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Fantasy Welcome to the Funhouse (ACCEPTING!)

Rui said:
He doesn't remember me...?
That stung a bit more than she'd care to admit. Raye used this reflective time to adjust her silver knuckles and punch the demon in the black of it's head.

She huffed with the exertion, obviously extremely weak. By all accounts, she should be dying or unconscious.

Speaking of which, while she panted and tried to keep her swimming vision from tilting, she felt an odd lightheadedness, before she collapsed with a pained moan.

@Inheritance @Cherrywitch
(You fuckin serious xD )

That silver-that would hurt him. Sure, it was horribly weak, so it didn't do any real damage, but it certainly made him flip out, and he darted away from both, leaving painful gashes in him. "CHEATING! THAT IS CHEATING!" He hissed as he began to back away. He really hoped this demon couldn't touch silver either, or he would have to rely on his running skills. "I will be around...KNOW I WILL HUNT YOU ALL DOWN!" He growled as he sat in a corner, waiting to run, or if the other demon was foolish enough to step away from the silver knuckled girl. @Cherrywitch

The demon seemed disgusted with the offer, but before he could reply, he had been pushed off of the other by the sudden shock of a blow to the back of Zaydar's head, and even though it was weak, it wrenches his claws loose. "What?" Index turned to look at Raye, suddenly by her side and gently lying her down on the floor so she didn't hit her own head. He then glanced up to check Zaydar's condition. He would be in pain for a while. Taking his chance, Index grabbed the girl up bridal style and sped away down the hall, finding a place to hide. He kept her close to his chest, arms tucked around her protectively before looking down at her with confusion. "...who are you? Why do I want to protect you...?" The questions swam in his head.


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Cherrywitch said:
The demon seemed disgusted with the offer, but before he could reply, he had been pushed off of the other by the force of a blow to the back of Zaydar's head, wrenching his claws loose. "What?" Index turned to look at Raye, suddenly by her side and gently lying her down on the floor so she didn't hit her own head. He then glanced up to check Zaydar's condition. He would be out of it for a while. Taking his chance, Index grabbed the girl up bridal style and sped away down the hall, finding a place to hide. He kept her close to his chest, arms tucked around her protectively before looking down at her with confusion. "...who are you? Why do I want to protect you...?" The questions swam in his head.


(Uh I think we read the wrong thing there xD She said it was an extremely weak blow, so it wouldn't knock me out, but check my response to it xD )
Raye pressed her hands into his chest. She was rather cold, but she knew she'd be okay. It was getting better...

Then again, that could be a bad sign.

She nuzzled her face against him, small whimpers and moans escaping her from the discomfort of being touched. Lots of needle holes didn't exactly feel nice when poked, put it couldn't be helped. The bleeding was stopping, and warmth had begun to return.

"I-I'm Raye, and I'm your friend...but I think, I like you a lot," she pressed a finger to her lips, giving him a lopsided grin, "but shh! You don't know it yet." She reached up, pressing the same finger to his lips as well.

"It's our little secret..." She yawned, her eyes fluttering.

The blonde arched a brow at the girl skeptically, chalking it up to just blood-loss mumblings. Index held her a little closer, feeling how cold she was, in worry she could get sick. He smirked slightly, brushing his cheek over her hair softly. He remembered stuff like this, cuddling and affection. He remembered really enjoying it too. "Eh. Whatever you say, beautiful. "


@Inheritance I fixed it. :3

Great. No it's cool. Leave me with all these demonic assholes and a nutjob human. she thought her eye twitching in annoyance. She couldn't believe she ever thought that guy was any type of reliable. She sneaked away being completely undetected to her knowledge anyway. All the humans there were already dog food or crazy psychos that hated Shiro.....but then again who didn't dislike Shiro. He was a....chienne as the french would call him. He already left Luna alone twice! Without her asking him to do so!


Tommy was surprised at the fact that someone appeared but that surprise turned into anger quickly "You pushed me on the floor! Jerk!The hell! Put me down!" he had ignored whatever she was yelling and said something about fixing her up, She had been angry before now she was just irritated "Wasn't I heavy? You already said I was a fatass. I wouldn't want to strain your weak demon body." she was glaring at him from on the bed. She obviously hadn't gotten over anything he had did or said to her and most likely wouldn't anytime soon.

"I may have a weak body for a demon but you aren't that fat.. I was just being difficult." He got the supplies he needed and set them on the bed. He stared at her for 2 minuets then said, "I'm only asking before I do this because I hate your yelling and squirming.. So are you okay with me kissing you?" I know she'll yell no so... "If you say no, I'll force myself on you. I can clone myself so I'll get them to help too." He didn't mean this sexually, he just wanted to kiss her so he could check out how much pain she was actually going threw.

