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Fantasy Welcome to the Funhouse (ACCEPTING!)

Kira Times]She nodded [COLOR=#0000b3]"Thank you." [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]she said before turning back around and driving the scooter to where they were located according to Shiro the waterfall demon. She was feeling excited with the thought of playing with all the humans who rather stupidly gathered themselves in one room. Tommy on the other hand was only happy that she could go see actual people instead of being around demons that looked like people. The siren hadn't been cut off so a lot of people could probably hear it calling for them to come to her. [/COLOR][COLOR=#0000b3]"You can have one or two later." [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]she had been talking about the humans and how they would share them.[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] [/COLOR] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/36207-bennyaxc/ said:
He nodded. He was certain that it was a human making him freak out like he did before, but now that they are getting closer... He's not really feeling anything. He shouldn't dwell on it any longer unless it happens again. He leaned back in the wheelchair he was in and just stared at the ceiling.
@Nathan22 @Rui I.. I was gone for a few hours... ;-; )


The voice of the demon froze him. It sounded so much like that other psycho little girl! He remembered the blood, the death she caused and had to cover his mouth not to puke. Index's eyes widened as he saw Elch, or what was left of him, and sank to his knees. It's.. Happening again... I just saw someone get brutally murdered... So why... He looked down at his wrapped up hands, starting to shake, as an involuntary smile twitched at his lips. Why don't I feel anything?

"We have to go." Index grabbed the girl and Elch by the shoulder, though his hands hurt like hell, and pulled them up. "Now." He couldn't stay here any longer. It was getting to him... And, he kept hearing this voice in his head. It kept whispering things, but Index couldn't make them out. The only words he could identify were "stay" and "fun." That was enough to scare the crap out of him.
Subaru follow the new boy without saying anything...Not like he hate him,but he seems really suspicious...No,this place is too suspicious.It say it's abandoned but why there is so much people in there,associated with some demons?

@Rui @Cherrywitch
Luna stopped the scooter "Are we really that close? If they hadn't heard us already they are deaf." she was sure that they probably already heard the calling humans siren but cut it off anyway. She didn't do it because he asked nicely, just because she thought it would be a good idea herself. While she did this Tommy couldn't help but worry for the humans . She looked blankly at Shiro and said out of the blue "How do you kill a demon?" she made it seem like she had just pulled that out of thin air but that wasn't case at all.

Raye was snapped out of here revere.

"Okay, let's go." She held onto Index's hand, hoping it would calm both of their shaking a little bit. She was trying to seem braver. She wasn't doing a very good job, she thought.

"All demon's each have a way you can kill them, so I can't really answer your question." Was all he said, like hell he was going to tell her stuff like that. So he did push her off of him, and said to Luna, "I'm going on ahead." He disappeared from them and teleported in front of the group. He took the needles out of his head and quickly made 2 more copies of himself. He also made more copies of the needles and pinned all of them against the wall, the needles piercing threw by their wrists and legs. His expression stayed blank as always.

@Nathan22 @NickTonCutter @Rui
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Elch walked with the rest of the group. He felt like he should go first because he knew the way out and he had a weapon. "Yeah follow me." He said confident that they could escape.

@Rui @Cherrywitch
Subaru raised his hands smiling at the question "Yeah!With the detective we should get there pretty easily!We just made the path some hours ago!" he then notice the demons around them and yell "What the hell???"

@Nathan22 @Rui @Cherrywitch @BennyAxC

How... How did I know...? Index winced as a couple of the needles pierced his skin, the blonde struggling to escape the trap. "Dammit... So close... Let us go..." He said through his teeth.

'Please, Stay...us, at... Fun...'

Index started to shake as the voice got much louder, repeating the same sentence over and over, more and more words making themselves known in his head. He clenched and in clenched his fists, wanting to cover his ears desperately, as if that would silence the voice.

'Please, stay with us...at... Fun...'

"Shut up..." He whispered under his breath.

@Nathan22 @Kira Times
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Raye screamed and writhed in pain, but kept her hand intertwined with Index's.

"Just, d-don't let go of my hand, okay? Don't give u-up!" Her tears flowed freely once again, and she had to fight back sickness at the pain and the blood seeping down her arms.

@BennyAxC @Cherrywitch
Shiro stared at the blonde haired man. This was the one giving off the weird aura. Shiro took steps closer to the man, hearing him whisper to shut up for a reason unknown to Shiro. Once close enough Shiro placed his lips on his... So... Jonathan Index Dael, he's currently going insane from being in here. Which was a long time. He also came here with two other humans who he has separated from, he'll have to tell Luna about that later. Shiro duplicated another needle and shot it threw Jonathan's shoulder, feeling the pain Jonathan experienced made Shiro turn bright red. He finally moved away from the man. He got his copies to shoot 2 more needles into the other humans, all landing in their left arm.

