as a good tripping distance he motioned for anastas to follow suit.

(Sorry for disappearing there! But Im back now)

Anastas watched the two bicker then continued on forward. With the three of them together they could probably bash Emily's face in... Wait she has a companion like Holly, scrap that idea. "If ghosts pick off those who are alone then we need to stick together... So that means no leaving anyone behind, "He then smirked, "Ahh, I can't really trust you two to work together on that right? So I guess I'll just have to wait and see what happens." His breathing slowed as thought about each of the outcomes. In every outcome he saw himself being submissive, helpless, enjoying the pain. A faint blush settled on his face as stares blankly in front of him.

@LionPride @mewbot5408
It was then Felix went completely silent ignoring him and his face became blank with a rather bored look. He didn't look angry any longer just bored. He continued walking keeping by Chris' side as he numbed out not giving a shit about his stupid antics to piss him off. He pulled out his marker playing with it as he hummed something.


"so did you like what you saw" he said to felix "the ghosts I mean" he had come to see the ghosts? he thought it was in a weird way funny he was lucky but unlucky its kind of like hoping to meet someone then that person stabbing him. He laughed and when that died out he smiled keeping his walking pace as he measured out the worth of both of the people next to him... he found felix wanting.

@mewbot5408 @BennyAxC
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