She stared at him with a wide-eyed look "N-No way in hell!" she had backed up as much as she could. She was glaring at him even more "What are you on!? I will stick all those tools in you if you even touch me!" she started kicking and flailing around but couldn't do it for long since she was in pain. Shit. "Whatever your saying sounds like the plot of some kind of kind of hentai." she hissed and tried to back up even more.

Kira Times] [CENTER][B][COLOR=#006600]Tommy[/COLOR][/B] [/CENTER] [COLOR=#000000]She stared at him with a wide-eyed look[/COLOR][COLOR=#006600] "N-No way in hell!"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]she had backed up as much as she could. She was glaring at him even more [/COLOR][COLOR=#006600]"What are you on!? I will stick all those tools in you if you even touch me!" [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]she started kicking and flailing around but couldn't do it for long since she was in pain. [/COLOR][COLOR=#006600][I]Shit. [/I][/COLOR][COLOR=#006600]"Whatever your saying sounds like the plot of some kind of[/COLOR] [COLOR=#006600] kind of hentai." [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]she hissed and tried to back up even more.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#006600] [/COLOR][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/36207-bennyaxc/ said:
"It's been a while since I've watched hentai... Anyways since you said no..." He cloned two more of himself and they pounce on her pinning her against the bed. He leans up close to her and kisses her, so... Well I really hurt her didn't I? Anymore needles and blood loss and she wouldn't be here right now. He moves away but keeps his clones there just in case. He gets to work on her injuries once again, but this time he did it better cause he actually somewhat cared.

Tommy stayed silent but it was unclear if it was out of disgust or embarrassment. She was still glaring at him but wasn't kicking or screaming like before. She stayed glaring silently until something came across her mind "What...happened to the other humans you were talking about? Are they dead already or....were you wrong?" she had no idea why he was keeping her alive if there were a bunch of other humans. She was sure he didn't like her and she didn't like him either especially after he just kissed her. She wanted to hit him repeatedly with a lamp or something but she couldn't do that because of one obvious reason.

"I wasn't wrong... There were 4 of them. I pinned them all against the wall with my needles, with the help of my clones of course. One of them had a strange aura about them so I kissed him and found out he was going insane from being here for a long amount of time. He also came in with two other humans, but I don't really know where they are. So I pierced his hands, his shoulders, then his right eye. He died... But came back as a demon. That's all I have to say about the matter." He told her. He stared once again then said, "You're hungry right? I can go get something..."

@Kira Times
"You become a demon if you die in here?" the thought of death was suddenly looking like a pretty good deal. If what he said was true and he wasn't lying his ass off...then that would mean she wouldn't be inferior to the demon. Then again she didn't want to be a bloodthirsty killer that killed humans for...she wasn't sure why they attacked and killed humans....food maybe. Speaking of food Shiro just said something about eating "Why do you even care?" she felt very suspicious of his 'nice' behavior. "But sure since you asked I guess....By the way waterfall demon. Why do you demons hunt humans? So you can feast or whatever?"

@BennyAxC (I'm pretty sure you know who it is right now.)
There was no reply on Raye's end; she just pulled him in tighter and made a little noise of contentment. Soon she was half asleep, just pressing her head against his chest, listening to him breathe.

I think I love you<3

All was cute and sweet until she pulled him in a bit tighter, and one set 'o mostly exposed breasteses made contact with him.

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Zanelle rolled her eyes at Zaydar. "Idiot.." She muttered. She was far away enough from them not to see her, and had not come out to help Zaydar as she had promised. She was instead, analyzing the situation. "That new demon must be from the most recent group of humans to come to this retched place.. And that girl, she had Zaydar's weakness. Hope she doesnt have any gold on her..." Zanelle commented. "Let's see how far Zaydar gets before he gets killed.." Clapping her hands, a knife materialized in her hand. "If he manages to survive, then I'll jump in." She sat down, crosslegged, on the cold floor of the Funhouse, and waited.

Zaydar wasn't aware the powerful demon behind him would not follow him, so instead he confidently floated carefully behind them, though a fairly close distance. He would turn invisible as soon as they looked behind them, as well as slowly feed them chaos energy, so they would start to get more aggravated with each other. This would be good, so the Demon would join his side. Eventually. He continued to follow on, figuring the one who would hurt him was asleep. @Cherrywitch @Rui @Dalisander
Taylor looked at him as she smiled" cool oh there legend of zelda games thats my favorite movie" she say to him as she smiled looking at him she just smiled" can we play this" she say looking at the game and back at him" as shse looking around the room as she really liked him she felt diffrent when she was around jace she never liked someone @Astaroth Suzumiya
Jace smile "oh sure like play this a million times but sure!" He said with a laugh as he pat her head gently and place the video game inside the Game boy and turn on the T.V he then Gave her the controller as he look at thescreen "the other version i have is that Link leave Zelda." He said with a sign he then smile at her "hey i have Some legend of Zelda movie wanna watch it?" He ask her with a grin.

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