@Nathan22 @Rui
Subaru receive the needles in his left arm,screaming in pain.At this very moment,Subaru know that attacking would be useless since the demons have make some copy of him as he look with his flashlights.He just proceed to hide behind a desk walking painfully holding his bleeding left arm,in hope that the demons won't notice him

@Nathan22 @Rui @BennyAxC

The voice seemed to laugh at him as he jumped in surprise at the kiss, not seeming embarrassed at all, just shocked. What... Was that for? But before he could question the demon, Index cried out in pain as his already most likely fractured shoulder was hit with a needle. The blonde tensed up, accidentally tightening his grip on Raye's hand. "A-ah!" He hated pain... He didn't want to die painfully...

'Please, stay with us... At the... Fun... Jonathan..."

The man began to tremble again. It knew his name. The voice knew his name. Why, why was it calling his name, asking him to stay? Why would he ever stay here? Index clenched his teeth.

@BennyAxC @Rui
"Hey!" Elch yelled out. He swung at the demon with his silver knuckles on. It burned the demon allowing him to step between the two. "Fuck off!"
Shiro stumbled back as he was shouted at by another man with blonde hair. One of his copies were caught off guard but he quickly gained control again as they shot a needle threw the man's stomach then proceeded to drag them across to the another side of the wall with the silver string. 'When was Luna going to get here?' Went threw his mind at one point.

Shiro pierced a needle threw Jonathan's right hand.

His left hand.

His stomach.

His other shoulder.

Then his right eye that went straight threw his brain.

Shiro's eyes glowed to their original bright state once again as he watched his work that he displayed on this wall. It was even more beautiful with the girl next to the art, she was a part of it.

"Asshole!" she yelled and curled up in pain. The stupid bastard had pushed her off even with her injuries. Luna sighed "I have to carry your heavy butt back into that chair." she mumbled something else "Fuck that guy." she looked back to her "Just stay here I'll be back." With that guys head she went off leaving Tommy on the floor in pain and she couldn't help but think how much of a asshole demons generally were.


It wasn't hard for her to find him and the humans since she just had to follow the smell of blood and screams of the humans. She walked in casually with a serious looking expression "I like what you've done with the place. Also thanks for leaving me with Tommy girl. I really appreciate it." she said sarcastically but it was kind of hard to detect through her calm polite voice. She had been furious but she may of calmed down do to the screams and blood.

Subaru try to maintain his calm as he cover his mouth,he then proceed to walk slowly away from the scene with his flashlight since the demons didn't notice him,now would be the chance to get out before getting hurt more.
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With a cough, blood began to leak from his mouth, and his the red liquid from his eye soaked his hair that covered it. Everything became fuzzy, darkness falling over his vision entirely until his neck went limp, allowing his head to hand down towards the floor as his fingers slipped from Raye's grasp. The last words he heard were: 'please, stay with us at the funhouse, Jonathan.'

The blonde pulled his right arm free, then his left before getting his legs out if the wall. He landed softly onto the ground, yanking the bloodied needles from his body, his hands and everything else somehow healed. Finally, Index ripped the needle from his eye, before smirking from under his curtain of hair, lifting up his face so both his eyes showed. One normal, the other bleeding from a demonically Violet iris, the rest of his eye black. "...that hurt." Suddenly, he leapt with incredible speed at the demon, going for his throat with talon like claws. "... But nothing hurts anymore... I can't really feel anything anymore... Ha... Ha-ha..." He ran a hand through his hair, face pulled into a maniacal grin. "WhAt A gReAt FeElInG."

@Nathan22 @NickTonCutter @BennyAxC
"Your welcome." Shiro said to Luna as she appeared at the scene. Then Jonathan got back up. Shiro's expression never changed as Jonathan leapt at his throat with new claws. He listened to him talk and his mouth grew into a grin, "How can it be a great feeling when you just declared that you can't feel anything anymore?.." He asked him, kinda unable to move as his copies disappeared.

@Cherrywitch @Kira Times

"...that's one thing I still can feel it seems... Joy... Heh. I guess I can thank you for that much!" Index attacked again, the claws dripping with some sort of poison as he slashed at the demon's stomach. "But it's different now... I used to hate pain, I remember... Receiving it, I still dislike, but giving it? A whole other world!" He went to grab Shiro's throat this time, grinning with his handsome face, though now the glint of evil shone in his eyes as he crouched next to him. "Weird, huh?" The hand clenched tight.

@Rui @BennyAxC
Luna tilted her head "Humans don't do that." she said while seemingly unfazed as well. She looked around the room at all the injured and practically dying people in the room. "If they're all dead how am I supposed to play games with them?" she had yet so see any that she deemed in good condition. Even the human she had now was on the ground with a bunch of wounds it was a pain to wait for them to heal too. She walked around the room while examining the humans in boredom. She didn't care what the crazy human did to Shiro, he's a demon, he would be fine.

@BennyAxC @Cherrywitch @Rui
Raye dangled uselessly, watching Index destroy everything.

He's still handsome...

She smiled dopishly at her own thoughts. Her body jolted a muscle spasms, causing her to swing.

"It h-hurts..." She murmured, more tears emerging.


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