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Fantasy Welcome to the Funhouse (ACCEPTING!)

Raye awoke with a start.

"I-Index?" She sputtered, looking around with alarm, she then spotted the demon.

"Who're you?" She questioned, clinging to Elch.

@Nathan22 @BennyAxC
His attention focused to Raye, "My name is Shiro. You are Raye, correct?" He asked her as his head tilted. His eyes moved up and down her body, looking at the outfit she was wearing. "I don't remember you in that.."

Zon dexan]zon was fairly afraid but he swallowed his fear weighing his options. tag was most likely 'i find you your dead' and dolls...he didn't even want to think about what that could be. "t-tag?" he replied as if asking a question. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/37039-cherrywitch/ said:

zon felt fairly stupid for agreeing to the girls games but the full saying went "curiosity killed the cat,satisfaction brought it back ""s-so when do we start....Emily?"he said meekly hoping the 'games' which she mentioned were not as bad as his mind were making them seem
She blushed uncomfortably, "I had to change, my clothes didn't survive."

We nearly didn't either; thanks.

She waved her hands rapidly, "Off topic! Why'd you kill Index?"


Index let out a sigh of air, going over to gently pat her head, crouching beside her. "Don't worry about that now, alright? We... Made a deal, so he won't bother us again. His reasons for killing me won't bring me back to life." The blonde shrugged, looking sad for a moment, but it quickly disappeared as he stood again to face the other demon. He made sure to place himself between Shiro and his friends casually, eyes uncaring. "So? You didn't answer me. What do I have to do?"



The little girl grinned wider at his choice, stepping away from him. At the last moment, Zon could notice multiple jagged cuts on her forearms. They opened, and blood started to pour from them, before raising into the air into a claw-like formation on either side. "Okay! You know the rules! If I catch you~" Emily's eyes turned pitch black, her voice echoing evilly with the next words. "YoU lOsE." She gave a childish maniacal laugh as the blood claws shot out at him.

@Zon dexan
"knew it!" he shouted angrily at himself as he began running."damn it...i knew what i was and i still....sigh" he didnt know where to run so he was just going. "i hope i dont run into a dead end...". he figured he had just sealed his own doom.


The girl appeared just before him, giggling in a psychotic way as the blood shot out like giant needles towards him. "C'mon! You have to be faster than that, or I'll catch you!" Emily said childishly with a happy grin as her blood continued to race towards him. It almost seemed to have a mind of its own, as the girl laughed.

@Zon dexan
zon slashed at the blood spikes with the hacksaw in his other hand which was barely enough to deter them . but as he was doing so the flashlight suddenly went out "now!?" when he got it working again he had lost sight of the girl"......great.."


Suddenly, a weight had appeared on his shoulder as a burst of pain shot through one. Emily sat above, giggling wickedly as one of her blood spikes had plummeted into the muscle. "Tag... You're it~" She jumped down, violently yanking the spike out so it tore at his skin into a jagged wound, just like those on her own arms.

@Zon dexan
zon screamed in pain just before biting his lip. due to his injured arm he dropped his hacksaw and was now defenseless. he would have clutched his shoulder with his other arm but that would mean to lose his only source of light. he was taking deep breaths trying too keep from hyperventilating."looks....like shes having...the time of her life.." he said angrily through clutched teeth.he was usually not one to get angry but this matter was entirely different. his life was on the line.he quickly did a 360 and spotted a section where his light didn't hit a wall and began sprinting in that direction. he was looking for a place where he could have even a moments time to tend his wound.

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The child pouted deeply. "Huh? Why are you running? You're it... You want me to catch you again?" Emily gave a big grin. "Okay! That's fine with me, Zonny!" The girl started after him, disappearing and reappearing behind him at astonishing rates, giggling the entire time.

@Zon dexan
as he was running he spotted a small hall way and without thinking ducked into it as quickly as possible "no weapon...and a gaping hole in my shoulder.." he mumbled as he held he flashlight in his mouth quickly ripping off part of his shirt and making a makeshift sling. he was so focused on his shoulder that he hadn't noticed the hallway was a dead end.


"Zonnnyyyyy. Where's you goooooo?" The girl whimpered out sadly, cheeks puffed out in a babyish way until she noticed a beam of light down a hallway. Emily stopped skipping down the one she was currently on to turn and smile wickedly, the only thing besides her red gleaming eyes that was visible in the dark. "I didn't know you wanted to play hide and seek, Zonny. But I found you~" Emily spoke in a sing-song voice, she slowly approaching.

