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Fantasy Welcome to the Funhouse (ACCEPTING!)


Elch nodded and said "Yeah you two lovebirds need to save it for later." He was scared himself.


The spirit drifted towards the human who she suspected did this. She went down the corridor and turned the corner into the room with the human scum. "Well well." She said in a sing song voice. "What do we have here?" She slowly drifted towards the group.

@NickTonCutter @Cherrywitch @Rui
"I'm Raye," she started, looking up at the handsome boy and smiling. Her smile dropped out of existence when she heard the demon's voice.

"Oh no..."


BennyAxC said:
"Shut up! I'm doomed now, when you punched him and he immediately pinned you against the wall I came to the conclusion that he can only touch humans that have purposely touched him. It confused me on why he walked straight threw Chris. And why he didn't pin you against the wall in the first place. Since we've both purposely touched him, the only person he can't touch now is Chris." Anastas explained. He walked to Felix's side, "Hey.. Are you going to be okay?... I'm sorry for using you like that..."
Felix seemed rather silent for a few seconds with a look of frustration mixed with hints of both relief and a very noticeable confusion on what the hell exactly just happened as he stared at the floor with his feline like green eyes. His odd eyes the most noticeable now as well as somehow the most visible part of Felix's entire being due to the iris having such a vivid deep green which popped in comparison to the rest of him because it was the only color upon him that stood out. Felix was so deathly pale that with his style consistenting of dark colors and white he could almost appear like he was in a old timey photograph sometimes or even a corspe considering his white long sleeve was stained in bright Scarlet as so was his lips. Felix leaned over coughing and he made a raspy breath as he rubbed his yet again red lips to look up at anastas. "Don't ever in the hell do that again! Bloody hell, I thought you were serious! That freaked me out....geez." He says with a little growl looking away as he brushed his striped hair from his face and started laughing a bit relieved.
Anastas didn't say anything and just watched him. He looked away and said, "... I won't do it again.." He was about to promise him also but... He sighed and walked into the room they were previously in. He yawned to himself and laid down on the bed in there. It was surprisingly comfortable... He stared at the ceiling, his eyelids slowly falling. You know what? He doesn't really care anymore about getting attacked by those things, he was so fucking tired... His mind drifted, he thought about Felix. Those stupid green eyes! He hated the color green, he hated that color so much! That damn person with their damn fucking lips and AHHH! Why did this have to be confusing?!... Why can't Anastas just hate that stupid bastard? Anastas clutched at his hair... This fucking hair. He might as well rant about his hair too! He yawned... He'll rant again once he wakes up. Anastas fell asleep. For once he actually looked calm.


She lunged towards Elchs throat and ripped it open. She looked at the other and slowly floated towards them as Elch continued to choke on his own blood. He fell to the floor a minute later dead. Rosalina started to scream like a banshee and swung at Sabura.

@NickTonCutter @Rui @Cherrywitch
(Holy shiet •O• ELCH! NOOO!!)

Raye screamed, eyes wide with terror. She grabbed her flashlight, shining it on the demon with a shaking hand.

"ELCH!" She darted to his side, unsure of what to do.

"H-he's...you..." Her eyes went back to the demon, "Y-You!" Her eyes were filled with sorrow, hurt, and a spark of rage. "You killed him!"

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Felix was unable to help but to follow anastas and of course he wasn't sleepy but he ended up sitting on the end of the bed watching him quietly. He after a moment having watched anastas asleep he decided it was okay to crawl under the bed laying on the floor like a weirdo and snuggled a dirty bloody pillow. He managed to dose off a little bit but stayed aware of his surroundings. He growled a little and made weird sounds in his sleep for some reason.
Chains shot out of the ground and wrapped you up. Another set of chains grabbed Elch and slammed him against the wall until his face was nothing but a splatter on the wall. However his brass knuckles flew out of his pocket and near you. (Don't worry he'll be back. After a message from our sponsors.)

Raye watched on in horror. She quickly grabbed the brass knuckles.

Oh god, chains?! This is like tentacles...but colder, and metal, and a lot more 50 shades of grey...


Raye grabbed the brass knuckles, putting them on a shaky hand.

Be brave, be brave, be brave....

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Rosalina whipped around and looked at you. She landed on the ground and slowly walks towards you. "What's the matter sweetie? He was a scum bag anyhow, just like the rest of you..." She growled. The chains started to lift you up, but they had you by the legs and lifted you upside down.

(This isn't exactly the time for a pantsu...but...PANTSU!)

Raye screamed, her face red from being upside down, anger, and well...

Her cute little skirt flipping up.

At least her panties were adorable. She knew the striped ones were a good call.

"P-Put me down!" She teared up, "He wasn't a scumbag! He was a good person! Unlike you!" She brandished the knuckles before swinging forward in the chains, punching the small girl in the forehead.

Again, Raye could pack quite a punch for such a weak looking person.

"You're the scumbag!"

Rosalina howled out in pain and the chains disappeared. She remembered something though. She remembered a nun, and her big brother. He had blonde hair and blue eyes. 'Elch.' However as soon as the thoughts came they disappeared into thin air.


