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Fantasy Welcome to the Funhouse (ACCEPTING!)

Dalisander said:
"Get off me!" She pushed him away. "You embarrassed us! We need to show them that THEY can't defeat us!" She shouted. "I swear. This is why I'm a solo act. And why I don't talk to other demons!" She groaned. "I need someone to practice my powers on.."
He landed next to her, hurt. "Dont even think about it! You will not try to kill me here!" He started to back away. "I dont like cages..."
"Yeah you should..." He said sadly as Azazel whispered 'You'll be just like him. No memory of anything, not like you had anything worth remembering...however if you give up your friend, I'll let you and your sister go...' 'No!' He responded in his head.

"I figured... Do, you two know anyone else from my... Life? I have glimpses of them, but they keep fading as soon as I think I remember a face." Index seemed distressed. He didn't want to have his memory lost, he wanted to remember his friends, but everything was just slipping away. He ran a hand through his blonde locks, sighing gently. "It's fine. We should just get Raye out of here, before that woman and her little goblin come back." He was referring to Zanelle and Zaydar.

@Nathan22 @Rui
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Tommy stared at the food skeptically Just because he said it doesn't mean he didn't poison it. Even if he didn't he probably put pins or something in it. she was still suspicious so she didn't touch it despite he being hungry. She had saw him put away the 'weapons' and cursed at the fact that she didn't wear heels. She just stared at him since she didn't know what to do "So...You're the doormat demon?" she had found that funny for no reason in particular. But she didn't want to look amused and kept a straight face. She won't deny that she was curious about what he was writing but she didn't want to show interest in what he was doing since she was supposed to be mad at him.

"You know I took the time to make that for you so it would be greatly appreciated if you ate it ... And yes, I guess you could call me the doormat demon." He said nonchalantly. He continued doodling and suddenly wanted crayons too. He teleported away the teleported back with a messed up box of crayons. He took out a brown crayon with one side of it missing and began to apply it to the doodle.

@Kira Times
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"I don't like sauce. I'm allergic to tomatoes anyway." that had been a straight up lie but she was just looking for excuses. "If I eat it I break into hives, my throat swells, and I go delusional and loopy until I get medication." she pushed it away. She continued to watch him color "You're only a doormat for other demons or everybody? Were you a doormat when you were alive?" she didn't expect him to answer but maybe she could annoy him enough that he would leave her....She doubted it though.

Raye hugged them both.

"Thank you, both of you." She chuckled nervously, "I'd be demon meat if it weren't for you guys."

She leaned up and kissed one cheek on each of them.

"I love you~!<3"

She grinned, blushing like a child, and beamed up at them.
He stopped with the brown color and picked up a ash blonde color. It was silent for two minuets before he answered her, "I'm only a doormat to the demons and no... I was very much the opposite when I was human. That's all I'm saying about the matter." He sighed and held the crayon up to his cheek, "I would love to see you delusional and loopy.." He mumbled. He then picked up up a peach color.

@Kira Times
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"I would also be dying because my throat would of closed up." she grumbled then looked away from him. Her annoyance tactic didn't seem to work and he just ended that conversation. She sat there hungry,bored, and irritated slightly.


A few minutes of walking and she had found the room where Shiro and Katrina were. She walked in and threw a rubber ball at the back of his head. She had picked it up while she had been walking and it was something that wouldn't hurt someone a whole lot "If you keep leaving me the next thing I'll throw won't be as harmless." she said while walking into the room with a smile still on. It didn't look forced but it was.

"Note taken." He said as he continued to color. "Also, doesn't it hurt your face to smile like that?" Shiro didn't have to look up to know she was forcing a smile. Shiro figured out Katrina was lying when she continued to go on about what tomatoes can do to her. "What happened to the humans and demon?" He finally looked up and gave her his attention.

