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Fantasy Welcome to the Funhouse (ACCEPTING!)

Jace chuckle and hold her hands "thats great..." he said with a smile "but now that we could be together then i should tell u how i got here in the first place." He said with a happy grin as they walk to the hallway of the fun house.

As they walk ge saw some humans and demon as they fight while he and Taylor stop walking and look at them they are good for the kill as he smile exitedly but then he stop and look at Taylor as he smile at her.

@Zeldafangirl @mewbot5408 @LionPride @Theflamre
Taylor just smiled back" okay' is he going to hurt me or something' she thought to herslef as she looked at him" um.... whats wrong jace you don't have to tell me about how you came to the funhouse" she say. She just looked at the people the human and the demon and looked back at jace" uh whats going on" she asked jace as she was looking around the room. @Astaroth Suzumiya
"Looks like they are fighting." He said with a laugh as he look at her "well my friends take me on a bet here... i gladly accepted becuz thats my thing i wanted to be a demon hunter or a doctor to help my sick mother so i step in but ibwas wrong... the first thing was i got bullied and abuse by demons as they burn me to death... as i woke up all i can see was me in this form of body...that the thing i regret now its been 67 years now" he said with a frown.

Taylor just frowned" i'm sorry that happend to you" she say as she looked at him" i don't want you to be sad you can hurt me all you want i just want you to be happy with me" she say" as i said i'll stay here with you forever until the day i die" she say giving him a straight face. She just looked up as she smiled' the stuff i do for boys' she thought shaking her head a bit she just put her hands back of her head as she was feeling a bit lazy" no matter what i'm here for you i listen to whatever you have to say to me" she say. @Astaroth Suzumiya
Jace look at him and smile as he hold her cheeks "i would like that." He said with a wide grin as he hold her hand and they walk around the hallways of the fun house and reach a corousel and it was still working as it make a music that sound beautiful and show her a skull and look at her "im glad u came." He said with a smile and look into her eyes "are u sure u dint regret anything?... i..." jace was about to say something but he stop and smile as he pet her head gently.

Taylor just looked at him" no i don't why would i regret anything i'm here now thats all that matters all my life i been alone my friends treat me like a orphan i'm always alone" she say as she try not to cry as she really wanting to punch something. "My parents left me why would i care if i go back to human world they won't even care if i die" she say as she punched a piece of glass as it shattered around her she had anger issues with her parents she saw blood dripping from her hand she just sighed. @Astaroth Suzumiya
Jace look at her and smile a little as he take her hand and lick it as the would close "i know that." He said as he kiss her head and made her seat in the horse of the corousel as it spin around and he just stand and look at her as he hold her hand "i want to hurt u really bad."

Taylor looked at him as she was getting spinned" why don't you hurt me i don't mind the pain yeah it hurts but i just want to make you happy" she say to him as she saw him licking her hand from the blood dripping." Sorry it just hard when i talk about them or my friends" she say as she was getting a little bit dizzy she didn't say anything about her getting dizzy on here she thought this ride was stupid she felt like it was a kids ride. @Astaroth Suzumiya
Felix took a deep breath and grabbed anastas by the shirt giving him a kiss before moving away. He smirked turning towards the demon and cracked his knuckles. He swung a very hard punch jumping up and gave a sharp kick which would've been just enough to knock him onto his back. Felix was indeed a bit tough having his high pain tolerence,muscle,and knowing how to fight. He was strange for a human and had to teach himself to fight as he got older. The only problem was he could be a bit violent and angry.



He didn't even move an inch "well I would have never bet on that one" he said the flames disappeared as he grabbed the man by the neck and lifted him into the air and pinning him against the near by wall. "tell me something before I kill you by crushing your neck anything you want to get of your chest" he seemed genuinely interested in fact this is the one time he seemed remotely human. "cause I'm a fair person and honesty will lay the way to a better after life, at least that's what my father said to me before I killed him". he looks over to the two people at the end of the hall that are staring at him then proceeds to ignore them for now.

@mewbot5408 @BennyAxC @Zeldafangirl @Astaroth Suzumiya
"What the hell man did you punch it" he said very much so angry. "O yea let's punch the ghost not to mention the huge ass skeleton ghost that will solve all the problems." He shouted this part freaking out a long with being extremely angry .

@mewbot5408 @BennyAxC @LionPride
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Anastas silently watched as the demon pinned Felix against a wall. The thing said it'll kill him if he kept interfering so he'll continue to do so, "My mother said to me that she can't wait to see me in hell, she begged and cried as I tortured her, her last words were that I reminded her of my father... But you are not my mother and he's not your father...Unless there is some weird shit going on around here other than you guys." Anastas quickly learned from Felix hitting it that it can not touch them unless we touch it first. "... Felix if you let your fear interrupt your way of living I think I'm actually going to let you die to that thing.." He said monotonously.

