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Fantasy Welcome to the Funhouse (ACCEPTING!)


"Heh... So you still have some humanity left... Good to know..." Index closed his eyes with a breath of pain. "...we all came here, for Halloween. I didn't think, gh, it was true, but..." He trailed off, his muscles suddenly loosening. It seems the pain, emotional trauma, and everything else that happened to the poor guy was too much as he fell asleep against the wall, long lashes brushing his cheeks and breathing ragged as his blonde locks fell off to the side.

Sharkiee said:
Alez frowned at the man, "My jacket?.." She shivered, "what value can my jacket be?" she was confused, her eyes darting around for any movement aside from Samuals. Her brain reeling with the possibilities, she half expected to be asked for her soul. She rocked awaiting a response.
((nighnigh :3 @billthesomething ))
Samuel let out a groan, he was so sick of having to explain this shit to his customers. "My friend is a collector of memories, and as i stated before kid. he has no interest in jewels or money. if that was the case then i would long since have been out of this shithole kid"
Alez blinked looking down at her grey jacket, "uhh.." she managed out, "and you will help me out of here?" Her eyes moved back to the masked man as she slide the jacket off her arms, folding it neatly in front of her.

Zanelle rolled her eyes. "That dumbass... He does know I can recreate this form." She muttered. She reverted back to her Demon form and walked off. "It's gonna take some time to gain back that form.." She said, walking off

Sharkiee said:
Alez blinked looking down at her grey jacket, "uhh.." she managed out, "and you will help me out of here?" Her eyes moved back to the masked man as she slide the jacket off her arms, folding it neatly in front of her.
"Of course. a deal is a deal after all" his grin widened beneath his mask, he stood up but not before he grabbed the jacket and faster then one could blink it disappeared from his grip. "Hope he likes it, that picky douche" he muttered the last part then he clasped his hands and looked down to Alez "Well then kid, you won't be leaving here by sitting on your ass"
Zanelle trudged through the funhouse, now in her human form. Her heart had been restored and her wounds had healed, but her clothes were still bloody. "I wonder what happened to the rest of the humans here?"
Alez got to her feet sheepishly, the fear of the house started to feel like a neutral feeling, the adrenaline calming her almost. She looked down at the jacket, "couldn't I have given it to you at the door, before I leave?" She asked, shivering a little.

Sharkiee said:
Alez got to her feet sheepishly, the fear of the house started to feel like a neutral feeling, the adrenaline calming her almost. She looked down at the jacket, "couldn't I have given it to you at the door, before I leave?" She asked, shivering a little.
"yeah, you could have and could have also just handed me that bottlecap in your pocket. but i decided not to inform you about that. I am an asshole, you see" he states then let's out a light chuckle as he begins leading her through the fun-house, he was hoping not to encounter the other demons cause he wasn't so popular with the others, due to his habit of helping humans instead of killing them, but he was sure he could handle them
"You aren't wrong..." she mumbled following him cautiously, "what about my friends?" She demanded halting in place, "surely you can offer them the same deal?" She grasped at Samuel's arm not letting him move forwards til he answered her.

Sharkiee said:
"You aren't wrong..." she mumbled following him cautiously, "what about my friends?" She demanded halting in place, "surely you can offer them the same deal?" She grasped at Samuel's arm not letting him move forwards til he answered her.
"Oh sure, if their still alive. which i highly doubt kid, it's rare for anyone to survive long here. but even if their alive what are the chances they would wish to take me up on the deal" he says casually despite having Alez hanging onto his arm, who he was dragging around quite easily
Zaydar floated through the halls...it had been too long since he had seen chaos. He glanced upon what looked like a human marching around. He floated near Zanelle. "Hello young human" He hissed from the shadows. @Dalisander

"No... Let go... Ah!" The blonde sat bolt upright, sweating slightly as he held his own face. "God... What a ducking nightma-..." Index looked around, green eyes widened in fear as he grabbed his blood stained shirt. "...it's real... I'm still here..." The model stood, peering out from the shadows at the hallway.


Emily frowned deeply, wandering the halls. "Meanie humans... All I wanted was to play and they go away..." The child crossed her arms, upset.

(Both Open)
Alez was dragged along as Samuel walked, a chill running down her spine as her eyes spotted the young child, "sir.." she whimpered, letting go of the masked figure leading her towards the exit. Had she been spotted, she looked at Samuel hoping he would do something.