@Kira Times
She ignored his comment about her smile and answered his other question "I'm sure that all the humans were claimed by other demons so we only have TomKat. That's all I know since I left when I saw things weren't going well." she noticed the food and the state Katrina was in. "What have you been doing?" she asked feeling a little confused about the scene she was seeing. Katrina answered her quickly "Well he's turned into the "Waterfall, Doormat, Nurse Demon' , he harassed me, he's trying to kill me with tomato sauce. Basically everything he can to torture me."

"I am the demon of torture... And I didn't harass her or try to kill her with tomato sauce. And I haven't tortured her yet.." He stopped looking at Luna and colored with a black crayon, "What I've actually been doing was just trying to pass the time waiting for you. So I patched her up better, got her food, she asked me questions and I answered them, and I colored. You sure took a long time getting here.."

@Kira Times
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"My apologies but you abandoned me first." she replied politely but the corners of her mouth twitched. She looked over his shoulder to view his drawing "What are you making anyway?" she showed interest even if she didn't actually care about his doodle in the least. Katrina imagined what it was that he was drawing "Probably something gory or demonic looking with detailed guts, blood, and injuries." she only expected the worst from him. He was a demon, he couldn't be expected to draw fluffy bunnies, a rainbow and green grass. That would be too innocent for a demon.

BennyAxC said:
Anastas wakes up with a huge fucking headache. He groans as he sits up clenching his head. He looks around and is quite surprised there were no demons lurking in the shadows waiting to pounce on him. He stands up and peeks his head out the door, 'Chris and Felix are gone...' He closes the door and looks around the room one more time then his eyes land on the bed again... The bed was making sounds.. In a panic Anastas looked under the bed to find... Him. Bastard. How does one even sleep like that? He stands up once again now bored out of his mind. He sighs and lays on the bed, and decides to stare at the ceiling. He then closes his eyes and starts humming as he waits for Felix to wake up.
Felix woke up with a grunt and crawled out from under the bed with a huff. He came over to the side looking at anastas with his cattish green eyes smirking. "Hey,anastas finally up?" He asks as he rested his head on his arms staring at him contently. He tilts his head looking back for a second and stood up stretching before looking at anastas once more.
Shiro made a small sound that could be confused for a grunt or a laugh then said, "Anastas..." On the paper was a man with long ash blonde hair, pale skin, and brown eyes. He looked scared, he had various cuts and bruises surrounding his naked body... But at the same time you could tell by his eyes that he was also enjoying it. He had a black cloth tied around his mouth and it looked like, by the drawing at least, he was breathing heavily. Chains also surrounded his body and the picture detailed he was sweating profusely. He also showed the drawing to Katrina as his mouth upturned slightly, like he was trying to smile but was seriously out of practice.

@Kira Times
mewbot5408 said:
Felix woke up with a grunt and crawled out from under the bed with a huff. He came over to the side looking at anastas with his cattish green eyes smirking. "Hey,anastas finally up?" He asks as he rested his head on his arms staring at him contently. He tilts his head looking back for a second and stood up stretching before looking at anastas once more.
Anastas opened his eyes and stopped humming when Felix crawled out from under the bed. "Yeah, I am." He returns Felix's gaze then sighs as he stands up and says, "We're getting out of here now. I remember you saying that there was food in one of the rooms before that demon showed. I'm still hungry." He looks at him one more then quickly looks away, "Have I told you that your eyes resembles a cats? Are you wearing contacts or your eyes just that freakish?" He checks his pants and... Good. The bastard didn't touch him in his sleep. Missed a chance, honestly.
Luna continued to smile politely while Tommy had a combination of surprise,disgust and maybe a little horror too. "H-He's a...sadist! Weirdo! Pervert! Hentai loving S&M fan!" she could of kept going on with her 'insults' but Luna cut in almost right away "It's a interesting drawing. Maybe you should become the Art demon." she joked seemingly unfazed by it. As a demon she sees some weird crazy stuff already so this might of been not as bad. Or she was like him and didn't find it strange at all.

