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Fantasy Welcome to the Funhouse (ACCEPTING!)

Rui said:
She shook her head wordlessly and ran to Idex's side.
"No?!" He growled. "Think about it girl, what's better protection, him, or me?" He glared at them both....then saw his ally get tackled. "Observe" he switched to demon, and launched himself at her attacker @Nathan22 @Rui
Despite her weakness, Raye donned the gold and silver knuckles, and ran after.

"Hey wait!" She called, hands behind her back, "You're right! You are better protection...I should go with you..." She blushed, looking down.

"And is the offer still standing to...go to bed with you?"


Rui said:
Despite her weakness, Raye donned the gold and silver knuckles, and ran after.
"Hey wait!" She called, hands behind her back, "You're right! You are better protection...I should go with you..." She blushed, looking down.

"And is the offer still standing to...go to bed with you?"


( xD )

Zaydar floated off the attacker and next to her. "Indeed I am! Much better, and of course...I always keep my offers around!" He opened a small portal. A pocket dimension of his, nothing powerful, but a good hiding spot and a good place to take people. He had lust yes, but mainly he wanted to hear her scream, and if she killed herself, all the better! "Come little one"
Nathan22 said:
Elch (or what's left of him...) grabbed Zaydar by the shoulder and his nails dug into it. He kicked him to his knees "Don't trust him..."
@Rui @Inheritance
"TWO ON ONE?!" He was close to having his own personal victim, no way was he letting it go. He sang his claws into his opponent's face, wherever he could, and sunk his fangs into whatever flesh connected. Mentally, he shouted "GO INTO THE DIMENSION GIRL! I WILL FOLLOW!" He was ready if she went
She smiled sweetly,

"Moreover, he shouldn't trust me."

She then proceeded to punch him in the face.


Quite hard, actually.

She then proceeded to do it a few more times, before punching something a little...



(I'm sorry D;)
Rui said:
She smiled sweetly,
"Moreover, he shouldn't trust me."

She then proceeded to punch him in the face.


Quite hard, actually.

She then proceeded to do it a few more times, before punching something a little...



(I'm sorry D;)
Zaydar instantly released the one he attacked to scream in agony. The portal closed, and he leapt backwards into some wall, screaming in agony. "DAMN YOU!" He screamed as he started to back up. "DAMN YOU!" His Chaos wouldn't work now-they were fighting each other nothing would change! "I'LL KILL YOU IF YOU COME CLOSER!" He was in great agony. DAMN silver!!!
Elch lept at the demon and punched him in the neck as hard as possible which could knock someone out. He kicked slashed and bit at the demon.
Nathan22 said:
Elch lept at the demon and punched him in the neck as hard as possible which could knock someone out. He kicked slashed and bit at the demon.
This new demon was already weak from fighting, and he would prove no trouble...assuming that silver didn't get near him. Calmly, he drove his claws into Elch's eyes, and hammer threw him towards the girl who had caused him agony. He then spread Chaos to the two, which should make them start fighting each other...and Zanelle (spell check?) @Rui @Dalisander
"Elch stop!" Raye cried, "He's had enough. Don't kill him or we aren't any better than him." She stared him down with suprising courage.

She flashed the sliver knuckles again,

"Leave, demon."

Kira Times] [COLOR=#006600]"You become a demon if you die in here?" [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]the thought of death was suddenly looking like a pretty good deal. If what he said was true and he wasn't lying his ass off...then that would mean she wouldn't be inferior to the demon. Then again she didn't want to be a bloodthirsty killer that killed humans for...she wasn't sure why they attacked and killed humans....food maybe. Speaking of food Shiro just said something about eating [/COLOR][COLOR=#006600]"Why do you even care?" [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]she felt very suspicious of his 'nice' behavior. [/COLOR][COLOR=#006600]"But sure since you asked I guess....By the way waterfall demon. Why do you demons hunt humans? So you can feast or whatever?" [/COLOR][COLOR=#006600] [/COLOR] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/36207-bennyaxc/ said:
@BennyAxC[/URL] (I'm pretty sure you know who it is right now.)
"Ok." Was all he said as he teleported away to the Funhouse's kitchen. He came back to her with a plate of freshly made spaghetti. He placed it beside her as his clones vanished. "I didn't poison it if you were thinking that Katrina." He said to reassure her, knowing that she would've said something like that because she was a brat. He quickly put away the supplies he left lying around so she wouldn't use it against him. He sat on the opposite side of the bed, "And to answer your question... I'm just a doormat for these demons if you hadn't noticed, so I don't really know why we hunt humans. I think some of us do eat you guys but I'm not sure. It's best if you ask Luna when she finds us." He got out a notepad and pencil and started doodling to pass the time.

@Kira Times
Elch laughed and said in a raspy voice "That's pathetic demon..." He tore the hands away and pushed him away. He took his silver knuckles away from Raye and watched as the knuckles burned away at his hands. The knuckles however turned into a knife made from silver. "Don't you know to respect your elders?" He slashed at the demon.
Rui said:
"Elch stop!" Raye cried, "He's had enough. Don't kill him or we aren't any better than him." She stared him down with suprising courage.
She flashed the sliver knuckles again,

"Leave, demon."

