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Fantasy Welcome to the Funhouse (ACCEPTING!)

"You seem down. You're my friend, I care about you, y'know." She grasped his hand and held it tightly in hers. "Let's go actually find food. I could eat you right now!" She giggled, and started off, dragging him with her.

"Thanks for that..." He said truly grateful. Would it be ok for him to share the truth with her? About Azazel? 'That's bold of you boy... She'll leave you alone, abandon you... Like the rest of them!' Azazel whispered into his ear. "So do you have something to go home to?" He asked trying to make small talk while they scavenged.

She frowned, "I have something," she mumbled, "But it's not exactly what I'd like to go home to." She sighed, thinking of her issues in school, her father, everything.

Pretty f**ked, isn't it?

She chuckled mirthlessly, before crossing her arms over her chest,

"And you? What do you have to look forward to?"

Elch sighed and offered you a cigarette. "Not one thing. I'm an orphan, and I don't have friends." He said plainly "Take it you need one..." He said putting the cigarette in your hand

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She studied it, "I...I dunno. Don't these get you addicted?" She asked, eyeing it with suspicion. "I don't think I'd have the money to fund that kind of need." She sighed, "we're a bit short..."

"Anymore than three will get you addicted. And besides if we make it out I'll pay for nicotine patches. So how'd you end up in this hell hole?" He asked. He remembered her telling him but he forgot what she said.


The blonde smirked when she left, and soon stood to crack his neck. He felt a lot better now that he was full... Stronger. Index wanted to find the bastard who killed him, to show him how much he appreciated it. But it occurred to the demon that leaving might let Raye get lost... He didn't really remember Elch too much, but if he's with Raye, Index didn't want him getting lost either. With an annoyed sigh, he started to explore the immediate area boredly, looking for something to do while he waited. Too bad the little bastard couldn't come to him...

Raye hesitantly took the offered cigarette,

"Some kids shoved me in here..." She sniffled, "Jerks. They probably hope I'm dead,"

A little part of me wishes I was, too.

Huh, finally something we can agree on.

She sighed, "I kinda wish I was, at this point."

She shrugged, "I dunno. I'm not suicidal," she quickly added, "I just don't have much to do if I get out of here, other than be miserable." She sighed quietly.

You'd understand if you lived my life.

Being an orphan would be a relief.

I love papa, but he isn't happy, either.

(Damn this is getting too personal for me... :( )

"Here's a thought, find a way to bring back Index, settle down have fun while you're young. There's tons of crap to do at our age. Hell don't waste by thinking negatively, think of everything that's gone right. That's the only reason I'm here." He said.

'She really has some nerve...being an orphan is much worse than being abused. At least you know who's slowly killing you..' He thought to himself.

(Ditto ;- ;)

Raye shrugged softly,

"I just dunno." She nibbled the end of the cigarette.

"Are you going to light this?" She asked, a small smile playing at her lips.

Elch smiled and pulled out a lighter. He lit your cigarette, and started to lean against the wall. "So a bunch of kids just pushed you in?" He asked a bit upset.

She nodded, "and locked the door." She took a drag of the cigarette.

"Huh. This is kinda calming." She closed her eyes, taking amother drag.

"I could practically fall...asleep..."

She leaned back, her breathing deepening and steadying. She was out like a light.

Elch sat next to you and pulled you close to his body to keep you warm. "Why'd she have to pick the coldest place in this entire damned building to sleep, hmm?" He asked himself. He stayed awake though making sure no one decided to mess with them.

Her limp hand dropped the cigarette, which was still lit. She sighed softly in her sleep, cuddling in closer, lips parted to breathe. She looked...calm. Peaceful, even. Raye was usually so energetic it was rare to see her like this.

(Annnnd Shiro.... yay..)

Shiro suddenly stopped. "We're close.." He said to her, "Since you don't have a weapon on you, here you go..." He duplicated 4 more needles and gave them to her. "You figure out how to use them." He walked faster then her now and eventually saw the three. "Oh It's you... How's it going?" He said, his voice sounding more carefree than usual as his bright green eyes landed on the blond who he previously killed.

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His eyes rolled lazily over to the voice, a shine of murderous intent flashing across the green iris before fading as quickly as it appeared. Index gave a dark chuckle, turning on heel to face his killer with a wide grin, much more threatening than his usual handsome flash of pearly whites. "Well... If it isn't the guy who shot my brains out with a needle. How ya doing, buddy... I was just thinking of a way to repay you for that." He snickered, clicking his claws rhythmically on his thigh. "Oh? You brought a human... What, another victim? How many needles you planning on sticking in her?"

@Nathan22 @Rui @Kira Times
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Shiro tilted his head as his eyebrows knitted together, "Repay me? Why the hell would you want to repay me for what I did to you? If you actually feel glad about turning into a demon you really got some loose screws... And I already put five needles in her." He said to Jonathan, ignoring the other man's worried statement.


The demon laughed at that, the clicking of his claws pausing as he swept a hand through his blonde locks. "Sure. He can hurt me plenty. But he can't kill me again. That's an up side. I just wanna hurt him back a little is all... Get Raye out of here while I do this, 'Kay?" Index brushed the hand off his shoulder, shooting a glare over to Shiro, the smirk tugging at the side of his lips turning into an annoyed twitch. "You're not too good with sarcasm, are you? It doesn't matter... How about you tell me what you want before I rip your face off?" He raised a claw hand and tilted his head along with it to the side, almost playfully.

@Nathan22 @Rui @Kira Times
"So her name is Raye? What happened to your other friends? I remember seeing them when I kissed you... A red head and some guy with long hair. Did they die and now this Raye girl and the other man are taking their place? What a pity... You've replaced them already.." He said, his eyes never blinking, his gaze never faltered as they were pinned on Jonathan. He ignored the blond's question, not really knowing what he wanted himself... He only knew this would be a chance for Katrina to run away with the guy and Raye, split them up hopefully, and torture Raye... Hopefully.


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