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Fantasy Welcome to the Funhouse (ACCEPTING!)


The man froze, seeming to choke on air. His eyes widened, all the memories of him and his friends... Laughing, eating, joking around. Index grabbed his head with a grunt of pain, wincing and growling under his breath. "Who are those damn people?! A redhead and a guy with long hair... Who they hell are they?!" Index shook his head like a dog fresh from a swim, trying to shake off the memories. "I'm not replacing anybody! I don't know who those people are, they're just in my memories... And they're fading. No doubt thanks to you!" The blonde raced forward with his newfound incredible speed and striked out with his poisoned claws at Shiro's throat.

@Nathan22 @Rui @Kira Times
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Black blood began to poor out of Shiro's mouth and seeps of it from his throat from Jonathan. He stared at the man, before saying, "If they are fading... Why don't you.. Gnh.. Go look for them instead of "repaying" me?" He choked out out as the claws tightened around his throat, the poison did nothing except tingle in throughout his body. "And... You know.. Exactly who those... Gah.. People are... I at least know... One of them and..." He breathed heavily as more blood poured out from his body, "... It surprises me how... He hanged out with humans like... You, Jonathan.." The brightness in his eyes slowly died out.


The male grasped the other by the collar of his shirt, the blonde locks falling off to show his demonic violet eye. "How do you know my name?! My real one?! And who is he?! This, this guy in my memories! Tell me now!" Index was adamant, his blood pulsing with rage and adrenaline. "What kind of human was I? I don't even remember because of you!" He threw Shiro to the ground. "Bastard. You make my damn head hurt." Index raised his hand again, now going for one of the demon's eyes.

He coughed up a huge amount of blood on the ground, then looked back at him, "I know your name from when I kissed you.. You felt that your name was Jonathan Index Dael so that's how I know your real name. If you want me to call you Index instead then I... Will. And his name... Is Anastas Pavlenko.. He's a fucking, stupid, manipulative, bitch.." Shiro chuckled, remembering him, ".... No wonder you associated yourself with him..." By this point, his voice began to break. He got angrier by the second as his face appeared before him. He then started to have memories of him.... Those god-damn awful memories! His body shaked as he continued speaking, "You... You were very flirtatious, going as far as to flirt with that bitch.. And you had a... very go-lucky attitude. You acted brave coming.. in this fun house... Though inside you were scared shitless..."


"...heh. It sounds familiar... But I can't remember it. I can't remember myself... How ****ed up is that?" He laughed sadly, clenching his fists at the idea. "...you talk about this guy as though he's a monster. But from the clips of my memory that I still have, he seemed to be very emotionless. If anyone's a little b**** it's you." Index dived down, grabbing for his throat and squeezing hard. He was crouched down beside him, an evil grin plastered on his lips. "So why don't you fight back? You seemed real eager to kill me the first time. Now you just lay there... That's boring for me, you know. At least whine or wince..." He leaned a little closer, a flash of sadism shooting over his eyes as his face was close, but far enough to back away before the other tried to bite him or attack. "Give me something."

"That's because that's the way he acted around you guys..." Shiro knows that face, that is the face of someone who wants to see someone in pain.. He knows that face all too well... 'Fine, if you want me to act that way.. Fine...' Tears poured down his face and he looked terrified for his life and he shaked uncontrollably. He tried to back away as he yelled, "No, no, no, no, no!!! Please! Let go of me! I don't wanna die like this!!" He screamed as more tears began to fall, "I never asked for this!!! I didn't come in here for this!!" Then all the emotion in his body ceased. The tears stopped, his face blank, his body stopped moving as he asked Jonathan, "Is that what you wanted?"


The demon let go as if he had been burned, falling back onto his backside. That... Tears, I don't... Index went silent. He stood from his place, eyes dark as he let his hair fall back over his demonic eye, the man turning away in complete quiet from the other man. "...I've done what I wanted. We're even. Just leave me and the other two alone." The voice finally muttered, just barely loud enough for Shiro to hear. Index had this new side to him, that liked putting people in pain but... It couldn't stand crying.

"Oh... I get it now, you're weakness is tears..." He mumbled to himself. He stared at the man, who had his back turned away from him. Shiro sighed then teleported in front of Jonathan, he leaned in close to him and whispered, "I'm sorry, but I can't do that.. You're all part of my idea..." He backed away as he teleported beside him.


