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We were doomed from the Start.(CLOSED)

Nie wanted to laugh. The woman simply left him there, handcuffed. With a tray to eat from. Out of reach.

Maybe they thought it was to tease him. After all, one of the rubber tubings were most likely feeding tubes. He couldn't care less about it.

Cold, burning anger and fear gripped him.

Mitchell.. they still had his son...
I walked into the infirmary to find dad

He looked frightened at the incoming soldier. But then he closed his eyes again. I wasn't sure how concious he was.

"It's me its me, I'm okay. I'm in hiding I've escaped from them, now I'm disguised. I'm just waiting around for you , now, so hurry Buddy! I've got to go, this is the first place they'll look for me, but I'll keep coming back. Love you." And I scurried away to find somewhere to hide.

The nurse regained conciousness. "that little shit"

She ran along the corridors looking for Johnny. She Was screaming- "My love, your Slave boy has escaped. He punched me unconscious then ran. I don't know where he is" she painted.
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Nie wasn't sure he was dreaming or awake. He still smiled, a bit more at ease. Mitchell was free. At least not in their hands.

He wanted to speak. He wanted to tell him to be cautious. Be safe. Ask worried questions. Tell him he loved him, too.

He couldn't. All he could do was smile, slowly sinking back into unconciousness. At least this was a happy mirage, even if it wasn't true...
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I scurry about

"Halt soldier " says a voice


I turn and see a commanding officer

"Where are you going?" He asks

"I..well...I" I stutter

"Well I hope you're coming out with us today. The south side is over run with zombies. We need Everyman we have. The Master has ordered it. Now come, this way" and he began to lead me.

I panicked. I couldn't fight. And Johnny would see me straight away. I'd have to be careful.
Johnny was fueled by anger by the time they arrived out to the battle-field of yesterday. He was greatly pained by his blasted tooth, too.

He was careless. He wanted to crudh and kill and burn.

So he led on his troops straight into the nest of the enemy...
I stood in a holding bay of soldiers and given a helmet and a gun. These men were huge compared to me.

"Jesus Christ you've been in the wars son" said a soldier noticing the bruises and cuts on my face

I nod solemly. If they only knew.
Johnny reached for his radio, checking on his second troop. The one he sent to south.

"Are you in position?"

"Yes, sir. All men are here. We are prepared."

This wasn't a proper report, but the man didn't care.

"Good. Begin the assault now."

He turned to his own troop.

"Set up the gatling. Prepare for a rush."

He grinned.

"We are going to take revenge now."
All men stated running. I ran too. But there was no way I could keep up for long.

"All 21 men have been counted and released." The chief inspector said. As he ran with us.

I tried my best to not show that I was dying. But in the busiest spot I slunk away and climbed a tree. I thought it better to wait for them to get back. Or j would die.
Johnny just okayed the last report, before ordering the charge. Something was not right, he suspected it was just him still being rattled and bothered by the night. And that tooth. He half-heartedly hoped for a good punch or kick to knock it out.

His wife better fix that bloke up soon. He didn't want to lose another soldier or another teeth....

Something else was there. Something wrong with the numbers. He couldn't think about that, for now.

There was enemy to fight.
I could hear the commotion going on not far from me. But I couldn't see anything from my tree. I contemplated just running but I didn't have anywhere to go. And I had to save Nigel. I had promised. I figured I'd wait for the soldiers to come back and regroup with them for now. Just stay away from Johnny. That's all I had to do.

The nurse scurried around looking for the boy. She checked the sleeping Nigel. The kid wasn't in the infirmary. He wasn't anywhere. But she kept hope as she knew he wouldn't leave without his precious father
Nie started to come to again, slowly, but steadily. His head felt clearer than in the last few days. He felt stronger. Less feverish. Less confused.

He was vaguely aware that he is not alone. He also knew this wasn't Mitchell.

The dentist tried to turn his head, weak as he was. He carefully kept his eyes almost closed, staring without an aim. He couldn't decide if he just dreamed Mitchell's escape. He almost hoped the boy would have the sense to flee alone...

...and hoped for him keeping his promise, too. It felt pathetic. He knew he was just a dead man walking either way. Still, that promise was so enticing.

Dying in a bed. With his son sitting next to him. The idea gave him power...
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I didn't dream and it was difficult to fall asleep with the bark of the tree on my back, but I managed it eventually. When I woke up, I saw soldiers returning back.

