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Fantasy Welcome to the Funhouse (ACCEPTING!)

Elch had watched the whole silently. "Hey I'm going to go find something to eat. I'll be back in a bit, have fun doing whatever demon and human couples do. Spoon each other's eyes out?" He said jokingly as he walked away, he lit a cigarette to steel his nerves.

@Rui @Cherrywitch
BennyAxC said:
Shiro heard her voice telling Katrina to actually read it, he sighed when Luna disappeared, "... Looks like you pissed her off." He quickly said before she reappeared again. He rolled over and was now laying on his stomach. He criss-crossed his arms and laid in them as he stared at her. "Go ahead... Read it, Katrina.." He told her... Then came up with an idea. He buried his head more into his arms as he tried to cover up the smile creeping it's way onto his face. 'We'll see if it actually works before I get excited.' He closed his eyes, waiting.
@Kira Times
She looked at Shiro and then back to Luna "I don't know if I feel comfortable if Shiro tells me to do it...." she didn't trust him in the least if that wasn't obvious. Luna glared at her but it quickly turned back to more of a blank stare "It's just a riddle. Nothing to be afraid of. It's not going to do anything." Tommy sighed in response and glanced back to Shiro who had his face covered for whatever reason. She looked over the paper and nodded hesitantly "It does appear to be....Very well.....A man was murdered in his office. The suspects are Gerry, Julie, Jason, Nick and Sophie. The numbers six, four, nine, ten, and eleven are written on the calendar with blood. Who's the killer?" when she finished Luna quickly responded "Now solve it. I'll find out a time limit to give you." she disappeared without another word.

@BennyAxC (Sorry stuff got in the way.)
"Gah, uhm..." She stared down quietly at the floor.


She stayed at her feet, studying her shoes like they were the most interesting things in the world. She was so embarrassed she could hardly hear Elch's teasing over the sound of her heartbeat in her eardrums.

BennyAxC said:
"I say it's Gerry because that's a stupid name." Shiro said threw his arms so it was muffled, "Anyways, you've got one question to ask me." He knew the answer to this riddle. He already solved it honestly, it wasn't hard. He finally stopped hiding his face and stared at Katrina. Yeah.. He wasn't going to get any sleep soon.
@Kira Times
"What's the answer?" she asked, plain and simple. Again, Luna didn't set any rules. But then again...Shiro never said he was going to answer honestly. She just realized how many risks she had been taking listening to that guy. "I'm probably going to have to do something for it. Lay it on me."
Shiro made that sound again, but this time it was pretty noticeable it was a laugh, "You're right." He sat up and crawled over to her, he pinned her to the bed with his hands and was on top of her now. "I want you to pleasure me.." He let go but was still above her, "But this time.. You can't attempt to or try to. You have to actually pleasure me and if you think that means touching my crotch I will stab you." This was part one of the idea he had. Part one was easy... Part two and three was not going to be as easy. He mentally sighed as he realized what he was getting himself into.

@Kira Times
BennyAxC said:
Shiro made that sound again, but this time it was pretty noticeable it was a laugh, "You're right." He sat up and crawled over to her, he pinned her to the bed with his hands and was on top of her now. "I want you to pleasure me.." He let go but was still above her, "But this time.. You can't attempt to or try to. You have to actually pleasure me and if you think that means touching my crotch I will stab you." This was part one of the idea he had. Part one was easy... Part two and three was not going to be as easy. He mentally sighed as he realized what he was getting himself into.
@Kira Times

"I...don't think I understand what you're asking."
she was having a hard time figuring out what he wanted. It might of been because she was trying to not start hyperventilating and a lot of thoughts were going through her head at once. She didn't know if whatever he wanted was worth the answer he could provide to her, not to mention it might be a lie too. If she still had the confidence she had before she would of probably kicked him off. She wanted to but her mind kept going against it.


Luna watched and being the impatient person she was she appeared again and announced the time limit "I want to move this along and sorry for interrupting....whatever this is but....You only have thirty minutes! See you two later." she disappeared again. She could get use to appearing out of nowhere and going away again. It was fun.
He semi-glared at Luna's appearance. When she went away he looked at Katrina again, "Well if she wants to move this along then.." He backed away from her and laid down on the bed again, "The numbers equal the month, the first letter of each month spells the murderers name. Good luck." He sighed, "You're going to have to pleasure me later just so you know." If he was being honest... He didn't even understand what he wanted.

@Kira Times

"Me?" Index couldn't help but chuckle, he was about to continue to tease her when Elch muttered something about food and couples and then just left. The demon squinted, skeptical. "Hmm... Hey. Maybe you should go talk to him... I really don't think he left to get food." Though he was talking to Raye, he still was watching in the direction Elch had left.


