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Fantasy Welcome to the Funhouse (ACCEPTING!)

Subaru arrive at the place.It seems pretty dark and foggy around the entrance?Well,shouldn't be a problem.

He look around the building,but everything seems so dark...Subaru start to use his flashlight to take a more precise look,there seems to be nobody around,only the wind sound around him.With the sign saying "You may never want to leave" It certainly increase the hype of Subaru ! Maybe it will be really fun after all.

He then walk slowly with his flashlight in the entry "Hey!Do we need to pay to enter here?" he say out loud,in hope there would be someone.
Taylor just looked at him as she smiled" you really wanna know me thats nice" she say to him as she was thinking" well i love to read books i like watching movies more like horror movies their intressting and scary" she say smiling" if i can pick a carrer to work i pick a library job i love skateboarding pulling pranks on people for the attention" she told him as she smiled looking at him @Astaroth Suzumiya

While she was trying to catch her breath she felt a sudden rush of unbearable pain. On reflex she had screamed out but before she knew it she was being dragged down the hallway by a string. She instantly tried to escape but she had lots of trouble. The girl followed the string to a person she couldn't see the features of because there back was turned to her. Her eyes widened as the weight of the situation set in. This was more than likely a demon, a demon that was going to torture and kill her. The needles in her wrist kept moving around which made her groan and flinch. A rhythmic chant of 'I'm going to die.' went through her head. She was frozen in terror and wasn't really shruggling. In her unmoving form she said to her captor "Are you ....going to....kill me?" she was pretty sure she knew the answer but in her frozen state she wasn't really thinking too well. It was a depressing thought but she couldn't really not think of it, especially with her being dragged to her doom. It was truly miserable and agonizing for her.

@BennyAxC (Sorry it took forever.)
Taylor looked at him as she smiled" um i think as a awesome person first time i get loved" she say as she smiled looking around" your awesome i can't thank you enough for keeping me here being a friend" she say as she smiled looking around" i think i like you" she asked as she smiled @Astaroth Suzumiya
Jace smile as he and pet her hair as he made her lean down the ground and choke her as he grin "i dont think i like u" he said as he look into her eyes for a while "i think... ... ... i love u" he said to her as he lessen up the grip and place his knife on her chest as he look at her in the eyes.

Taylor looked at him as she felt the knife on her on her chest as she was shocked that he was saying that" well i love you too if someone hurt you i'll punch them" she say laying on the ground as she smiled happy that he was enjoying her pain he loved the way he talked how long his hair is he was important to her she looked a spin will afraid to go on that for her torture @Astaroth Suzumiya
Jace look at her as he touch her hair and smile. now he know what his main purpose of dying and being a demon now he have found a single light yet he always try to hurt. but she was important to him very and becuz of that he wanted to hurt her for her and for him he will love her until she died for she is the one who rip his heart into shreds and place her blood in a demonic love "thank but i think ill be the one to do that... and thats my job on protecting u yet ill hurt u cuz i love u.. u are my little angel lost in the wonders of hell." he speak to her as he cut her skin going to her shoulder and blood start dripping out.

@BennyAxC[/URL] (Sorry it took forever.)
(It's okay! Sorry for me too..)

Shiro stopped for a second after her question, but he continued on forward, going faster then before, "I'm not going to kill you..." He paused for a minute, then said, "But someone else probably will." He glanced at her body, what a strange looking human... though her personality seem to be the same as everyone else's, what a pity. "I'm Shiro... Do you care to tell me your name?" He wasn't trying to show he cared, he was just curious as to what her parents called her. His curiosity sickened him a little.

@Kira Times
Taylor just moan in pain as her shoulder was getting cut as she felt the blood dripping down as she looked at him" yeah i thought so you would do that" she say as she smiled as she let him to hurt her as she smiled looking up the celling @Astaroth Suzumiya
Tommy flinched after he picked up the speed. "Why not kill me yourself?! And why do you care about my name anyway!?" she figured if she was killed it wouldn't matter. Though she thought it would be bad to enrage a demon "Katrina is my given name but most call me Tommy..." she said nervously. She cleared her throat "It's my turn...Why not just kill me? Why are you dragging me around like bait..." since she felt death was unavoidable she did as much as she could in her final moments leading up to her death "Are you going to give me too your demon girlfriend?" she said as a joke of course.

@BennyAxC (I kept trying to think of stuff)
Taylor looked at him as she groan as blood was dripping down staining her shirt as she looked at him not sure how long she will be hurt for she just smiled looking around hurting her she just let him hurt her since he enjoyed her" having fu " she asked as she smiled to him @Astaroth Suzumiya
Kira Times]Tommy flinched after he picked up the speed. [COLOR=#006633]"Why not kill me yourself?! And why do you care about my name anyway!?" [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]she figured if she was killed it wouldn't matter. Though she thought it would be bad to enrage a demon [/COLOR][COLOR=#006633]"Katrina is my given name but most call me Tommy..." [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]she said nervously. She cleared her throat [/COLOR][COLOR=#006633]"It's my turn...Why not just kill me? Why are you dragging me around like bait..." [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]since she felt death was unavoidable she did as much as she could in her final moments leading up to her death [/COLOR][COLOR=#006633]"Are you going to give me too your demon girlfriend?" [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]she said as a joke of course.[/COLOR] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/36207-bennyaxc/ said:
@BennyAxC[/URL] (I kept trying to think of stuff)
(It's cool.)

