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Fantasy Welcome to the Funhouse (ACCEPTING!)

Raye watched this with a sort of stunned expression.

Oookay...what was that?

"What...what was that? Can we not leave?"

She didn't recall what had happened the last few times she tried to leave, come to think of it.

"Oh god..."
"thanks Taylor" he said with a chuckle "and your cold more like the dead...your beautiful" he said failing to do something sweet for a lafy like her since he spend most of his time killing and reading book to the much time he have pass he never really have a time for this and to his first time on talking with a girl... things might get weird.they then reach his room as he let go of his hands and rake out some video games "to be honest i grab them from the people i killed here" he said with a chuckle.


"Hush little baby don't say a word..."

The chilling voice echoed the halls as the little girl sat over a dead bleeding body, slowly cutting the tongue from it with the past owner's knife.

"Mama's going to buy you a mocking bird..."

Emily made soft tweeting sounds, carving a wing into the poor face's cold cheek.

@ anyone available to meet this psychopath xD


Scratch scratch scratch.

The blonde picked at his skin nervously, it itchy from the sweat and blood that ran down it. He was so tired, he hadn't slept in such a long time, it felt like years. Index started to scratch his sides. Everything itched.

His eyes darted about with madness glinting off them, he rocking slightly. Voices, he thought he heard voices. There were coming for him, he knew it he knew it. They were coming, they were... Index clutched the shard of broken glass he had found tighter, making his palm bleed. "I-I can't take this, I can't..." He dropped the glass and grabbed his hair in fistfuls, rocking more as tears of exhaustion and insanity filled his eyes. "I just want this to end, make it stop..."

(Index is open to be killed, look at my post in ooc for more info!)
(Don't kill him D: I wana love him! I pre-shipped it ;- ;)

Raye paused,

"Do you hear that...?" She began walking back down the darkened hall, following a sobbing man's voice.


Sissy was still crying when she bumped into the corpse.

"Emmy?" She asked, sniveling and wiping away her tears with the backs of her hands. "They hit me! They didn't even think I was cute!!" She draped herself over the girl's lap,

"Make me feel better!"

She really was quite the diva.

"Sing me a song, or play a game with me!"

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Raye pulled something out of her boot.

A flashlight.

"This seems to scare them away...but I don't like to see them in the light, so if it can be avoided..." She cringed, "I doubt a demon would be crying for help..."

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(@Rui sorry ;-; but honestly when I first made him, I was planning for him to become an incubus, so. xD they can still be shipped though... I think...)


The blonde pushed himself into a corner, clutching the glass again in pure terror. His mind was racing, and everything was a blur. He couldn't tell the difference between friend or foe, human or demon. Everything was an enemy.

Adrenaline pulsed through him, Index trembling with energy it gave to his body. I won't die here. I won't. I'll kill whatever tries to kill me. I won't die.


The bloody child pouted thickly, childishly popping her on the head with her palms. "Sissssyyy! I'm playing with my new toyyyy!" Emily whined, motioning towards the carved face of the corpse. "I always can play with you, but I rarely get a new toy..." She hugged the decaying body protectively, scooching her off her lap.
Raye approached the crouching blonde man.

"H-hello...?" She shone the light on him.

"Are you okay?"

Dumb question, he obviously isn't. We're in hell; no one is really okay.

She knelt before him,

"You're safe, I've got you..."

Sissy gasped, obviously insulted,

"A NEW TOY?! AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME?!!!" She crossed her arms, turning away.

"You're dead to me."

The model quickly covered his face in a child-like way of fear, body trembling. One hand was broken and the other bleeding from gripping the broken glass. "Go away, go away..." Index whimpered, and as soon as she got close to him, he swatted at her hands like a caged animal. "D-don't touch me... O-ow." He gripped his broken hand, which he had used to hit her, body shaking like a leaf.



"Zane already took one toy away, I wanted one to myself! Sissy..." Emily plopped herself over the girl's shoulders, cheeks puffed out. "Don't be mad..." She said in muffled voice, due to the storage of air in her mouth.

Elch slowly walked towards the sobbing man. "Hey we're not going to hurt you. I promise." He said in a soothing voice. He pulled out a flashlight and shined it on him. This person was way too scared to be a demon... When he hit Raye however he had resist the urge to hurt him.