Raye was dropped. With a pained groan she stood, albeit shakishly, and knelt beside Elch's body.

"Oh god..." She mumbled, tears wetting her cheeks. "Elch..." She had to resist the urge to puke at all of the blood, but she stayed, quietly kneeling beside him to pray.

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Rosalina ran away screaming in pain and agony. She swore she would kill that striped panties bitch!

Elch woke up to pitch black. He felt intense pain everywhere on his body. He heard two voices, Rayes and one he didn't recognize. Raye was praying, why? The other was saying something, he listened to it say "You have been given a second chance. Find your sister!" Elchs face slowly started to piece itself back together and his neck fixed its wounds.
Raye froze, watching in horror and amazement.

"E-Elch! You're...fixing yourself...?" Her eyes widened.

For once, my prayers worked. Maybe God does exist.

Kira Times] [COLOR=#0000b3]"More humans?!" [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]she said and started to poke him with her foot [/COLOR][COLOR=#0000b3]"Where are they!? Get up and answer!" [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]she ordered but got no response. She sighed and looked at Tommy who was staring forward blankly like a idiot. She bit her lip when she thought of the humans that were supposedly close. But Shiro had decided to take a little nap before telling her their locations. She cursed Shiro under her breath and smiled kindly which made Tommy uncomfortable. [/COLOR][COLOR=#0000b3]"Hey TomTom!" [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]Tommy frowned up at the nickname [/COLOR][COLOR=#006633]"What?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]she smiled even more [/COLOR][COLOR=#006633]"Change of plan~! We'll find more humans first." [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]she said and summoned a wheelchair. She dragged the sleeping Shiro onto the seat with a lot of effort and a little bit of stress kicks on him. She forced Tommy to sit on him with intimidation. She summoned a scooter type thing and connected it to the wheelchair with a satisfied sigh [/COLOR][COLOR=#0000b3]"Let's go." [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]she said and started the scooter which moved much faster than a normal scooter. Also she had a siren that called out '[/COLOR][COLOR=#4da6ff]SEARCHING FOR HUMANS!'[/COLOR][COLOR=#4da6ff] [/COLOR] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/36207-bennyaxc/ said:
@BennyAxC[/URL] (Creativity.)
Shiro finally woke up again, only to find himself in a wheelchair with Katrina sitting on him and loud noises and just why? "Luna... Where are we going?..." He called out, hoping she'll hear him over the noise. His green eyes, weren't as bright anymore, but it wasn't very noticeable.
"Fixing myself? I wasn't broken..." He said confused. "Can I have my knuckles back?" He asked as he saw his brass knuckles.
"Look who woke up! The water fall demon." she looked annoyed slightly but went on "After you decided to go back to the dead I went to find the humans you were talking about. Now that you came back from your visit with Satan you can help me out." she said then stopped the scooter abruptly. She turned around to face them "Also I didn't feel like conjuring another chair. So with that chair, my scooter, and this human calling siren I created this mechanism." she said proudly before Tommy added something "It's called the 'Stitches is a Useless Crybaby So I Have to Find Humans Myself' mobile." it wasn't her cleverest joke but it was supposed to be one.

"That's a very long name.." Shiro said, cleary out of it still. He rubbed his eyes and said to Luna, "I didn't visit Satan... Nothing really happened, I think. It was just pitch black... Also, I'm a demon of torture not a water fall demon.. I don't really know what that is..." He said to both of the girls. He also considered pushing Katrina off since her weight was basically crushing him. He still sensed the humans, but couldn't pinpoint where they were since he just woke up.

@Kira Times
Nathan22 said:
She lunged towards Elchs throat and ripped it open. She looked at the other and slowly floated towards them as Elch continued to choke on his own blood. He fell to the floor a minute later dead. Rosalina started to scream like a banshee and swung at Sabura.

@NickTonCutter @Rui @Cherrywitch
Subaru saw that everyone were going down,he manage to dodge the swung,he open up his flashlight since everybody where gone "FUCK!" before he start to run like as fast as he could.After seen the demon were gone,he turn back at Elch and Raye.
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Tommy glared at him "I will hurt you if you attempt to do anything." it wasn't very obvious what kind of things but it was most likely him shoving her or something. Luna clapped to get their attention "Anyway! Start locating the humans! No offence but you need to make yourself look useful!" she said then glanced to Katrina "Or the human will keep treating you like a bi-." she stopped herself. "I mean so the human will stop talking down to you." she corrected herself before she could get the entire previous word out of her mouth. She couldn't just go around saying things like that...even if they were true!"

"There should be four humans in a room if you turn right two times, then go straight, and finally left." He said giving her directions to where the humans he sensed should be at. He thought back to the previous events... That's right, he was crying. Last time he cried was... He blinked getting rid of the memories.

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She nodded "Thank you." she said before turning back around and driving the scooter to where they were located according to Shiro the waterfall demon. She was feeling excited with the thought of playing with all the humans who rather stupidly gathered themselves in one room. Tommy on the other hand was only happy that she could go see actual people instead of being around demons that looked like people. The siren hadn't been cut off so a lot of people could probably hear it calling for them to come to her. "You can have one or two later." she had been talking about the humans and how they would share them.


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