He continued despite her joke, then said, "She's not my girlfriend... I don't think demons can love... I also believe she hates me, for a reason I don't know.. And yes, I am going to give you to her. I'm not killing you because she told me too, if I killed you I would be in serious trouble. So do you want to be called Katrina or Tommy?" He said all of this monotonously. He never blinked, he kept his head in front of him. To joke at a time like this, she wasn't like the others, he judged wrongly.
"Does it matter?" she said but chose anyway. "Katrina...It would be a nice change of pace...Even if it's coming from demon like yourself." since she was on a chopping block fear was irrelevant at the time. If you knew death was coming why live your time in misery and if she did manage to make him angry she could die all the more faster. The demon seemed like a hard nut to crack "What's your name...It's only fair Stiches." that was his name until he told what his true name was.

Kira Times] [COLOR=#006633]"Does it matter?" [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]she said but chose anyway. [/COLOR][COLOR=#006633]"Katrina...It would be a nice change of pace...Even if it's coming from demon like yourself." [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]since she was on a chopping block fear was irrelevant at the time. If you knew death was coming why live your time in misery and if she did manage to make him angry she could die all the more faster. The demon seemed like a hard nut to crack [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]"What's your name...It's only fair Stiches." [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]that was his name until he told what his true name was.[/COLOR] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/36207-bennyaxc/ said:
"It's Shiro... I already told you that before I asked for your name, if you stopped screaming and clouding your head with the idea of dying you would've heard me.. Katrina..." He said to her, he walked a bit faster when he saw that Luna was up ahead. He duplicated 4 more needles and shot them threw her leg. Her screams will let Luna know that they were close.

@Kira Times
Tommy screamed out and weakly glared at him "W-Why the hell.." before she finished her sentence she noticed another figure up ahead. The figure turned around and smiled "Hmm? You found one already? I can't say I'm not slightly upset." she walk towards them. When she got close enough to look she smirked "Why'd you mess her up so bad..." she said and put her hand out, ready to start this game.

@BennyAxC {Might go to sleep.)
(Oh okay, good night if you do go to sleep)

"I felt like it..." He said, he returned two of his needles into his head, the other 4 disappeared. "Her name is Katrina if you wanted to know... And also Tommy for some reason.. I think she might secretly be transgendered.." He mumbled and as he stared at Luna. He didn't really enjoy the conversation he had with Katrina, certainly didn't enjoy being called "Stitches".

@Kira Times
Jace look at her in the eyes "u are very rare... taking the lickings of pain will bring u in hell and become something more than a demon" he said as he tak out the knife and smile at her "its too good to be true that u can smile for me from ear to ear and much more it surprises me... Love"

Elch walked to the fun house and looked up at it. 'Really? This is the place they were talking about? Doesn't look that bad...' He thought. His hand drifted to his cigarettes and he lit one. He put it to his lips and leaned against the wall of the building. When he was done he put on his golden knuckles ready to knock out the unlucky bastard who decided to jump out at him and yell "Boo!"
She was bleeding now and she just stared at the demon's outstretched hand "I'm not. My brothers call me Tommy.." she replied to Stitches comment."Anyway just kill me now..." she was waiting to be killed but all she heard was a laugh "Shiro what have you been telling her? I want to make a deal before I do away with my humans." she said and withdrew her hand back since she apparently didn't want help. "If you win the game I want to play I won't come after you...for awhile anyway. But if I win...I get to do whatever I want with you.." sometimes she didn't automatically kill her victims but she would torture them and they would be forced to play more games with her until she got bored and would kill them in the most 'creative' way possible.

Kira Times]She was bleeding now and she just stared at the demon's outstretched hand [COLOR=#006633]"I'm not. My brothers call me Tommy.." [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]she replied to Stitches comment.[/COLOR][COLOR=#006633]"Anyway just kill me now..." [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]she was waiting to be killed but all she heard was a laugh [/COLOR][COLOR=#0000b3]"Shiro what have you been telling her? I want to make a deal before I do away with my humans." [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]she said and withdrew her hand back since she apparently didn't want help.[/COLOR][COLOR=#0000b3] "If you win the game I want to play I won't come after you...for awhile anyway. But if I win...I get to do whatever I want with you.." [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]sometimes she didn't automatically kill her victims but she would torture them and they would be forced to play more games with her until she got bored and would kill them in the most 'creative' way possible.[/COLOR] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/36207-bennyaxc/ said:
Shiro made a small sound and crossed his arms, looking at the ground trying to remember what he told Katrina, "I told her my name and that I wasn't going to kill her because you told me to... I told her that you were not my girlfriend... Annnd..... If I did kill her I would be in trouble.. Oh, and that you will probably kill her.." He finished saying and uncrossed his arms, letting them fall lazily by his side. "Also... Tommy is an asshole's name and you seem like an asshole so it's very fitting for you Katrina." He doesn't have any special backstory for hating that name, it just sounded stupid.

@Kira Times
She glared up at him "Takes a asshole to know a asshole. And you sir are one hell of a asshole." she scoffed and look at the ground. "Also he said he didn't kill me because he would be in trouble if he did. Not because of what you told him to." she chose to be a tattletale at that moment.


Luna kept a pleasant smile on her face but her eye twitched "Did he?" she said but her voice stayed leveled even with her irritation growing ever so slightly. She looked at him and gestured to Tommy "Do you mind helping her up? Since you are bigger than me and she is also." she said while crossing her arms. It was suddenly apparent that she was the shortest one in the room. Which was suspected since she had the body of a fifteen year old.

'Fuck this human..', he thought as he went to help her up. He pulled her up and threw her arm over his shoulder, he supported her weight by holding onto her waist. "Do you mean like this?... And.. Am I really one hell of an asshole Luna?" He tilted his head, he didn't actually know if he was an asshole or not and if he was... Then oh well.

@Kira Times

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