@mewbot5408 @Theflamre @LionPride
Felix was calm completely not even struggling. "...i'm not afraid to die nor am I afraid to kill another person. I've seen so much death,so much pain....so much hate. I've been through a lot." he says and smiled sadly as he continued to speak. "I always have been disliked by others and I was often bullied..I got pissed and killed four kids and a teacher in middle school,I know I belong in hell.....i don't even regret my choice...." He says honestly still smiling. He exhaled deeply. "Also, even if anastas acts the way he does or gets mad at me a majority of the time....I can't help but to like him. While as for Chris he's a annoying asshole but I don't mind his company, he's kinda cool when he wants to be." He adds looking at the the two then the demon. Felix seemed pretty relaxed oddly enough.



Luna's POV

Luna was wandering around the funhouse searching for her favorite doormat. At the moment she couldn't see what was so fun about this place since she couldn't find a single human to 'play' with. That was actually the reason she was looking for him in the first place. The demon would probably help her search for a human and on the plus side he wouldn't attempt to steal her kill. Just because she could she yelled out "Shiro! I need your assistance!" she wasn't even sure if he was close enough to hear that.

Tommy's POV

I'm going to die. was the first thing the girl thought before ducking behind some random objects. She had no idea why she had agreed to this.....Actually she couldn't even remember agreeing to this! The girl had wandered in with some other friends and they had forced this onto her. Well not really, she was worried about their well being and tried to keep them from going by talking about every terrible gory thing that could possibly happen to them. But they didn't listen and they went in anyway. This is the last time I worry about anyone's well being more than my own!

jace smile as he grab her and hold her down making her close to her as he lay here in the ground and choke her he then start to grin and look at her as he lean from her "do u ever like this?" he ask as he let her neck go a bit freely as he take out a knife and place it on her cheeks as he chuckle and choke her again as a small amount of blood get out of her nose "i like u"

Theflamre said:
He didn't even move an inch "well I would have never bet on that one" he said the flames disappeared as he grabbed the man by the neck and lifted him into the air and pinning him against the near by wall. "tell me something before I kill you by crushing your neck anything you want to get of your chest" he seemed genuinely interested in fact this is the one time he seemed remotely human. "cause I'm a fair person and honesty will lay the way to a better after life, at least that's what my father said to me before I killed him". he looks over to the two people at the end of the hall that are staring at him then proceeds to ignore them for now.
@mewbot5408 @BennyAxC @Zeldafangirl @Astaroth Suzumiya
(meh character is a demon mwahhahahaha)

She turned around after hearing Shiro's voice and nodded
"Yes actually. You know me too well." she looked around to see if she could catch anything interesting with her eyes. After looking she put her attention back on Shiro "I wanted to create a search party of two with you being the second demon. What do you say?" she stuck out here hand with a serious expression.


Tommy sat on the floor biting her finger as she thought about the ways they could kill her if she was caught by whatever those things were. She rocked back and forth while also trying to calm herself which wasn't working out. Her attempts seemed futile since she was not calming down. What was happening and paranoia did not mix well and she seemed to be breathing pretty loudly.

Shiro grabbed her out stuck hand, he thought, 'I would've agreed whether you asked me or not.. Like I'll ever disobey..' "I say yes." He lets go of her and continues, "And just so you know I don't enjoy parties... And no need for your serious face..." He stared at her with his rich green eyes, they were unblinking, his voice slightly hoarse.

@Kira Times
She sighed "Not a literal party." she turned away from him "Let us start. Please take any direction you wish." she said flatly and didn't really carry much feeling in her words. "Remember. Don't kill the human." she walked off quickly with not a glance back at him. She disliked the male's eyes for whatever reason. Something about them irritated her slightly but she couldn't say exactly what. Well it didn't matter since he was reliable enough for those kind of tasks even if he made her mad. She still had somewhat trusted him even if it wasn't all that much.

Shiro nodded, and walked off in the opposite direction. He was trying to make a joke about him not liking parties, sometimes he will randomly try and show emotion again... Trying to reconnect with his human side again.. It never worked, up to this day it still hasn't worked. He was waiting for that string connecting him and his human side to be cut, so he won't still feel this pain of trying to be like his old self... He would rather be this emotionless demon then that worthless, good for nothing, the temper of a Italian housewife human. Shiro thought he would forgot by now, but Anastas still stayed within his mind... Probably the number one reason why he wanted that string to be cut. He teleported into many rooms and hallways until he witnessed a female human rocking back and forth, breathing heavily. He took out both of the needles in his head and threw them into both of her wrist, pinning her against the wall. He sighed as he took hold of the small silver-like string and started to drag her body down the hallway.

@Kira Times
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