"Here's a glimpse of what I was like when I was human." He said to her as he closed the notebook and put all the crayons back in the box. He teleported away then came back to them with nothing in hand except a pop tart and tossed it at Katrina, "If you're also "allergic" to pop tarts I will strike you with one of my needles." He was slowly becoming more forceful to say the least... What caused this? He doesn't really know, but he believes it had something to do with Jonathan. "And what would I do as an Art demon?" Once he's done with this human and Luna doesn't need him anymore he'll go and try to find him. Another thing he's learned from that kiss was that he had particularly strong feelings for the girl that was next to him.

@Kira Times
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BennyAxC said:
Anastas opened his eyes and stopped humming when Felix crawled out from under the bed. "Yeah, I am." He returns Felix's gaze then sighs as he stands up and says, "We're getting out of here now. I remember you saying that there was food in one of the rooms before that demon showed. I'm still hungry." He looks at him one more then quickly looks away, "Have I told you that your eyes resembles a cats? Are you wearing contacts or your eyes just that freakish?" He checks his pants and... Good. The bastard didn't touch him in his sleep. Missed a chance, honestly.
He nodded listening to anastas ask about food and heard him ask a question. He smirked a little finding it a little amusing that anastas finally asked about his eyes. Usually his eyes were the very first thing someone would notice.

"My eyes?...oh. They're naturally like this, It's a sort of genetic mutation.,.." He told anastas as he stretched his arms heading to the door. He glanced back at the other male pushing the door open and stepped out into the hallway.
She stared at the pop tart and shook her head "I'm not allergic. I just don't like sweets." she snickered to herself but tried to revert to a placid face after her outburst. Luna sighed "You can't patch someone up then shish kebab them again. You need to work on your anger issues." she commented then thought about his question for a quick second "You could....Trap people in paintings and drawings....Also you can make whatever you draw appear into reality." another idea popped into her head "You could control clay zombie things too. For killing you could turn them into either artwork or paintings....That's all I can think of." those were the only things she could think of that would probably be exclusive to a Art demon.

@BennyAxC (I think I just gave myself a idea for a demon.)
Anastas followed him out and looked around the hallway. Great.. There were no demons, from what he saw at least. "Well? Are we going?" He glared at Felix, waiting for him to make a move on and show him where the food was.


"That sounds... Good for a demon I guess.. But I don't have manipulation of art so I can't possibly be an art demon... And who says I can't "shish kebab" someone again? I could easily do it with my needles... I also don't have anger issues.." He semi-glared at Katrina because of her remark. Humans... "Can you play your games with her now? I want to see how she will fare."

@Kira Times
"Stay here! I'll go talk to them!" She ordered. "And if you follow me, I'll crush you!" Zanelle stomped off, heading back to the group of pepole who had just humiliated them. "Hey! You people!"

(@Nathan22 @Inheritance)
Dalisander said:
"Stay here! I'll go talk to them!" She ordered. "And if you follow me, I'll crush you!" Zanelle stomped off, heading back to the group of pepole who had just humiliated them. "Hey! You people!"
(@Nathan22 @Inheritance)
Zaydar growled and sat in a corner. Or more accurately, floated in the corner. "Death to the pretenders..."

Love... That sounded familiar. But that was it, it was just familiar. There was nothing else he could recall about it, no context. Index opened his mouth, about to question it, but heard the woman's voice again. He let out a sigh, once again getting in between Raye and a demon. He'd been doing that a lot recently. "What do you want?"

@Nathan22 @Rui
She sighed again "Because what was the point of helping them in the first place." she let the conversation go and looked to Tommy "Sorry for the wait." she bowed politely. "Now let's begin. Hmm....What kind of game do I want...How about...A puzzle!" she announced while getting a blank stare from Tommy "A...puzzle?" she nodded in response to Tommy. "Simple! I'll explain." she pulled out some sort of note "This is a riddle I dug up. It's not in English so you have to find a translation yourself. When you find it out come back to me and we can start the actual fun. I'll be watching so you won't cheat." she teleported away somewhere after she said that. Tommy sat there being slightly confused by the events that just happened.

@BennyAxC (Sorry about the wait I overthink things too much. In this case it's the game she wanted to play and how Katrina's going to get killed if I want her to die.)

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