Index twitched as he said 'weakness', looking up at the man with a snarl, slashing at him a bit too late and twisting around as he appeared beside him. "Bastard. What sort of plan? What, can't leave the thing you killed alone?" He hissed sharply at the other. "You're pissing me off even more. Why do you have to bother me, can't you go pick on some other guy you murdered?"

Shiro tilted his head, "Because you're the only one I murdered." He backed away from him, which was only two small steps, "And I'm sorry I'm pissing you off, the only person I mean to piss off is Luna.. She's another demon. And my plan I mentioned..." He got closer to him again, whispering into his ear again, "I want to make her really mad, Luna. It's simply childish what I want to do... But I'm bored. Katrina, you, and your new friends can help me with that. Once it's finished, once she's really blowing up, I'll leave you and your friends alone..." He backed away and held out his hand, "Now, do we have a deal? You can tell your friends about this all you want, I don't mind..." He said as he finally wiped away the blood covering his lower face.


Index blushed softly at the warm breath on his ear, shuddering but brushed it off. He looked skeptically at the hand. "...what do I need to do? It's not like because you killed me you control me. This isn't some vampire novel ****. If it's something ridiculous or dangerous to them, I'll just hurt you anytime you come close." He warned. He wouldn't shake his hand until he knew the details.

"It's not. It's also mostly improve.. But she's the main thing to keep this plan going." He said and directed his attention to Katrina. "And about them... When the time comes, you needn't worry... We have to be careful speaking about this... Someone may be listening.." He spoke in a low tone. "Just know... This whole thing is about that demon. So they won't be hurt, all I'm asking is trust." He put one hand into his pocket as he thought about Anastas... He remembered when the guy tried to make him read a vampire novel at one point to annoy him, it was painful and... Shiro was happy back then at that moment too, he remembers.

zon, sitting just beyond the entrance of the so called 'fun house' was at a lost as for what to do. the upperclassmen had locked the doors behind him and were probably sitting there as not to let him get away."t-there cant be anything that bad in here....right?" he said talking to himself and looking at the hacksaw they had given him.'....well sitting here wont change anything." he said standing and turning on his flashlight. it was n help seeing as the beam was narrow and dim. but onward he went trying to ignore the feeling of fear nawing at the back of his mind.

The demon was hesitant, but reached out and shook his hand, careful not to cut him with his nails. "...if anything happens to them, I will kill you. That's not just for intimidation, I will actually slice your head off. Do you understand?" Index's eyes were hard and sharp. He took back his hand, watching his face thoughtfully. "Alright. What do you want?"

@BennyAxC I was actually planning that. xD


A small giggle was heard from the darkness, as a little girl suddenly appeared in front of the beam of light. "Hello mister. My name's Emily. What's yours?" Emily cocked her head cutely, looking completely innocent besides her red eyes. "Would you like to play with me, Mister?"

@Zon dexan
zon suddenly being surprised by the voice stopped in his tracks"z...zon..my name is zon..." he felt like the 'play a game' was a trap and a half but curiosity killed the cat "s-sure...i'll play your g-game.."

Emily giggled, clapping her hands together happily. "Yay yay yay! Okay, Zon! Pick a game! We can play dolls, or tag, or whatever!" The little girl cheered, seeming genuinely excited. She went closer and took his hand, smiling up toothily at the boy.

@Zon dexan

(Gtg! Night)
zon was fairly afraid but he swallowed his fear weighing his options. tag was most likely 'i find you your dead' and dolls...he didn't even want to think about what that could be. "t-tag?" he replied as if asking a question.


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She was really....confused....for multiple reasons. First he had said there wasn't a demon, then when the demon got mad he had started crying. They weren't real tears but the other demon seemed to dislike it which she didn't understand since demons were suppose to enjoy the suffering of others. She was so preoccupied on trying to figure out what exactly this was that she hadn't noticed the chance she had to drag one of them away. Or she had ignored it on purpose either way the chance was gone. She wasn't in a rush even with the clock slowly running out. "Are we joining forces? I don't really understand...Didn't you drag me here for another reason..."she wasn't going to say the reason since the demon would probably be against him again. But her life was on the line and she felt like he had forgotten that fact so she reminded him of it.

@Nathan22 @Rui
(Okay now we're waiting for Cherry and I need more time to decide whether Shiro actually doesn't give a shit and will tell Index or not)

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