She sighed in relief "I have never been happier to see Luna in my entire time here." she not only got out of whatever Shiro wanted but also got the method of finding the answer to the riddle. She started to think up the months one by one. It didn't take long for her to figure it out but as soon as she did she yelled out "Jason! It's Jason! Jason is the murderer!" it was unlike her to get excited like that.


She growled under her breath as her eyes glowed red. She had no patience for these things. She could deal with Shiro, other demon and humans mostly but when it came to her games she got pissed off much easier. She shook her head to dispel any ill thoughts and appeared before them again. Her eyes were still glowing red though "Good job...Shiro get's to pick the next game! Since he has been so helpful I think he deserves to choose the final challenge.....He can't help you though....And what a pity that is..."


Shiro stayed silent, thinking of games she could play. He ignored Luna's red eyes as he said to Katrina, "Let's play this... You get to play demon for a while. Your objective is to find a human and torture them. It's very simple, I'll even let you use my needles if you will like..." He said to her nonchalantly.

@Kira Times

"Are you serious? First of all I'm not dead. Second, I can't stand torture...Screaming and crying is terrible. I'm not even fast enough to catch a human." she could of kept going on but Luna interrupted her. "Me or Shiro could fix the not dead problem easily. You're speed probably won't matter if you're able to deceive them or convince them. Shiro will give you you're time limit and I will watch from the sidelines. Please make this a little fun to watch. Also we can sabotage your efforts so be warned. I think that's it.....Unless my dear Shiro would like to add anything."


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"You have an hour and 30 minuets." He simply said as he stood up and opened the door, "Also, I would like to accompany you in this for a while. There's a certain demon out there that may be have a human by there side, and I would like to meet them again." He kept the door open and waited for her.

@Kira Times
Luna groaned in reaction to his time limit and her eyes glowed slightly redder. "When the hell did you become so damn generous?" she mumbled while Tommy seemed to be relieved. "So he's not a complete jerk....." from him she suspected a much more ridiculous one since he hated her...or seemed to. She walked towards the door slowly and was taking her time getting there. She suddenly had a lot less energy.

Shiro stared blankly at her suddenly slow movements. He grabbed her hand and dragged her ass out into the hallway, "You have an hour now.. Each time you annoy me I'll reduce the time. Now get going..." He closed the door and waited for her to move.

@Kira Times
"S-Sorry." she had been taken off guard by suddenly being pulled out of the room. "That wasn't a rule before though..." she mumbled but decided to just shut up and walk faster. She started to walk off blindly without too much thought. She didn't know where the human could be and another demon seemed to have captured them already. How was she suppose to go against a demon!?

He walked after her silently. After a long silence he said, "You're going in the wrong direction by the way. You get two questions this time." He continued to stare in front of him as he kept his arms in his pockets.

@Kira Times
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She stopped and turned around in the opposite direction "I'm guessing it's this way." she started walking in that direction solemnly with a frown. A frown on her wasn't anything new but she didn't want to do this. Torturing another human was difficult and not to mention hard to do. It made her squeamish anyway so there were no wins for her except living a few more hours.

Raye nodded and hurried to follow him.

"Elch? Elch, come back! I'll help you look for food!" She suggested, smiling meekly. She didn't know why he kept being so...prickly, but she felt that she was to blame.

"Do you really want to live so badly?" Shiro stopped walking and placed a firm hand on her shoulder, stopping her also, "Why the hell did you walk into this place? Why do you humans keep walking in here? Why are you so skeptical that nothing is happening in this place, that the stories aren't true?"

@Kira Times
She glanced at him but didn't turn around fully "I didn't want to be here. I tried to keep my friends from going in here...Not that I believed in the rumors myself. I just....thought they could be crushed by something or a killer might of been inside. Demons I didn't believe but I told them it could be possible anyway. I think they're dead now...." she kept a straight face but was sad about the very probable deaths of her friends.

Elch smiled at you and said "You don't have to. Go hang out with Index you're safer there with him." He took a very long drag on his cigarette and exhaled it away from you.

She frowned, "But you'll be miserable if I do." She hugged him, cheeks puffed out like an adorable chipmunk, "Come hang out with me for a bit. Index can be alone for a little while." She extended a hand for him to take.


Elch was about to retort when he chuckled and said "Fine." He hugged you back, rubbing your back in a very soothing motion. "So why do you want to be here so much?" He asked, he was wondering if she felt bad for him or something? He hoped not, she didn't deserve to worry about anything of the sort.

[QUOTE="Kira Times]She glanced at him but didn't turn around fully "I didn't want to be here. I tried to keep my friends from going in here...Not that I believed in the rumors myself. I just....thought they could be crushed by something or a killer might of been inside. Demons I didn't believe but I told them it could be possible anyway. I think they're dead now...." she kept a straight face but was sad about the very probable deaths of her friends.


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