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Fantasy Welcome to the Funhouse (ACCEPTING!)

Raye watched after him with concern.

Where is he going?

She frowned,

"I guess I'll just have to sleep with you." She murmured to Index, sighing to herself.

"What? What'd I say?" She asked Index, confused by both of their answers.

I just don't wana sleep alone...

And maybe a tiny bit more...

She blushed at her own thoughts, a small bit of lust being generated before it was poofed out of existence.
@BennyAxC[/URL] (Might disappear after awhile for the holidays.)
Shiro heard her voice telling Katrina to actually read it, he sighed when Luna disappeared, "... Looks like you pissed her off." He quickly said before she reappeared again. He rolled over and was now laying on his stomach. He criss-crossed his arms and laid in them as he stared at her. "Go ahead... Read it, Katrina.." He told her... Then came up with an idea. He buried his head more into his arms as he tried to cover up the smile creeping it's way onto his face. 'We'll see if it actually works before I get excited.' He closed his eyes, waiting.

@Kira Times

"Heh. Guess you figured out what we meant... Man, I'm starving..." He muttered the last part with some confusion with himself. Sensing her lust had made him realize how hungry he was for some reason, though Index wasn't hungry before. He shrugged it off. Probably nothing. I'll just find something to eat later...

Elch laughed a little "No I guess not." He said as he looked around for something to eat. After looking for a few minutes he gave up and sat back down.

@Cherrywitch @Rui
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The blonde whimpered, glancing over to Raye. "You're tired, you said? I guess you might as well sleep now, while it's still peaceful." I'll just starve over here. Index laid down on his stomach, resting his head on his crossed arms.


(@BennyAxC good catch! I was about to mention it too. :P )
Raye tilted her head,

"Sleep can wait. You guys come first."

I can hold off for a little while...

"What...do you eat?" She started, looking at him uncertainly, her look expressing her thoughts, which would be 'Do you eat me?'

She fiddled nervously, waiting for his reply with dread.

"I... Honestly don't know." Index raised his eyes up to her. "I mean... I only felt hungry just now, when I sensed your..." The blonde sat up, thinking hard. "Your lust. I got hungry sensing lust..."

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"Lust...?" She paused, "Do you feed off of it?" She pondered this momentarily, "Do you need more of it? If not what do you need?" She glanced over at Elch, "Ideas? Anyone?" She sighed, "I was hoping you'd just say you wanted a sandwich."


Index twitched in annoyance at Elch's comments. "I'm a flirt, not a pervert. Big difference." The male glared over at the other demon, before turning back to Raye. "Like I said, I don't even know if that's right. It might just be a coincidence. Don't worry about it."

She frowned, "You're my friend! Of course I worry. We need to figure something out." She looked over at Elch, then plainly said, "Say something perverted. Provoke some bad thoughts!" She glanced back up at Index.

"Maybe if Elch and I think...lustfully, it'll help?"

@Nathan22 @Cherrywitch

Friend... Where'd I hear that before...? "Look, I'm not going to starve to death... I don't think, so it's really not a big deal." Index shrugged half-heartedly. He was still unsure if lust was even his food source...

"Shush and let me attempt to help!" She shut her eyes, thinking as hard as possible.

The video I saw my guy-friend watching when I walked behind him on his tablet,

Uh...the time my friend tripped and grabbed my chest by mistake...


Oh! That one anime!

No, nope, not working...

Hm...mind in the gutter...

Index, index, index...

And the lust presented itself.


Index's cheeks pinkened ever so softly, he gulping slightly. "What... Are you even thinking about... For so much..." He mumbled, looking like a hungry puppy staring at a food bowl. A flash went over his eye, and suddenly he grabbed her and kissed her. Index's lips were intoxicating, warm and soft, an attribute of an incubus. He pulled away, licking them softly and brushing the back of his hand over his mouth. "Well... Figured out how I eat, I guess... Sorry, I don't know why I did that, I didn't really have control for a second there..." Index was being honest. The kiss was completely from hunger, just to take the lust, the food, from her lips.

She stared, gulping convulsively.

"N-no problem, g-glad to help..."


That was a hell of a first kiss.

What other firsts could there-

She mentally kicked herself, knowing full well he could sense her lust.

"Well, at least that's taken care of."

Her cheeks were bright red, "I'm ready to go to sleep now."


Index sensed more lust from her, but didn't comment. Another question was burning in his head. "Yeah, sure... Hey, if it's not too personal, what were you thinking about? I mean, I was practically choking on the lust coming from you..." He snickered softly, noticing her bright red cheeks. Geez, was whatever she thinking about that bad? Who knew the virgin had that side to her... The demon had to laugh quietly at his own thoughts.

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