I checked to make sure none of them were Johnny. I couldn't tell because of the helmets, but none of the soldiers were even close to that man's sheer size.

I clambered down the tree and rejoined the group. There were much less men than before which seemed sad. But I kept walking back to the base.
Johnny felt a little less angry, although a lot more exhausted as he gathered his remaining soldiers to return to the base.

So many wounded. Almost all at least suspectible of infection. This was a very shitty day. The only consolation was a relative success of having burned out the infected, and a large haul of tinned goods, ammo and weapons. Even a few loads of medicine. He made his men pack all of it up before leading them bavk to the base.

He couldn't free himself from the nagging feeling that something is not right.

But he only realized what's off once the officers gathered to report in the control room.

"What do you mean by 21 soldiers?!"
"21 soldiers. That's how many came in the second wave" answered the commander. "I thought there were twenty as well, but I found one who was clearly lost, I brought him in too. So 21 soldiers."

When we returned I tried to find a way to skulk off Into the building again. But there was no way. Everyone was being detained for medical checks and I was stuck
"Maybe one of the injured was able to return to active duty" contemplated Johnny. "My wife's good in her job. Five of yours was in her care yesterday..."

"Well, he looked quite beat up. Came from the direction of the infirmary, too" confirmed the officer. "He could fight well enough. I guess he was irked enough... "

He looked into his notes. He couldn't remember for his life which soldiers he brought back. It was hard to recognize them under the grime...

Johnny finished dealing with the reports, still in pain and angry. He couldn't think. Something was still not right.

He sighed, exiting to the corridor. He had to go find his wife and ask fore more painkillers...
The nurse was still calling out for her husband until she found him.

"That little shit has strength" she panged "he's knocked me out and ran, though he can't have gone too far, the Man is still in his bed"

Johnny couldn't process the information at first. He just stared at the bruises on his lovely angel's face. Then the anger rose.

"That little piece of shit!" He fumed, touching the bruise tenderly. "I'll skin him for..."

Then, it clicked.

The extra soldier.

"He got outside" he growled. "He fled. Got out with the souther troop..."
"He won't have left." The nurse said sternly "he would have come back, the dentist is still in the bed... I checked"

The door opened an the hoard of soldiers were ushered inside. We were all marched down a large corridor. Being small and sneaky I opened a door and snuck in unnoticed. If made it. Now time to get Nigel better. And fast.
"Maybe he checked on him before sneaking out." Nodded Johnny. The southern commander said the extra soldier came from the infirmary. "How is that man? If he could hope to help him, he would try.... or if he realized how broken is he, he might just simply left..."

Honestly, he couldn't decide what is more probable.

"I'll have my men check the woods nearby. I bet he is lurking close still..."
The room was cold. Black and I couldn't see anything. But I couldn't move. I didn't want anyone to see me. Nothing could be more suspicious than a sneaking soldier. I might as well still be trapped. At least then I could make noise.
Nie become aware the noise and the commotion outside. His blood froze. He could only think of the worst - that they have caught Mitchell....
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I heard a commotion outside.

"Prisoner escape! Prisoner escape!" Someone was shouting in the form of an alarm.

I hid in the room, hoping I wouldn't be found. I was sure they were going to kill me.
Johnny stormed into the infirmary. Not like he didn't believe his wife, but he was too irked to really think. He went to the dentist, and grabbed him, lifting him and shaking him a bit.

"Where is that little piece of shit?..." he was so overtook by rage that he realized just then how limp the man is. He looked at him, watching the dull, grey eyes, which didn't had a speckle of self-awareness.

Oh. Right. He was too thorough.

He dropped the dentist, without paying attention to the torn-out tubes.

Painkillers. He needed them. The toothache started to drive him crazy...
The nurse tutted at her husbands carelessness.

She popped everything back into the dentist.

"You and you're bloody carelessness. It's all your fault anyway!" She said with a smile.
"I know, but I couldn't think of anything else!" Snapped back Johnny, and looked on his wife's efforts. The pain was still buzzing in his jaw. Maddeningly strong.

"He looks like he is dead already" commented the man remorsefully. "Fuck. I've wanted him to fix my tooth.."

Nie tried to stay as prone and lifeless as possible. He wanted to smile. He didn't dare.

Mitchell was free still. The tought was wonderful.

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