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Fantasy Welcome to the Funhouse (ACCEPTING!)


The blonde smirked, turning his eyes back to Elch. Yeah, she won't be a problem... I just have to watch that little prick. Index glanced to Shiro skeptically, but still stayed silent and in his place. Finally, he opened his mouth. "Alright... Are we starting your little plan now?" He said in a slightly mocking tone towards the demon of torture.

@Nathan22 @Rui

@Zon dexan um, just add in the few sections that are different from the human form like I did.
Raye smiled softly, "Okay. Let's be actors then." She kissed both Index and Elch's cheeks playfully, hesitating before awkwardly patting Shiro's shoulder.

This isn't quite Broadway...but oh well!
(Alright Im back and the rest of the day hopefully)

Shiro immediately slapped Raye's hand away the second it made contact with his skin. He then remembered that hurting them was not part of the deal so he whispered to her, "I'm sorry I just don't like the physical contact of others." This wasn't true at all, he just felt really uncomfortable around this human and "prayed" that this will be over soon, which it was, cause Katrina's now got 17 minuets left. He then copied enough needles to pin them against the wall. He blinked and hoped that they would scream and pretend to be in pain and not mess up the plan... He striked all the needles into their wrists, pinning them against the wall.

@Nathan22 @Kira Times

His eyes flashed in anger for a split second before it disappeared, he remembering the needles were harmless. Index let out a sigh, pressing his back further against the wall as he watched with no interest, keeping an eye on Shiro. If there was a single genuine cry of pain from either of the two, the blonde swore to himself to personally kill the other demon. But for now, they seemed alright, and so he just stood as still as a statue. The uncovered eye was the only thing visibly moving, as it flashed back over to the girl with the needles. Index wondered if she would have the guts to hurt another, since she most likely didn't know the needles were faux. He became mildly interested, though you couldn't tell from his actions, or lack thereof.

@Nathan22 @Kira Times

She flinched when the two other humans were pinned to the wall with Shiro's needles. "We're doing this now?" she hadn't expected that...well she had it was just a slow comprehension of what had happened. She was ready to chicken out for whatever reason. Wouldn't Luna think the other demon being this calm about his friends being tortured was strange? Shouldn't there have been blood too? Since they were already here why wouldn't they have just finished the job? She could of kept worrying but a different worry came in "How much time do I have left anyway?"



Did he forget I said he can't help her? Oh well. she had been watching from a distance, despite them probably not recognizing her. She was more cautious of that demon since he seemed to be a wild card and she didn't know him that well either. When she got to know someone it was easier to predict what they would do.

"Yes we are doing this now and you have 16 minuets left. I've reduced your time a while ago since you stood there like an idiot." He backed away a little, the strings still in his hand and bowed a little to Katrina, "Choose whoever you would like to torture.. Katrina." He walked up to her and spoke in a low voice, "You want to survive don't you? Just worry about torturing them and you will survive, these humans will too..." Although you could barely tell, he was very serious about this. He eyed the needles in her hands to actually make sure he gave her the right ones, oh great he did. He would've been dead meat if he gave her the real ones, Index just standing there waiting to claw his eyes out wasn't making him feel any better.

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Raye glanced over at Index with a look of slight concern. A million thoughts were flying around in her head:

Are those the right needles? What will happen if they aren't? Does index like me...? Bad question. Wrong time. I have a fear of needles! This isn't a good spot to have put myself in! But I wana be brave!!!



(Lol tagged myself :3)
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Penny gasped not even bothering to stop herself as the human before her was dead. standing up shee became visible again and she stared at Emily before whispering "how could you..." penny didn't like humans but she also didn't hate them and she refused to do lasting damage. picking up her dog she sat and waited for him to appear as a demon.


The little girl turned around, blood now splattered in her dress and face. Emily smiled brightly, tucking her hands behind her and swinging back and forth in her skirt. "He was lying to me, so I made it so he couldn't lie anymore! Now he will always play, isn't that great?" The child grinned with joy.


"Choose?! Can't one of you maybe do it for me...." she shook her head and sighed. They weren't going to help her (probably) and she knew it. It didn't feel right choosing either one of them but she had to or she'd be turned into a pin cushion by Shiro again. Or Luna would do whatever she wanted to her. She only had one way of doing this "Eenie, menie, minie, moe." it was a game played by kids but it was her only way of choosing. She was mumbling this since it was sort of embarrassing.

@Nathan22 @Rui

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Penny deiced not to get on Emily's bad side so she said "uh..sure".She picked up dog holding him close not noticing one of his leg bones fall out. dog barked until she set him down."sorry dog" she apologized picking up the bone and shoving the bone back into place before picking dog up and holding it protectively close.


