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Fantasy Welcome to the Funhouse (ACCEPTING!)

(What the hell guys I have been gone how is that a fail xD )

Zaydar lunged at the girl, and slashed down her arms. Sure, nothing fatal...the goal was to make her scream. He then slammed the demon into the wall, getting into another test of wills. "COMEON DEMON! HEAR HER SCREAM!" Though his slashes didn't do much permanent or fatal damage, it hurt like hell. @Dalisander @Cherrywitch @Rui
Zanelle rolled her eyes. "Your lucky my partner isn't here. He'd kill you in a heartbeat. But, youre all beaten up. So I'll let you go... I'd rather chase a healthy human and THEN kill them. So, go.. Just, don't go talking to other demons.. They aren't as nice as me.." She winked, and continued on her way.

Dalisander said:
Zanelle rolled her eyes. "Your lucky my partner isn't here. He'd kill you in a heartbeat. But, youre all beaten up. So I'll let you go... I'd rather chase a healthy human and THEN kill them. So, go.. Just, don't go talking to other demons.. They aren't as nice as me.." She winked, and continued on her way.
"I might as well follow you. You might lead me to my friends. If we pass by anyone else we'll say you have me on a leash..." He wheezed as he started walking in the direction you were.
Raye did just that. All loopiness was replaced with the most severe pain she could even imagine.

She screamed like someone was burning her alive, because that's exactly was it felt like. She collapsed into a weak sobbing huddle, the dual pain of the poison and the needles driving her insane.


"Fine.." She walked on in silence for a few minutes until she reached her destination. "Zaydar!" She cried. "Get over here, idiot!" She ordered. "And stop this ridiculous fight Immediently!" She smirked. "Unless you wanna get put in a cage again."

(@Nathan22 @Cherrywitch )
Zaydar was having too much fun, until the female demon called. He threw the demon he held off, and launched to the girl. "Oh but look how much fun she is..." He saw her look, and slinked over to her...but dragging the girl by her hair. @Rui @Dalisander
"Give her here!" She snapped, taking the girl from Zaydar. "You didn't even DO anything. I can't believe she actually thwarted you, atleast for a bit. And then you let a new demon try to put you in place. You should've ripped his head off!" She criticized. Zanelle dropped Rui on the ground, in front of her. She bent down, and glared at the human. "And what's wrong with you, human?! Falling In love with a demon? How insane are you?"

(@Rui @Inheritance)
Dalisander said:
"Give her here!" She snapped, taking the girl from Zaydar. "You didn't even DO anything. I can't believe she actually thwarted you, atleast for a bit. And then you let a new demon try to put you in place. You should've ripped his head off!" She criticized. Zanelle dropped Rui on the ground, in front of her. She bent down, and glared at the human. "And what's wrong with you, human?! Falling In love with a demon? How insane are you?"
(@Rui @Inheritance)
Zaydar shrank in size, and floated up to land on her shoulder, or at least hung from her shoulder. "I think I should really tell you something about me. Little secret though so you'll have to keep it quiet..." He whispered, still hanging and looking out at the girl.
"What is it?" She said, grabbing him from her shoulder, and holding him in her palm. "And don't even think about hurting me. I will kill you.." Zanelle threatened.
"DONT DARE LAY A FINGER ON HER!! ILL SEND BOTH OF YOU BACK TO HELL!" Elch roared. An upside down cross started to carve itself into his chest as he ripped Raye away from you.

Dalisander said:
"What is it?" She said, grabbing him from her shoulder, and holding him in her palm. "And don't even think about hurting me. I will kill you.." Zanelle threatened.
"No no no." He snickered, regretting shrinking a bit. "I have to tell you in secret so this one doesn't hear." As he said that he amplified the poison, causing even more pain. @Rui
She sobbed aloud, her body seizing up and spasming horribly.

"AHH!" She clawed at the floor, crying so hard it hurt her lungs. She screamed once more, her cry blood curdling.

It hurts. It hurts so badly...I can't see, it's all white, is this death? If it's death why does it still HURT?
"Hurry up and say it, then! Before the humans try to revolt!" She told Zaydar, annoyed that he kept drawing the secret out.

(@Nathan22 )
Rui said:
She sobbed aloud, her body seizing up and spasming horribly.
"AHH!" She clawed at the floor, crying so hard it hurt her lungs. She screamed once more, her cry blood curdling.

It hurts. It hurts so badly...I can't see, it's all white, is this death? If it's death why does it still HURT?
(Holy fuck I feel bad xD You are really good at this!)
Dalisander said:
"Hurry up and say it, then! Before the humans try to revolt!" She told Zaydar, annoyed that he kept drawing the secret out.
(@Nathan22 )
He shot up to her ear, and hissed, "I can't actually deliver a killing blow on people. I can bring them to an inch of their life...can cause chaos, and am invulnerable to many things...I can't END someone. That's kinda what I needed...uh your help for?" He grinned, once again regretting the size. He was probably about to grow again...
Rui said:
(Thanks :3 I read a lot of fanfics. You learn these things.)
(Also I usually kill off my characters pretty brutally at the end.)

(How brutally. Scale of 1-10, 1 being like SAO and 10 being jackass)
"Seriously?" She groaned. "Whatever. Just stop the poison.. Her screams are SO annoying! And, I CAN kill people. But I don't want to.. Don't have the stomach for it. Plus, it's boring when they die. It's better to make them slaves.."

(@Nathan22 )
Dalisander said:
"Seriously?" She groaned. "Whatever. Just stop the poison.. Her screams are SO annoying! And, I CAN kill people. But I don't want to.. Don't have the stomach for it. Plus, it's boring when they die. It's better to make them slaves.."
(@Nathan22 )
"Ah thank you for not hurting me in this state little one." Irony. Because he was tiny. Well he leapt off her shoulder and returned to his normal size, landing on the girl, and digging his claws into her. "Shut up." He ended the girl's pain. "Happy?" he licked her ear. @Rui
(Like 11 being mortal Kombat levels.)

(Or they commit suicide.)

She was too relieved to care that he was touching her. In fact, she grabbed the tiny demon and shoved him between her breasts, chest heaving.


She didn't care that he was the reason she was in pain in the first place; he stopped it.

He felt a little voice whisper in his ear "Kill them." He recognized the voice. "Azazel..." He said. He lunged at the demon and tackled her. Normally he would've gone through but this time he managed to. He slowly felt his humanity slipping as his demon side took over. His jaw slowly started expanding revealing rows upon rows of fangs. "Die..."
"Ugh. How nasty!" Zanelle commented. She poked the girl, who was now, quite bloody. She grabbed Zaydar, pulling him away from the girl. "Let's go doofus."

(@Nathan22 was that to Zanelle or Zaydar)
Zaydar returned to his normal size laughing. "Come girl. More pain comes to those who aren't with me" he shifted to a human form so she would follow. @Dalisander @Rui

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