@Cherrywitch @Rui @NickTonCutter
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Raye did the thing she did best:

She knelt and hugged the man, holding him tightly against her fluffy oversized sweater and her...well padded chest. {how to phrase big-boobed*}

"You're okay...shhh..."

Sissy still pouted.

"Say you're sorry, and...I'm the bestest ever."


"I'm sorry. You're the best ever. Happy?" She childishly tugged at Sissy's cheeks with her bloody little fingers. "Smile now pweaaassse?" Emily begged, giving puppy dog eyes.


"...h-huh..." The blonde hesitantly wrapped his arms back around the girl, a little confused still from shock and fear. Eventually, he seemed to calm down. He smelt of good cologne, fresh and it went well with his chemistry. Index gave a smile, his usual flashy one as if he were taking another photo shoot, and he wasn't in this house of horrors. "Ah, sorry to have scared you... I'm fine, really... I was, getting chased for a while, so I was... Pretty shaken up." Index shrugged, his bleeding hand shaky as he ran it through his hair. He glanced over the girl, before smirking softly. "Thanks, you really know how to get someone's attention, huh?" He winked softly at her, before noticing the other two. He shut his flirtatious self up, in case one just happened to be the cutie's boyfriend. That had happened more times than he'd like to admit...

Sissy caved and grinned.

"Okay, okay, you win." She hugged her,

"You're free to go, peasant."

She stuck up her chin like a snob.

Raye smiled and stood, blushing quite heartily.


...he winked at me...


She blushed harder and her stupid mind, and glanced towards the floor, playing with her floppy sleeves.

Elch sighed and chuckled at the blushing girl. He turned to the boy and said "She's available you know. And if she isn't then no one will care." He said chuckling.


Rosalina wandered aimlessly through the halls and saw two of her friends. She hurried over and said "Hey! What're you guys upto?"

@Cherrywitch @Rui
Raye stared at the detective,

"Excuse me! Isn't that my personal buisness?!" She huffed and pouted, glaring daggers.

Sissy glanced over at Rosalina.

"Hiya...we're just playing. Care to join, peasant?"

@Nathan22 @Cherrywitch

He chuckled a bit and said "Well hey I just wanted for the two look to each other for hope. Finding love is much much better than being stuck here alone, don't you think?" He winked at the two of you.


Rosalina giggled and sat down across from them. She then remembered something and asked "I heard a bit of commotion earlier and it sounded like your voice. Did something happen? Are you ok?"

@Cherrywitch @Rui @NickTonCutter

"Some jerk punched me." She pouted, crossing her arms tightly.

"It hurt."


"I can speak for myself, y'know..." She crossed her arms defensively, "If he wants to know..." She hated how weak her voice sounded. Ah well, typical.
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"Well I'm sorry, next time I'll hold my tongue." He said apologetically. He didn't mean any harm by it.


"What?! Who?! Can you lead me to them?" She replied angrily. She hated humans to begin with but now they were attacking her friends?! She was having none of this.

@Cherrywitch @Rui @NickTonCutter

Raye paused, having never wanted to have made him feel bad.

"Sorry, Elch, I didn't mean it." She smiled meekly.


"Don't bother," she mumbled, "they're stupid fat-heads."

The girl giggled at Sissy, lightly poking her and glancing up at Rosalina. "Huhhh? Did one of the new playmates punch you?" Emily cocked her head to the side curiously, completely forgetting about the dead corpse behind her. "Well, maybe he just doesn't know the game! Maybe we could..." Her eyes turned to the same pitch black holes as before, dark and menacing. "Teach it to him?"


Index smirked at the blushing girl, turning his attention back to his hands. "Ah, yeah... Thanks, my shoulder and ribs are messed up too, but I'll live." Hopefully. Index curiously watched the two bicker, before managing to stand up, though painfully and took the girl by the hand. "Surprising such a beauty like you isn't taken... More for me though, huh?" He laughed in his head at his own flirtatious teasing, letting go of her hand and looking towards the other guy. "Elch... Weird name. My name is Jonathan, but I go by Index. Nice to meet you... I don't think I got your name?" The green eyes turned back to Raye.

Subaru turn back at Elch "Meeting is really great,but the exit door is the best option out there !If this place is full of demons and dark ritual we shouldn't stay here anymore..." Subaru was keep twitching from fear,hiding it was impossible now.




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