Nathan22 said:
Elch laughed and said in a raspy voice "That's pathetic demon..." He tore the hands away and pushed him away. He took his silver knuckles away from Raye and watched as the knuckles burned away at his hands. The knuckles however turned into a knife made from silver. "Don't you know to respect your elders?" He slashed at the demon.
Silver...no. Silver KNIVES?! NO!!! He shot back faster then he had ever moved. "Ok! I will leave! You won't see me again!" He would just have to evade until the Silver burned his hands off. "Stay back!" @Rui
Raye was upset at this.

"Elch, stop! He's had enough!" She crossed her arms over her chest, "Let him go."

"Little bitch..." Elch said as he handed Raye the knife. In her hands they turned back into knuckles. Elch curiously waited for the demon to strike. Azazel wanted to fight him head on, however Raye had a point and decided to not fight
Zaydar hissed, "COMON demon...you know you want to fight me...you are weak, and pathetic without your Silver to protect you-piece of shit..." He turned to the girl, hate in his eyes. "No matter where you go I will find you! I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN!" He faded back, not expecting anything from the girl, but expectin something from the angry demon who would probably be consumed by his hate. @Nathan22 @Rui
Elch turned around he snapped his jaw in place and kneeled in front of Raye. "Are you ok?" He looked her over for any actual physical injuries.


Index rubbed the back of his head after being thrown, blushing red at the screams. "What, you trying to turn me on or something?" The blonde muttered under his breath, holding his head in pain. It really hurt for some reason, so badly he couldn't move to help the two fight them off. Index froze, feeling something hot and metallic smelling run down his right cheek. Touching it, he followed the trail up to a crack just above his eye. Why wasn't it healing as quickly as everything else did?

By the time the pain subsided, the wimp of a demon had disappeared, and Index stood with a soft groan. "Damn..." His eyes focused on the new male, Elch, blinking softly. It was very feint, but he thought he remembered him as well.

"Did he just leave!" Zanelle said. She had been quiet during the whole ordeal. " How dare he just ditch me! Twerp!" She cried, though Zaydar was long gone. "Once I catch him...." She muttered. She looked at the others. 2 demons and a human girl. Pathetic. "You people aren't worth my time! I'm outta here! " She stormed off.

Dalisander said:
"Did he just leave!" Zanelle said. She had been quiet during the whole ordeal. " How dare he just ditch me! Twerp!" She cried, though Zaydar was long gone. "Once I catch him...." She muttered. She looked at the others. 2 demons and a human girl. Pathetic. "You people aren't worth my time! I'm outta here! " She stormed off.
Once she was a good enough distance away from false demons, and the silver wielder, he appeared in front of her. "I wouldn't leave you my dear" He said as he hugged her, probably annoyingly.
mewbot5408 said:
Felix was unable to help but to follow anastas and of course he wasn't sleepy but he ended up sitting on the end of the bed watching him quietly. He after a moment having watched anastas asleep he decided it was okay to crawl under the bed laying on the floor like a weirdo and snuggled a dirty bloody pillow. He managed to dose off a little bit but stayed aware of his surroundings. He growled a little and made weird sounds in his sleep for some reason.
Anastas wakes up with a huge fucking headache. He groans as he sits up clenching his head. He looks around and is quite surprised there were no demons lurking in the shadows waiting to pounce on him. He stands up and peeks his head out the door, 'Chris and Felix are gone...' He closes the door and looks around the room one more time then his eyes land on the bed again... The bed was making sounds.. In a panic Anastas looked under the bed to find... Him. Bastard. How does one even sleep like that? He stands up once again now bored out of his mind. He sighs and lays on the bed, and decides to stare at the ceiling. He then closes his eyes and starts humming as he waits for Felix to wake up.
Dalisander said:
"Did he just leave!" Zanelle said. She had been quiet during the whole ordeal. " How dare he just ditch me! Twerp!" She cried, though Zaydar was long gone. "Once I catch him...." She muttered. She looked at the others. 2 demons and a human girl. Pathetic. "You people aren't worth my time! I'm outta here! " She stormed off.
"It was nice meeting you too." Elch muttered as he looked over at Index "Are you ok?" He asked the boy. Well demon now...

He watched the girl leave, giving a small huff of laughter. Yes, because they all wanted her to stick around so badly...

Index turned his one green eye back to Elch, his hair following over the demonic one with a smooth movement. "Yeah. Just got my head bashed in a bit... Do I know you?" The blonde asked, honestly looking for an answer.

@Nathan22 @Rui
"Get off me!" She pushed him away. "You embarrassed us! We need to show them that THEY can't defeat us!" She shouted. "I swear. This is why I'm a solo act. And why I don't talk to other demons!" She groaned. "I need someone to practice my powers on.."


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