@Cherrywitch @billthesomething

The child turned, looking at the two. "Ooh! Hiya Sammy! Is that a playmate with you? Can I play too?" Emily suddenly had appeared, peering around the masked man at the girl with a cute, but insane grin. "Hello~"

@Sharkiee @billthesomething
Sharkiee said:
Alez was dragged along as Samuel walked, a chill running down her spine as her eyes spotted the young child, "sir.." she whimpered, letting go of the masked figure leading her towards the exit. Had she been spotted, she looked at Samuel hoping he would do something.
@Cherrywitch @billthesomething
"Let me handle this" he tells Alez and tries to shield her from Emily's view "Sorry to get your hopes up kiddo, but no this isn't a playmate. but i do believe i saw two who would be willing to play with you, if you just go through that corridor to the right and head into the room on the left at the end of the corridor" he used his silver-tongue and attempted to lie to the childish blood-demon, but if she didn't buy then he would be able to conjurer up one of his contraptions or even just freeze her in a block of ice
Alez stood behind Samuel, shivering slightly at the sight of the child, the eerie feeling Emily gave Alez made her uncomfortable, she rocked a little on her feet. Samuel spoke of someone else to play with, her friends... "excuse me mister, but shouldn't we be going to help them as well? Not send... that to them.." she whispered from behind him.

@Cherrywitch @billthesomething

The child giggled as the girl called her 'that.' "That's not very nice, miss, but I won't hurt another person's toy." Emily looked up at Samuel with a big pout. "You could have just said she was yours... You didn't have to lie. But I can play with her later, right?" She childishly tugged at his sleeve.

@billthesomething @Sharkiee
Cherrywitch said:
The child giggled as the girl called her 'that.' "That's not very nice, miss, but I won't hurt another person's toy." Emily looked up at Samuel with a big pout. "You could have just said she was yours... You didn't have to lie. But I can play with her later, right?" She childishly tugged at his sleeve.

@billthesomething @Sharkiee
Samuel just grinned and patted the kid on the head "Sorry about that kiddo, but i do need her for something very important, but i know how you tend to break your toys, and i need her intact. but i did really see two playmates run down one of the corridors, but i don't remember which exactly. but it was at the lower floors" He then did a little cross motion over his heart "I promise this time" he then turns back towards Alez and grabbed her wrist "Come on you" he dragged her away from the demon child
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Alez anchored her heels in protest, "my friends..." she grumbled as she tried to snatch her hand back from him. Feeling uneasy by the way he spoke about her, was he really going to keep his part of the deal. She looked back at Emily, sticking her tongue out at her, Samuel would keep her safe.. she hoped.

@Cherrywitch @billthesomething

"I don't always break them..." Emily pouted, watching as the girl made a face at her. At that, the child disappeared, appearing in front of the girl. "Hehe~ no tongue sticking outties! That's not nice." Emily ran away from them, heading the way Samuel described. "If you lied, I'll be real angry Sammy!" She stopped, looking over her shoulder with pitch black eyes, no iris or sclera in sight. "You know how I get when I'm angry." Her voice dark and echoing in the hallway. Emily giggled and skipped off quickly. "Bye-bye Sammy!"

@billthesomething @Sharkiee
Sharkiee said:
Alez anchored her heels in protest, "my friends..." she grumbled as she tried to snatch her hand back from him. Feeling uneasy by the way he spoke about her, was he really going to keep his part of the deal. She looked back at Emily, sticking her tongue out at her, Samuel would keep her safe.. she hoped.
@Cherrywitch @billthesomething
"I didn't actually see anyone kid, but trust me. i will hold up my bargain with you" he whispered to her, he let go of her wrist once he felt they were far enough away from Emily "also i wouldn't go around taunting the other demons like that, for most them aren't as civilized as me kid"
Alez felt weak at the knees hearing Emily's voice bounce off the walls and echo down the hall. She pressed on keeping close to Samuel, "what's the worse she can do? I mean really she's tiny" Alez spoke in a cocky tone, though the child scared the living crap out of her. They rounded a corner where she suddenly saw Index, gasping at the sight of blood on him, she ran ahead of Samuel, "Index!" She called dropping to his side, "mister, it's one of my friends, he looks hurt..." Her eyes scanning his person.

@Cherrywitch @billthesomething
zane quickly hid Index again along with taylor. " dont move a muscle if your found your dead. this place is no place to die." zane said in a serious tone. @Cherrywitch
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