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Fantasy Welcome to the Funhouse (ACCEPTING!)

" I was killed here at age 15. It sucks to be tourcherd. I was joined into this group of demons. I was killed by another demon of fear. as so as my self. Whats your story?" Zane asked with curiosity. So what was your life like before you were killed? zane asked Zanelle. @Dalisander
"in not a Vampire im a blood thirsting Demon" he told her as he chuckle and look around and look back at her "hey hehehe to be honest u bore me when u sleep... why does humans need to sleep... i think its more easier to sleep when they die... it would be more eternal and peaceful."

@Zeldafangirl (its alright i understand)
"well shit that is a monster" he said internally freaking out he looks from the wounded person to the half faced demon he does that a couple before he lets his natural concern for the man over whelm his natural fear of half faced ass holes. He looks at the demon for a second before lifting up his kilt show the demon his everything before going back to treating the man acting as if the creature wasn't there he pulled out his pocket knife and his lighter as he began to cut the strings that were put in there hap hazardly.

@mewbot5408 @BennyAxC
"Welp... That was a while ago. It was back when the Funhouse opened. I remember that only 10 of us had entered. I was the only one to survive. And when the next wave entered, a lucky demon got a few hits on me. I was hated in the Funhouse, so when other demons saw that my guard was down, they attacked. Long story short, I became a demon. My ability is quite strong. I was probably granted it as a thank you for being one of the first here. I stayed low for a bit, only going out in Human form. But now, I want to help those Humans you are hiding.. and other humans as well." Zanelle explained. "Have we reached the group of Humans, yet?"
Taylor looked at him as she scratched her head" it was boring for you then i stay up all night but that be tiring" she say" cause we need sleep if we don't we pass out we lose the energy" she tried to explain to him" is there anything to do here i'm kinda bored you can teach me things about you" she say to him as she looked around" what is the other demons like do you have friends" she asked looking at him @Astaroth Suzumiya
"ehehehe fine u can have your sleep princess...well..." he stop for a meanwhile and think of his life in the fun house as he stater to laugh real hard "nah... all of us demons were never friends cuz we are all enemy's and a traitor to ourselves we will never trust any demons and as we dont trust ourselves" he said as he laugh and look at her "well maybe i could consider Emily as a friend but shes a kid... all to well we can do was tea party witch bore me alot and annoy me when we do dress up" he said with a scoff.

@Zeldafangirl @Cherrywitch
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Anastas stared at Holly. He didn't move an inch, he didn't flinch... He didn't do anything. This is where his fear of monsters finally kicked in. Whenever Emily was around, it would die out. If he had his senses back, he would've took out his flashlight and shone it at Holly. He then stared at Chris, watching his reactions... It was certainly different from what he was excepting. This guy had no fucking boundaries did he? His senses had returned, he turned to Holly and said, "Go back to playing with Emily you pedophile."

@mewbot5408 @LionPride
Taylor just looked at him as she was called princess she smiled a little" thanks for letting me sleep" she esay to to him" thats good you have a friend hehe dressing up thats kinda funny" she say to him as she was stretching" so the rest of the demons don't like each other okay i understand thats enough questions i don't want to go beyond that" she say as smiled" i don't need to know about your past its not my business" she told him @Astaroth Suzumiya
Holly was deathly pale and he was missing his lower jaw along with his eye,he wore a button up with jeans and boots along with brackets made of human teeth for beads. Unlike the other demons he was probly the most terrifying since the others looked more human while he was missing half his face and looked like a walking corspe not to mention he in specific collected body parts especially teeth.holly tilted his head as he stepped up and black came from his back curling around anastas. "What a mouth on you and such a nasty attitude....it really confuses me why Felix protected you in the first place. What the hell does he even see?! All I see is a pest who should be exterminated....." He says squeezing him tighter before slamming him down and yanking him by the hair then slamming him against the wall. "You're coming with me! Ta ta doctor kilt!" He says dragging off anastas before he can be followed.

(Basically whoever sees holly dragging him around,also keep in mind holly is the oldest having been around the longest and he thinks of the other demons like his kids kinda...)



@Astaroth Suzumiya

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Zane soon sees holly and soon has a tamatic memory "......that....demon....that...face...that face is so fimiliar..." zane says with a shaking voice. " holly! thats whare i renember that face from!" Zane says with a clicking kind of voice as if renember somthing and he soon sees Anastas..." why...is he dragging anastas?!" zane says in a worried tone.

@Dalisander @mewbot5408
Anastas was blushing a bright red and slightly turned on as Holly yanked his hair and threw him against the wall. He screams and tears fall down his face as he is dragged down the hallway.

"well shit" he said out loud he wanted to go after him but at the same time he had a person right in front of him. He breaths deeply hoping that this guy stays under for this as he puts his blowtorch like lighter to the mans skin he begins the process of burning the guys skin together. @mewbot5408
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Zaydar shot through the walls back next to this demon girl. "Hold on now it's interesting. Were you not the FIRST? And how can you remember??" @Dalisander
Jace look at her and stand up "its good that u wont mess on my past." He said as he start walking "well u should follow me i wanna show u something "she said as he open the door and look at her as he made a wide grin and chuckle "ill bet ill trust u up on this one."

Holly drags anastas down the hallway by the leg not caring if it hurt the human. He glances up for a moment but is still walking. "What is it Zane? I can tell there's something you want,kid. " He says to the other demon as he walks only to stop at his room throwing anastas into a chair proceeding to strap him down before grabbing his pliers. "Let me see those pearly whites...." He says.



@Astaroth Suzumiya

Anastas opens his mouth lazily for Holly, breathing heavily. His face full of fear and lust, his body couldn't stop shaking. Had he given up? Yes, finally... This place accomplished it's goal... He finally broke.

he punched the guy in the face knocking him out though it was mostly the wall his head bounced off of that did the work. After burning close the last wound he moved the man ever so carefully under the bits of the wall he was taking out. This place really needed some repairs he thought to him self as he pulled the guys shirt around the top a larger piece of wood and lit it on fire forming a torch he looked down the hall holly had run down as he took a deep breath and walked down the same path they had taken ranting to himself. "I'm doing so much for perfect strangers that guy better put out hard if he isn't dead" he said pretty sure the guy was gay.

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what are you doing?" zane asks in a serious tone. " why are you hurting the young man..he did nothing." zane approched Anastas and untied him. zane wispers in anasta's ear. " run. qucikly run. if you wish to live. " zane says in a wisper voice to the point whare holly couldnr hear him. Zane soon looked back up tword holly. " your the one who killed me, the one who tourcherd me to death...i renember the day very well. " zane said in a serious tone at holly. @BennyAxC @mewbot5408
"... Thank you..." Anastas mouthed. Anastas stood up and ran out of the room. He passed a monster and a human on his way out but payed them no attention. He continued down the hall where he bumped into Chris. He breathed heavily as he leaned across his chest. He then took a few steps back and fell to the ground on his knees, hacking up blood and coughing. "How... How do you.. You think... of the m-monsters.. Now?" He asked him.


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