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Fantasy Welcome to the Funhouse (ACCEPTING!)

Jace walk to the darkness as his eyes circle on a certain light as he walk to the walls and to the ceiling looking down at index "so u found the exit?" He said with a claming but dark voice as he grab Index and pin Index foot to the ceiling as Jace jump down the floor and Index was upside down and Jace laugh at Index "did u get yourself upside down" he said with a laugh.

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(@Dalisander yeah no problem

@Astaroth Suzumiya he's my human character, Jonathan "Index" Dael, total self-centered asshole model. (Why do I love playing assholes so much...? The world may never know... xD )


"Shit." The blonde hissed, turning to run but it was too late. Index pulled out his blade and slashed blindly at the voice, his heart pounding. "Put me down! Just let me go already!!" The model was obviously completely terrified, green eyes huge with fear as he watched the demon.
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Jace laugh "oh i can never do that unless u want to play tea party with Emily." He said with a laugh as he grab his knife the throw it away "do u know what i do to humans who try to ran away from the fun house?" He said psychopaticaly and demonical voice as he grab Index hand and wrisk as he start to crush it slowly as he laugh.

@Cherrywitch (its cool thoe xD )

His pretty blonde hair was damp with sweat, and his shirt failed to hold itself against the force of gravity. The green eyes squeezed shut, he letting out a pained yelp as his hand was broken slowly. No, he hated pain! "S-stop!" Index struggled, but it was no use, tears of terror and pain falling towards his scalp due to his upside down position. With his unstuck foot, he kicked out and swung with his other hand at the demon.

@Astaroth Suzumiya
mewbot5408 said:

Holly steps forward having forgotten about Felix who was bleeding and pulled himself up. holly tilts his head popping his wrist as something black oozed out of his empty socket spilling out onto the floor spreading quickly. "This is all but a game..." His voice echoed loudly though it didn't come from his mouth of course seeing as he was missing his. The ooze warped itself and moved changing shape.
Anastas ceased his laughter as he looked at the man with a hint of lust and a cup full of fear in his eyes. His face must've been so pitiful to look at, he thought. He opened his mouth, answering him, "... That's sad... I quite... enjoy games...," He looked at Emily, his face suddenly dropped. Looking like someone who was annoyed, ".. But if it's any with children then games become despairing and the fun get's ruined." He said this without taking a breather. Without stopping. This time, his voice completely showcased his true feelings.
Jace laugh at him and grab his other hand "aaawwww how pathetic humans do u think u can be free?" He said with a grin as he let go of his crush hands "for the moment i saw u human enter the fun house u were all but just a toy eheheh and loom i was right." He said as he cut the chain from his foot making him fall head first in the floor as jack step hardly in his shoulder and laugh "everyone is running no one can save u now oh and thank u so much for making me find the hole in the exit... now i can block it out so no one. Will. Escape!"


The little girl pouted. "Why wouldn't you play games with me? I'm a good playmate..." Emily murmured childishly, tucking her arms over her chest. "You're mean." She frowned.

@mewbot5408 @BennyAxC


The blonde managed to protect his head by flipping onto his back last minute, but it didn't look like that was the right idea. "Agh! Gah..." Index grabbed his shoulder in pain, but suddenly his good hand shot out, gripping the demon's ankle and yanking him away. The model got up and went for the exit again.

@Astaroth Suzumiya
Jace laugh at him and kick him and hold his foot as he spin him and throw him into the wall "no one escape. The. Funhouse!" He said as he laugh psychopaticaly and tie him up "u r so funny u know that." He said as he chuckle as he tie up his hand really hard and his foot as he walk to the hole and cover it up with some hard wood and briks "ive better call up the others so that they would be alert on this." He said as he smile and grab Index by the foot and drag him.

Zanelle watched the commotion from a safe distance, waiting for the right moment to step in. She had managed to keep her human form, but she would soon run out of energy, causing her to return to her Demon form. She believed that what the demons were doing was wrong, but she had to admit that she herself had gotten pleasure from killing a few humans. It was just demon nature. But this time, she would redeem herself by helping out this human

Cherrywitch said:
The little girl pouted. "Why wouldn't you play games with me? I'm a good playmate..." Emily murmured childishly, tucking her arms over her chest. "You're mean." She frowned.