@Zon dexan
zon immediately regretted his previous'i hope i don't run into a dead end' and weighed his options "die like a coward...or risk your life in a guaranteed to fail attempt at escape...." either way the chance of death was very high so he did the only thing he could think of. he took a deep breath and walked right up to Emily. He then keeled and put his hand on her head and with a smile said. "how about we play a different game for a little while?" in truth he was flipping out on the inside.

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Emily gazed up at him, mouth in the shape of an 'o' from surprise. She would be a cute little kid if she wasn't a psycho demon with unusually high amounts of sadism and bloodlust. The girl grinned sweetly, cocking her head to the side. "Sure, Zonny! What other game do you wanna play?" Emily asked in a happy voice. She really thought what she did were acceptable games. She didn't seem to realize that they were deadly in the slightest.

@Zon dexan
"h-how about...umm...oh! we can play jump rope!" zon exclaimed. he hadn't thought that would have worked in the slightest and to be honest he didn't think there was a way she could make jump rope dangerous"yyou can go first!" he said trying to hide his nervousness


The demon child frowned thoughtfully, before making a jump rope from her own blood, grotesquely detaching it from her arms so it was its own item and wasn't connected to her. "Okay! But, you don't have a jump rope... We can share!" Emily exclaimed with a childish joy, giving a large and genuine grin.

@Zon dexan
"um...sure.." zon shuddered looking over the 'jump rope' which the girl created. he knew that she was being thoughtful but this was beyond him. "oh but there are only two of us who will hold the jump rope?...or can you do the thing you did with the blood spikes?" he was doing his best to keep her preoccupied in order to prolong his life but part of him was beginning to grow akin to the girl. she may have tried to kill him but she most likely thought she was only playing a game.


"Better! Watch this!" The blood that had pooled at her feet to form the shape of another person, a blob of sorts that took hold of the end of the rope handed to it in a zombie-like way. "Ta-da! See? I can do a lot of things with it!" Emily spoke proudly. "Ooh, should I make another so we can jump the rope together? That sounds like fun!"

@Zon dexan
"sure" zon smiled. he felt insane. playing jump rope with the ghost of a little girl whom had just tried to kill him. but he couldn't help it she was too cute. suddenly a question poped into his head "hey Emily are there...other 'people' here besides you?" he only said the word people for lack of a better term.

(Praise me Im back)

Cherrywitch said:
Index let out a sigh of air, going over to gently pat her head, crouching beside her. "Don't worry about that now, alright? We... Made a deal, so he won't bother us again. His reasons for killing me won't bring me back to life." The blonde shrugged, looking sad for a moment, but it quickly disappeared as he stood again to face the other demon. He made sure to place himself between Shiro and his friends casually, eyes uncaring. "So? You didn't answer me. What do I have to do?"



The little girl grinned wider at his choice, stepping away from him. At the last moment, Zon could notice multiple jagged cuts on her forearms. They opened, and blood started to pour from them, before raising into the air into a claw-like formation on either side. "Okay! You know the rules! If I catch you~" Emily's eyes turned pitch black, her voice echoing evilly with the next words. "YoU lOsE." She gave a childish maniacal laugh as the blood claws shot out at him.

@Nathan22 @Cherrywitch @Kira Times

Two soulless blood creatures now awaited on each end of the 'jump rope' as Emily turned with big red eyes. "Others? Yeah! There's people like you here too! But they were meanies and wouldn't play with me... You're a nice person though, you're the first to actually play!" Emily said happily, grabbing one of his hands with a grin.

@Nathan22 @Kira Times
zon laughed a little. to think there would be other ...things and people in this place. he was a little surprised when Emily grabbed his hand but he did not oppose her he simply decided to indulge her for as long as possible. "i'll play with you for as long as i can, Emily..oh and do you think you could introduce me to the others sometime?" he said with a kind hearted smile resting his hand upon the girls head once more.

He winced and blinked as Jonathan pinned him against the wall again, "Oh that's right... You did say that.. And I'm into a lot of weird shit.... But I don't know of any.. other humans and she only has twenty minuets left.. Besides she's human, what's the worse.... she can do?" He then spoke in a whispering tone to Jonathan, "The needles I'm going to.. use are fake... The ones I gave... her are fake too.. I told you you needn't worry about them... They just need to pretend it hurts, along with you..."

@Nathan22 @Kira Times

The girl gazed up at him, giving a big smile. "Sure! I think they'd like to play too!" She ran over to the side of the rope made of blood. "C'mon! Let's start!" Emily almost looked like a normal little girl right then, and it showed how she must've been so sweet and cute before this place got its hands on her.

@Nathan22 @Kira Times
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