Emily giggled in a bright way, but noticing the dog, her eyes shone. "Is that... A puppy?" The little girl ran over, gawking over the fluffy (or partially fluffy) animal in the girl's arms. "He's so cuuuute! Can I pet him, please please please?!" She begged, as usual forgetting about her last plaything in an instant as soon as something else caught her eye.

@Nathan22 @Rui
Smiling penny held out dog and watched Emily stroke dog "His name is Dog" she said smiling happily.

Cherrywitch said:
Emily giggled in a bright way, but noticing the dog, her eyes shone. "Is that... A puppy?" The little girl ran over, gawking over the fluffy (or partially fluffy) animal in the girl's arms. "He's so cuuuute! Can I pet him, please please please?!" She begged, as usual forgetting about her last plaything in an instant as soon as something else caught her eye.

Ed walked around confused and nervous as he held his sword in front of him. suddenly he noticed two kids. one who looked 4 and one who looked 10 and they had a dog. running towards them he called "are you ki-" he broke off as he released they were demons.


Penny watched a human run towards them mistaking them for kids "oh hello " she snickered seeing the humans scared.


Emily stopped petting the dog, her red eyes locking onto a strange man in shiny armor. The girl was suddenly in front of him, poking at his armor curiously before noticing the mismatched sword. Emily snatched the foam weapon away from him, giggling as she swatted at the air with it. "En garde!" She poked his nose with the foam blade in a childish way.


Smiling and hoping these were good ghosts he said "Silly little girl" he carefully pulled the sword her arms before pretending to stab her in the heart and wedging it in between Emily's arm and chest.


Penny laughed at the news guys shenanigans before floating around and messing with his armor.noticing his helmet she put it on laughing.

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Shiro just stared at Katrina with slight annoyance. Eenie meenie minie moe? She's not kidding, right? He sighed and looked at both of the humans. Raye seemed perfect to act like she's in pain but might take it way to far. She was better then the other guy... "Just torture the girl already Katrina.." He might have said this with a bit too much force. Shiro then heard the laughing coming from Jonathan. So that's what he sounds like... He focused his attention to Katrina again.

@Nathan22 @Cherrywitch @Kira Times

The little girl made a 'blegh' noise as her blood spilt from her arm. Of course it was her own doing and wasn't the sword, but to anyone who didn't know her powers, it would have been scary. Emily suddenly reappeared onto his shoulders, swinging her legs and tugging at his cape curiously, before taking it off the armor and wearing it herself. "Why are you wearing this mister?" She giggled.



Index looked up at Shiro noticing him, managing to calm his laughter to a quiet snicker under his breath as he crossed his arms over his chest. What she gonna go now? Tickle them to death? Oh, this is too much. He still managed to stay somewhat quiet in his laughter as he watched Katrina.

@BennyAxC @Kira Times @Rui

Laughing he pulled the armor out of her hands and put it back on " my name is Edward but you can call my Eddy" he said before adding "I'm wearing it because i was dared to" he said sighing looking up at Emily "what are your names" he said as he grabbed his helmet and strapped it to his belt.He picked up his sword and gasped a little seeing it covered in blood but he quickly wiped it off.Suddenly He noticed the body laying on the ground.


Penny floated casually by his head "I'm penny and that.." she said pointing to dog who was chewing on its leg "..is dog"Penny introduced


@Zon dexan
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"I'm Emily. It's nice to meet you Mr. Eddy. Would you like to play with us?" Emily's eyes shone a moment before they faded back to their usual red, she giving a cute childish smile.

@BeebeTheWarrior sorry! I thought I replied. ;-;
"Sure" Shrugged Edward positive if stuff goes wrong he is pretty safe with his armor. "what are we playing.." he asked curiously.strapping his sword to his belt and pulling his helmet off.

Penny snickered tying Edwards shoelaces together. she watched him and carefully pulled his sword out and began fiddling with it.Suddenly dog began howling and penny dropped the sword and rushed to dog carrying him over.

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The girl disappeared from his shoulders before popping up in front of him again, cocking her head to the side. "You can choose, Mister Eddy!"

@BeebeTheWarrior sorry, I got distracted...
"okay you can start emily!" called Ed as he smiled at the ghost dog who was rubbing against his legs.when the girl named penny said "polo!" he whispered"penny not yet you wait for her to say marco" he said begining to walk towards penny but tripping on his laces

Penny gigled happily before calling "polo!" she laughed as she watched ed trip


Emily seemed interested in the game, finding it a lot like hide n seek, and so quickly covered her eyes. "1....2....3...." She counted slowly, but stopped at '8' when he heard someone crash to the floor. Emily uncovered her eyes to look, laughing at the fallen man. "I like this game!" The dark haired little girl squeaked with excitement.


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