@mewbot5408 @BennyAxC


The blonde managed to protect his head by flipping onto his back last minute, but it didn't look like that was the right idea. "Agh! Gah..." Index grabbed his shoulder in pain, but suddenly his good hand shot out, gripping the demon's ankle and yanking him away. The model got up and went for the exit again.

@Astaroth Suzumiya

So close... Index struggled, but the binds around him only tightened. "You sick fuck! What did we ever do?! Why won't you just let us go?!" The blonde snapped at the demon who dragged him, the blood from his broken hand and shoulder leaking on the floor behind him. All of the blood loss was making his vision blurry, and he winced in pain. "Just let me go...!"

@Astaroth Suzumiya
Zanelle held her knife at the ready as she charged the demon. "Give up. If you know whats good for you!" She warned. She slashed at the Demon, managing to cut off its arm.


Holly took off his coat as the ooze form wrapping itself around his wrist. He stepped forward and crouched grabbing anastas by the face eyeing his mouth and looked in it. He then slammed him into the wall. "Pearly,pearly whites.... Emily, you have some pliers? He has pretty teeth.." He says to the younger demon. Holly loved teeth and he was intent on taking anasta's. Little did he pay mind when Felix came behind and took a chair and hit both Emily an holly before yanking anastas quickly away down the hallway.

The cute little girl shook her head. "Sorry Holly... But I'm sure my friends could easily rip then out, right?" Emily smiled up at the faces in her blood that swirled and twisted in the air. The child cried out when she was attacked, rubbing her head as though a bug had bit her. "Another playmate...? You need to learn to wait your turn!" The red blood shot out like knives towards both Felix and Anastas.

@mewbot5408 @BennyAxC
Anastas followed suit as Felix begun to drag them down a hallway. Once again he tried to run as fast as he did, Heavily breathing with each step. His vision blurry and eyes watery as he begun to realize his contacts were falling out. He looked behind him as he heard Emily's stupid voice and saw the blood come towards them. He ran into Felix, pushing both him and himself away from the blood.

@mewbot5408 @Cherrywitch
Taylor was walking around as she was kinda cold she was shivering she just was walking by buildings she didn't have many friends since she was really shy as she frowned it was getting colder she put her scarf on as she heard something she didn't know what it was so she ignored it@ anyone
Jace laugh at him "first of all no and Second were gonna have fun untill the end of your time." He said as he laugh and saw a female "would u look at that" he said with a wide smile as he tie up Index to the ceilling "look another friend of yours... just watch." He said with a laugh and appear infront of her "well hello!" He said as she grab her shirt and throw her at index.

@Cherrywitch @Zeldafangirl
Zanelle groaned and stood up. "Watch it!! You don't even know who I am, do you?" She growled. "I'll let you go this time... But next time, don't mess with me.." She quickly untied Index and ran off, using her enhanced Demon speed.
Taylor had fear in her eyes as she got thrown at somebody as she was scared at who was this person or demon was she didn't know what was going on she looked at the guy' who is this person that thrown me at the guy' she thought as she sat up looking at the demon scared as she was scotting back @Astaroth Suzumiya
Dalisander said:
Zanelle groaned and stood up. "Watch it!! You don't even know who I am, do you?" She growled. "I'll let you go this time... But next time, don't mess with me.." She quickly untied Index and ran off, using her enhanced Demon speed.
(Oh u were talking to me? I was metioning the other human lol ummm.... well this made a mess)

Index fell, managing to land on his knee and stood, looking after the girl. "Who...?" But he noticed he was free, and quickly made a run from it. Before, he was trying to escape, but now he was just trying to get away from Jace.
(I think Taylor changed her location. So it's just Zanelle and Index there. Also, Zanelle is a demon that is pretending to be human. But no other characters know that)

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