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Fantasy Welcome to the Funhouse (ACCEPTING!)

Subaru notice someone yelling "Boo!" not too far the entry,he then join the guys in hope to find a response "Hey,i'm kind of new here...Do you know if we can enter there without buying a tickets?" he say,scratching his hair

Elch looked at the kid and said "This place is abandoned. I don't think they have ticket booths for places sealed off by the cops...." He took a long drag of his cigarette.

The eyes of Subaru rapidly shine "So yeah,those legends are maybe true..." he then raised his left arm "Finally something interesting in my boring life!" Subaru quickly look back at the guys "Why are you are by the way?"

She scoffed but in a polite voice "Depends who it's coming from." she didn't give him a direct answer but her response would of been 'Most of the time'. Tommy responded quickly though "Yes, yes most defiantly." she said as if it was a fact . If she felt like she wasn't going to be killed she wouldn't be talking all this smack. But since she reckoned death was coming she wasn't going to go down in fear or silence.

"Okay," He said not really giving a clear answer as to who he agreed with, "What do you want me to do with her now? Because I don't have the physical strength to carry her for long.. She's kinda heavy.. Though I could always use my needles again.." He was speaking the truth, and didn't just call her fat for the purpose of insulting her.. He really didn't have the physical strength at the moment to be holding her like this.

@Kira Times
Subaru follow Elch trough the entrance "Well,mine is Subaru." as they enter,it was pretty dark."Ok,guess we need a flashlight" Subaru open up his flashlight

Subaru smirk "It's Subaru,not Subura" he then take the cigarette and smile "Yeah,i'm and asian." he then inspect the cigarette "Do you have some fire?I never smoke in my life." as they keep walking,Subaru would notice the absence of sound "Yeah,this place seems really laying aside.I hope we could find something interesting here."

She looked lazily over to him "I will kick you." she said before letting go of him and barely standing on her own. She was a bit wobbly and she was bleeding on the ground quite a bit. She was all shaky because of pain and maybe from blood loss."Am I going to bleed out?" she asked and Luna shook her head "I won't let that happen. Shiro can you patch her up somehow?" she glanced at Shiro with a smile still on. She summoned some sort of bandage wrappings and alcohol. She didn't care about her but currently she was their only prey. "Be grateful that you're special right now."

Kira Times]She looked lazily over to him [COLOR=#006633]"I will kick you." [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]she said before letting go of him and barely standing on her own. She was a bit wobbly and she was bleeding on the ground quite a bit. She was all shaky because of pain and maybe from blood loss.[/COLOR][COLOR=#006633]"Am I going to bleed out?" [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]she asked and Luna shook her head [/COLOR][COLOR=#0000b3]"I won't let that happen. Shiro can you patch her up somehow?" [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]she glanced at Shiro with a smile still on. She summoned some sort of bandage wrappings and alcohol. She didn't care about her but currently she was their only prey. [/COLOR][COLOR=#0000b3]"Be grateful that you're special right now."[/COLOR] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/36207-bennyaxc/ said:
(This is my last post for now!)

Shiro nodded and pushed Katrina to the ground, he took the bandage wrappings and alcohol and got to work on patching her up. He worked silently despite her babbling. Once finished he teleported away then teleported back to the two ladies. He threw a walking cane at Katrina and said, "Use that.. To help you walk... Also I don't know how you can kick me in your current condition..."

@Kira Times
"I did never cross a german until today" Subaru look upon the metal lighter "The design of this is actually quite amazing!" he then open up the metal lighter,taking the burn upon the cigarette as he start to smoke,and cough.After a moments of cough,Subaru was quite relax "Wow...I feel great."

"Wow,it's start to smell really bad don't you think?" Subaru inspect the place they were with his flashlight "Do you have any idea were we should head now?"

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"I'm just following you." Elch said as he threw away his cigarette. He looked at the kid and said "So why don't you tell me about yourself."

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Subaru keep walking on the corridors "Well,i'm rather a normal guy bored by life.I though it would be interesting to take a visit in a place,were weird story were tell.It's like a fantasy that came true" he smile "And you Elch,you are here to have some fun too?"

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Tommy didn't thank him or anything and just turned her attention away from him "I would find a way..." she mumbled. "Now that you're all better let's begin! Don't worry it's nothing taxing on the body." she said as Tommy watched her silently while rolling her eyes a little "My lovely assistant Shiro will also be helping!" she said while gesturing to his emotionless being.

@BennyAxC (See you.)
Subaru look upon the guys "So basically...You must be here to find out if this place is really dangerous." as they keep walking Subaru sigh "Well...i hope we will find something soon!"

On the wall,Subaru discover some bloods on the wall...It is fresh ?Subaru decide to call the detective "Mister ! I find out something!"

Subaru look back deeply at Elch "So...People really died there?" Subaru was twitching a little,from fear but also excitement.He never had be engage in a weird places like this.

Kira Times]Tommy didn't thank him or anything and just turned her attention away from him [COLOR=#006633]"I would find a way..." [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]she mumbled. [/COLOR][COLOR=#0000b3]"Now that you're all better let's begin! Don't worry it's nothing taxing on the body." [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]she said as Tommy watched her silently while rolling her eyes a little [/COLOR][COLOR=#0000b3]"My lovely assistant Shiro will also be helping!" [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]she said while gesturing to his emotionless being.[/COLOR] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/36207-bennyaxc/ said:
@BennyAxC[/URL] (See you.)
Shiro had a somewhat confused expression on his face, though it really wasn't very noticeable, "You think I'm lovely?" He looked around his body, and thought of himself as a demon. There was really nothing lovely about him, that or Luna must be sick at the moment or something.

@Kira Times
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